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Example sentences for "tubercle"

Lexicographically close words:
tubbed; tubbing; tube; tubed; tuber; tubercled; tubercles; tubercular; tuberculate; tuberculated
  1. This head is hollow on its lower face, presenting a cavity adapted to a tubercle of the shell.

  2. The vibratile cells fading afterwards, the embryo attaches itself to some solid body, a tubercle is formed, and the base extends itself as a disk.

  3. The navicular and cuboid are rotated medially around the anterior ends of the talus and calcaneus respectively, and the tubercle of the navicular comes to lie close to the medial malleolus.

  4. The detection of the tubercle bacillus is confirmatory of a diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis, but, as it is often difficult to find, its absence does not negative this diagnosis.

  5. The tubercle of the tibia is prominent and the extensor tendon unusually thick.

  6. Papillary or Nodular Tubercle of the Synovial Membrane.

  7. Fracture of the #neck of the radius# between the capsule and the tubercle is rare.

  8. The most common seat of pain is at the medial border of the foot behind the tubercle of the navicular, and this is due to stretching of the inferior calcaneo-navicular ligament.

  9. Below and in front of the prominent medial malleolus, the head of the talus forms a rounded eminence, and a little farther forwards and lower still is the projection of the tubercle of the navicular.

  10. A small tubercle (deltoid tubercle) which frequently exists near the acromial end is liable to suggest the presence of a fracture.

  11. Stockman isolated the tubercle bacillus from a series of cases of "phosphorus necrosis" investigated by him.

  12. An excess of mono-nuclear lymphocytes and, sometimes, tubercle bacilli may be discovered in the cerebro-spinal fluid withdrawn by lumbar puncture.

  13. Separation of the upper epiphysis# of the tibia, which includes the tongue-like process for the tubercle and the facet for the fibula, is also rare.

  14. In the specialized Felidae (I) the blade alone is developed, both heel and inner tubercle being absent or rudimentary.

  15. Lower sectorial with heel small, and inner tubercle small or absent.

  16. The inner tubercle (3) is generally a conical pointed cusp, placed to the inner side of the hinder lobe of the blade.

  17. In the typical species the upper molar is moderately developed and three-rooted; and an inner tubercle and heel more or less developed on the lower molar.

  18. Each tubercle is crowned with a tuft of brown, bristle-like spines, ½ in.

  19. From each tubercle springs a radiating cluster of yellowish, hair-like spines.

  20. They first appear in the form of tiny tufts of yellowish down, and gradually develop till the first leaf-like tubercle appears.

  21. At the base of each tubercle is a pea-like tuft of white wool.

  22. Each tubercle bears a radiating tuft of about twelve spines, one central and projecting outwards; they are pale brown when old, and white when young; their length is about ½ in.

  23. The mesenteron is first visible from the surface as a small tubercle on the posterior side of the mantle between the rudiments of the two gills (fig.

  24. The exact position of the madreporic tubercle in relation to the abactinal plates does not seem to have been made out.

  25. It consists of a glycerine extract prepared by the cultivation of tubercle bacilli.

  26. On that day, in a paper before the Physiological Society of Berlin, he announced the discovery of the tubercle bacillus.

  27. The lymph contains, as it were, the poisonous matter resulting from the life and activity of the tubercle bacterium.

  28. Koch's discovery of the tubercle bacillus would lead him on to the discovery of a cure for tuberculosis.

  29. After the discovery of the tubercle bacillus, the fame of Robert Koch became world-wide.

  30. It is now known that the action of the remedy is not directly against the tubercle bacilli, but rather against the affected tissue in which they exist.

  31. Style 2--3-cleft, its bulbous base persistent as a tubercle jointed upon the apex of the lenticular or triangular achene.

  32. Achene lenticular, globular, or flat, crowned with a conspicuous tubercle or beak consisting of the persistent indurated base or even of the greater part of the style.

  33. Tubercle continuous with the nutlet and not contracted at base.

  34. Fruit smooth, marginless, beaked with a long persistent style, and with a short spine or tubercle at the base on each side.

  35. Tubercle contracted at its junction with the achene.

  36. A little tubercle at the base of the leaves on the stronger plants gives the specific name, but it cannot be called a spine.

