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Example sentences for "jumped"

Lexicographically close words:
jumble; jumbled; jumbles; jumbling; jump; jumper; jumpers; jumpin; jumping; jumps
  1. When they approached the brook, one of the fairies jumped in to see if the water was warm enough, and the Principal One and the Next Biggest held a consultation, as to how little Bridget should be washed.

  2. The doctor put the fish back, but it jumped out again, and repeated this performance several times.

  3. I do declare I believe the sweet innocent has jumped out of bed early, and gone and washed and combed herself, just to save me the trouble!

  4. For a minute or two the Pike seemed satisfied, but then it jumped out of the water on to the bank again.

  5. The lady jumped backwards and gave a dreadful scream, and the Donkey, thinking that the music went up very high in that part, commenced to bray at such a pitch that you could have heard him if you had been up in a balloon.

  6. No, it was no use, so they gave it up and jumped off of the pole.

  7. I jumped on my horse and galloped around him, but in a few moments struck a ravine so rocky that I had to walk my horse through the worst of it.

  8. Then he jumped into the trail and charged furiously after the porters.

  9. When he reached the town he jumped over the thorn bush zareba, and the lions, close behind him, jumped over after him and were killed by his spear, one after the other.

  10. Sometimes the wind swept down from the distant fringe of mountains and shook the tents until the tent pegs jumped out of the ground.

  11. We hastily jumped out of the carriage and walked toward him.

  12. She thought one of the lights was bigger than the others, though she was not quite sure, for they jumped about so, and it might have been another one that was bigger.

  13. It was the Opening of the Gates, and Peter jumped nervously into his boat.

  14. Peter tried hard not to look, he tried to push off, then he gave a great gulp and jumped ashore and sat down miserably in the snow.

  15. Many times she lay down, and then quickly jumped up and ran on again.

  16. I set the engine going and jumped into the car.

  17. His horse jumped about like a mad thing when he saw those awful steps----!

  18. The constable politely jumped off and came to meet me.

  19. I jumped into the field after the Count; Miss McRory followed.

  20. Minx jumped out of the box very deliberately, with the rat across her jaws, and a scarlet bite in her white muzzle.

  21. Mr. Allenerly, who had jumped up in great interest and excitement, and had been pacing about the room all this time, here came up to Lewis and struck him on the shoulder.

  22. Lilias jumped to her feet again, this time in a glow of pride and ambitious hope.

  23. Thus sometimes he jumped up, thinking he would go at once to the Castle, and linger there till it was time to see her again; sometimes sat down again, saying to himself why should he do it?

  24. Thereupon Duncan jumped down, throwing the reins on the mare's neck, who was much subdued by her rapid progress, and besides had the habit of standing still before the door of a "public.

  25. Lilias jumped up and rushed to the window in the very midst of the chapter of constitutional history which she was reading with her self-denying elder sister.

  26. And then Lilias jumped from her chair again, with impatience and wild excitement.

  27. But she came to herself again at once as Philip Stormont jumped out and advanced to his mother, whose evident relief and pleasure at the sight of him touched Lilias' heart.

  28. He stopped abruptly when he came to the end of the movement he was playing, broke into a wild fantasia, and finally jumped up from his seat after a great jar and shriek of outraged chords, holding out his hands in an appeal.

  29. She jumped up with that elastic bound which was natural to her, and stood in the middle of the room with her head high, smiling at him through the distance and the unknown, approving him.

  30. Upon this Lilias jumped up in a sudden access of excited feeling; her blue eyes flashed, her fair hair shone against the light behind her like a nimbus.

  31. But by-and-by he got tired of his eminence and jumped down from the dog-cart; the sound disturbed the lively conversation at the inn door.

  32. She had jumped up when she made that observation, and now flung herself down again with a kind of despairing abandon.

  33. I was taking Tiger and Nap for exercise, sir, when suddenly, as though they scented something unusual, they both jumped forward, knocking me down.

  34. In the good old times no gentleman ever jumped at his liquor.

  35. Two of the men jumped forward and seized Ardmore's prisoner, who now broke forth in a torrent of wrath, struggling vigorously in the hands of the sturdy fellows who had laid violent hands on him.

  36. He jumped down from the table and took up his hat and stick.

  37. Then, as he held the lighted match above the pipe bowl for an instant to make sure his tobacco was burning, Ardmore jumped up and covered him with the pistol.

  38. For a brief moment he steadied himself on the bow of the yawl; then laying one hand on the rail of the sloop, he jumped lightly on board.

  39. Two of the men on shore jumped into a yawl that lay hidden behind a projecting rock, and without stopping to load their stuff pushed out to the sloop.

  40. The boat from the sloop landed almost directly opposite the concealed men, and the two robbers jumped out and pulled it farther up the beach.

  41. You just stay right here a few minutes;" and then he ran down the wharf, jumped into the yawl, and sculled quietly over to the sloop.

  42. Fortunately for Budd he saw the stick coming, and jumped quickly to one side.

  43. They all jumped to their feet and rushed out of the cabin.

  44. Carlos jumped nervously, as though bitten by a snake.

  45. I've a mind to think all was not well with this unfortunate young man, from the tone of his letter before he jumped overboard.

  46. The little man jumped back apparently in the greatest alarm, and, after a startled look at Davy, shuffled rapidly away and disappeared through a door at the further end of the room.

  47. This is a very valuable stand, and I don't care to lose my place on it;" and Davy accordingly jumped out of the cab and walked away.

