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Example sentences for "scarab"

Lexicographically close words:
scapular; scapularies; scapulars; scapulary; scar; scarabaeus; scarabs; scarce; scarcely; scarcer
  1. She herself was lovely enough in a billowy, shimmering frock of a delicate apple-green hue, her only ornament a deep-blue Egyptian scarab with spread wings, which was suspended from her neck by a slender gold chain.

  2. That scarab was taken out of a tomb of the thirteenth dynasty.

  3. Utset called the scarab beetle and gave him the sack of stars, telling him to pass out first with them.

  4. Scarab did not know what the sack contained, but he was very small and grew tired carrying it.

  5. When Puck, on the eve of Seraph's departure, was himself brought to the Scarab and a journeying basket was equipped for him, Sigurd sulked in the shabby depths of his dear old chair.

  6. For two lively years a brace of graduate students, Cherub and Seraph, folded their wings beneath the Scarab rooftree.

  7. Racing up from the train on his return from a summer in the mountains with Joy-of-Life, he was whistled into the Scarab while yet too utterly absorbed in the rapture of his greetings to heed where he was.

  8. To the Scarab came new friends for Sigurd with new caresses, to which he always made cordial and courteous response.

  9. In a snug corner against the south wall of the Scarab stood a massive and elegant erection, with gable roof and olive-green door, that only the unsophisticated called a kennel.

  10. Then I heard Wilton's best English voice at the end of the study: "My dear sir, I have explained twenty times already, I wanted to get that scarab in time for dinner.

  11. Now Wilton had bought from Cassavetti, whose reputation is not above suspicion, a scarab of much the same scarabeousness, and had left it in his London chambers.

  12. Blair put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a small beautifully carved jade box; he took off the lid delicately, and shook a scarab into the palm of his hand.

  13. They usually contain a star or scarab in the centre, beyond which is a series of bands or borders, patterned most commonly with figures.

  14. The occurrence of the scarab has been just noticed.

  15. A little way off stood a small group of people watching them, and in the forefront was a stalwart man of fifty, in the green garment of a beetle with a golden scarab blazoned on his chest-- "Father!

  16. Seeing her distress, Grace went on quickly: "The janitress found your scarab pin just outside the door on the day of the game.

  17. Anne held up a curious scarab pin that Grace immediately recognized.

  18. Every girl in school knows that scarab of Miriam's.

  19. A scarab which I got last year in Cairo shows Amenhotep (with Amen erased subsequently) adoring the cartouches of the Aten, settling his identity with Khuenaten.

  20. The flat part of the scarab was quite blank, bearing no inscription whatever.

  21. I had had the scarab set in a revolving bezel, and habitually wore it with its beetle uppermost and the cartouche concealed.

  22. From that he went on to describe the finding of the particular mummy from whose finger the scarab had been taken.

  23. This scarab was in a ring on the finger of the mummy of a woman.

  24. The Grotta d’ Iside or Polledrara tomb at Vulci has been dated, on the authority of a scarab of Psammetichos I.

  25. This dating has been generally accepted, and there seems no reason to doubt it, although the evidence of an isolated scarab is not always as trustworthy as appears at first sight.

  26. A scarab of Amen-ankh-as, found in one of the bodies on the upper level, appears to give the late XVIIIth dynasty as the date for this mass of burials.

  27. The ring was not only an ornament, but an actual necessity, since it served as a signet, the owner's emblem or badge being engraved either on the metal of the ring or on a scarab or other stone set in it.

  28. The revolving scarab exhibited its back when worn on the finger and the engraved side when necessary to use it as a seal.

  29. They are usually set with a scarab or scaraboid, fixed or revolving on a pivot.

  30. Through a hole made in the scarab was run a wire, the ends of which, passing through the extremities of the ring, were wound several times round it.

  31. The scarab Madge knew to be a beetle sacred to the Egyptians.

  32. Just in the center of the comb was a tiny scarab made of turquoises.

  33. It remains to know whether the ancestors of the sacred scarab had tarses.

  34. In considering the scarab one has to think of a humanity lacking fingers, having lost them by a long and slow diminution of nails, bones, flesh.

  35. Fabre has at least noted one indisputable fact, it is that neither as nymph nor adult has the scarab tarses on his forefeet.

  36. The scarab is a modeller, nothing would be more useful to him than fingers; instead of losing them by use, he ought to have grown them longer and more supple.