  37. Style 3-cleft, filiform and not ciliate; achene acutely triangular; tubercle more or less persistent.

  38. Culms slender or filiform; tubercle narrower, acute, beak-like, sometimes half as long as the achene.

  39. Achene crowned with a persistent tubercle or beak, and commonly surrounded by bristles.

  40. This is usually in an ancient member of a tubercle-bearing family, and suggests that in most cases the tubercle is a vestigial organ.

  41. Turning now to the under side of the head, it appears that the tubercle bears a rather definite relation to the hypostoma.

  42. The eyes do this same thing, but the median tubercle goes back further than the eyes.

  43. This tubercle is essentially similar to other tubercles on the median line of cephalon, thorax, and even pygidium.

  44. The tubercle is generally situated between the lateral eyes, like the parietal eye in crustaceans and eurypterids, on account of its close connection with the brain.

  45. This tubercle occurs alone in many genera, otherwise smooth, as in the Asaphidae, and is hence of functional importance.

  46. The median eye is borne on a tubercle or mound in the Ordovician and Silurian trilobites, while the tubercle is rarely noticed in the Devonian and in few Cambrian forms.

  47. A great number of species, belonging to more than thirty genera, possess a distinct tubercle on the glabella.

  48. Beyrich thought the position of the median tubercle indicated the location of the anterior end.

  49. From the tubercle on the middle of the first segment of the thorax to the tip of the corresponding appendage the distance is 8 mm.

  50. A tubercle or variole with an elevation in its centre.

  51. He met their few remarks so smoothly that they got no joy from him; and being asked had he seen the new agent, he answered yes, that Tubercle had gone Wednesday, and his successor did not seem to be much of a man.

  52. But news is a strange, permeating substance, and it began to be sifted through the air that Tubercle was going to God's country.

  53. We are going to tell you what a root-tubercle is and something about its importance to agriculture.

  54. Five specimens have round subarticular tubercles beneath the fourth fingers; six specimens have a bifid tubercle on one hand, and two specimens have bifid tubercles on both hands.

  55. Belly cream color with brown mottling; no large tubercle at each end of first lower tooth-row P.

  56. Twenty specimens have a bifid subarticular tubercle beneath the fourth finger; in the others there are no bifid tubercles.

  57. Belly grayish green with brown mottling; a large tubercle at each end of first lower tooth-row P.

  58. The distal subarticular tubercle of the fourth finger is either bifid or double in all specimens; that on the third finger usually is bifid, sometimes single.

  59. Many workers have used the presence of a bifid subarticular tubercle beneath the fourth finger as a diagnostic character of certain species of hylids.

  60. Many individuals have a bifid subarticular tubercle beneath the fourth finger.

  61. Films containing tubercle bacilli must of course be stained by the Ziehl Neelsen method.

  62. Stain in hot carbol-fuchsin (as for tubercle bacilli) for five to ten minutes.

  63. This modification of Dorset's egg medium (quod vide page 174) is preferred by some for the growth of the tubercle bacillus of the human type.

  64. To demonstrate tubercle and other acid-fast bacilli.

  65. Only this much is known that it is not a destruction of the tubercle bacilli, but that only the tissue containing the tubercular bacilli is affected by the application of the remedy.

  66. The tubercle bacilli destroy the lung tissue and change it into pus, which is coughed out.

  67. It is not impossible, since Jenner found the vaccine virus, Pasteur the hydrophobic lymph and now Koch the tubercle lymph.

  68. However Koch seems to believe that his tubercle lymph has a certain power of producing immunity.

  69. Frequently the tubercle bacilli nestle in the larynx and the result is laryngeal consumption.

  70. Provision must be made to remove the gangrenous tissue from the body as rapidly as possible, because it contains the still living tubercle bacilli.

  71. If we take a very small quantity of this thrown out matter and examine it with a microscope, we will find a greater or smaller number of these tubercle bacilli.

  72. The dust enters the lungs, irritates and injures the same and so produces a favorable soil for any tubercle bacilli that may happen to penetrate.

  73. The poorly nourished offer a good soil for the tubercle bacilli in consequence of their weakness.

  74. But the tubercle bacilli will also settle in any other portions of the body and cause tuberculosis.

  75. With this it is admitted that the remedy will not be able to effect cures, without any more ado, yes, even the tubercle bacilli may continue to infect parts of the body even in spite of the action of the remedy.

