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Example sentences for "polarized"

Lexicographically close words:
polarised; polarising; polarities; polarity; polarization; polarizer; polarizes; polarizing; polders; pole
  1. The copper electrodes are polarized by the formation of hydrogen on the cathode, but, in the course of a few seconds, the current becomes rather constant and is then read.

  2. An artificial variety is a derivative of succinic acid, but has no action on polarized light, and thus malic acid is a remarkable case of physical isomerism.

  3. The light has, therefore, acquired new properties by reflection from the first plate of glass, and is called polarized light, while the modification which the light has experienced by this reflection is called polarization.

  4. Defn: An instrument for determining the amount of polarization of light, or the proportion of polarized light, in a partially polarized ray.

  5. If a beam of polarized light be transmitted through a crystal of quartz in the direction of its axis, the plane of polarization will be changed by an angle proportional to the thickness of the crystal.

  6. It is used to produce a ray circularly polarized from a plane-polarized ray, or the reverse.

  7. Defn: Having the same color; connecting parts having the same color, as lines drawn through certain points in experiments on the chromatic effects of polarized light in crystals.

  8. Turning the plane of polarized light to the left; as, levotartaric acid; levoracemic acid; levogyratory crystals, etc.

  9. This condition usually occasions physical isomerism, with the attendant action on polarized light.

  10. Defn: Electrically polarized like the surface of the zinc presented to the acid in a battery, which has zincous affinity.

  11. Light may be polarized by several methods other than by reflection, as by refraction through most crystalline media, or by being transmitted obliquely through several plates of glass with parallel faces.

  12. It resembles dextrose, but rotates the plane of polarized light further to the right and possesses a lower cupric oxide reducing power.

  13. That different crystalline bodies differ in their behavior toward polarized light has long been known, and the polariscope is recognized as an instrument of great value in chemical research.

  14. In 1819 he had announced that the plane of polarized light--for example, a ray passed through Iceland spar--is deflected to right or left by various chemical substances.

  15. Racemic acid, however, which is identical with tartaric acid in its chemical constituents, is optically inactive, rotating the plane of polarized light neither to the right nor the left.

  16. In the cases of solutions of sugar, which cause rotation of the plane of polarized light, the density of the sugar at any depth may be determined by observing the corresponding angle of rotation, this was done originally by W.

  17. The convection of a medium thus polarized involves electric disturbance, and therefore must contribute to the true electric current; the determination of this constituent of the current is the most delicate point in the investigation.

  18. This principle of obtaining a single polarized ray by means of total reflection of the other is common to all the forms of prism now to be described.

  19. He finds, moreover, that, although of course the ray emerges parallel to its direction of incidence, yet that the zone of polarized light is shifted to one side of the central line.

  20. A really homogeneous train could maintain a permanent phase-relation with another such train, and, it may be added, would of necessity be polarized in its character.

  21. Accepting fact, he found nothing in its outward relations by which a man can live, any more than by bread; but this poetic nature, illuminating it as with the polarized ray, revealed therein more life and richer hope.

  22. Invert sugar is so called because the mixture of glucose and fructose which forms the "invert" is laevo-rotatory, whereas cane sugar is dextro-rotatory to the plane of polarized light.

  23. The examination in polarized light of a transverse section shows that each compound crystal is built up of six differently orientated individuals arranged in twelve segments.

  24. It was long ago observed that polarized light as it takes its way through transparent crystal or glass clearly reveals in areas of variegation, any strains to which the crystal or glass may be subjected.

  25. Even more valuable than polarized light are the X-rays discovered by Professor Röntgen.

  26. A model in glass, carefully annealed, is placed in the path of a beam of polarized light.

  27. Polarized light, which when first discovered seemed nothing more than a singular and quite sterile phenomenon, has other uses of great importance.

  28. An instrument for determining the amount of polarization of light, or the proportion of polarized light, in a partially polarized ray.

  29. Sucrose), and they act on polarized light.

  30. Having the same color; connecting parts having the same color, as lines drawn through certain points in experiments on the chromatic effects of polarized light in crystals.

