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Example sentences for "clericals"

Lexicographically close words:
clergyman; clergymen; cleric; clerical; clericalism; clerici; clerico; clericorum; clerics; clericus
  1. The clericals were also greatly offended by the decree passed in May, 1885, which closed the church of St. Genoveva, the former Pantheon, as a place of worship and made it again a burial place for distinguished Frenchmen.

  2. Alsatians and Poles, Guelphs, Clericals and Radicals were joined in a common hostility to the government.

  3. Even the most ferocious anti- clericals in the caserne had to acknowledge that these men were excellent soldiers and good comrades.

  4. For the first time in history the aristocrats and the monarchists, the Conservative Republicans and the Clericals walked in procession behind the blood-red rag.

  5. Now, I cannot help sympathizing with the Clericals in many points.

  6. He sympathizes with the Clericals in many things.

  7. See, in addition, the strenuous efforts on the part of the clericals to make themselves detested, and to stretch the cord until it snaps.

  8. The clericals have succeeded in having read and bringing into popularity serious and pedantic books, which fifteen years ago would have attracted the attention of no one.

  9. Now we are in the clutches of the clericals for no one knows how long, and you know how they treat their friends.

  10. The Socialists, however, instructed their followers to vote against the Clericals in every instance.

  11. As a rule the Clericals refused to participate in the referendum.

  12. The Radicals were in favor of universal suffrage, the Clericals unalterably opposed to it, and the Liberals only sympathetic towards it.

  13. A school law was passed by the Clericals in 1895.

  14. In Antwerp, where Liberals and Clericals are about evenly divided, only forty-three per cent.

  15. In Ecuador the hostility between clericals and radicals was all the more bitter because of the rivalry of the two chief towns, Guayaquil the seaport and Quito the capital, each of which sheltered a faction.

  16. If the troubles in the former were more or less military, a persistence of the conflict between clericals and radicals characterized the commotions in the latter, because of certain liberal provisions in the Constitution of 1907.

  17. The military President who assumed power in 1876 was too radical to suit the clericals and too clerical to suit the radicals.

  18. In the republics to the northward struggles between clericals and radicals caused sharp, abrupt alternations in government.

  19. His opportunity came in 1853, when conservatives and clericals indulged the fatuous hope that he would both sustain their privileges and lift Mexico out of its sore distress.

  20. No sooner therefore had Garcia Moreno fallen than the radicals of Guayaquil rose up against the clericals at Quito.

  21. The clericals and legitimists, on their side, did not cease their intrigues.

  22. The clericals when in power could not therefore show themselves more tolerant towards freethinkers than these latter are to-day toward the clericals.

  23. Until the abrupt violation of Belgian neutrality by the German armies on August 3 the political antagonisms of Clericals and Liberals and of Flemings and Walloons seemed to be growing more acute.

  24. At the second the Abbe Lemire was returned, the majority desiring to afford him satisfaction for his persecution by the Clericals of his Department and the Bishop of Lille on the ground of his Republicanism.

  25. The Clericals called their enemies Moncadists, and by implication Schismatics, Atheists, and Anarchists.

  26. According to the Club people, the Clericals wanted to save "Driveller" Juan, and if he was not disposed of completely, he would begin his performances again.

  27. The Minister of the Treasury served him as a battering-ram to use against the Clericals at Castro Duro.

  28. So the result of the elections of May 1906 was a decisive victory for the anti-clericals and Socialists.

  29. The clericals proposed that under the new law all associations, religious as well as civil, should be free.

  30. Its chief effects were to prove again to the country the incompetency of the monarchists, and by associating in the public mind the Church with this ill-conceived venture, to provoke reprisals from the anti-clericals when they came into power.

  31. It provoked the Italian government to make common cause with Germany, as Prince Bismarck was likewise attacked by the French clericals for his ecclesiastical policy.

  32. In such a case William II, equally unable to surrender in favour of the clericals or to submit to the socialists, will find himself, as others have been before him, driven to adopt the ultimate remedy of war.

