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Example sentences for "fetishes"

Lexicographically close words:
fetichism; fetichist; fetichistic; fetid; fetish; fetishism; fetishistic; fetlock; fetlocks; fetor
  1. By this spontaneous process of human thought, due to the innate power of reasoning, man has gradually reduced the chaos of special fetishes to a tolerably systematic order, and he then goes on to more precise simplification.

  2. The types which were first fetishes and then polytheistic were transformed into the physical and intellectual principles of the world, divested of all mythical and extrinsic form as far as their material organization was concerned.

  3. Besides, as we have before remarked, the empirical knowledge of things begins and is perfected in the superstitions of fetishes and myths.

  4. This may also be divided into two classes; those who classify and ultimately reduce fetishes into a more general conception, and those whose conception takes an anthropomorphic form.

  5. The specific types of these fetishes naturally arise from the mental combination of images, emotions, and ideas into a whole, and these impersonations generate the various forms of anthropomorphic polytheism.

  6. In this phase, the fetishes are, according to our theory, in the second stage.

  7. By the primitive personification of the special fetishes whence he was evolved, the Indra of Vedic India is shepherd of the herd of heavenly kine.

  8. To these fetishes the negroes paid great respect.

  9. Fetishes were consulted by the people as oracles; and when they appeared in living form to return answers, it was generally as black dogs.

  10. The negroes had fetishes or genii similar to the Manitous of the North Americans, and the ancient Fauns or Sylvans of the Romans.

  11. Large fetishes were kept for the protection of houses; and the people carried small ones about them, sometimes suspended from their necks, and sometimes concealed under their arm-pits, for their protection.

  12. Among the Soudan negroes, fetishes generally consist of artificially fashioned wooden objects, not infrequently bearing a grimacing likeness of a human face.

  13. Such fetishes are then all the more regarded as abodes of soul-like beings.

  14. Such are the churingas of the Australians, and also many of the fetishes of the negroes, although others are artificially fashioned.

  15. His fetishes and other altar paraphernalia were in a bag on the floor at the western end of his kiva, but there was no tiponi, or chieftain's badge, even on the completed altar.

  16. It was reported that they have no altars in the Soyaluna, but a study of their fetishes will shed important light on the nature of the rites introduced into Tusayan by these clans.

  17. The altars or fetishes in the five Walpi kivas are as follows: The altar described in a former publication[18] is the most elaborate of all the Winter Solstice fetishes at Walpi, and belongs to the Patki and related clans.

  18. The writer was unable to examine the fetishes of the Honani and Asa clans, who met in the two Sitcomovi kivas.

  19. The Soyaluna is thus a synchronous gathering of all the families who bring their fetishes to the places where they assemble.

  20. They have made fetishes of their theories, which they worship as the Israelites worshipped the golden calf.

  21. One of the fetishes of the present day is the theory of protective mimicry.

  22. When they write books in honour of their fetishes, they omit many facts which tend to show that their fetishes are shams.

  23. Athwart this early religion of totems and fetishes came, in Garcilasso's narrative, the purer religion of the Incas, with what he regards as a philosophic development of a belief in a Supreme Being.

  24. Francis and of other saints may be seen in the collection of Royal Fetishes at S.

  25. Antonio are still in existence, and are venerated by the natives as powerful fetishes (Bastian, Loangokueste, vol.

  26. He ruthlessly ordered all fetishes to be destroyed throughout his dominions, but supplied their place with images of saints, crosses, agni dei, and other ecclesiastical paraphernalia, which he held to be more effectual.

  27. Totemism and Fetishism Meet Fetishism among the Zuni Indians of the south arose from an idea they entertained that they were kin with animals; in other words, their fetishes were totemistic.

  28. The fetishes are taken from their places of deposit, and arranged according to species and colour in the form of a symbolic altar, quadrupeds being placed upright and birds suspended from the roof.

  29. Ancient fetishes are much valued by these people, and are often found by them in the vicinity of villages inhabited by their ancestors, and as tribal possessions are handed down from one generation to another.

  30. The Council of Fetishes The Day of the Council of the Fetishes takes place a little before or after the winter solstice or national New Year.

  31. The principal fetishes among {92} the Hidatsa tribe of the Sioux are the skins of foxes and wolves, the favourite worn fetish being the stripe from the back of a wolf-skin with the tail hanging down the shoulders.

  32. Many of the personal fetishes of the Hopi consist of fossils, some of which attain the rank of tribal fetishes and are wrapped up in sacred bundles, which are highly venerated.

  33. Bourke mentions a class of fetishes which he terms 'phylacteries.

  34. The fetishes are prayed to, and prayer-meal is scattered over them.

  35. Iroquoian Fetishes Things that seem at all unusual are accepted by the Hurons, a tribe of the Iroquois, as oky, or supernatural, and therefore it is accounted lucky to find them.

