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Example sentences for "breastworks"

Lexicographically close words:
breastpin; breastplate; breastplates; breasts; breastwork; breath; breathable; breathe; breathed; breather
  1. The Washington Artillery was behind the breastworks by Maryee's house.

  2. There is a line of breastworks west of the house, a few rods distant, behind which Russell's division of the Sixth Corps is lying.

  3. The space between the abyss and Burnside's breastworks was swept by a cross-fire from the enemy's artillery and infantry.

  4. Breastworks were hastily thrown up on the west side of the city.

  5. To guard against such a movement, Slocum was throwing up breastworks from the crest of the hill down to Rock Creek.

  6. Their main line of breastworks was along the edge of the ravine east of the house.

  7. Mounting the breastworks which had been thrown up at this spot, I could see the orchard where the Rebel riflemen were lying.

  8. The troops had been fighting, marching, or building breastworks for forty-seven days, without interruption.

  9. General Lee, their right rests on the Brock road, and the Brock road is as clean of defences as if gunpowder had never been invented, nor breastworks thought of!

  10. There were lines of breastworks and before them an abattis.

  11. A volley from General Slough's breastworks drove them back.

  12. But let one of the guards on the line of breastworks behind which they were "dreaming of home" discharge his musket, and the sleepers would be in line ready for battle almost in the twinkling of an eye.

  13. The rebels had not felt safe outside their breastworks after Gordon had failed to double up our right.

  14. Sheridan had sent Custer to Gregg's assistance at the request of the latter, who had informed Sheridan that he could drive the rebels from their breastworks with the help of a few more men.

  15. I made a breastworks of my horse and stood and shot across my saddle until the horse fell at my feet.

  16. We brought our battery up behind the breastworks and by taking the top bale off we made an excellent porthole for the muzzles of our guns.

  17. It took but a moment to hoist the one upon the other and thus we put our breastworks in much better position.

  18. The breastworks at which the attack was suspended on the preceding evening were carried by assault, under a terrible fire of musketry and artillery.

  19. In rear of these breastworks was a barricade, from which the enemy was quickly driven.

  20. Lee had inaugurated that system of breastworks which did him good service in his long campaign with General Grant.

  21. In front of the breastworks was another chain--a wider and thicker one.

  22. On they came, following the old cocked hat that had once held bloodier breastworks against as stubborn foe.

  23. Many a gray regiment planted its battle-flag on the breastworks and then hugged those sides of death in its efforts to keep it there, as bees cling around the body of their queen.

  24. And they lay around the breastworks from river to river, a chain of dead and dying.

  25. Clear around the line of breastworks it rolled, at intervals, like a magazine of powder flashing before it explodes, then the roar and upheaval, followed anon and anon by another.

  26. Travis over the breastworks near the Carter House.

  27. As they rushed on the breastworks a gray figure on a chestnut horse rode diagonally across the front of the moving column at the enemy's gun.

  28. Breastworks with abatis in front through which the mouth of cannon gaped; artillery and infantry on the right to enfilade; siege guns in the fort high above all, to sweep and annihilate.

  29. The outer one consisted of Bradley's and Lane's brigades which had retired from Spring Hill before the Confederate army, and had been ordered to halt in front of the breastworks to check the advance of the army.

  30. They struck the breastworks where Stile's and Casement's brigades lay on the extreme left of the federal army.

  31. It was Tom Travis who commanded the guns where the Columbia Pike met the breastworks at the terrible deadly locust thicket.

  32. Father helped build the breastworks in the Eastern part of the State down at Ft.

  33. He wus convicted an' sent ter Bald Head Island ter wuck on de breastworks durin' de war an' he ain't neber come back.

  34. From the American breastworks the great guns opened, but not a rifle cracked.

  35. At first the British tried to batter down these breastworks with their cannon, for they had many more guns than the Americans.

  36. It was absolutely necessary to get time in which to throw up some kind of breastworks or defences for the city, and he at once resolved on a night attack against the British.

  37. He had thrown up breastworks of mud and logs from the swamp to the river.

  38. Three-fourths of the distance was covered, and the eager soldiers broke into a run: then sheets of flame burst from the breastworks in their front as the wild riflemen of the backwoods rose and fired, line upon line.

  39. A regiment was immediately sent out to reenforce our men, and breastworks were hastily thrown up.

  40. From there we were sent to a position a little northeast of the Chancellor House, where we built breastworks and remained until the army was withdrawn across the river.

  41. Obedient to these orders we piled up our knapsacks, overcoats, and other baggage, behind the breastworks we had built, and moved forward into the woods.

  42. They had immediately charged the enemy's breastworks and had captured over a thousand prisoners.

  43. I explained that we had driven the artillerymen from their guns, but that the infantry in their breastworks had been too much for us.

  44. He gave us the countersign, and off we started over the breastworks and through the thick woods.

  45. We passed a single line of breastworks of bare yellow sand, but the scrubby pines in front were not cut away, and there were no signs that there had ever been any immediate expectation of use for the works.

