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Example sentences for "cowman"

Lexicographically close words:
cowl; cowld; cowled; cowlick; cowls; cowmen; coworkers; cowpeas; cowponies; cowpony
  1. All these treasures, found in the ranch-house of a cowman of the Panhandle, astounded the youth from Amarillo.

  2. That's the reason I always said I ain't no cowman and won't never be.

  3. We'll try to make a cowman of you before you go back.

  4. And at the beginning of the curious tale James White was tokened to Mrs. Dene's niece, while his cowman had got engaged to Mary Jane.

  5. For, since the crash, the cowman soon felt less and less disposed to carry on his pretence, or do aught to encourage the false hopes of Mary Jane.

  6. Twas Nicholas Caunter, the cowman at Hartland, who fought for my life, and he made me promise faithful I wouldn't go in no more.

  7. His back to Dillon, the cowman gave a curt command.

  8. Pete knew that the cowman was winning the campaign.

  9. Jim Larson, a cowman from down the river, sat on the edge of the platform.

  10. Having no thought of being under surveillance, Motoza and Tozer would take a direct course to the place of confinement, which now seemed to be deeper in the mountains, and at some point of which the cowman had no suspicion.

  11. The cowman obeyed, and they seated themselves still further from Jack Dudley.

  12. But this task was tenfold more delicate than would seem at first, for not only had the cowman to learn the whereabouts of the Sioux, but he must do it undetected and dog the fellow without discovery on his part.

  13. The cowman had accomplished something, though less than he hoped.

  14. It was clear that all the skill and woodcraft of which the cowman was master would be needed in the delicate task he had assigned to himself.

  15. It was of the highest importance that the couple should not be allowed to pass beyond sight, and the cowman began a cautious search for them.

  16. But the cowman had formed a resolution which he carefully held back from his companion.

  17. The cowman never did so, consequently he could not have dropped it on his late visit.

  18. The cowman was so angry that he smoked savagely at his pipe for a minute in silence.

  19. The rocky surface left no trail which even an Apache could follow, and it only remained for the cowman to fall back upon what may be called general principles.

  20. The Indian whom Hank saw with the aid of the spy-glass was not he whom he wished to trace, but, suspecting he was in the vicinity, the cowman made his way thither by a roundabout course.

  21. These meditations occupied but a few minutes, when the cowman walked toward Jack, who, seeing him approaching, advanced to meet him.

  22. Reaching the stone where Jack had been overwhelmed by failure, the cowman paused for a minute and peered round in the gloom.

  23. But the cowman had his own views, and it was too late to dissuade him.

  24. But I'm a cowman right now, and I'm goin' to stay one for some little time to come.

  25. You couldn't hire a cowman to eat any other kind, you couldn't put one of them slick fresh fellers down him with a pair of tongs.

  26. Miles, Indian Agent at Darlington, accompanied by Billy Mulally, a cowman on his way to Kansas, came across the wreckage.

  27. A Bill of Sale was necessary in a cow country, and it was my only protection against the claim of some other cowman who might assert that the stock had broken away from his herd in a storm, and might say that I had caught and branded them.

  28. There is one thing that a cowman dreads very much and that is the bite of a skunk.

  29. A cowman considered himself insulted if one should leave or pass his ranch at meal time without partaking of his hospitality.

  30. Outside of the necessary articles required for the journey, nothing else was carried, so that the cowman and his party had little opportunity to enjoy any luxuries.

  31. I told the Captain that he was somewhat mistaken in the estimate a cowman places on a soldier as a means of defense where the Indians were concerned.

  32. The Indian had a wholesome respect for cow-ranches and did not care to go prowling around that locality, for at that particular time the cowman had lost all respect for the Indian's feelings.

  33. I have frequently seen, on the top of a wagon loaded with bones, a gunny sack containing the skeleton of a man, that had been picked up by some freighter or some cowman or some settler, and put in the sack to be taken to Dodge City for burial.

  34. I began to feel as though I were somewhat of a cowman myself when I looked down toward the creek to where my stock was grazing.

  35. These men-- And then one of them suddenly cleared his throat with a rasping sound like old Dave Wiswell, his dried little cowman of the picture, and embarrassment dropped from Luck like a cloak flung aside.

  36. Want you bad as type of cowman owning cattle in picture.

  37. He wanted to tell William Louisa that he was some cowman himself, these days.

  38. See, you've got him rattled already, Bob," shouted a cowman triumphantly.

  39. Thought being as you were a cowman it might interest you some.

  40. The cowman grinned significantly, and strode over to the place indicated by Tad Butler.

  41. The cowman launched a terrific blow with his right.

  42. But I'm sure glad to see the old cowman right now.

  43. When this had been done even the old cowman thought well enough of the idea to wait until they could find out the nature of the sounds that had reached the keen hearing of the wide-awake Chinaman.