  36. Zuni fetishes are usually concretions of lime or objects in which a natural resemblance to animals has been heightened by artificial means.

  37. This is almost identical with some fetishes used by the Hopi at the present day.

  38. There were Fetishes everywhere surrounded by lights.

  39. And yet their Fetishes leave the people in great misery.

  40. I questioned concerning their Fetishes a Parsee, a fire-worshipper who had nothing to cook in his dish, and a Chinaman who considering my appetite told me that I should be born again in the form of a shark.

  41. He increased his efforts, and so successfully explained to me the superiority of his Fetishes over Ebenezer's that I was obliged to agree he was right.

  42. They let them starve by the hundred thousand, yet no one has the slightest idea of turning to those Fetishes through whom other peoples live in abundance.

  43. But was the fakir speaking of Fetishes or of men?

  44. The tribes reached Canaan substantially free from idolatry, though teraphim or fetishes may have been used in secret with magical ceremonies.

  45. In short, when enemies have carried on the poor teraphim and fetishes which are their proper capture they have but compelled religion to be itself, compelled it to find its spiritual God, its eternal creed and to understand its Bible.

  46. Ashira, the, of West Africa, make fetishes out of clipped hair, iii.

  47. Feloupes of Senegambia, curse their fetishes in drought, i.

  48. The fetishes of the natives could not prevail against disease in the hollows and shaded nooks of their land, nor can the drugs of the white races.

  49. But on the 12th both sides could be seen, and on the right was a wide plain once inhabited by the Yalulima, a tribe of artisans skilled in the manufacture of iron, including swords, spears, bells and fetishes of various devices.

  50. Almost as a rule, the worship of ancestors, or spirits, or rulers, or the powers of nature, or even totems and fetishes has been rendered as subordinate to the worship of the one supreme deity who created and upholds all things.

  51. In Southern Guinea fetishes are inaugurated to detect and punish certain kinds of theft, and persons who are cognisant of such crimes and do not give information about them are also liable to be punished by the fetish.

  52. Africans the same effect is produced by using fetishes as protectors of fields or houses.

  53. He was dressed far more elaborately than we had hitherto seen him, with a circle of feathers on his head, and a kilt of long grass round his waist secured by a belt, to which hung a number of fetishes or charms.

  54. Their motions seemed a little meaningless to one so far removed from all the fetishes and shibboleths of Westminster.

  55. He was always thinking of Rozsi, he could not read the riddle in her face--she held him in a vice, notwithstanding that everything about her threatened the very fetishes of his existence.

  56. In deposing or relegating to a lower rank a crowd of totems and fetishes and ancestral ghosts, he inherited the legends of their exploits.

  57. Unluckily, we have no historical evidence as to the moment in which the ancient tribal totems and fetishes and sacrifices were placed under the protection of the various Olympians, in whose cult they survive, like flies in amber.

  58. There were the black cedars and there gleamed the roofs of the Gold House, his prison where dwelt the Asika and the dreadful fetishes of which she was the priestess.

  59. Nowadays valuable fetishes are enclosed in tin boxes, so that they may not be damaged by termites, from whose ravages a wooden box gives no permanent protection.

  60. There are times when a little friendly irony is more dangerous to the spirits and the fetishes than zeal expended on a direct attack upon them.

  61. Europeans will never be able to understand how terrible is the life of the poor creatures who pass their days in continual fear of the fetishes which can be used against them.

  62. The old fetishes survived, indeed, but it was as amulets and charms; and to these the multitude transferred its faith as the State religion became more and more unintelligible to it.

  63. The amulets buried with the dead, the relics preserved in the temples, had originally been the fetishes of the earlier population of Egypt.

  64. And these fetishes have been borrowed from the older population of the valley of the Nile, along with the so-called standard on the top of which they were placed.

  65. In a former lecture I have endeavoured to show that they were fetish-worshippers, and that among their fetishes animals were especially prominent.

  66. As the Pharaonic Egyptians appropriated the fetishes of the older population in their sculptures and their picture-writing, so too would they have appropriated what had become to the neolithic people the sign and emblem of superior power.

  67. They are invariably, if not always, in some way that I could never clearly apprehend, connected with one of the fetishes in the house.

  68. There is invariably one fetish, and generally there are several fetishes in every Saora house.

  69. There are also, especially about Kolakotta, Kulba fetishes in houses.

  70. I once saw six Jalia fetishes, and three other fetishes in one house.

  71. Earthen vessels are used for cooking, or for hanging up in houses as fetishes of ancestral spirits or certain deities.

  72. These fetishes represent not only events but ideas (a vision, a dream, a thought, or an action).

  73. For those two fetishes everything must be sacrificed.

  74. To him, ghosts were factors, and fetishes potent possibilities.

  75. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fetishes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.