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Example sentences for "pupae"

Lexicographically close words:
puny; puoi; puote; pup; pupa; pupal; pupate; pupated; pupates; pupation
  1. The eggs are laid in the leaf tissues, in which the whole development of the maggots and pupae takes place.

  2. Another point to consider is that thorough cultivation will destroy many pupae that are lying underground, and which would otherwise give rise to another generation of moths.

  3. The most complex is the pupa of the blowfly, enclosed in its puparium, while intermediate between these two extremes are many moth pupae that have the appendages firmly attached to the body, but nevertheless visible.

  4. Those which proceed from the pupae with long wing cases become small kings and queens after their swarming, which takes place at the end of May.

  5. The head of the angular pupae terminates sometimes in two angular parts, which diverge from each other like two horns (Fig.

  6. Thousands," says he, "change into pupae towards the end of May or the beginning of June.

  7. To study this last evolution more at his ease, Reaumur covered a large extent of the wall of his study with pupae of the Vanessa polychloros and other species.

  8. Some are changed into pupae in the gallery which they have hollowed out, others go out of the leaves when they are near their final transformation.

  9. To undergo their metamorphosis into pupae they bury themselves in the earth.

  10. On the other hand, he shut up some pupae in an ice-house during the whole of a summer, and thus retarded their being hatched by a whole year.

  11. The larvae and the pupae breathe, like those of the Ephemerae, by articulated external processes, or gills, analogous to those of fishes.

  12. The pupae remain motionless till the insects emerge, which is accomplished with the assistance of the workers.

  13. The larvae pass the winter in that state, and do not become pupae and perfect insects till the following summer.

  14. The pupae with short wing-cases become perfect in the month of August, and produce larger males and females, which become kings and queens.

  15. Only a few days after the pupae in a bucket are transformed into gnats, eggs which have been left by the females may be observed on the surface of the water in little clusters.

  16. Later, they again give their assistance in disengaging the pupae from their envelopes.

  17. The pupae are fat and stumpy, and they already show the features of the perfect insect.

  18. In this stage of existence the extraordinary sexual disparities, which are so characteristic of the family, manifest themselves, the male and female pupae being very widely different in all respects.

  19. I have been careful to point out these peculiarities as these animals have been regarded by many authors as active pupae on a level with those of the Orthoptera and Hemiptera.

  20. They feed during the whole of the autumn and winter, changing into pupae about September, from which the moths emerge in a month or six weeks' time.

  21. It should be mentioned that none of these aquatic pupae take any nourishment, neither have they any limbs properly {42}so called.

  22. Nearly all pupae collected at random in New Zealand will be found to give rise to either this species or the one which immediately follows (Mamestra composita).

  23. The two usual varieties of pupae are shown at Figs.

  24. The pupae are buried in the earth, near the remains of their host, and are light brown in colour, with the segments much more distinct than is usual (Fig.

  25. The pupae or cocoons of the Ants, during the day, are placed near the surface of the Ant-hills to obtain heat, which is indispensable to the growth of the inclosed insects.

  26. At the present day, the pupae of a species of Ants are a costly luxury with these people.

  27. We are going to dig pupae for you," answered Mary.

  28. They carried some large pieces of the wood up to the boat-house for living caterpillars to feed on, and reinserted the pupae in their wooden chambers, where they were safely kept until their appearance in July.

  29. When the larvae had finished their eating, they dived into this earth and turned into the pupae state.

  30. The caterpillars of some moths go into the earth before they change into the pupae state.

  31. With the aid of a saw and axe they dug out several caterpillars not yet full grown, and also several pupae which they knew would be out in two months' time.

  32. Perrot, his friend, once discovered a small nest, occupied by a solitary female, who was attending upon four pupae only.

  33. The pupae of gnats also, as well as those of many other aquatic Diptera, retain their locomotive powers, not however the free motion of their limbs.

  34. A less degree of cold suffices to freeze many pupae and larvae, in both which states the consistency of the animal is almost as fluid as in that of the egg.

