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Example sentences for "blob"

Lexicographically close words:
bloat; bloated; bloater; bloaters; bloating; blobs; bloc; block; blockade; blockaded
  1. Hey, fellows, this blob isn't a bad guy at all.

  2. You'd get more tourists to come to your reptile show if you had a talking blob in it.

  3. I was telling Billy here that if he really had a blob that could talk, I might be able to use it in my night club.

  4. And there, approaching him, moving through the alleys toward his garage, a blob of interference, a slow, bobbing something that was scattering radio waves as it made its way toward him.

  5. He touched the electric button, and a blob of light danced out upon the rough clay floor, revealing as it swung in Cleek's swift fingers the whole circumference of the place from ground to ceiling.

  6. The doctor switched on an electric torch and threw a blob of light upon the gravelled pathway for them to see the descent.

  7. A single red light, a baleful blob of color, showed from her main rigging.

  8. The parcel was sealed with three neat patches of wax, and on each blob was imprinted the letters "A M" in a monogram.

  9. So the king sent as he was told, and the fish was caught and brought in, and he gave it to the cook, and bade her put it before the fire, but to be careful with it, and not to let any blob or blister rise on it.

  10. At twelve o'clock the electric piano in Joe's place ceased to clatter through the night like coal pouring into an empty steel bin, and Mrs. McCasky lowered the hall light from a blob the size of a cranberry to a French pea.

  11. The suggestion is that the "blob pattern" imitates the fallen prunus blossoms resting upon the crackled ice in the early spring.

  12. Mado hurled himself at the controls as a huge blob of the horrible whiteness broke loose from the main body and wobbled uncertainly toward them.

  13. His dark form materialized as he came--a huge, black blob overwhelming me, his arm and knife blade striking.

  14. Hennie buried his nose, emerged, with, for one dreadful moment, a little trembling blob of cream on the tip.

  15. A whole tank of it stands on a table covered with a cloth; and lemons like blunted fishes blob in the yellow water.

  16. Captain Robers was peering out through the window at the dark blob of the space tender near the rear of the big freighter when the door of the control room opened softly and Winford slipped inside with leveled ray pistols.

  17. A moment later a dark blob that shut off the light of the stars in depths below floated across the gap from the tender to the freighter.

  18. Uncle Rufus pointed a gnarled finger dramatically at a blob of snow on the carpet at the foot of the garret stairs.

  19. One great blob of snow fell square on Sammy, trudging on behind the procession, and he went down with a howl like a wolf, buried to his ears.

  20. He clutched the blob of material tighter in his hand, mentally trying to shape an order that wouldn't backfire, as such orders seemed to in the childhood stories of magic he had learned.

  21. Apparently one blob of material from the sun had been tossed all the way here and had landed against a huge rock to spatter into fragments.

  22. He forced control on his muscles and plunged his hand slowly through the sky sphere, easing the glowing blob downward toward the spot on the globe he had already located with the lens.

  23. Hanson began pulling his hand out through the shell of the model, whimpering as his other hand clenched against the blob in his pocket.

  24. Hanson clutched at the scrap he had pocketed, but it showed no sign of leaving, and the tiny blob of sun-stuff remained fixed to the awl.

  25. By the power of your name--" Hanson's hand went to his pocket and squeezed down on the blob of sky material there.

  26. I can't leave the woman I love with a creep that looks to her like a blob of black sparklers!

  27. The less time I leave Snow with the blob of black sparklers, the better.

  28. Doesn't that blob of black sparklers know that growing boys need food to grow!

  29. Illustration: The blob of metal clung to the space ship's trail like a pursuing nemesis.

  30. Tillie, the silvery blob of matter, came back and touched my cheek softly.

  31. Sidenote: She was just a blob of metal, but she had emotions like any woman.

  32. Gourlay gashed himself frightfully with his razor, and a big red blob stood out on his cheek.

  33. A great blob shot in through the window, open at the top, and spat wide on Gourlay's cheek.

  34. They concluded that it was not such a fine day as they had thought after all, and that they had better take shelter at once, and to our entire content the mass settled in a great blob on a conveniently low bough of a chestnut tree.

  35. Then, by the aid of a ladder and patient coaxing, the blob was safely transferred to a skep, and carried off triumphantly to the orchard.

  36. Ward observed maliciously, wiping a blob of hairy lather upon a page torn from an old Sears-Roebuck catalogue.

  37. He then blob blob blobbered, and gog gog goggled, till he choked with words and passion, and then sot down.

  38. A blob of iridescent jelly flowed from the mouth and spread itself evenly over Albert's body in a thin layer.

  39. Normally it was unimportant and would pass away in time and be absorbed, but there were considerable possibilities for trouble in that little blob of red cells and fibrin if they could be loosened from their attachment to the wall.

  40. The violet blob of Atla-Hi on the screen got even brighter in the next few moments.

  41. To begin with, it was extremely weird to plunge from a rather leisurely confab about a fairy-tale fellowship of non-practicing murderers into a shooting war between a violet blob and a dark red puddle on a shadowy fluorescent map.

  42. If the lobes are attached to the cheekbones and there is a pronounced blob in the fold at the top, I address the man instantly as Dawson, however impossibly unlike Dawson he may be.

  43. Also at the top fold of his ears he has rather a pronounced blob of flesh.

  44. The center of the old city is one big shapeless blob of a dead area; so nice and cold that St. Louis has reversed the usual city-type blight area growth.

  45. The dead area stood up in the clarity like a little blob of black ink at the bottom of a crystal clear swimming pool, seen just before the ink began to diffuse.

  46. Perhaps in the struggle the blob escaped, falling into the river above the falls, to form the beginning of the future colony.

  47. At any rate, there is the great impassable waterfall, the blob above it and below.

  48. Hundreds of blob live under the stones in the upper reaches of the stream, the only fish in the Gibbon waters.

  49. The blob kept coming and coming until it rested soggily on the edge of the hole.

  50. In each vat a blob of pink protoplasm wiggled happily, showing no sign of discomfiture.

  51. Even as he watched, the hole enlarged and a pink blob began to emerge.

  52. A pink blob of hlorg wiggled slowly around the bottom.

  53. He made out the form of a Lhari, only a colorless blob in the intense light.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "blob" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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