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Example sentences for "butte"

Lexicographically close words:
butler; butlers; buton; buts; butt; butted; butter; buttercup; buttercups; buttered
  1. The Eagle's Nest butte loomed up to their right, its bare walls towering grandly above the surrounding country, and the big timber lay hidden below in the fog that still clung about the river.

  2. The Eagle's Nest butte was well known to the wild hunters of that region, since it could be seen from a great distance and by many approaches.

  3. The sun was well above the butte when she awoke, although it was cool and shadowy still in her concealed abode.

  4. If the secret must be told, he had done so for years, ever since he became the head chief of the Cedar Butte clan.

  5. After she had done this several times, she perched upon a near-by butte and watched.

  6. Cedar Butte guards the southernmost entrance to that wonderland, standing fully a thousand feet above the surrounding country, and nearly half a mile long by a quarter of a mile wide.

  7. Hootay of the Little Rosebud On the south side of Scout Butte there is a crescent-shaped opening, walled in by the curving sides of the hill.

  8. To attempt the ascent of this butte is like trying to scale the walls of Babylon, for its sides are high and all but inaccessible.

  9. It was a day's run for a warrior from the Eagle's Nest butte to the place where we were upon the Wounded Knee.

  10. So it was that Cedar Butte had been the peaceful home of the big spoonhorns for untold ages.

  11. On the way to Blacktail Creek she had to cross the divide, and when she had attained the Porcupine Butte she paused a moment for a survey, and saw a large herd of buffalo lying down.

  12. The Gray Chieftain On the westernmost verge of Cedar Butte stood Haykinshkah and his mate.

  13. One coming down from the butte would not notice it, as there were no signs other than the earth pile.

  14. A veritable butte loomed in her path, but this she took like a mountaineer.

  15. The opposition party, probably with the stolen cryptogram in hand, had decided on this particular butte top as the likeliest location of treasure buried by eccentric grand-sires and were getting underway some larger scheme of excavation.

  16. The New Yorker tried a run-around, for the butte top had not the ring area to which apparently he was accustomed in his "leather pushing.

  17. The French, assisted by American troops, capture the German salient between Tahure and the Butte du Mesnil.

  18. But he had dreams of the stage, and spent his days on the Butte Montmartre, in the studio of the painter Montalent.

  19. Some time ago," said Roger to the painter Michel, "I used to know Chevalier's uncle on the Butte de Montmartre.

  20. Rolling hills surrounded the little pocket on all sides, and here and there a red scoria butte thrust its ugly height out of the plain.

  21. Suddenly from around the butte that faced the camp poured the charge of the cowboys.

  22. Red an' Plug, you take yore horses round the butte to where the others are tethered, an' help Jimmie and Newt bring in them casks o' water.

  23. Half of them were dispatched around the butte that protected the defenders and the plan of attack was changed.

  24. A wide swoop brought the oncoming horse around the shoulder of the butte into full view.

  25. I've been looking over the land with Pickand; he says we'll sink a shaft at the base of the butte below the mesa, where you are laying tracks now.

  26. At ten o'clock Corrigan jumped on his horse and rode out to the butte where the laborers were working, clearing away the debris from the explosion.

  27. At a turn in the butte he came upon them both, their horses halted, the girl berating Levins, the man laughing lowly at her.

  28. For Manti had viewed the devastated butte early that morning, and had come away, seething with curiosity to get a glimpse of the man whom everybody secretly suspected of being the cause of it.

  29. The level below the butte was a-buzz with life and energy.

  30. On his way he went to the edge of the butte overlooking the level, and looked down upon the wreck and ruin he had caused.

  31. Mounting, they rode rapidly down the track toward the butte where the mining machinery was being erected.

  32. He is the tyrant of the Red Butte Western, and I can assure you that he is much more terrible than he looks--aren't you, Howard?

  33. Because, the day before yesterday, when I was on the Little Butte station platform, talking with Goodloe, I saw Flemister and Hallock walking down the new spur together.

  34. Two men broke a rail-joint on Little Butte side-cutting for my special--and caught the delayed passenger instead.

  35. The rich Red Butte "pockets" began to show signs of exhaustion, and the gulch and ore mining afforded but a precarious alternative to the thousands who had gone in on the crest of the bonanza wave.

