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Example sentences for "breaker"

Lexicographically close words:
breakages; breakaway; breakdown; breakdowns; breake; breakers; breakes; breakest; breaketh; breakfast
  1. They had a breaker of fresh water, too, and everything seemed fitted for our purposes.

  2. Bob heard the cry, saw the danger, and had just time to struggle clear of the wreck and pass under her stern when the breaker burst upon them.

  3. Breaker after breaker rushed furiously towards and over them; the men were nearly washed out of the boat; and, worse, the anchor began to drag, and every moment they drifted nearer to the wreck again.

  4. But no sooner is the Sabbath instituted by Moses, than it is broken, and the Sabbath-breaker is punished with a cruel death.

  5. Now thy own strength being insufficient for these things, having lost it in Adam, thou art a breaker of the law.

  6. A breaker or destroyer of images or idols; a determined enemy of idol worship.

  7. Again Tam was a witness and again, like a raging tempest, he swept down upon the law-breaker and again was foiled by the vigilant German scouts from executing his vengeance.

  8. It is plain that this is very much more difficult than the former case, for your backing now has to be done against the full stream from the breaker B.

  9. But it is the positive speed of the current that ought really to be considered, for it is by this the boat will be urged against a breaker stationary in the river.

  10. Percy shivered a bit as he looked at the wallowing dory and the breaker beyond it.

  11. They ran to leeward of the breaker on Gully Ledge, and passed into smooth water under the protecting barrier of Seal Island.

  12. The water, too, had grown much smoother, and the roar of the breaker was not so loud.

  13. So they hung to it till it got too rough for a small boat, and the breaker was twenty or thirty feet high.

  14. Jim pointed to a breaker a little south of their course.

  15. There’s a wounded bank-breaker fleeing for his life somewhere.

  16. You would advise me to tell him my deductions, through which he would be enabled, perhaps, to capture this jail-breaker and get the reward of five hundred dollars?

  17. Captain Breaker desired to obtain better information in regard to the Teaser, as the negroes said she was called.

  18. He reported on board to Captain Breaker without any delay, and was warmly congratulated on his escape.

  19. Captain Breaker and Paul Vapoor had made the application for a position in the navy; for his father would not do it, for the reason that he did not wish to ask any favors for a member of his own family.

  20. Captain Breaker estimated that the steamer which had just come out of port was all of five miles ahead.

  21. I meant to have seen Breaker this afternoon before I came home; but I had not time to go to the ship.

  22. He found Captain Breaker on deck, for there was a feeling in the fleet and in the fort that some important event was about to transpire in the vicinity.

  23. He was warmly commended for his bravery and skill, and Captain Breaker assured him that he should be remembered in the reports to the department.

  24. Captain Breaker was as perplexed as any one, however skilful, must have been in the same situation.

  25. Captain Breaker read the letter, and a smile came over his bronzed face.

  26. Captain Breaker had written to his father of his disappearance on Santa Rosa Island, and had no doubt he had been made a prisoner within the enemy's lines.

  27. The other prisoners were sent on board, and Captain Breaker had ordered Christy to anchor the prize near the Bellevite.

  28. Captain Breaker was in the fore rigging where he could observe all that was done on the decks of both vessels.

  29. If she was ahead, she had outsailed her pursuer; but Captain Breaker was sure she had not done this, for she could not have had confidence enough in her heels to adopt such a course.

  30. No house-breaker was ever so highly honoured before.

  31. Pulling in the direction they had seen it go, they soon discovered it bobbing up and down on a breaker in the cave on the White Bull.

  32. In this breaker lay the ball; when the wave curled over and broke, it would come towards the shore and excite hope; then the recoil would carry it back again: thus it tantalized them.

  33. Among other things that he saw, as he still lay in the bottom of the boat, was a breaker which he knew contained fresh water, and a bread-bag.

  34. Striking the breaker with his foot, and feeling the basket with a hand, he ascertained that the one held its water, and the other its bread.

  35. The water was salt, and had been put in the breaker for ballast.

  36. The other breaker was tried with the same success.

  37. The Jews came to the castle, and standing outside, called for Pilate to come from the room where he was sleeping, and give judgment upon a law-breaker whom they had brought to him.

  38. If he should say, "Let her go free," they would declare that Jesus was a breaker of the law and cared nothing for crimes.

  39. Before him, some fields away, he saw hounds toppling over a hedge like a breaker curling before it fell.

  40. The Americans, cast down to earth a moment since, rose like a wild-maned breaker towering before it falls in thunder and foam upon the beach.

  41. He first became celebrated as a prison-breaker by his escapes from the St. Giles's Round House and from the New Prison.

  42. The stone-breaker lounged heavily from a bench, upon the servant's table.

  43. The stone-breaker looked sullenly at the speaker.

  44. Never in all his career as a breaker of laws and an abstractor of the valuable property of others had Trent been so apprehensive as he was in quiet, beautiful Cornwall far from cities.

  45. He might think that Smith had hired a clever American safe breaker to win for him what was very necessary for his freedom of action.

  46. A circuit breaker serves the same purpose, and the right size is installed when the wiring is done.

  47. When a fuse burns out or a circuit breaker opens, look for an overload of lights and appliances on the circuit before you try to replace the fuse or close the circuit breaker.

  48. This fact may be observed in an ordinary electric bell when ringing; at the tip of the contact breaker a number of tiny sparks may be seen to occur, due to the rapid make and break of the current flowing in the circuit.

  49. At the instant the maximum current is being generated, the circuit is broken by means of the contact breaker D, fig.

  50. This reef is very large, and its eastern side is bound with rugged rocks, and when the water is smooth there is no breaker on it.

  51. There is another reef off Point Ross, which stretches about half a mile into the sea; and no vessel ought ever to go within the outer breaker of this reef, and the south point of Nepean-Isle.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "breaker" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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