  35. But the most extraordinary motion of pupae is jumping.

  36. With respect to their motions, we may therefore consider pupae as of two kinds--active pupae, and quiescent pupae.

  37. He speaks also of their opening the cocoons when the pupae are ready to assume the imago, and disengaging them from them.

  38. But though many larvae and pupae are able to resist a great degree of cold, when it increases to a certain extent they yield to its intensity and become solid masses of ice.

  39. Reaumur found that the subterranean pupae of many moths perished with a cold of 7 deg.

  40. The motions of most insects whose pupae are active, are so similar in all their states, except where the wings are concerned, as not to need any separate account.

  41. Generally speaking, quiescent pupae when disturbed show that they have life, by giving their abdomen violent contortions.

  42. There are a few other facts with respect to the larvae and pupae of the bees, which, before I enter upon the history of them in their perfect form, I shall now detail to you.

  43. The ants bring their own pupae up frequently to obtain light and air and with them it brings up the Lomechusa pupae--this seems not to suit the latter and results in the death of many of them.

  44. Soil-inhabiting insects and rodents are believed to destroy many pupae during the winter.

  45. The tip moths overwinter as pupae in the tips of infested trees.

  46. Illustration: Larvae and pupae of the cottonwood leaf beetle.

  47. Mice and predaceous beetles feed on the resting larvae and pupae in the litter and soil of the forest floor.

  48. Illustration: Callow adult and pupae of the Columbian timber beetle.

  49. The pupae are under ground, and, as the female moths are wingless, and must ascend the trees to deposit their eggs, we can destroy them in the perfect form by meeting them on the highway they have to pass.

  50. The worms may be sought out by scraping away the gum and cutting the dead bark until we find them, often along the main roots; the follicles with the pupae should also be sought.

  51. In three days they come up as flies, in July and August, to lay eggs for a second brood, the pupae of which remain in the ground during the winter.

  52. The pupae can be entrapped in large numbers, by putting a piece of old rag in the crotch of the tree, beneath which the worms will crawl to spin their cocoons, when they may easily be destroyed.

  53. When the pupae are sufficiently matured, I proceed to examine these elegant abodes.

  54. I find, in addition, pupae more or less fully coloured, perfect insects, with a distended abdomen, ready to leave the trunk when the hot weather comes again.

  55. At the same time I laid on the same place a small parcel of the pupae of another species, F.

  56. I then dug up a small parcel of the pupae of F.

  57. The latter ruthlessly killed their small opponents and carried their dead bodies as food to their nest, twenty-nine yards distant; but they were prevented from getting any pupae to rear as slaves.

  58. I have some pupae cases and the moths will be out any day now.

  59. I think that will keep me busy for a few days," said the Harvester as he closed the door softly, and went to look at the pupae cases.

  60. The larvae make slight cocoons before changing to chrysalids, and these chrysalids are so rounded that they suggest the pupae of moths rather than those of butterflies.

  61. The larvae spin slight cocoons in which to pupate and the pupae are rounded rather than angular.

  62. The workers adopt similar measures with the hive-bee for maintaining the young pupae concealed in these cocoons in a genial temperature.

  63. Externally, however, the shape of the pupae of different tribes varies considerably, and different names have been applied to them.

  64. Larvae are very scarce; pupae abound, as do perfect insects.

  65. My digging operations, in fact, always reveal the pupae outside the cells, never inside.

  66. There are daring ones who make their way into half-open boxes containing ends of glass tubes in which I have stored my most recent acquisitions: grubs, pupae and cocoons of all kinds, whose evolution I wished to study.

  67. It supplies me with another collection both of perfect insects and of pupae and larvae.

  68. They outnumber the females by about four to three; they are also further developed, in accordance with the general rule, for most of the backward pupae give me only females.

  69. We might with the same justice conclude that adult Insects existed as caterpillars or pupae as that the primitive form of the Malacostraca was a Protozoaea or Zoaea.