  76. Tubercle Germiny, who had been requested to call.

  77. Verreaux, in Paris, I found specimens having upon one hand the tubercle, and upon the other the nailed thumb, others with the tubercle on one hand, but absent upon the other.

  78. Great toe with a tubercle at its base, opposable.

  79. Sides of mesosternum without a tubercle or fold in front.

  80. Middle tibiae without spongy fossa, head long, no lateral tubercle on neck.

  81. Sides of the mesosternum with a tubercle or fold in front at the hind angles of the prosternum; first segment of the beak longer than the part of the head cephalad of the eyes.

  82. Middle tibiae with spongy fossa; fore tibiae convex above; neck with a small tubercle on each side.

  83. Male with blackish abdomen, middle tibia with a tubercle beyond the middle.

  84. One of these nodules is much larger than any of the others, is constant in position, and is called the madreporic tubercle (Fig.

  85. It has therefore been surmised that the function of this tubercle is that of acting as a filter to the sea-water which in large part constitutes the fluid that fills the ambulacral system.

  86. This tubercle is a certain index to the angular vein, which is placed below.

  87. Let settle for twenty-four hours, or centrifugalize at once, and examine the sediment for tubercle bacilli.

  88. The method of distinguishing it from the tubercle bacillus is given later (p.

  89. In tuberculous disease the tubercle bacillus is present in the discharge, but its detection offers some difficulties.

  90. Tubercle bacilli are nearly always present in the urine when tuberculosis exists in any part of the urinary tract, but are often difficult to find, especially when the urine contains little or no pus.

  91. The appearance of the bacilli is almost always typical, and if there seems room for doubt, the structure in question is probably not a tubercle bacillus.

  92. The curetings are well rubbed between slide and cover, and the smears thus made are dried, fixed, and stained for tubercle bacilli.

  93. In tuberculosis tubercle bacilli can generally be detected.

  94. The presence of the tubercle bacillus may be taken as positive evidence of the existence of tuberculosis somewhere along the respiratory tract, most likely in the lung.

  95. Their presence in company with the tubercle bacillus constitutes mixed infection, which is much more serious than single infection by the tubercle bacillus.

  96. He used as infecting agents, anthrax bacilli, tubercle bacilli, and diphtheria bacilli.

  97. They seem to show an abnormally low resisting power to the tubercle bacillus.

  98. The photographs included cells containing anthrax, typhoid and tubercle bacilli, the spirilla of relapsing fever, specimens from cases of anthrax.

  99. When the lesions of tubercle (consumption) are localised and not excessive, the rest of the carcase is passed by veterinary surgeons as fit for food; were it otherwise, enormous quantities of meat would be destroyed.

  100. In the various milk products it has been experimentally determined that the true tubercle bacillus is able to retain its vitality in butter for a number of months and in cheese for nearly a year.

  101. According to the work of some of the earlier investigators, the tubercle bacillus in its vegetative stage is endowed with powers of resistance greater than those possessed by any other pathogenic organism.

  102. It has also been claimed in the centrifugal separation of cream from milk[96] that by far the larger number of tubercle bacilli were thrown out with the separator slime.

  103. This test is made by injecting into the animal a small quantity of tuberculin, which is a sterilized glycerin extract of cultures of the tubercle bacillus.

  104. The temperature at which this should be done depends upon the thermal death point of the tubercle bacillus, a question concerning which there has been considerable difference of opinion until very recently.

  105. If tuberculous milk is heated in a closed receptacle where this scalded membrane cannot be produced, the tubercle bacillus is killed at 140° F.

  106. Where the disease appears in the udder the milk almost invariably contains the tubercle organism.

  107. The tubercle bacillus is so markedly parasitic in its habits, that, under ordinary conditions, it is incapable of growing at normal air temperatures.

  108. The organism that is invested with most interest in this connection is the tubercle bacillus.

  109. This arises mostly from the angle formed by the keel with the body of the sternum, passes by a strong tendon through the foramen triosseum, and is inserted upon the upper tubercle of the humeral crest, which it rotates and abducts.

  110. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tubercle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.