  48. She jumped up to go home--she could come back when more snowdrops were out--but she caught sight of a long black line, slowly climbing up to the church by the road from town.

  49. But Jane threw back the clothes, and jumped out of bed.

  50. But Jimmie had taken his wife's arm, and as he jumped she jumped too.

  51. The big girls jumped on tables and forms, the little ones huddled behind each other.

  52. When they had all passed she crept along behind the tombstone to the far wall, and jumped over it into the field.

  53. The wall was high, and the cat had jumped before Fly realised that it meant to use her legs as a ladder to the top.

  54. Jane waited till he came quite near, then she jumped over the hedge, and stood in front of him.

  55. But she jumped up, and said it was time she baked the soda bread for tea.

  56. I jumped in and seized the oars, intending to row across, and get the big boy to throw the clothes of the party into the boat.

  57. They dragged it to the top of the hill, jumped upon it, as many as it would hold, and, drawn by their own weight, came thundering down upon our troops.

  58. Nelly jumped up, dashed through the door and into the grassy space, paused a moment to look, and set off as fast as she could go.

  59. He jumped off his pony and stooped anxiously over the little figure.

  60. When Rosy fell behind, with one engine damaged by antiaircraft fire, the Japs had jumped on her like wolves.

  61. As the last soldier jumped in, the motors of both launches sputtered into life.

  62. Some of the soldiers jumped overboard, only to die in the water.

  63. A parachute lets you down with about the same shock you’d feel if you jumped out of a second story window.

  64. I stopped and jumped out, and we exchanged a firm handshake and a few words before we had to be moving on again "in the cause of duty.

  65. In that part of the line there was a truce for a quarter of an hour on Christmas Day, and a number of Englishmen and Germans jumped out and started talking together.

  66. Then a couple more of them were coming up, with fowling pieces; I shot one of them before they could fire, and jumped into the descent tube and came down heels over ears.

  67. One of the servants jumped after him; I found his body at the bottom when I came down to warn you formally.

  68. Verkan Vall gave a quick glance into the gun room; two of the Starpha servants and a man in rather flashy civil dress were lying on the floor, where they had been shot as they had jumped down from above.

  69. The thing under the tree jumped again and the bells once more jingled.

  70. Neale jumped on the corrugated shell and tried to hold the creature down.

  71. I want this nonsense stopped," I replied rising, at which he also jumped up nimbly.

  72. And, running out of the office, he jumped upon a blue Bayswater omnibus that went swinging by.

  73. The King threw away his cigar, and jumped on to the table.

  74. Dick jumped up, threw his cigarette away, and did as he was told.

  75. He jumped in such a business-like way that everybody was forced to laugh, especially when the noble dog took a leap that would have cleared a five-barred gate.

  76. He jumped on shore as soon as the prow touched the bank--the water here being deep.

  77. But Jerry jumped up--it took more'n a little thing like that to feaze Jerry--and shoved the referee aside.

  78. When we got out to the football field and that Lincoln College bunch jumped out of their bus and began to pass the ball around, the very first man we see is that there Jerry Coakley.

  79. Then we lost the ball on a fumble, which is to say the Lincoln centre jumped on to Tom Sharp's wrists with both feet when he tried to pass it, and Jerry Coakley grabbed it.

  80. And at the second bite, without even looking behind him, he jumped clean over the hitch rack and a team of horses in front of the store and landed right in the middle of the road with his tail between his legs.

  81. And so, right in the midst of the show, when I chased that coloured man across the stage, Burning Deck all of a sudden jumped up on to the platform and grabbed me.

  82. Maggie jumped up to kiss Tom as he entered, with strong feeling, at this first meeting since the prospect of returning to the Mill had been opened to him; and she kept his hand, leading him to the chair by her side.

  83. Stephen was already close to them, had jumped off his horse, and now raised his hat as he advanced.

  84. Maggie ran in an instant to the corner of the room, jumped on a chair, and reached down from the small bookcase a shabby old copy of Bunyan, which opened at once, without the least trouble of search, at the picture she wanted.

  85. The tears flowed so plentifully that Maggie saw nothing around her for the next ten minutes; but by that time resentment began to give way to the desire of reconciliation, and she jumped from her bough to look for Tom.

  86. With this cutting innuendo, Tom jumped down from his bough, and threw a stone with a "hoigh!

  87. Away they jumped with more and more vigor, till Maggie's hair flew from behind her ears, and twirled about like an animated mop.

  88. Furious, and aghast at this signal of exclusion from the world, just at the moment when he was returning to it almost cheerfully in spirit, he stopped the cab, jumped out, and ran after the pair.

  89. The farmer jumped on his legs, and yawned.

  90. As soon as he had gone off Andrew and I jumped into another cab, and told the man to drive to the same place, and that we would give him a shilling extra if he drove sharp.

  91. Then I saw him rise, and at once jumped up and went on turning down the bed, lest Simcoe should have forgotten something and come in for it.

  92. For the moment I did think you were one of these smart detectives jumped to life from some sixpenny magazine; but to preserve the illusion you ought to provide yourself with a worthier lieutenant.

  93. I left the Count shuffling onward faster than before, and I jumped into some clothes as though the flats were on fire.

  94. As he jumped from the coop to the wall of the stye, he caught sight of several rats scampering to their holes.

  95. Lutra felt a sharp nip on her flank, and was bowled over by the impetuous rush of her foe; but she regained her feet in an instant, and jumped without hesitation into the water.

  96. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "jumped" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.