  37. The position of the scarab in Ancient Egyptian religion and the Book of the Dead.

  38. Soldiers wore the scarab to increase bravery, 7, and note.

  39. The earliest shape of genuine seals known and used in Egypt, is that in the scarab form and that form is peculiarly Egyptian; cylinders however were sometimes used by that people in early times.

  40. Classification and value of the scarab to the scholar of to-day.

  41. The very idea of the transformation is shown, by the hieroglyph of the scarab for the word Kheper, i.

  42. Mariette says, that the mummies of the XIth Dynasty nearly always have a scarab on the little finger of the left hand.

  43. The Romans also adopted, it may be surmised from the Etruscans, the scarab signet and retained its form until the later days of the Republic.

  44. King, copy of Chapter XXXB of the Book of the Dead on a scarab of, 154.

  45. One of the parts played by Khepra in Ancient Egyptian thought, is condensed in that figure which we find on the top of some of the Osirian naos's or arks, the scarab in the middle of the disk emerging from the horizon.

  46. Khepra, also called Khepera, a form of the maker of the Universe which had the scarab as an emblem, 14, 99 et seq.

  47. Ptah the Creative Power, and also Khepera, a kosmogonic deity of the highest type, had the scarab assigned to them as an emblem.

  48. The scarab became again in use in the time of Hor-em-heb and Sethi I.

  49. The scarab was at once named "Cheops," and treated with all the respect due to his ancient family traditions.

  50. It is very strange," she said with a sudden access of womanlike trembling and agitation which seemed out of place in this awful woman--"but once I knew a scarab like to that.

  51. But the scarab that I knew was not set thus in the bezel of a ring.

  52. But high above this rude brawling the scarab stood alone.

  53. The scarab is an Egyptian beetle of varying size; I have seen lots of living specimens on the Nile.

  54. I have no doubt of it, for some of them are offered daily at Shepheard's by a dozen scarab scalpers.

  55. A modern observer would, of course, at once suspect that the scarab laid an egg inside the ball, and would promptly proceed to pull one open and look for it.

  56. Once started on so strange a set of ideas, the Egyptians proceeded to evolve a worship of the scarab which grew ever and developed, as they thought the scarab itself did, practically out of nothing.

  57. It is as a charm or amulet, however, that the ancient Egyptian imitation scarab is best known.

  58. Till very lately, it was universally believed that the female scarab laid an egg in some of the balls, and that the young grubs hatched within such food-stocks and began at once to devour them.

  59. We have no true scarab of this class living in Britain: but there are other scavenger beetles which take their place, the best known being the common dorbeetle.

  60. In one way or another, the sanctity and the mystic implications of the scarab grew and grew, age after age, until at last scarab-worship became one of the chief practical elements in the religion of Egypt.

  61. There was a scarab-headed god, and scarab hieroglyphs appear on the face of all the monuments.

  62. Patient naturalists say that one ball has been known to last a scarab as long as a fortnight, but this I do not vouch for of personal knowledge.

  63. In the débris of the mummy, on the bottom of the coffin, was a round-backed green glazed steatite scarab (Pl.

  64. On the third finger of the left hand a scarab mounted on a silver ring (Pl.

  65. The latest date found among the objects of the whole cache was Thothmes III, and that name occurred only on one object--a small scarab (Pl.

  66. B, of a man not more than thirty years of age, had on the left arm, tied at the elbow, a very fine blue glazed steatite scarab (Pl.

  67. The mummy of the man (bearded) had on the third finger of the left hand a scarab mounted upon a silver ring (Pl.

  68. On the third finger of the left hand, attached by string, was a round-backed green glazed steatite scarab (Pl.

  69. The smaller round basket contained: A blue glazed steatite scarab of the Hyksos Period (Pls.

  70. A scarab made of green jasper and bearing the prenomen and nomen of Amenhetep I (Pls.

  71. Hair plaited; on wrists, bangles of double strings of bone and cornelian beads; on third finger of left hand a scarab (Pl.

  72. I told myself I should not be safe until the real murderer of the poor captain was found; and so I began to puzzle over the few clues in the case--especially over the asters, the scarab pin and the Homburg hat.

  73. She had desired passionately the apprehension of his murderer, and had turned over and over in her mind the possibilities of white asters, a scarab pin and a Homburg hat.

  74. The scarab pin," went on Hughes, "is not yet forthcoming.

  75. White asters; scarab pin; Homburg hat," he detailed, pausing before the table where those strange exhibits lay.

  76. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scarab" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    amulet; charm; fetish; hoodoo; insect; mascot; phylactery; scarab; swastika; talisman; voodoo