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Example sentences for "comfortless"

Lexicographically close words:
comforter; comforters; comforteth; comforting; comfortingly; comforts; comfy; comic; comical; comicalities
  1. At eleven the foremast fell, at three the mainmast followed; and now the Hansa really looked a complete, comfortless wreck.

  2. Next night was passed in the same comfortless position, but on the morning of the 16th the second officer caught sight of a star, and never was there a more welcome omen.

  3. And thou too so comfortless in all that turmoil and confusion!

  4. It was a most foolish project of O'Sullivan's (as all his projects are) to lead thee from his comfortable fireside, to that comfortless Madeira.

  5. I am very cold and very comfortless in these horrible theatres, and shall be glad to get back to King Street, and as soon as I am there will take measures about my readings, which I think I had better begin in earnest with.

  6. As for our accommodations at this place, they are as comfortless as it is possible to imagine, but that really signifies comparatively little.

  7. The apartment was furnished in the then modern taste, which affected classical forms; and though not without a certain elegance, had something meagre and comfortless in its splendid tripods and thin-legged chairs.

  8. The old apartments are retained, but they are no longer dreary and comfortless and deserted.

  9. As he sat drooping and despondent in this comfortless condition, he perceived a light gleaming through the trees near the shore, where the winding of the river made a deep bay.

  10. She always posed as the injured one, and could not see that in robbing her child of a real home she was strewing her path with dangers as well, by placing her in an ambiguous, comfortless position, from which any relief seemed worth while.

  11. In fact, it was a comfortless sort of day, which made the passengers feel anything but merry.

  12. It was meet that the tragedy which was about to take place should be enacted in the hours of gloomy night, and at a time when all without was comfortless and dreary.

  13. Very comfortless they looked, and of the three only Coutlass had courage of a kind.

  14. Even the third-class compartments (and they were otherwise as deliberately bare and comfortless as wood and iron could make them) had lattice-work shades over the upper half of the windows.

  15. For that matter, none of us would have been willing to withdraw from the search, however dim the prospect of sucess might seem in the intervals when cold reason shed its comfortless rays on us.

  16. My good man," drawled Monty, raising his eyebrows in the comfortless way he has when there seems need of facing an inferior antagonist.

  17. A fine comfortless journey you must have had, too!

  18. Now and then I tried to walk for a while, on crutches that Fred made for me; but most of the time I was carried in a blanket that grew hotter and more comfortless as day dragged after day.

  19. Materialism is a barren, dreary, comfortless belief, and, in the opinion of the author, is without philosophical foundation.

  20. Blavatsky is interesting: "The dinner at Eddy's was at noon, and it was from the entrance door of the bare and comfortless dining-room that Kappes and I first saw H.

  21. Shivering with cold she put the books back on their shelf, and stole upstairs once more to bear her comfortless sorrow as best she could.

  22. Charles Osmond could not help wishing that he could bring some of the intolerant with him down that gloomy little alley, to the door of that comfortless lodging house.

  23. When night falls, we shall sleep uneasily upon a comfortless floor, in an atmosphere of stale food and damp humanity.

  24. Comfortless months of training are safely behind us, and lo!

  25. Comfortless as the night's lair has been, the jaded body craves for such faint warmth as it afforded, and further rest, the brain is dull and heavy, and the aching limbs appear incapable of supporting the weight on them.

  26. They reached it a few minutes later, and were standing in a big and rather comfortless room when Sproatly rejoined them.

  27. The country being open, and bare of wood, these fires were comfortless and short lived.

  28. The room of the Castle to which Juxon was now removed was a large comfortless apartment with damp stone walls and no fire, containing about fourteen other prisoners, ten of whom were, like himself, incumbents.

  29. The castle near at hand is as severely plain and rude as the chapel is ornate--a bare, gloomy place that tells in itself volumes of the hard, comfortless life of the "good old days.

  30. So well preserved is it that one may gain a good idea of the domestic life of a feudal nobleman of the fourteenth century--a life comfortless and rude, judged by our present standards.

  31. The former was a comfortless attic, with a blinded window, a truckle bed, and a few mean articles of furniture.

  32. Had it not been that a cow and a few chickens were left to them at the last seizure of their things, pinching hunger would have entered the comfortless home where the mother hid herself with her children.

  33. This she had continued for about two years at the time when first introduced to the reader's attention, as returning with her child to her comfortless home.

  34. His own abused wife and neglected little ones were before him, in their comfortless home, poorly clad, and pale and thin from want of healthy and sufficient food.

  35. She thought how poor and comfortless that home was which seemed so desirable.

  36. She then added, that such serenity was only to be given her, by the removal of her anxiety at the comfortless state of her son.

  37. Scarcely could Cecilia herself decide whether this comfortless letter or none at all were preferable.

  38. Anything was more palatable than them, even "liquoring up" at a nasty bar, or smoking in a comfortless reading-room among a deluge of American newspapers.

  39. And this comfortless kind of heaviness in tribulation is the highest kind of the deadly sin of sloth.

  40. And he is a sure comforter, who (as he said unto his disciples) never leaveth his servants comfortless orphans, not even when he departed from his disciples by death.

  41. But us of your kindred shall you leave here, a company of sorry comfortless orphans.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "comfortless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    affecting; apathetic; bitter; bleak; cheerless; deplorable; depressing; desolate; desperate; despondent; disconsolate; dismal; dismaying; distressing; dolorous; dreary; forlorn; grievous; grim; harsh; heartsick; hopeless; joyless; lamentable; mournful; moving; painful; pathetic; piteous; poignant; regrettable; rueful; sad; sharp; sick; sore; sorrowful; touching; uncomfortable; woebegone; woeful; wretched