  33. The clericals and the republicans have sketched the outline of an understanding, which looks as if it might be approved by Leo XIII.

  34. In the three remaining districts of the county there were fifteen large and thirty small schools among the clericals and manorial servants.

  35. In 1862 fourteen schools were opened in a district of ten thousand souls, when I was rural judge; besides, there existed about ten schools in the district among the clericals and in the manors among the servants.

  36. In Moravia the People's Party concluded a compromise with the Old Czechs and gained fifteen seats, the Socialists gained three seats and the Clericals one.

  37. All Czech parties are represented on the council without exception, from the Socialists on the extreme Left to the Clericals on the extreme Right.

  38. The extreme clericals among the Spaniards, who were the partisans of despotism because they rightly considered it as most favourable to the church, began to be discontented with King Ferdinand, who seemed wanting in energy.

  39. The Clericals got their wish outright--property and professional rights were recognized generously.

  40. Although in the previous reign the two political parties, Clericals and Liberals, had fought some hard battles, the Liberals continued in power more or less for twenty years.

  41. It seemed that the Clericals had come back from the country with a majority of sixteen in the Chamber, while in the Senate their supremacy was also maintained.

  42. The talk was such as to make you feel that the end of the world was at hand if the Clericals failed to win, and that if they did win, there would surely be a revolution.

  43. The dissolution had been brought about by the gradually diminishing majority of the Clericals in Parliament till they had kept themselves in office by an excess in the Chamber of Deputies of only six votes.

  44. Throughout the rural communities the Clericals developed a well-organized machine in the "Boerenbonden," or agricultural syndicates, which might have been subventions of the Government but were generally in the hands of the priests.

  45. The dividing line between you and the clericals is a trifling matter at bottom.

  46. Mazure, “the unbearable part of this is that the clericals should put on the mask of liberty in order to deceive the electors.

  47. The Clericals thus obtained all the seats both in the Senate and in the Chamber with the assistance of the Socialists and of the Liberals in turn.

  48. Something, however, had to be done for them, and from time to time concessions had to be made to the Clericals and the Federalists.

  49. By the help of the Clericals they won enough seats to put the Liberals in a minority in the Reichsrath, and it would be possible to revise the constitution if the Czechs consented to come.

  50. The Germans were more occupied with their opposition to the Clericals than with their feud with the Slavs.

  51. Taught by experience and adversity, they did not scruple to enter into an alliance with their old enemies, and a coalition ministry was formed from the Left, the Clericals and the Poles.

  52. The real desire of the Clericals was an alteration of the school law, by which the control of the schools should be restored to the Church and the period of compulsory education reduced.

  53. Woman's suffrage is opposed by the Clericals and the Social-Democrats, who favor only male suffrage in the impending introduction of universal suffrage[80].

  54. In this way the Clericals remained assured of a majority.

  55. And the clericals denounced Father Benecke as a traitor and a heretic.

  56. Rome--he was a member of the first Government after 1870--he wouldn't give way to the Clericals an inch in what he thought was for the good of the country.

  57. The Clericals must have their politics, like other people--only they call it religion.

  58. At the moment and for various reasons the clericals were masters.

  59. The growing importance of the party led the premier, Count Taaffe, to angle for the support of the Clericals by accepting a portion of the Christian Socialist programme.

  60. They had made enemies of the Clericals by tampering with the concordat, and they had split up their own party by the federalist policy adopted by Count Taaffe.

  61. Encouraged by the support of the Clericals the anti-Semites resolved to make an effort to carry the Vienna municipal elections.

  62. The announcement that he would persist with the ecclesiastical bills lashed the Clericals and anti-Semites into a fury, and the agitation broke out afresh.

  63. Identifying itself with the extreme Chauvinists and Anglophobes it profited by the anti-national errors of the Clericals and Socialists, and won no fewer than twelve by-elections.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clericals" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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