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Example sentences for "greaser"

Lexicographically close words:
grazier; graziers; grazing; grease; greased; greases; greasewood; greasie; greasiness; greasing
  1. Your tellin' me about that there scoundrel of a Greaser put everything else out o' my mind.

  2. The Greaser admits he may have busted off the fastenin' of that single blinder down Pinto's nose.

  3. The next minute he hides his face on the Greaser and there is a glimpse of bright, glad sunlight on the bottom of Jose's moccasins.

  4. Skippy retreated to the other side of the table and hurriedly announced: "I've been talking it over with Greaser here and the problem is narrowing down.

  5. Greaser Tunxton looked at him hard and thoughtfully before replying.

  6. Below, the door of Greaser Tunxton opened cautiously and as cautiously closed again.

  7. It was admitted (given the swollen condition of Greaser Tunxton's legs) that the insect's sense of hearing was undoubtedly defective.

  8. When presently Greaser Tunxton, a solitary youngster who ranked high among the polers and high markers with a curious penchant for chemistry, began to be seen in their company, the Tennessee Shad's vigilance became acute.

  9. The experiments can be conducted right here," said Greaser reassuringly.

  10. If it does," said Greaser proudly, "I've got something worse.

  11. Skippy Bedelle and Greaser Tunxton responded and the house adjourned through the windows.

  12. As fer me, I don't like a Greaser none whatever.

  13. Bushnell, explosively; "this yere Greaser galoot w'at yer calls Pedro is nobody but Ferez!

  14. There's dirt acomin' afore long ef I know the signs, but that ruddy Dutch greaser don't know enough to strip her for it.

  15. Kicked the greaser forrad and locked the skipper in his room when off the Horn, and took the ship to port myself .

  16. It's one of the deefects of a Colt's six-shooter that it hits as hard an' shoots as troo for a Injun or a Greaser as it does for folks.

  17. These parties is held for divers malefactions from shootin' up a Greaser dance-hall to stealin' a cow over on the Honeymoon.

  18. That enterprisin' Greaser is jest about killin' my beef an' sellin' it to the entire plaza.

  19. I thought we'd be getting at bottom facts before we finished with our greaser gang," said Wickham, with no symptom of either surprise or emotion.

  20. Hope it war reg'lar greaser troops an' not poor devils pressed inter service.

  21. Jest th' same, I'll be glad when we meet up with th' greaser troops at Cold Spring.

  22. I snuk up ter his shanty an' heard him an' that thar greaser chawin' tough meat with each other.

  23. I'll take th' greaser 'longside him," muttered the third plainsman.

  24. Them greaser rancheros air half starved 'most all year 'round an' they jumped at th' chance ter earn some good U.

  25. Six feet o' greaser gov'ner a-turnin' a cartwheel in his own house!

  26. Ye see, a greaser must 'a' got away from that fight an' took th' news ter Armijo.

  27. Some greaser fanned a knife at me on th' boat; but I couldn't larn nothin' more about it.

  28. Reckon we better tell Woodson that thar won't be no greaser troops waitin' fer us this trip?

  29. I never see a Greaser yet that could pull the wool over my eyes.

  30. I hate a Greaser wusser nor I do an Injun.

  31. I hated mighty bad to salute that dirty Greaser jest as I would my kurnel.

  32. But I war not quite so fast as the Greaser had thought for.

  33. You never seed a more astonished Greaser nor that Gen'ral Cortinas war about that time.

  34. I thought I could trust that old greaser but I guess I was wrong," groaned Scott.

  35. They got Adams in the leg and Williams in the arm and took off the whole greaser population.

  36. There ain't any except that greaser over at Conejo," said Adams, gloomily.

  37. Fer thet matter, I never seen a Greaser who wasn't cruel.

  38. I reckon Gene to Pat is the same as red to a Greaser bull.

  39. I hate these Greaser places," said Florence, with a grimace.

  40. The thing now is, when will that Greaser stalk us, and what'll we do when he comes?

  41. Gene, I reckon you got this Greaser deal figgered better'n me," said Stillwell.

  42. If the Greaser goes that way he'll find our horses and get wise to the trick.

  43. You're sick to think of a little Greaser blood staining the halls of your home?

  44. He pulled down off the shelf his old stock grudge on Stewart, accusin' him over again of that Greaser murder last fall.

  45. It used to be thet when he was drank he'd scrap over every pretty Greaser girl he'd run across.

  46. That Greaser has all to do with it," replied Stewart, grimly.

  47. Bill says he knows Greaser cowboys, vaqueros, who never owned a steer or a cow, and now they've got growing herds.

  48. The judge might have known they'd shoot him on sight ever since that Greaser from Hermosillo was lynched.

  49. Surely if you can trust a Greaser you can a white man.

  50. You frog-eatin' greaser you, I'll teach you.

  51. It seems to be the right dope down here, an' I got to learn all I can about bein' a greaser seein' that I've turned one.

