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Example sentences for "homesteaders"

Lexicographically close words:
homespun; homespuns; homestead; homesteaded; homesteader; homesteading; homesteads; homeward; homewards; homework
  1. It came pretty near taking the hide off from me to keep pace with those hungry homesteaders who were afraid of losing their jobs and existence.

  2. Go back and tell your homesteaders that I'll make a small five-year loan to every man in the settlement according to his extreme needs.

  3. The towns come and go on the prairies, but the homesteaders build better.

  4. And the homesteaders continued their battle for the thirsty land.

  5. Homesteaders reached the point where the whole family washed in the same quart of water.

  6. There were many homesteaders over the Reservation who were running out of fuel.

  7. If one were in a country where he could live by foraging--"We can live on jack rabbits next winter," homesteaders would say.

  8. Meantime, while I was hammering the paper into shape, Ida Mary had settled the doubts of the homesteaders who feared that a slight young city girl could not handle a frontier school.

  9. A surprising number of homesteaders were girls who had come alone.

  10. The creeks were dry now--except the water holes in the creek beds and a few seep wells which homesteaders living near the creeks had dug and into which water from the creeks had seeped.

  11. To the public, however, not so romantically inclined, the homesteaders were the peasantry of America.

  12. And, we contended, the homesteaders of America should be given consideration.

  13. Worse than grasshoppers; at least the grasshoppers leave, and the homesteaders appear to be here to stay.

  14. We began to check up on the homesteaders of whom we knew.

  15. But the homesteaders might have been organized as a unit, with official power to petition for aid.

  16. The homesteaders who had not gone to the fire found waiting alone intolerable, and one by one they drifted in to the store, waiting taut and silent.

  17. Trevison already felt the irritation of congestion--the presence of the homesteaders nettled him.

  18. Several homesteaders had already appeared in the country, erecting fences around their claims.

  19. Homesteaders at first procured water from the little gulches near their homes or from shallow wells of seepage water.

  20. Some of these probably slipped in during the fall of '58, as they were here in the spring of '59 when the first homesteaders arrived looking for locations.

  21. And very likely his gossip of the engineer's feelings for one of the homesteaders was likewise a falsehood, though there was no reason in the world why Mr. Bryant shouldn't love one of them if he chose.

  22. So uncle declared that if homesteaders we had to be, then we must locate near him where he could have me under his eye, so to speak.

  23. If homesteaders could have no part of Oklahoma, why were wealthy cattlemen allowed to take so much of it?

  24. It looks," Pete grinned, "as though we're three homesteaders instead of two.

  25. There were homesteaders on every claim except the one where a youngster had thrown her jacket down.

  26. In effect, the government kept most of the land for homesteaders and gave half of certain adjacent tracts to railroads on condition that they make it worth while for homesteaders to occupy the reserved portions.

  27. And when the requirements of the homestead laws had been complied with and a patent to their quarter-section obtained from the Land Office in Washington, the homesteaders were ready to sell and move on to other and greener pastures.

  28. In the same sections, where the homesteaders had used aspen for their fence posts, the beavers, no doubt mistaking them for trees, cut them down.

  29. In my rambles I continually came upon homesteaders striving to drain the valleys and raise grass for their cattle, while simultaneously the beavers were working to maintain high water.

  30. The homesteaders had sold out long ago for a song, some for as little as ten dollars a hundred and sixty acres.

  31. How many homesteaders did you succeed in nabbing out of that last train-load?

  32. If we can get a double cinch on that, we'll knock the claim of the Forestry Department to keep homesteaders out into a cocked hat.

  33. He had noted the advance of the hard-bitten homesteaders who were settling wherever the soil was good, and who were marked by sternly utilitarian methods and democratic ideas.

  34. What we found was two homesteaders cutting down all the best trees.

  35. I believe that all non-forested lands adapted for agricultural purposes should be opened to settlement and homesteaders allowed to file upon them.

  36. The homesteaders interest me the most, for it is to them that we will owe our western empire.

  37. The first two will vanish and in their places the homesteaders will take root and multiply.

  38. Owing to the vigilance of the game warden his is not a profitable business; also he is in disfavor with the homesteaders along the Tonkawanda who credit him with the disappearance of the mule-deer, once plentiful in that district.

  39. Below him, dotted over the flat reach of the mesa, the four square clearings of the Homesteaders showed along the line of the great canal, keen and blue as the cutting edge of civilization.

  40. Being more than half drunk, he conceived the idea that the bravest thing he could do would be to kill some white people; and it happened that he came across the poor homesteaders just at that time.

  41. A good many homesteaders were well-educated, refined people from Pennsylvania, New York, and elsewhere.

  42. That," retorted the masked man, "would be easier than the way the Snake Flats homesteaders died when Abe Larkin killed them.

  43. Last time I seen him, he called himself Abe Larkin, but he made that name sort o' dangerous by usin' it when he shot up a couple homesteaders near Snake Flats.

  44. Thus it was a varied class of homesteaders around Calias and Megory, the first summer on the Little Crow.

  45. Homesteaders to the north and west of us began passing through the county, and their appearance presented a contrast to that of a few years before.

  46. Most prospective homesteaders make the same mistake I did in buying horses, unless they are experienced.

  47. Under this crude shelter the homesteaders found relief from the broiling afternoon sun, and swapped news concerning the latest offer for their claims.

  48. Schools and churches were closed, and many farmhouses built by the homesteaders rotted down to their foundations.

  49. This community was settled by homesteaders and pioneers in the early days of the West.

  50. The Range has always been Home Mission territory; justifiably too, because homesteaders have not been able to pay for religious ministry.

  51. In the desperate struggle for existence homesteaders had little time for Christian enterprise.

  52. Homesteaders are good stock upon which to build a civilization.

  53. The People All these counties were settled chiefly by homesteaders who came from all over the United States, but chiefly from the Middle West and Southwest.

  54. The eclat with which the Homesteaders performed their part of the political display in Pittsburgh encouraged them to repeat the demonstration still more energetically in their own town.

  55. His field was near Lake Superior; his flock poor homesteaders and Indians.

  56. Homesteaders are numerous, generally very poor, and are apt to have large families.

  57. But, homesteaders or colonists, all must work hard, be strong, live on plain fare, and dress in coarse clothing.

  58. The nominal records of the General Land Office as to the number of homesteaders are of little value and are very misleading.

  59. Part of the lands to be taken for the forest reservations included territory settled upon; it was argued as proper, therefore, that the evicted homesteaders should be indemnified by having the choice of lands elsewhere.

  60. Immense numbers of alleged homesteaders were, as we have copiously seen, nothing but paid dummies by whose entries vast tracts of land were seized under color of law.

  61. Shouldn't wonder but it'll be all right in time, when the country gets settled up, but most homesteaders can't afford to wait.

  62. She thought there would be lights of homesteaders about, and while there was, the storm made it impossible for her to see them.

  63. On the way they drove by the homesteaders near and held subtle conversations with many, always in the end ascertaining how many times the people had been seen on the claim they had just left.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "homesteaders" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.