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Example sentences for "galleys"

Lexicographically close words:
gallerie; galleried; galleries; gallery; galley; galliant; galliard; gallias; galliasses; gallice
  1. And this happened to the said Charles at his need; for being with his galleys on the Pisan seas, by tempest of the sea they were dispersed, and Charles with three of his galleys, utterly forespent, arrived at the Pisan port.

  2. How Frederick of Sicily sent his fleet of galleys to besiege Genoa.

  3. How King Robert equipped his fleet of galleys to oppose that of the Sicilians, and what it accomplished.

  4. By means of the thousands of wood cutters and miners who followed his army, he caused to be levelled and planked in a few weeks a road for his galleys and ships over the hills and across the valleys into the Golden Horn.

  5. For a moment his cries and his presence encouraged his galleys but they were shattered anew.

  6. Bullets, rocks and Greek fire were showered from these floating fortresses upon the huge flat galleys of the Turks.

  7. His galleys at that time barred the passage and Mourad was obliged to claim the aid of the Genoese.

  8. The celebrated galleys of King Alfred are described by an old writer as very long, narrow, and deep vessels, heavily ballasted on account of the high deck on which the soldiers and seamen stood above the heads of the rowers.

  9. The French, at the same time, began to establish a regular marine, having fifty ships and twenty galleys in their navy.

  10. The latter came out of port with their galleys two and two, preserving a similar array in their advance.

  11. While, also, the Duke of Buckingham was in France, a fleet of French and Spanish galleys sailed up the Thames as far as Gravesend, which they plundered and burnt, as well as other places on the Kentish shore.

  12. Three were afterwards burnt; others were condemned to receive two and three hundred blows on horseback with long whips, and to serve in the galleys for many years; and others were confined in monasteries, dressed in the S.

  13. The French had been waiting the arrival of six galleys from the Mediterranean, under Monsieur Pregent.

  14. Though she appeared like some huge castle floating on the sea, Richard ordered his galleys to attack her, and as they approached, they were received by showers of missiles, Greek fire, and other horrible combustibles.

  15. They were probably similar to the galleys I have before described, and which for centuries were in use in the Mediterranean.

  16. From a French account of one of the attacks made on the English fleet before Portsmouth, we ascertain the character of the galleys employed by the French.

  17. While the English fleet were at Brest, Monsieur Pregent arrived on the coast with six galleys and four foists, and, apprehensive of being attacked by the enemy, he entered the Bay of Conquet, which was the nearest place to Brest.

  18. Soon after five thousand British and Hessian troops poured over the sides of the English ships and transports and in small boats and galleys were rowed to the Long Island shore, covered by the guns of the Phoenix, Rose and Greyhound.

  19. There is more than enough against you to send to the galleys a score of better men than you.

  20. Hell is far off, and the galleys are near.

  21. These prejudices made him ready to believe that a priest was always fit food at heart for the galleys or the scaffold,--a mass of concealed iniquity covered by his cloth.

  22. The enemy's fleet quitted the coast on the 26th October, and their frigates and galleys on the 2d of November, as soon as an exchange of prisoners had taken place.

  23. The galleys advancing nearer, did some damage to the houses; but a few shot now and then from the river battery, made them keep a respectable distance.

  24. The moment we were on the road, I told him that I was going to part company, because I was afraid of being sent as a felon to the galleys if I continued my journey with him.

  25. If you liked to spend a hundred crowns instead of fifty we could send him to the galleys for a couple of years.

  26. One of the four galleys was commanded by M.

  27. R---- said the fact of my being sent to the galleys having been rumoured was no justification for his repeating it.

  28. He knows, or thinks he knows, certain other things which authorize him to seize your person and to take you to the prison where persons destined for the galleys are kept.

  29. To escape the galleys to which your excellency would not fail to send him for having violated the secrecy of the confessional.

  30. All that was necessary was to find a boatman who, for a certain amount, would risk the galleys in case of discovery.

  31. Set me at liberty at once, or tell your hangmen to finish their work, for I warn you that no one shall take me to the galleys alive.

  32. Three of the galleys were sunk; the rest escaped.

  33. Galleons, galliots, galleasses, half galleys, and quarter galleys were all modifications of this type.

  34. Six galleys came from Egypt, bearing 900 troops--Mameluke horsemen, troops recruited much like the Janissaries and quite as formidable.

  35. In every battle with Turk or Moor, the Knights were among the foremost; and, as ever before, their galleys were the aid of the peaceful merchant, and the terror of the corsair.

  36. That is true, in the sense that its galleys were beset by a terrible storm on the return voyage.

  37. It might be assumed that Aelius Gallus meant to sail down the Red Sea again, within a year at the utmost, and recover the spoil when his galleys were there to receive it.

  38. His ambassadors, two Dominicans, were despatched to Venice to redeem and receive the holy crown which had escaped the dangers of the sea and the galleys of Vataces.