  70. In the Tipulidae the larval skin is thrown off at the pupa stage, and in some cases the pupae continue to move about.

  71. The pupae of the Muscidae are quiescent, and are enclosed in the skin of the larva which shrinks and forms a firm oval case.

  72. The general characteristics of the pupae in these two sections have already been described.

  73. The best times for pupae are from October to January.

  74. Properly, the inner tray of box C should be constructed of zinc perforated with a few holes at the bottom, in order that it may be lifted out to allow the pupae to be well damped when "forcing.

  75. When larvae or pupae are brought home, it will be necessary to place them in something which, though retaining them in captivity, yet allows them as natural conditions of living as is possible in a circumscribed space.

  76. Exact experiments with pupae which have survived the winter would show whether the female really lives for ten days more than the male, or whether the results of my experiment were merely accidental.

  77. Again, the larvae of the blow-fly become pupae in eight to ten days, although they move actively in boring their way under the skin and into the tissues of the dead animals upon which they live.

  78. The protective cocoons by which the pupae of many insects are surrounded also belong to the same category, and improvement by practice is entirely out of the question, for they are only constructed once in the course of a life-time.

  79. In a few testes the number was 11, indicating that pupae of two species had been collected.

  80. Sections of male pupae were examined for equatorial plates of somatic mitoses.

  81. In some species, this needle-like organ is three or four times the entire length of the body; and this great longitude is intended to reach the pupae of wasps and similar insects which inhabit deep holes.

  82. Larvae and pupae were found in many parts of England, as already mentioned.

  83. One of these pupae I have in my collection.

  84. One day, late in July, quite a number of males entered the cottage and made their way to the cage in which the pupae were, and I had no difficulty in boxing several of them.

  85. When staying at a cottage on the edge of a moor near Lynton, North Devon, some years ago, I had some pupae of the Oak Eggar.

  86. Of course both larvae and pupae of aquatic species will have to be sought for in their element, among the plants they frequent.

  87. Chrysalis preserving is a simple matter: the pupae may be killed by plunging them into hot water or by baking; frequently, however, we find that the natural polish disappears with death, and this may be restored by varnishing.

  88. Hibernating pupae may be left in the breeding-cages or removed and packed in moss in small boxes.

  89. Hibernating pupae can be kept in a warm room if care be taken to keep them moist, but under such treatment the mature insects are apt to emerge in midwinter.

  90. The pupae are quiescent and are mummy-like in appearance, the legs and wings being folded and pressed to the ventral surface of the body.

  91. Collect pupae of some common butterfly or moth and keep them in the schoolroom until either the butterflies or ichneumon flies issue.

  92. If the soil is too dry the pupae will not mature, or if they do so the wings will not expand fully; if the soil is too damp the pupae are liable to be drowned or to be killed by mold.

  93. The cages or boxes containing the pupae should be stored in a cool cellar, or in an unheated room, or in a large box placed out of doors where the sun cannot strike it.

  94. They then change into pupae which are brown and seed-like, being completely enclosed in a uniform chitinized case which wholly conceals the form of the developing fly.

  95. It is often necessary to keep pupae over winter, for a large proportion of insects pass the winter in the pupal state.

  96. De Geer,[R] speaking of the pupae of a moth, states, that he was not fortunate enough to witness the manner in which they quit their watery abode.

  97. In ordinary circumstances these pupae would have become butterflies in the month of July in the same year.

  98. In November of the same year Reaumur recommenced his experiments, and again exposed a number of pupae to the genial influence of these hot-houses.

  99. The pupae of most butterflies, which are suspended in open day, are of a green or yellowish brown colour.

  100. These experiments decided in the most satisfactory manner the quickening influence of increased warmth upon the pupae of insects.

  101. He varnished them over with various varnishes, and found that the pupae thus varnished were developed several weeks later than others of the same species unvarnished.

  102. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pupae" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.