  46. They had some breastworks on a ridge in front of us, and we had a pretty sharp fight before we drove them off.

  47. Our boys were alternately behind the breastworks firing at Rebels advancing upon the front, and in front of the works firing upon those coming up in the rear.

  48. The remains of those dams and breastworks could be seen for many years afterward, by travellers on the trains of the Union Pacific Railroad which passed through the cañon.

  49. The stubborn resistance of Lieutenant Cherry in covering the retreat gave time for the troops at the train to form temporary breastworks of men's bundles, flour, sacks of corn, wagons, and dead horses.

  50. Souk ordered four of his men to mount and be ready to leap the rude rock breastworks when he gave them notice, and to cheer and shout as lustily as possible.

  51. To that end sentinels were posted on a lofty hill near by, breastworks were thrown up under Carson's supervision, and the utmost precaution taken to guard against a surprise.

  52. The British advanced from the eastward to attack the city, and a hastily constructed line of breastworks formed of cotton bales was thrown up, behind which Jackson's men were stationed to receive the attack.

  53. Long ranges of hills cross the country from northeast to southwest, and on their crests are the remains of massive breastworks and battlements which time is gradually obliterating.

  54. The first rebels crossed the breastworks side by side with the last of Wagner's men.

  55. Our men were nearly all directed towards the pike as if with the intention of entering the breastworks through the gap there.

  56. Colonel Opdycke then had his brigade stack arms on the clear space, and his persistence in thus marching his brigade inside the breastworks proved about two hours later to be the salvation of our army.

  57. That part of Cox's line broke in a panic at the sight of what was coming and abandoned a good line of breastworks before firing a single shot.

  58. The fire slackened as they started in hot pursuit to get to the breastworks with us.

  59. He declared that troops out in front of the breastworks were in a good position to aid the enemy and nobody else.

  60. On came the enemy, in pursuit of the retreating Provincials, who sought shelter behind the rude breastworks as rapidly as possible.

  61. The gallant Dieskau was unable to control his Canadian and Indian allies, but advanced his French regulars against the breastworks without flinching.

  62. Skirmishing began at once between our mounted men in front and dismounted confederates behind breastworks of considerable strength.

  63. The march was retraced and, reaching the position before daylight, the breastworks which the enemy had thrown up were brought into service, strengthened as much as possible and the division dismounted placed in line behind them.

  64. They had thrown up breastworks of rails and logs, and made preparations for a stout resistance.

  65. In front of the hill were the breastworks; in front of the breastworks woods.

  66. Remember how the men put their helmets or caps above the breastworks to tempt them to fire.

  67. Once there, we can make for another and another, and if we are pursued each clump of rocks will make us breastworks or rifle-pits.

  68. Those of you that we don't hang, the first fight that we get into with the lopeared Dutch, we will make breastworks out of to keep the bullets off of good men.

  69. Behind the breastworks stood the Americans with cannon loaded to the muzzle and with deadly rifles primed for the fight.

  70. From the breastworks there ran a flame of fire which mowed the redcoats down like grass.

  71. The breastworks were instantly a sheet of fire.

  72. He resolved to fortify Bunker Hill, but what was his surprise to wake one morning (June 17) and find the Americans under Colonel Prescott already building breastworks on the hill.

  73. In other places the breastworks of forts would be plainly visible, then again the frowning turrets of some castle of the olden time.

  74. As the heat was very intense, we resolved not to confine ourselves any more within the walls of the Post; we formed a spacious camp, to the east of the block-house, with breastworks of uncommon strength.

  75. Breastworks were attempted, but they were very visible and attracted large numbers of shells: altogether the Cheshires had a very poor time, I fear.

  76. Further north, towards the Puerta Sancho, which protected the breastworks of the Ebro, the fortifications continued, terminated by a tower.

  77. All the breastworks of this position, which were constructed with bricks from neighboring brickyards, formed with the earth of the kilns a reddish mass.

  78. Overnight he posted his army north of the highway that leads from Lützen to Leipzig, dug deep the ditches that enclosed it, and made breastworks of the dirt.

  79. This relieved the left, and Wickham continued to push on until he struck up against a heavy line behind rail breastworks in the woods.

  80. I forbade him, but he got a musket somewhere, and went over the breastworks with the rest.

  81. In the starlight, the moonlight, or the gloom lit by the red glare, those figures, resembling phantoms, were seen marshalled behind the breastworks to repel the coming assault.

  82. They have reached the slope; the enemy's breastworks are right before them; and they dash at them with wild cheers.

  83. General Grant had hastened forward from the Wilderness, only to find Lee confronting him behind breastworks at Spottsylvania Court-House.

  84. Jackson, with whom he went over the breastworks at Chancellorsville!

  85. A thundering cheer rose suddenly above the roar of the guns, and the line of dismounted sharp-shooters behind their rail breastworks opened a more steady and resolute fire as the enemy appeared to pause.

  86. Then he worked his way cautiously toward the rude breastworks facing the blockhouse.

  87. Yes; but--" "Did you not teach him to throw up breastworks and open a mine?

  88. From behind the breastworks rifles flashed incessantly until midnight, when the firing ceased, and from out of the darkness a voice hailed the fort in English.

  89. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "breastworks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.