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Example sentences for "evolutionist"

Lexicographically close words:
evoluted; evolution; evolutional; evolutionary; evolutionism; evolutionists; evolutions; evolutive; evolve; evolved
  1. But when the evolutionist is hard pressed to answer, he takes to the wilds of eternity where it is hard to pursue him, and to check up on his guesses.

  2. The most confirmed evolutionist will not claim that the tree or the vine or the rose, or perhaps any animal, has a conscience.

  3. Would any evolutionist preacher read to the dying, the so-called classic passage from Darwin, showing that every living thing on the tangled bank came from one germ without any assistance from God?

  4. But the agile evolutionist may try to escape the death sentence of mathematics and the condemnation of reason, by saying that the brain developed more rapidly than the rest of the body.

  5. One distinguished evolutionist has said, "We might as well be made out of monkey as out of mud.

  6. And no evidence that the evolutionist can bring to bear now or hereafter can ever set aside this mathematical demonstration.

  7. What folly is like the folly of the evolutionist who claims that such weird speculation is science?

  8. The evolutionist is short on evidence but long on guesses that miss the mark.

  9. We will not allow the evolutionist to dismiss so weighty an objection with a wave of the hand.

  10. The evolutionist cannot sidestep this argument by a new guess.

  11. In these calculations, we have made greater allowances than any self-respecting evolutionist could ask without blushing.

  12. But how does the evolutionist explain the eye, when he leaves God out?

  13. He describes, then, how the search of the evolutionist for the absolute is outside of man.

  14. But after all this investigating on the part of the evolutionist what has been gained?

  15. Evolutionist writers have a great horror of what they term "intervention.

  16. Now, the great impression produced by Darwin's speculations and the prevalence of the evolutionist philosophy have produced a leaning in the other direction.

  17. This evolutionist theory of revenge has been criticised by Dr.

  18. As to their origin, the evolutionist can hardly entertain a doubt.

  19. In verses 15 and 16, we have Nietzsche declaring himself an evolutionist in the broadest sense--that is to say, that he believes in the Development Hypothesis as the description of the process by which species have originated.

  20. Nietzsche as an evolutionist I shall have occasion to define and discuss in the course of these notes (see Notes on Chapter LVI.

  21. The evolutionist guesses himself away from God, but he only makes matters worse.

  22. The evolutionist guesses that there was a time when eyes were unknown--that is a necessary part of the hypothesis.

  23. But how does the evolutionist explain the eye when he leaves God out?

  24. The evolutionist is very deliberate; he is long on time.

  25. And since the eye is a universal possession among living things the evolutionist guesses that it came into being--not by design or by act of God--but just happened, and how did it happen?

  26. The evolutionist doctrine," he says, "is itself one of the strangest phenomena of humanity.

  27. It is conceded that a man may be an evolutionist and yet not be an atheist and may admit of design in nature.

  28. If, then, the evolutionist is to attain accuracy in his description of the process by which the totality of things has come to be what it is, he must first know what it is.

  29. On the other hand, both the optimistic and the pessimistic evolutionist adhere with perfect consistency to their rejection of the evidence given by consciousness to the freedom of the will.

  30. On the theory of evolution, again, man's wants must have aided him in the struggle for existence; and no evolutionist will doubt that the desire to be rational and to do that which is right has assisted man in his upward struggle.

  31. The pessimistic evolutionist also repents him, as far as our moral convictions are concerned: they are fundamentally real; our consciousness of the moral ideal is our best evidence for it.

  32. Assuming that the tenets of the evolutionist school are generally true, the question is, how far does this affect the geologist in his study of those periods of which we have definite records amongst the rocks?

  33. The evolutionist has really to deal with the three factors of germ-plasm, physical surroundings and culture.

  34. If at all related to him by descent, they are his brethren or cousins, not his parents; for they must, on the evolutionist hypothesis, be themselves the terminal ends of distinct lines of derivation from previous forms.

  35. I quote the above as a specimen of evolutionist reasoning from the hand of a master, and as referring to one of the corner-stones of this strange philosophy.

  36. The evolutionist cannot refuse to admit this on as good ground as that on which we hesitate to receive the postulates of his faith.

  37. So we must allow the evolutionist some small capital to start with; observing, however, that self-existent matter in a state of endless evolution is something of which we cannot possibly have any definite conception.

  38. Finally, the evolutionist picture wants some of the fairest lineaments of humanity, and cheats us with a semblance of man without the reality.

  39. The evolutionist is really in a position of absolute antagonism to the idea of creation, even when held with all due allowance for the variations of created things within certain limits.

  40. Discoveries of this kind may, however, still be made, and we may give the evolutionist the benefit of the possibility.

  41. This evolutionist doctrine is itself one of the strangest phenomena of humanity.

  42. The second process, in fact, is simply what an enlightened evolutionist would have expected from the first.

  43. On the evolutionist interpretation this is an adumbration of the actual genealogical tree or Stammbaum.

  44. How the simplest conceivable raw material began--if it ever began--the evolutionist cannot tell.

  45. From an evolutionist point of view, Spencer argued that life necessarily comes before organisation; "organic matter in a state of homogeneous aggregation must precede organic matter in a stage of heterogeneous aggregation.

  46. But no such corollary suggested itself definitely until Spencer was twenty when he read Lyell's Principles of Geology, and was led by Lyell's arguments against Lamarck to a partial acceptance of Lamarck's evolutionist point of view.

  47. Thus von Baer as an embryologist gave Spencer as a general evolutionist a concrete basis for the concept of development which was simmering in his mind.

  48. Spencer's particular interpretation of the facts in the light of his evolutionist ideas.

  49. In the same way the psychological evolutionist will not advance far if he disregards the distinctiveness of mental life, with principles of its own quite different from those of the bodily life with which it is inextricably associated.

  50. What the transcendentalist called a priori principles the evolutionist regards as a priori indeed to the individual, but a posteriori to the race; that is as race experiences which in the individual appear as intuitions.

  51. So, the biological evolutionist must admit that he cannot trace the evolution of organisms in terms of the concepts which suffice for inanimate systems.

  52. What he offered was a genetic description, and that is all that the scientific evolutionist ever offers.

  53. When men speak of controversy with the Evolutionist and so forth, they of course mean such as insist on carrying the doctrine to a total and even virulent denial of any Divine control at all.

  54. It would be a monstrous allegation to say that any evolutionist would defend these conclusions in all their crudity; but is only by thus pushing implied principles to their results, that their incoherence can be made plain.

  55. Here the evolutionist struck the note of optimism.

  56. To an evolutionist the assertion that conceptual intelligence could not conceivably have had a natural genesis from perceptual experience, appears to be made on grounds other than scientific.

  57. Of great interest are its reptilian features, so pronounced that one cannot evade the evolutionist suggestion.

  58. He was opposed to Evolutionist ideas, but he had anatomical genius.

  59. I am an evolutionist and you aid my theories.

  60. He does more good in a day than twenty Poor Boards do in a week, and has more genuine Christian charity in his soul than a score of average parsons, although he is an evolutionist and a pantheist combined.

  61. Science has to start somewhere, and it starts with the universe as it finds it and seeks to trace secondary or proximate causes; the evolutionist seeks to trace the footsteps of creative energy in the world of animal life.

  62. Is he an evolutionist making fun of teleology?

  63. Let us look a little more closely at the ground which the Church of Rome and the Evolutionist hold in common.

  64. Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck, if not from that of Buffon himself, that the greater number of organs are as purposive to the evolutionist as to the theologian, and far more intelligibly so.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "evolutionist" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.