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Example sentences for "broth"

Lexicographically close words:
broomsticks; broomy; broon; brose; brot; brothel; brothels; brother; brotherhood; brotherhoods
  1. If you find that you have not enough broth from the meat, add a little hot water, to make the sauce or gravy like thick cream; then put the meat into it.

  2. After the meat is braised French fashion, it is taken out of the broth, and the broth is strained and then used as a broth or soup, or made into a gravy.

  3. After you have covered the meat with water or cold gravy just let the water or gravy boil, then season it palatably with salt and pepper; of course, the seasoning will depend upon whether you have used gravy or broth or water.

  4. Put a heaping tablespoonful of butter and a heaping tablespoonful of flour into a saucepan for the quantity of broth which you would be likely to have from about three pounds of meat; that would be broth enough to cover it.

  5. When the meat is tender lay a clean towel in a colander, set over a bowl or an earthen jar, and pour the meat and broth directly into the colander.

  6. Mix the meat and potato together; add just enough water or broth to moisten the meat and potato.

  7. That is the soup stock or broth that we made yesterday.

  8. It is the gelatine in the bones which makes broth or stock jelly when it is cold; in order to extract the gelatine it is necessary to boil the soup meat and bones at least five hours.

  9. Now you have the meat cooked quite tender and the broth strained.

  10. See that the oven is hot, then very quickly dissolve a teaspoonful of baking powder in a teaspoonful of water or broth and stir it into the hash just as fast as you can and put it into the oven to bake.

  11. If you have used gravy or broth that already will have been seasoned, so that you want to taste for the seasoning.

  12. That is simply prepared and warmed without browning it, using broth or butter and hot water for moistening it.

  13. Set the soup kettle over the fire, and let the broth slowly heat and boil.

  14. Many black "aunties" took their last chicken and made broth for our sick Union soldiers, as did the one I met in Natchez, Mississippi.

  15. A white woman called to see some of these poor people, and brought chicken broth for a very sick man.

  16. If one were once acquainted with the 'good old creature,' there might be some pleasure in taking the broth or the flannel.

  17. The fat skimmings off the top of the broth pot are sometimes substituted for butter (see No.

  18. The good housewife never boils a joint without converting the broth into some sort of soup (read No.

  19. This is an inoffensive nourishment for sick persons, and the only mutton broth that should be given to convalescents, whose constitutions require replenishing with restorative aliment of easy digestion.

  20. When they can afford meat, they form with it a large quantity of barley broth (No.

  21. The broth should be of a fine amber colour, and as clear as rock water.

  22. The broth or water, and the wine, to be put into the stew-pan before you put in the turtle.

  23. Then the Texan supported the younger boy as Drew ladled spoonfuls of the improvised broth into his mouth.

  24. Drew was feeding the broth between Boyd's lips, trying to ease the cough, his wits too dulled to tackle any problem beyond that.

  25. The broth was very savoury, but the meat insipid.

  26. They collect the bones and other leavings, and stew them down in a pan so as to have some broth to offer on festival occasions to their friends and neighbours.

  27. At any rate the broth was not bad, though neither Tota nor I could drink much of it.

  28. Dimple supplied her; and in a little while, all the broth in the iron pot had disappeared.

  29. The crone's eyes sparkled; and, seizing a great horn spoon, she despatched the broth in two or three mouthfuls, then asked for more.

  30. She lifted him in her arms and carried him in to the fire, and rubbed his cold limbs, putting spoonfuls of hot broth between his lips.

  31. Bell, book, candle, and witch-broth availed nothing, and it was many a day before peace came to the Walton household.

  32. I've heard that if you die with witch broth being thrown over you, you're done for in the next world, as well as this.

  33. It struck me that he was rather disappointed; he probably expected to see a man of colossal proportions and herculean strength, instead of the poor remnant of humanity that chicken broth and the lancet have left me.

  34. On a rough calculation, however, it appears that my mutton broth took half a sheep per diem.

  35. Indeed it is believed that he and no other has kept all this broth of trouble on the boil, some say for Cetewayo's sake, and some say because he wishes to destroy Cetewayo.

  36. I repeated after him, adding, "Why not call it hell's broth at once?

  37. As for Cosette, she had had Toussaint take some broth to her room, and did not make her appearance until evening.

  38. He returned at night weary, and ate his broth without uttering a word.

  39. When it is sufficiently stewed, strain the broth from the meat.

  40. Take all the body and the meat of the legs, and put them together in a dish to heat, with a little broth or gravy, just to make them moist.

