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Example sentences for "prowler"

Lexicographically close words:
prowess; prowesse; prowest; prowl; prowled; prowlers; prowling; prowls; prows; proxies
  1. This prowler was a shadow in a world of shadows.

  2. It was possible that the stealthy prowler of the night before had done them injury, but, so far as he could ascertain, nothing of the kind had occurred.

  3. The latter doubt could be solved by challenging the prowler with a threat to fire, if instant satisfaction was refused, while the firing could be made so promptly that the stranger would have no chance of whisking out of reach.

  4. Still the smoke ascended fitfully from behind the bowlder, and the prowler gradually drew near it, at last gaining the side opposite the smoker.

  5. The prowler stiffened in his tracks, frozen to rigidity by the command.

  6. Grace had heard the prowler crash through the bushes in his haste to get away, and felt reasonably certain that they would not be troubled by him again that night.

  7. A night prowler frightened away by a shot.

  8. The marks indicated small, pointed, high-heeled shoes, and it was plain that the prowler had spent some time peering in through the glass.

  9. The purpose of the prowler was now unmistakable.

  10. The prowler had stubbed his stockinged toe against a chair leg.

  11. The first struck the prowler in the mouth, the second on the end of the nose and the third over the pit of his stomach.

  12. Within fifteen minutes he saw the same prowler stealing back into camp.

  13. The camp prowler stood up straight, staring to see whence the next stone would come.

  14. The prowler waited no longer, but turned, making for Gage's camp as fast as he could go.

  15. My telling you to stone any prowler who visited this place was only a trap.

  16. The prowler found it so, and after a few ineffectual attempts to force it open by pushing with his shoulder against it, he faced about and disappeared in the barn.

  17. The lighted end of a cigar glowed through the darkness a moment later, and then Don saw that the prowler was his cousin Clarence.

  18. It was not a bear shaking down the ripe beechnuts--not heavy enough for that, yet too heavy for the feet of any prowler of the woods to make on his stealthy hunting.

  19. For Unk Wunk has a weapon that no prowler of the woods ever calculates upon.

  20. He planned to sleep through the first of the night, being confident no prowler would approach the cedars so long as the blazing fire suggested he was awake and alert.

  21. Selecting a small circle of cedars he made his fire where he could not be seen unless the prowler approached very close.

  22. The prowler had had time to skip from yard to yard, and nothing short of the services of the entire guard would be apt to result in his capture.

  23. It was while in a state of inebriety that the prowler met Joe.

  24. Need we say that this creature was likely, when the prowler knew from his own experience that she would drink to the point.

  25. It was this prey that brought the prowler out so early in the morning; and he might have revelled in a field so fruitful long enough, without that risk of discovery which attended his other assaults.

  26. He is an industrious prowler in unlikely regions, and is entitled to some reward for his diligence and his skill.

  27. Those habits of the prowler which may gradually lead a mind not strengthened by strong principle into this downward career, are hit with his usual vivacity and wonderful truth by Scott.

  28. I do not feel sure that the spitfire will strike an enemy, but the sudden explosions of winged fury hard about the ears are quite sufficient to put a prowler in a panic.

  29. The Shrike is a bird of prey but he is no restless prowler or hoverer, wearing out his wings with incessant flight--not he.

  30. The question of morals and marriage laws is one which had better be let alone unless the prowler is prepared to find some very unpleasant things.

  31. Illustration: A FEW GOOD ROADS ON THE ZONE] The prowler about Panama will find a wide variety of interests and inspirations.

  32. It is merely a few notes of a prowler who found Panama interesting.

  33. The prowler in social history will find plenty of material here.

  34. If the prowler is looking for real adventure, he can seek for it on Gocos Island, three hundred miles south of Panama.

  35. The prowler must have intuition and imagination and perseverance and historical perspective, but with these he must have something else--that inner vision that finds values in everything human.

  36. The expert explorer will find something interesting in Sahara, but almost any prowler will have a rare time in Panama.

  37. The prowler seemed to know exactly what they were about.

  38. It was his supreme chance, and he had the feeling that if he lost out now, the ghostly prowler of Bluff Lodge would never be captured.

  39. No doubt the prowler was armed, as anyone engaged in a desperate business was likely to be, unless he had scorned to go armed against a group of high-school boys and girls.