  31. Used to refer to a smitransparent material which permits transmission of only plane-polarized light.

  32. Polarized light shows the directions on which the division can be made with safety.

  33. Following the synapsis stage shown in figure 43 comes one in which the loops lose their polarized arrangement and unite to form a continuous spireme (figs.

  34. In examining sections of female larvae stained with safranin-gentian-violet, I was surprised to see a very marked polarized or bouquet stage and to find among the loops something resembling the odd chromosome of the growing spermatocytes.

  35. There is no synizesis and no polarized or bouquet stage, but the nuclei of all of the spermatocytes contain a continuous spireme throughout the growth stage.

  36. The chromosomes, after the last spermatogonial mitosis go over immediately into a synizesis stage consisting of a polarized group of short loops, which later straighten and unite in pairs (figs.

  37. For a long time Faraday's observation on the rotation of the plane of polarized light by heavy glass in a magnetic field remained an isolated fact in electro-optics.

  38. With certain polarizing apparatus it is possible to produce rays of circularly polarized light.

  39. They show the characteristic twin lamellation by polarized light, but the lamellae are often very irregular as regards their boundaries.

  40. By concentrating a large beam of ordinary plane polarized light with a quartz lens, and passing it through a quarter wave-plate at the proper angle, a powerful beam of circularly polarized light was obtained.

  41. After reading the account of it, it occurred to me that the converse experiment might be tried; that is to say, the effect of a circularly polarized beam of light upon a piece of steel.

  42. In October the bosom of the sea became blanketed, and the curve of the snow-covered earth was polarized in the eastern skies.

  43. By the reflected, refracted and polarized light of the sun, the terrestrial shadows were outlined against the sky in glowing colors.

  44. The sun, farther south, in rising and setting, and with limitless changes of polarized and refracted light, passing through strata of atmosphere of varying depths of different density, produces kaleidoscopic changes of burning color.

  45. The arc rose as the sun settled; the purple spread beyond the polarized bow; and gradually the heavens turned a deep purple blue to the zenith, while the halo of the globe was slowly lost in its own shadow.

  46. Thus, light produced by a molecule vibrating up and down, as this red globe in the jelly before you, is polarized in a horizontal plane because the vibrations are vertical.

  47. We have now an instrument which also gives rays of polarized light.

  48. Circular polarized light consists of undulations of luminiferous ether having a circular motion.

  49. Polarized light is light that performs its motions continually in one mode or direction.

  50. There is another way of producing polarized light.

  51. If we could get the earth covered by a black cloth, then we could study the polarized light of the sky with simplicity, which we cannot do now.

  52. Elliptically polarized light is something between the two, not in a straight line, and not in a circular line; the course of vibration is an ellipse.

  53. Plane polarized light is light with the vibrations all in a single plane, perpendicular to the plane through the ray, which is technically called the "plane of polarization.

  54. If in a straight line, it is plane polarized; if in a circular direction, it is circularly polarized light; when elliptical, it is elliptically polarized light.

  55. With Iceland spar, one unpolarized ray of light divides on entering it into two rays of polarized light, by reason of its power of double refraction, and the vibrations are perpendicular to one another in the two emerging rays.

  56. Polarized light is light which has been subjected to compound refraction, and which, after polarization, exhibits a new series of phenomena, differing materially from those that pertain to the primary conditions of light.

  57. It then appears that various bodies are transparent to these polarized rays only in certain directions.

  58. D shows the bar of iron when strongly polarized by earth's magnetic influence, under vibrations, with a sufficient force to have rotated its elastic center of action.

  59. Thus we are left with the two circular motions in the wave front with frequencies p1 and p2 giving the circularly polarized constituents of the doublet.

  60. The rotation when the light is polarized in the plane of incidence is always less than when it is polarized at right angles to that plane, except when the incidence is normal, when the two rotations are of course equal.

  61. When the light is polarized at right angles to the plane of incidence, the rotation is in the same direction as these currents when the angle of incidence is between 0 deg.

  62. The simplest case is when the incident plane-polarized light falls normally on the pole of an electromagnet.

  63. They found lines in iron when the most deflected components are those polarized in the plane at right angles to the magnetic force.

  64. We thus get two oppositely circular-polarized rays travelling with the velocities p/q1 and p/q2 respectively.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "polarized" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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