  41. A good wholesome broth may be made at a very reasonable rate to feed the poor in the country.

  42. Have a sufficient quantity of good strong broth as for any other soup, taking care that it is not too strongly flavoured by any of the roots introduced into it.

  43. Thicken the broth with the yolks of four eggs, and dish it up with sippets.

  44. The broth should cover the meat while it is stewing, and keep the slices of fat as much over it as you can; the seldomer you uncover the pot the better.

  45. If you would have them white, put strong broth instead of glaze and half a pint of cream.

  46. Take two quarts of strong broth made of beef; twelve onions; cut these in four quarters, lay them in water an hour to soak.

  47. Strain the broth through a fine sieve, and when it is cold take off the fat.

  48. Put a quart of mutton or veal broth into the pan, and let it stew three quarters of an hour, or till it is reduced to a quarter of a pint of strong gravy.

  49. Have some good broth made, chiefly of the knuckle of veal: when cold skim the fat off well, and pass the broth when in a liquid state through the sieve.

  50. Pour your broth upon your vegetables a little at a time, cover it up close, and let it stew three hours or more.

  51. We found some excellent broth on board the brig, which they had prepared, and when they had perceived us they added to it some wine, and thus restored our nearly exhausted strength.

  52. They accordingly brought us some lean bullocks and sheep which Mr. Andrews purchased for us; but at this time we had no pots to make broth in, and the cattle were scarcely fit for any thing else.

  53. But stop, there is some broth keeping hot on the stove.

  54. Glad enough to obey, Wilfred drank the broth eagerly, and came to the bed.

  55. Stuff artichokes, and tie each with string; brown outside in a little olive oil, add the broth and wine.

  56. Strain the broth into it, also the water from the barley and let it boil one and a half hours and skim.

  57. Arrange chickens in a hot casserole with one thinly sliced onion; one-half tablespoonful salt, and broth or boiling water to cover; cover casserole and simmer in oven until chicken is tender.

  58. Let simmer in one pint of water (boiling) without allowing any steam to escape for two hours; remove and thicken broth with yolks of five eggs.

  59. A sample of the latter, she intimated, would be found in the substantial basin of broth which was now placed before me, and which I was to be sure and consume to the last drop.

  60. I awoke again toward evening; was again visited by the doctor, and once more partook of a tolerably substantial basin of broth and bread.

  61. Now you must talk no more for the present, but take the broth like a good boy which I shall bring you.

  62. They saw his face plainly now, as he sat among the dingy brothers, never looking up, eating broth from a coarse, brown bowl.

  63. But in spite of her belief that she could eat every bit of what was before her, Edna could do no more than manage the broth and one piece of toast, Reliance watching her solicitously while she ate.

  64. You're to eat this first," said Reliance, uncovering a small tureen in which some delicious chicken broth was steaming.

  65. These powders she threw into the kettle and after briskly stirring the contents with a branch from a macaroon bush, Ozma poured the mystic broth upon a broad platter which Jinjur had placed upon the table.

  66. As the broth cooled it became as silver, reflecting all objects from its smooth surface like a mirror.

  67. And they made broth for her and soon made her well, and they were all happy again.

  68. After they had eaten well and were warm again, they asked for meat to make broth for their old grandmother, and the butcher said he would give them plenty of good meat although it was very scarce in all the land.

  69. And she said, "I want meat broth to make me well and I must have good meat to make it.

  70. If I do not get meat I can have no broth, and if I do not get broth I shall not get well, and if I do not get well I shall die, and if I die you two children will surely starve and die too.

  71. And Estelle answered, "Our old grandmother is very sick, and we are looking for meat to make broth to make her well.

  72. They decided to enter the shop notwithstanding their fear, to buy some food, and to get meat for their grandmother's broth as quickly as they could.

  73. If it was boiled-beef day, the broth was served in porringers, bread or oat-cake being crumbled into it with herbs.

  74. And she says that she must send for her, and that he must have a good look at her too; that he shall have some broth brought up by her.

  75. Let him give me some broth and I shall be cured.

  76. Coffee in the morning and chicken broth at midday.

  77. When I am working, I drink nothing but coffee and chicken broth until the evening.

  78. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "broth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bisque; bouillabaisse; broth; chowder; consomme; gumbo; liquor; puree; soup; stock

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    brother and; brother beloved; brother come; brother dear; brother officer; brother officers; brother said; brother used; brother will; brotherly kindness; brotherly love; brothers and