  40. The lodge prowler heard them coming, and the perspiration of a real fear now stood out on his head.

  41. Besides preventing that, he wanted more than anything else to take this prowler a captive, and if it was not done tonight, it might never be done.

  42. He wanted to catch the prowler on the spot, so that he would have no loophole through which to escape when accused of causing the disturbances at Bluff Lodge.

  43. I'm just wondering if the prowler comes out on the first night or if he waits for the second or third.

  44. We have been here long enough to have the ghost or prowler make raps and knocks, and then we have let him slip right out of our fingers.

  45. The prowler had been as completely surprised as Barry had been, and while the boys were running he remained perfectly still, pressed close against the wall.

  46. Breathlessly, the boys told their fathers of spotting the prowler on board, of the brief tussle, and the results of their investigation.

  47. The prowler crept closer until he was within an arm's length of the seated man.

  48. The prowler stood there, arms raised, the fingers of his cupped hands spread like talons just over the old man's shoulders.

  49. That's where the prowler was when we got here.

  50. The water prowler hit the water with a belly whopper.

  51. Biff knew that he was as much of a prowler as his attacker.

  52. He jumped from behind the crates, reached the boat in six fast strides, and leaped aboard just as the prowler reached the bow.

  53. The prowler carefully pulled the door open and slipped into the room.

  54. Now the prowler abandoned his extreme caution.

  55. Harriet set off at the double again--in double quick time went the prowler after her.

  56. Mattie in her self-conceit imagined that she had frightened the prowler from Great Suffolk Street; in lieu thereof, she had only deterred him from entering a second appearance on the premises.

  57. Harriet, with a little cry of joy, clung to the arm of her deliverer; the prowler looked perplexed, then put the best face upon the matter that he could extemporize for the occasion.

  58. Pertinacity appears like devotion to some minds, and our prowler had met with his reward more than once by keeping doggedly to his post; he held his ground therefore, and watched his opportunity.

  59. The Hansom rattled off, the mob uttered one more despairing yell, and, after a slight abortive effort, gave up the chase, and left the prowler to his repentance.

  60. One glance at him, the nipping of a little scream in the bud, and then she increased her pace, the prowler keeping step with her.

  61. A prowler in fine clothes of fashionable cut, hanging about fashionable thoroughfares when London was in town, and going down to fashionable watering-places when London needed salt water.

  62. He was one of a class--a gentleman by birth and position, and a prowler by profession.

  63. The prowler turned pale, and flinched a little as Sidney approached, flinched more as the audience seized the thread of discussion and expressed its comments more vociferously.

  64. Mackenzie shouted, hoping to draw the intruder into revealing himself, not wanting the blood of even a rascal such as the night-prowler on his hands through a chance shot into the dark.

  65. But Mackenzie knew that when he should meet that wild night-prowler he would face a thing more savage than a bear, a thing as terrible to grapple with as the saber-tooth whose bones lay deep under the hills of that vast pasture-land.

  66. If any prowler had seen them bury the ducks on the preceding evening, might he not have waited patiently until this hour, just before the dawn, in order to allow the fowls to cook?

  67. And through the nearby woods crept the appetizing odors of coffee and fried fish that must have been very tantalizing to any prowler less fortunate than themselves.

  68. Ten to one the prowler old Stump scared away night before last was Ted himself; and I wouldn't put it past that bad egg to burn the boathouse down, just to get even with our crowd.

  69. Whoever the prowler was, he was flitting over to the ash cans set out by a neighbor.

  70. Because I felt sure that the prowler was up to some mischief, and I wanted to mark him for identification, mother," Dick explained.

  71. It took the prowler but a moment to find an empty bottle in the second can.

  72. For then every member of the little community would have known that the prowler had at length selected a dwelling from which presently to drag a shrieking victim.

  73. At length the prowler reached his burrow and hurled himself incontinently in, his brush describing a frantic arc as he disappeared.

  74. It was the only way the invisible prowler could have gone.

  75. The light was now nearly abreast of his door, and for a sickening instant he thought the prowler was coming into the room.

  76. I was convinced that the prowler had gone into A 20.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prowler" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    booster; crook; ghoul; grafter; lifter; poacher; prowler; robber; shoplifter; swindler