  52. I'll bet Ramon and Muddy-hairo, or whatever his name is, hev thet greaser community purty well tagged with our descriptions by now.

  53. Waal, thar's that greaser of yours still cuttin' up didoes," drawled Divver.

  54. The entrance of a Greaser to refill glasses diverted the attention of the guests until the most important function for them was performed.

  55. If the red devils have got away from Crook and slipped by these Greaser rangers over the border, they'll sure be making straight for the Ghost Range, and by this very trail.

  56. And then, as Bud, Dick and the others pressed into the defile after them, the Greaser turned and fired once, but with such quick action that eye could scarce follow the motion of his hand and weapon.

  57. That nabbin' part is what I want t' play at," and his grin suggested that when he and the Greaser met there would be some interesting happenings.

  58. That Greaser wouldn't do a job like that himself; or Hank Fisher, either.

  59. There was trouble enough with getting water to stay in Happy Valley, without letting some Greaser in to queer the works again!

  60. Besides, there isn't a sign of any cattle having been here, nor in that place where we surprised th' head Greaser and his gang.

  61. Yes, it may have been a wandering cowboy, Greaser or some Indian, far from his native reservation," Bud admitted.

  62. Together the posse rode on, making a trail back to the main defile, and out of the one down which the Greaser and his gang had turned, where they had been discovered by Dick.

  63. The Greaser leader was not in evidence, however.

  64. It was certainly Codago, and there was certainly his pack, made up in his poncho, in the usual Greaser manner, and held tightly in his arms.

  65. Nobody but a Greaser ken holler that way--sounds like the last despairin' cry of a dyin' mule.

  66. What, us chased by a lot of greaser cavalry?

  67. Then, how d'ye know but that one or two of those greaser cavalrymen might not have been camping somewhere along the trail Rob followed, and seeing him coming, decided to lie in ambush to knock him over?

  68. For Starr's business up there could not be mistaken by the stupidest greaser in the town.

  69. And then when some durn greaser went 'n stole my burro, I jest up 'n sold my saddle and a few head uh sheep I had, and pulled out.

  70. And jist then somethin' happened, pard, The greaser from down Monterey Tried to sneak off with the specie box, Along with the passengers from Big Pine relay.

  71. The greaser and them two passengers Cashed in their chips to him, Fer the feller what wuz doin' the shootin' Wuz my friend, Yosemite Jim.

  72. One day when the mercury wuz way out of sight, And the frost it wuz on every nail, With jist the mail sack and specie box, The greaser and I hit the trail.

  73. We picked two passengers up at Big Pine, And while the broncos were changed that day I noticed them havin' a sneakin' chat With the greaser from down Monterey.

  74. And the greaser acted sort of peculiar, And the broncos commenced to neigh; Wall, some thoughts went through my mind jist then I won't forgit till my dyin' day.

  75. He claimed I was tryin' to stompede his sheep, but I knowed his greaser had tried to shoot my dog, and I told him so!

  76. I don't doubt you and Jasp sent that dam' Greaser in there to sheep us out, and if he got killed you've got yourself to thank for it.

  77. And it was in this way, thirty minutes later, that Blake became a greaser in the engine-room of the Trunella.

  78. He was a dungaree-clad greaser in an engine-room, and he was promptly ordered back with the rest of his crew.

  79. The pressure of invisible hoops about the great heaving chest would then release itself, the haggard face would regain some touch of color, and the new greaser would go back to his work again.

  80. She's always snoopin' around, an' so is her greaser husband.

  81. He was the same greaser who, weeks before, had played that trick about the letter; and Buck's lips twitched grimly as he recognized him.

  82. Then she seems to catch sight of the greaser for the first time jest inside the door, though I noticed him snoopin' there when we first come up.

  83. But it hangs together a bit too well for any greaser to have thought out by himself.

  84. As I was sayin', Terry's death was pernounced a accident, an' they allowed Bennett was plugged by one of them greaser rustlers I hear tell of.

  85. What the devil's he doin' in that greaser eatin'-house?

  86. I heard a greaser down in El Paso last winter boasting you'd sell your ranch inside of two years.

  87. I guess he's one good greaser that ain't dead," and the boy grinned.

  88. You ought to have seen all those greaser army officers dancin' around after her," and he cast a teasing glance at Nelson.

  89. Keep that veil thing over your face, Janice, then he won't know you from one of these greaser girls.

  90. That greaser I pointed out is new to the ship.

  91. He had revealed the fact that the real name of the greaser who passed under the name of Stone was Slieber.

  92. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "greaser" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.