  36. It was hard to believe that it could be hidden anywhere on so small a part of the Red Butte Western system as that covered by the comparatively short mileage in Timanyoni Park.

  37. Howard, I'm telling you right now that it will require a higher brand of courage to go over to Angels and manhandle the Red Butte Western as a division of the P.

  38. Judson had followed from his boarding of the train at Angels to Silver Switch, and from the gulch of the old spur to his disappearance on the wooded slope of Little Butte ridge.

  39. Red Butte Western opinion was somewhat divided as to which horn of the trilemma the victim of Rufford's displeasure would choose, all admitting that, for the moment, the choice lay with the superintendent.

  40. But the Red Butte Western is an abnormally unhealthy railroad, and you'd better feel your way--pretty carefully, too.

  41. Over in the Red Butte yard a road-locomotive, turning on the table, swept a wide arc with the beam of its electric headlight in the graying dusk.

  42. He was at a place called Red Butte and guessed he'd locate there.

  43. When the young doctor from Red Butte came that evening he found a great improvement in his patient.

  44. By all these adventitious aids Vice-President McVickar was profiting on the Saturday morning following the mysterious disappearance on the Friday of the gasolene unit-car somewhere between Bald Butte and the capital.

  45. No station west of Bald Butte has yet reported it.

  46. Mr. McVickar came west to-day from Bald Butte in a new gasolene unit-car which is supposed to be making a trial trip over the road.

  47. To the south it is prolonged under the name of the Sierra Shoshone Mountains as far as the Wind River Valley, while north of Soda Butte Creek it extends to the Great Bend of the Yellowstone under the name Snowy Range.

  48. Its principal tributary is Soda Butte Creek, which rises just outside the north-east corner of the Park and joins the Lamar River near the extinct hot spring cone from which it derives its name.

  49. Soda Butte (15 miles above Junction Butte) and Soda Butte Canyon, extending from Soda Butte to Cooke City, are worthy of much attention.

  50. In 1863 one of these parties, numbering thirty or forty men, ascended the Yellowstone and the East Fork to the mouth of Soda Butte Creek, and thence crossed an intervening ridge to the next northern tributary of the East Fork.

  51. Barlow records that the Butte was known as "Square Butte" at the time of his visit in 1871.

  52. The name arose, of course, from the fact that this butte stands at the junction of the two important streams, the Yellowstone and Lamar Rivers.

  53. The bridge was found partially destroyed by the Indians and had to be repaired, after which the line of march was continued up the Lamar and Soda Butte Valleys, and across the divide to the valley of Clark's Fork.

  54. Stanton, of the Corps of Engineers, made a reconnaissance through the Park, entering by the way of Soda Butte Creek, and passing out by the Madison Valley.

  55. On the south they are smooth, with occasional streaks of pine; but the butte itself is ragged, with escarpments of red feldspathic granite, and dark with pines; the snow reaching from the summit to within a few hundred feet of the trail.

  56. Sheep Mountain, a large butte just below the south end of the Slim Buttes, was reported to be the last area in which these animals occurred.

  57. I instantly wheeled my horse and rode for a rocky butte about half a mile distant.

  58. However, I remembered my experience in the Palm Desert of years before, and so urged my horse along through the torrid heat, always heading for a jutting butte where I thought our camp to be.

  59. My horse climbed the butte almost with the agility of a goat.

  60. In the evening and before we halted for the night, Lava Butte was in sight.

  61. Division could be observed away to our right, with bodies of the enemy penetrating between them and the 154th Brigade near the Butte de Warlencourt.

  62. Men took all the dead, and carried them to burial-place.

  63. Timber was caused to be brought, and the board to be begun; in four weeks' time the work was completed.

  64. Thus full seven nights was all the folk treated.

  65. I may say how it happened, wondrous though it seem.

  66. Here was fiddling and song, here was harping among, pipes and trumps sang there merrily.

  67. For the sooth stands in the writings how it is befallen, from beginning to the end, of Arthur the king, no more nor less but as his laws (or acts) were.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "butte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    butter and; butter melted; butter over; butter rolled; butter rubbed; butter sauce; butter size; butter them; buttered baking; buttered bread; buttered dish; buttered gridiron; buttered mould; buttered paper; buttered pudding; buttered tins; buttered toast