  44. After one good look the cowman nodded his head again in the affirmative.

  45. They only knew that with a mighty backward leap the cowman had reached the single heavy oak door, had sent it shut with a bang.

  46. Not another had done this thing but he himself, he, Cowman Pete.

  47. The other was very near now, so near they could have touched, and the cowman tried to brace himself, tried to prepare for that which he knew was coming, which he read on the page of that other face.

  48. Not an imp thereof, but Satan himself, stood in the misshapen boots of Cowman Pete; doubly vicious in the aftermath of a debauch, Pete with the lust of blood in his veins.

  49. A good cowman and a valuable accession all around.

  50. Not a definite case of horse-stealing from a cowman has been reported since, and it seems as though a very thorough clean-up had been made.

  51. I'm a cowman and I don't like to see the range used for nothing else.

  52. I believe we shore can make a cowman out of you yet," says he.

  53. Besides, when a man is a cowman he's got as far as he can go--there ain't nothing in the world better than that.

  54. I don't know as a better cowman ever was in Wyoming.

  55. Any artist just natural has to paint sheep; yet that's the meanest anermal there is, and I don't see why a cowman especial should have sheep in his house.

  56. The horse fell and the cowman pitched over his head into the hard road, and neither of them tried to move.

  57. But Sandy says that's all right; he's a regler cowman and had to wear these startling garments for a disguise to get him safe out of Idaho.

  58. For the most part the open lands were held practically under squatter right; the first cowman in any valley usually had his rights respected, at least for a time.

  59. There never was a better life than that of the cowman who had a good range on the Plains and cattle enough to stock his range.

  60. I saw many a cowman there the gravity on whose face had nothing to do with commercial loss.

  61. It always was contended by the cowman that these settlers coming in on the semi-arid range could not make a living there, that all they could do was legally to starve to death some good woman.

  62. Of course the issue even in this ancient contest is foregone--as the cowman has had to raise his cows under fence, so ultimately must the sheepman also buy his range in fee and raise his product under fence.

  63. The black eyes of the cowman were seen gleaming under his hat-rim as he looked steadily at the couple, against whom his horse would dash himself the next minute, like a thunderbolt, unless checked.

  64. The Association made a rule that no cow outfit should employ a cowman that had been guilty of branding a maverick, or of helping the rustlers, or of working with or for them.

  65. I will do so," replied the parent, with so much gravity that the cowman never suspected his sincerity, but felt the satisfaction of believing he had given his employer a valuable "pointer.

  66. All the same, however, the cowman made a miscalculation.

  67. Horse or steer comes to market in good shape or bad, as the handling has been reckless or tender; and the best cowman is he whose herds have been moved slowest.

  68. Any stranger cowman would read that brand as J Half Circle Cross.

  69. Moffatt," said the cowman weakly, "I ought to give you up to be hanged.

  70. The cowman called out to him to know what he meant by it, and getting no reply, descended from the veranda and hurried to the corral.

  71. The cowman sent for his manager in early afternoon.

  72. At this time the cowman was buying large herds in Mexico, principally yearling steers and cows and calves.

  73. All the guests had departed and, though Mrs. Horne was prostrated and the cowman much perturbed, the cowboys of the outfit had started on their roundup.

  74. In addition, he has started as a cowman in his own right and pays rental on pasture for eleven hundred cows.

  75. When they led him to view the body, the cowman was not wholly awake.

  76. Assuredly Lafe would himself become a rich cowman some day.

  77. In about half an hour the cowman opened his eyes.

  78. In paying him off, the cowman had intimated that he would shortly have other deals to be put through.

  79. I will go with you, Richard, and let the admiral and the cowman console each other.

  80. Why, if I did not act as his interpreter there would never be a farm laborer on the place: every plowboy and cowman on it would give the admiral notice to-morrow--if I did!

  81. I'm not a cowman myself," explained Soapy to the girl.

  82. The cowman shuffled forward, revolver in hand, circling to keep safely beyond reach of Dupont, who eyed him maliciously.

  83. The cowman stared up the depression, blinking his eyes in the snow glare.

  84. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cowman" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    breaker; breeder; cattleman; cowboy; cowpuncher; drover; equerry; gaucho; goatherd; groom; herder; herdsman; hostler; puncher; rancher; shepherd; stableman; swineherd; tamer; trainer; vaquero; wrangler