  39. The chief exception to ordinary conditions was the pilgrim-ship for Jerusalem in the days, which ceased during this period, when special galleys ran from Venice to Jaffa and back, in the summer.

  40. Here alone could the passenger have the upper hand, since these galleys alone were passenger-boats primarily.

  41. The English met them with such tremendous discharges of chain-shot that, had not the wind risen about noon, enabling the Spanish ships to come up to their assistance, the galleys would surely have been taken.

  42. The galleys led the way, and in their van rode three of the four great galliasses, thrashing the sea to foam with three hundred oars apiece.

  43. Moreover, to strike the nephew of both Popes in the face and call him a liar was an offence which would have sent the noblest patrician in Rome to a dungeon in Sant' Angelo, if not to the galleys of Cività Vecchia.

  44. As they advanced they were excessively galled by a flanking fire from the American galleys and batteries, and by sharp volleys from the outworks.

  45. Champe had originally intended to make for Paulus Hook but changed his course, threw his pursuers at fault, and succeeded in getting abreast of two British galleys at anchor near the shore beyond Bergen.

  46. It was impossible to construct a sufficient number of fire-ships and galleys in time.

  47. Some of the galleys escaped past the batteries of Philadelphia in a fog, and took refuge in the upper part of the Delaware; the rest were set on fire by their crews and abandoned.

  48. The boom was to be protected by the guns of two ships and two row galleys stationed just above it, and by batteries on shore.

  49. The troops retreated in confusion, hotly pursued, and were again cut up in their retreat by the flanking fire from the galleys and floating batteries.

  50. Two of the galleys got into a place of safety, where they were protected from the shore; the other two trusted to outsail their pursuers.

  51. A heavy fire was now opened upon them, from the galleys and floating batteries.

  52. Three hundred regular troops, and a body of royalist volunteers from the Jerseys, headed by Captain Patrick Ferguson, embarked at New York on board galleys and transports, and made for Little Egg Harbor under convoy of vessels of war.

  53. An able disposition of American troops along the upper part of the river, and of a number of galleys below, discouraged any attempt of the kind.

  54. The rear-guard of armed galleys followed at wary distance.

  55. On the capture of the forts, the American frigates and galleys stationed for the protection of the chevaux-de-frise slipped their cables, made all sail, and endeavored to escape up the river.

  56. Ship carpenters from the Eastern States were employed at Skenesborough to build the hulls of galleys and boats, which, when launched, were to be sent down to Ticonderoga for equipment and armament, under the superintendence of General Arnold.

  57. Throwing himself off his horse, and running through a marsh, he plunged into the river, and called to the galleys for help.

  58. They forgot the fleets of Persia, but they still dreaded the galleys of Aegina.

  59. To owe his life to an ex-convict, to accept this debt, and then to repay him by sending him back to the galleys was impossible.

  60. A few days later Jean Valjean was sent back to the galleys at Toulon, and with his removal the prosperity of M---- speedily collapsed.

  61. R Scene from Racine's comedy Les Plaideurs, in which a dog is tried and condemned to the galleys for stealing a capon.

  62. Scene from Racine's comedy Les Plaideurs, in which a dog is tried and condemned to the galleys for stealing a capon p.

  63. But his war-galleys were perfectly manned with experienced seamen, and his troops were old veterans in many illustrious wars.

  64. When they arrived at Khief, the empress embarked on the Dnieper, and with a fleet of fifty galleys sailed down the river to Cherson.

  65. Many have questioned the facts recorded by several historians, concerning the surprising effects of the burning mirrors of Archimedes, by means of which the Roman galleys besieging Syracuse were consumed to ashes.

  66. By the summer Nicosia had fallen, and before Doria’s galleys from Genoa and Colonna’s galleys from the pope could be ready for service, private negotiations were in progress between Venice and the Turks for a separate peace.

  67. The small island of Gelves, in the Gulf of Khabes, was easily captured, but the next day there appeared a fleet of 74 great Turkish galleys full of janissaries, and 12 others under Dragut from Tripoli.

  68. His galleys were those which were to keep the Mediterranean a Christian sea.

  69. The four galleys soon found themselves unable to live through the Biscay seas and abandoned the Armada, taking refuge in various French and Spanish ports.

  70. In the bay of Rosas, in the extreme north-east point of Spain, Andrea Doria awaited him with a splendid fleet of fifty-eight galleys and a great host of sailing ships.

  71. Publishes 'The Memoirs of a Protestant, condemned to the Galleys of France for his Religion'.

  72. He gasped when he saw the galleys rowed about by their oarsmen on the water, and he told his master he had never seen so many feet in his life.

  73. There the galleys of the Berbers had often hidden, in order to fall unexpectedly upon a nearby village.

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "galleys" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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