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Example sentences for "insulted"

Lexicographically close words:
insulation; insulator; insulators; insulis; insult; insulter; insulting; insultingly; insults; insuper
  1. Talk not to me of blasphemy, man; I'd strike the sun if it insulted me.

  2. As on your physiognomical voyage you sail round his vast head in your jollyboat, your noble conceptions of him are never insulted by the reflection that he has a nose to be pulled.

  3. So to sum up, whether you are quiet or daring, you'll be beaten and insulted all the same.

  4. I insulted him," he explained his desire to himself, embarrassed and quickly turning aside from his aim.

  5. At noon Klimkov, exhausted and feeling insulted by everything he saw, entered a tavern, where he ordered dinner to be brought to him at a small table next to a window.

  6. Though he knew the master had not insulted her, he regarded it as his professional duty to ask just such questions.

  7. Yet, the interests of society are often stabbed and stricken down, and public sentiment outraged and insulted by disregarding that sanctity, in severing those who have been united in wedlock's holy bands.

  8. Now you have insulted me with impunity, perhaps you will take your leave.

  9. I have not insulted you, Charles; I am only warning you.

  10. This pretext on the part of the French was that their ambassador to Berlin, Benedetti, was reported to have been insulted by the king.

  11. That is why I hunted up this Comte de la Beriniere; I insulted him; we fought a duel, and he is now in his bed with a famous sword-thrust in his right side.

  12. That man--he was drunk, no doubt, but still he insulted my sister.

  13. I am Gustave's devoted friend; he forgives insult and treachery, but I do not choose that he shall be insulted or betrayed.

  14. I could name half a dozen people, who come here habitually, who would consider themselves insulted if they knew--what you and I know.

  15. He has insulted me lately in a way I shall not soon forgive--nothing to do, however, with the lady who says she refused him.

  16. Insulted because they had been kept in the dark--that's all.

  17. This was not satisfactory to the insulted party, who determined to appeal to a higher court.

  18. Once more ten or twelve voices insulted him from the darkness.

  19. She has placed every obstacle in the way of Indian trade, and insulted our Commissioners; yet the despatch of the present mission with its armed escort has been called an act of aggression.

  20. Since he took the government of the country into his own hands he has reduced the Chinese suzerainty to a mere shadow, and, with fatal results to himself, consistently insulted and defied the British.

  21. But while the aroma of my carriers insulted the pure air, and their chatter over their tawdry spoil profaned the silent precincts of Chumulari, their mountain goddess, I thought more of the disenchantment of that earlier visit.

  22. Both insist that under cover of a mask at the last veglione she insulted them.

  23. The poor woman doesn't even know what she is supposed to have said; insulted them is all she can gather.

  24. And yet I instantly felt as if I owed her memory a silent ceremonial, to conciliate her insulted shade.

  25. Of course it's impossible to feel insulted by such complimentary remarks from a saucy lad.

  26. But if he's a gentleman, it cannot be his intention to have a lady insulted by a boorish lackey!

  27. That fat brute who insulted you so, who do you suppose he is?

  28. To think that I should have stood still to hear you insulted like that!

  29. There is only one guarantee for the permanent harmlessness of the criminal who cannot be imprisoned for life--amendment; but this principal object of punishment is always made subservient to the principle of avenging the insulted law.

  30. Pale terror stared hollow-eyed at the passing desolation, while the Nemesis of the insulted law dashed after on snorting steeds.

  31. Severinus, when the government chastises, it represents the insulted law, and uses honest means; but you avenge only your own boundless pride, and your weapons are hypocrisy and deceit!

  32. The railroad agent had bullied him; the two travellers had laughed at him; the cabman had insulted him; the soldier had deceived him; and the old man had abused him.

  33. Yes, four persons: a coachman who insulted me, a soldier who amused himself at my expense, an old man who abused me, and the shopkeeper whose life I saved.

  34. Clinton had felt the sweeter, purer, stronger attractions of one free from all artifice; and when he left her side, he had no wish to pass to that of one whose coldness had repelled, and whose haughtiness had insulted him.

  35. That need not trouble you," said MacLeod, "for in the last hundred years no man has insulted this vintage by leaving the hall on his own feet.

  36. James had postponed and re-postponed the fateful journey; but at last he saw it must be taken, or a friendly country, one of the proudest on earth, would be deliberately insulted in the face of the world.

  37. At last they seized upon the Persians, who had so insulted them, and led them to punishment, and in this manner began the war of the Persians with the Phoenicians.

  38. A clique in the Historical Society, (where I had been several times insulted at the meetings,) and several religious coteries and secret organizations were evidently largely concerned in the business.

  39. Alumni of the Institution, convened at a banquet in the Astor House, openly insulted me by saying; "Shall I have to become the step-father to that man?

  40. He has declared that he will come back to America to find out that man who insulted him.

  41. It seems to me that in this matter I have been the most insulted of any.

  42. By pretending that I did not know how to play, the Colonel has insulted me, and shall give me satisfaction.

  43. The devil became prouder thereupon, insulted the bishop, and laughed at him.

  44. These spirits are not mischievous, unless they are insulted and laughed at; for then they fall into an ill humor, and throw things at those who offend them.

  45. I did not think you would have insulted me.

  46. If I am told by you that I am not to meet this man, of course I shall obey you; but I shall consider myself to have been insulted,--to have been insulted by you.

  47. Certainly not, if I am to be insulted by my sister.

  48. You have insulted me, and I will never speak to you again.

  49. He remembered it all accurately,--how the Marquis had on that occasion ill-used and insulted him.

  50. The man had grossly maligned his daughter to his own ears, had insulted him with bitter malignity, and was his enemy.

  51. I have insulted no one," said Lady Sarah, haughtily.

  52. I cannot tell you everything; but he insulted me, and I was forced to--strike him.

  53. As I could hardly credit the reality of this yawning gesture, Mr. Bartlett insulted an old Baboon and put him into a violent passion; and he almost immediately thus acted.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "insulted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.