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Example sentences for "cheeky"

Lexicographically close words:
cheekbones; cheeke; cheeked; cheekes; cheeks; cheel; cheeld; cheenge; cheep; cheeping
  1. Did you ever hear such a miserable cheeky little beggar in your life?

  2. You are a strange lad if you are not a cheeky one," he said.

  3. The fool thought that I would protect him and that he could get cheeky with Oom Paul!

  4. This my old playmate did with poor grace, since he would have preferred to be cheeky to the chief.

  5. Its fourth sent it into the gaping mouth of the cheeky one.

  6. The cheeky comrade, with a better appreciation of the possibilities of the case, took a short run and a header right over the struggling mass, a la harlequin, and came down on his shoulders outside, without breaking his neck.

  7. For it was as though a very small and very cheeky boy, after making offensive signs, had spat in the nation's face.

  8. It sounds like a fearfully cheeky thing to do, I know," confessed the young captain.

  9. Say, you know that cheeky young fellow I told ye about--the tricky one that played the sneak on me, and gave me this black eye?

  10. What on earth are you doing here, you cheeky chimpanzee?

  11. I am glad; you deserve it, you cheeky little beggar!

  12. He stared at the cheeky youngster for a moment before he grasped the meaning of the sarcasm.

  13. All the long day, I judged, he had been whipping up his cheeky courage to meet some magic opportunity of the evening.

  14. She hoped it wasn't cheeky of her but she just couldn't resist 'em!

  15. The same cat had for its constant companion my cheeky little starling, who used to hop about and on her, pick her teeth, and open her claws, but she never attempted to molest him.

  16. I was then only a cheeky little mite of a kitten, of a highly inquiring turn of mind.

  17. When Mr Macdougall spoke to me in that way, I suppose I gave him a cheeky retort, for he threatened to knock me down.

  18. I know he's a new boy; but the cheeky young beggar has given me a black eye, confound him!

  19. He was a fugitive; these cheeky rascals had his fate in their hands; he was not in a position to reply to their effrontery as his wild desire urged.

  20. It's a cheeky insult to all concerned," shouted Britt.

  21. I can't blame him for thinking this a cheeky invasion," Ned smiled, as he returned to his chair at the side of the couch.

  22. Jimmie thought that was a cheeky question, and a useless one, for he had no doubt that the fellow knew nearly as much about his business as he did about his own.

  23. No, I've nothing for you, you cheeky little things.

  24. Big cheeky birds, starlings and mynahs, whistled on the lawns, the little birds, the goldfinches and linnets and fan-tails flicked from bough to bough.

  25. One day she so far forgot herself as to murmur "Cheeky kids!

  26. Does he call them "cheeky young swine," and knock their heads together?

  27. He has been taken away with his banjo to make fun at Cheeky Charley’s wedding, which takes place to-morrow morning a few miles distant from here.

  28. In the morning he and Charley started away with Barry Brown, Hale, Jack and Jared Dwight; the stableman directing the course to the spot where Cheeky Charley was holding high carnival.

  29. Cheeky Jim, the Boy From Chicago; or, Nothing Too Good for Him, by Sam Smiley 3.

  30. Thin by me soul, Cheeky Charley, it’s meself that will play ye chunes to make yer blood lape through the cockles of yer heart.

  31. Cheeky Charley and his two friends, who acted in the time-honored capacity of groomsmen, walked out into the clearing and held up his hand.

  32. You do and you’ll ride away a happy man,” said Cheeky Charley.

  33. I'll knock your cheeky heads together if you don't look out.

  34. They were noisy boys, and troublesome boys, and cheeky boys, and idle boys, but they were honest on the whole, and the master calculated pretty shrewdly on the effect which this last decision would have on their conduct.

  35. The children were very sweet: Marie saw to his oatmeal, which he had to take at five in the afternoon; the cheeky boys were very attractive.

  36. And he pushed aside the playful-rough hands of the two cheeky rascals, Alex and Guy.

  37. Were these Guy and Alex, sleepy still their gentle eyes, cheeky their little mouths?

  38. The niggers were quite as cheeky then as they are now, and you've just had a specimen of what that is.

  39. Well, but you've no idea how cheeky that fellow was, and has been for some time past," urged Claverton.

  40. So I started as a stowaway on the Key West steamer--" "You cheeky little imp!

  41. You cheeky little devil, I believe I'll chuck you overboard.

  42. Because he was such a cheeky gentleman that if I let him stay on deck he would take command of the boat by to-morrow and all you young ladies who helped him would be guilty of mutiny and would have to be executed.

  43. So many great people have, all their lives, floundered uncomplainingly through Cambridge mud that I suppose it's cheeky of me to notice it.

  44. Duggie got very red, and I think he considered Berri unusually cheeky and impertinent, but he did n't snub him and I 'm sure Berri was disappointed; he loves to irritate people.

  45. As Berri remarked about the seminar we went to,-- "After a professor has earnestly expounded a subject for half a year, it must make him rather sore to have a cheeky parrot get up and do the whole thing much better in four hours.

  46. Charley lifted his head and piped in a cheeky voice: "He is a man and a sailor"--then wiping his nose with the back of his hand bent down industriously over his bit of rope.

  47. No, I don't," answered the other, with cheeky trepidation.

  48. She's not nearly so perky and cheeky as when she first came.

  49. It isn’t likely that fifty or sixty fellows would jump on one lone chap, no matter how cheeky he was.

  50. This is the thing we've got to settle, this cheeky challenge from the Beetles.

  51. The cheeky beggar got the last word in anyhow," quoth Arbery as he closed the door.

  52. Plunger is going about as cheeky as ever.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cheeky" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    arch; arrogant; audacious; barefaced; bluff; bold; brash; brassy; brazen; bumptious; challenging; cheeky; contemptuous; crusty; daring; defiant; derisive; disdainful; disregardful; disrespectful; flip; flippant; foolhardy; forward; fresh; gratuitous; immodest; impertinent; impudent; insolent; irreverent; nervy; pert; presumptuous; rude; sassy; saucy; shameless; smart; wise