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Example sentences for "cleanses"

Lexicographically close words:
cleanness; cleans; cleanse; cleansed; cleanser; cleanseth; cleansing; cleanup; clear; clearance
  1. And it precipitates noxious vapours, and cleanses the face of the earth from unhealthy accumulations.

  2. Every organ is so constituted that it cleanses and lubricates itself.

  3. Now she would never think of taking that dirty jug for the milk; but she empties it and rinses and cleanses it, and then, having wiped it dry to her satisfaction, she takes it out for the morning allowance.

  4. Blood cleanses it away and so keeps us clean.

  5. Pardon cleanses sin, and even turns the memory of it into an ally of holiness; but traces are left on character, and, at the best, years have been squandered which do not return.

  6. In Him, and in Him alone, can we find a pardon which cleanses the heart, and ensures the removal of the sin which it forgives.

  7. The new cruse and the salt are emblems of the divine gift which cleanses the human heart.

  8. Judas cleanses the temple, sets up a new altar, and fortifies the sanctuary.

  9. For the dew of tears cleanses the soul from every stain and makes fruitful the meadows of our hearts so that they bring forth the sprouts of virtue.

  10. As the torrent's rush cleanses the river-bed, the flowing tears purge the weeper's mind from the devil's tares and every pest of sin.

  11. God's Spirit cleanses men mainly by raising their spirits to a higher temperature.

  12. Spirit of God cleanses us by bringing the truth concerning Christ to bear on our understandings and hearts.

  13. The priest who cleanses him shall set the man who is to be cleansed, and those things, before Yahweh, at the door of the Tent of Meeting.

  14. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, cleanses us from all sin.

  15. However, it cleanses only the lower part of the alimentary canal, that is to say, the colon.

  16. Taking hot water in this manner cleanses the stomach and adds materially to the digestive capacity by stimulating the glands of the stomach.

  17. We may, indeed, get dying grace, and hold a consecration meeting upon our dying beds, but it is not death that consecrates, nor the grave that sanctifies and cleanses from all sin.

  18. Water cleanses the surface, and becomes dirty in the process.

  19. Fire cleanses within and throughout, and is not tainted thereby.

  20. That is the way that God cleanses His people; not by external application, but by getting up the heat.

  21. The use of these two preparations perfectly cleanses and clears the skin, preserves its freshness, and prevents wrinkles.

  22. This Soap cleanses the skin well, and renders it delicately white and smooth.

  23. Nothing cleanses and softens the skin like this bath.

  24. By putting a few drops with a bit of cotton up the nostrils, it becomes a sovereign cephalic, and cleanses the brain of all superfluous cold and catarrhal humours.

  25. This Juice greatly cleanses the skin, and brightens the complexion.

  26. This mixture removes all putridity, and cleanses away dead flesh.

  27. That sacrifice cleanses all creatures and enhances the energy and splendour of those who succeed in performing it.

  28. The gift of gold leads to the possession of those merits and accomplishments that are desired, and cleanses the heart.

  29. When that wind which is moistened with the particles of Ganga-water touches one's person, it cleanses him immediately of every sin.

  30. Such a person comes over every sin and cleanses himself of every evil act.

  31. Like one's mother, earth, when given away, cleanses the giver and the taker.

  32. A bath in the first place cleanses one of a single Brahmanicide; a bath in the second cleanses one of two offences of that character; and a bath in the third cleanses one of three such offences.

  33. It means also the actual field, so called, on which king Kuru performed his penances, and which is so sacred that its very dust cleanses a person of all sins.

  34. It has been heard by us that earth, when given away, cleanses and sanctifies the giver.

  35. For thy negligences purify thyself with a few," says: "Though the offering be small it cleanses the negligences of many sins.

  36. According to the same authority (gloss), a small offering made with a humble mind and out of pure love, cleanses man not only from venial but also from mortal sin.

  37. Christ's baptism is with power from above, and He cleanses from sin not with water but with the Holy Ghost and the burning fire of love.

  38. It also has such a property that when put into melted glass it cleanses it and makes it white, even if it were green or yellow.

  39. With a piece of wood the assistant cleanses each cake from the dust, when it is turned out of the mould.

  40. The blood of Jesus Christ is holden by faith with a twofold virtue of cleansing, from the guilt, and from the filth of sin, and thus cleanses us from all unrighteousness, 1 John i.

  41. Though your spots were such as are not incident to his children, yet this blood cleanses from one and all, it is of an infinite nature.

  42. Faith having such promises, cleanses the man from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit.

  43. That faith cleanses it, and makes it pure.

  44. Baptism is a Sacrament which cleanses us from original sin, makes us Christians, children of God, and heirs of heaven.

  45. A sponge cleanses and gets into all the nooks, corners, and crevices of the skin.

  46. A warm bath cleanses the skin more effectually than either a cold or a tepid bath; but, as it is more relaxing, ought not to be employed so often as either of them.

  47. It is grateful and refreshing, it is pleasant to take, it abates fever and thirst, it cleanses the throat and tongue of mucus, and is peculiarly efficacious in scarlet fever; as soon as the fever is abated it gives an appetite.

  48. But God alone remits sin, for He alone cleanses man inwardly from sin, as Augustine says (Contra Donatist.

  49. Now, to sin is due the imperfection of the human race, which needs to be perfected by Him who cleanses from sin.

  50. But an inanimate thing contributes something to the interior effect: since "water touches the body and cleanses the soul," as Augustine says (Tract.

  51. Whence hath water so great power, that it touches the body and cleanses the heart?

  52. Those who are sanctified in the womb, receive indeed grace which cleanses them from original sin, but they do not therefore receive the character, by which they are conformed to Christ.

  53. Water not only cleanses but also refreshes.

  54. The precious Blood cleanses us from the unlove and ill will and the Holy Spirit fills us with the very nature of Jesus.

  55. And as He cleanses our cups, so He fills them to overflowing with His Holy Spirit.

  56. As we bend to crawl through, the Blood cleanses from all sin.

  57. By this blood He cleanses man from sin (i.

  58. At the Passover Jesus goes to Jerusalem and cleanses the temple (ii).

  59. Walking in the light, the blood of Jesus cleanses in the power of an endless life, with a cleansing that never ceases.

  60. Bring out of the inner part of the house all uncleanness; bring it into the light of God; confess it and cast it at His feet, who takes it away, and cleanses you in His blood.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cleanses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.