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Example sentences for "levitation"

Lexicographically close words:
levies; levigated; leving; levirate; levitated; levitations; leviter; levities; levity; levius
  1. The same consistency calls for credulity as to the demoniacal elevation of Simon Magus, and the broomstick riding of the witches whose supernatural levitation was credited by Lord Bacon and Sir Matthew Hale, not to speak of Addison and Wesley.

  2. Besides, levitation is much more difficult on the earth than on the moon.

  3. As you human beings are doubtless aware, space levitation is quite complicated, but not beyond accomplishment.

  4. From Icarus on down, levitation or its equivalent has been a favorite.

  5. When a person stands in an accordant poise the walk is a progression forward and a levitation upward rhythmically and freely, the spiral lines alternating with every step.

  6. Man has levitation as well as gravitation, and the expansion and elevation of the chest lie at the basis of all good position in standing, sitting and also walking.

  7. In a series of experiments which gave me some results worthy of careful examination, I obtained the levitation of the table under slightly better conditions.

  8. When the levitation took place no hand was touching the table.

  9. As a rule, the levitation was preceded by oscillations; the table raised itself first on one side, then on the other, and finally left the ground.

  10. Levitation is the raising of an object from the ground without that object resting on, or being in any contact whatsoever with, any normal support.

  11. Levitation seems to me more difficult to realise than gliding movements.

  12. I have only obtained parakinetic levitation under really good conditions with Eusapia.

  13. The levitation of a table is easier to obtain with five or six persons than with one or two.

  14. Then he raises it very gently; while doing this, the levitation sometimes takes place as though the hand drew the table after it.

  15. I have indicated a similar sensation, which I myself once felt during a levitation obtained with Eusapia Paladino.

  16. I consider that the levitation of the table, even with the contact of the hands, is a difficult phenomenon to obtain under good conditions of observation.

  17. These ought to be obtained in full light; under such conditions the levitation of the table is a verifiable phenomenon.

  18. Here is another levitation obtained under conditions which exclude every device pointed out by Messrs.

  19. Neither can it serve to explain other dream-experiences of levitation which do not begin with the sensation of leaping or falling, and are seldom of a pleasurable kind.

  20. He surmised that some anti-gravitational agency was responsible for the levitation of the Vandercook building, but what sort of intelligence was directing it?

  21. When the levitation act is finished the hinges are folded up and hidden under the vests of the performers.

  22. Mr. Angelo Lewis, the writer on magic, reveals an ingenious method by which levitation is effected.

  23. They contain an account of two apparitions on the part of the demon Asmodeus, accompanied by phenomena of levitation and fortified by arguments against the theory of hallucination.

  24. The case is not quite the same with levitation and the wonders performed, so travelers tell us, by certain Indian jugglers.

  25. In Home's case, then, the evidence for his levitation phenomena rests, not on any one case taken by itself, but on the mass of cumulative testimony offered by scores of witnesses.

  26. Miss Johnson's discussion of Home's famous levitation out of one window and in at another is surely masterly, and is precisely the kind of criticism which psychic research needs.

  27. In the Salem witch mania, a similar case of levitation was reported by the Rev.

  28. Had we only savage, or ancient and uneducated testimony, we might say that the uniformity of myths of levitation is easily explained.

  29. Granting the survival of a savage exaggeration, granting the hallucinated saint, we may, perhaps, explain the innumerable anecdotes about miraculous levitation of which a few are repeated in our paper on 'Comparative Psychical Research.

  30. To quote again: "But that does not preclude the possibility of the levitation of the pansies, which levitation was accomplished by the lady herself, however ignorant of the operation of this psychic force she used objectively.

  31. Their Summerland lies elsewhere than Margate or the Moors; and a valse with a pirouetting table or a little gentle levitation or elongation delights them more than all the revels of the countryside.

  32. Her instruction had so far come in the shape of very vigorous raps, which ruined my knuckles to imitate them, and in levitation of a small and volatile chess table, which resisted all my efforts to keep it to the paths of propriety.

  33. Their dates range from the ninth to the seventeenth century, and their histories go to prove that levitation runs in families.

  34. What accounts, then, are there of levitation among the civilized people of the Old World?

  35. Yes, sir," he said to me, "levitation is not impossible.

  36. Levitation may not be possible, but I like to think of it as possible.

  37. Wallace, and many others) has already substantiated facts which prove that nature infolds forces by which agents unseen can at their pleasure produce either levitation or increase of the weight of material objects.

  38. Seeming levitation possesses them, and an invisible force takes them whither gravitation, their usual holder, would not let them go.

  39. No," the wraith responded, in evident confusion; "that is merely the levitation consequent upon this constant imbibing.

  40. IV "Levitation is a phenomenon which is common enough," he said by way of preface, "but our examination would by no means be complete without it.

  41. Is levitation in the presence of ladies considered respectable in this society of whose opinion you think so much?

  42. Levitation is really too simple a matter to occupy more of our time.

  43. The same general objection may be premised when we approach the subject of levitation and the moving of furniture generally.

  44. Levitation is a more impressive word than "lifting," but the inexpert reader may take it that the meaning is the same.

  45. When I say that ladies are not treated in this frivolous way, the informed reader will gather at once that I decline to take serious notice of the once famous levitation of Mrs. Guppy.

  46. We have now to be content with the levitation of tables and the dragging of furniture towards the medium.

  47. You are now ready for the hand levitation test--No.

  48. Once this test is accomplished, you use the visual-imagery technique to see yourself accomplishing the hand levitation test--No.

  49. One levitation lasted long enough to count fifty.

  50. Therefore, the phenomena of levitation cannot be considered to be produced by energy emanating from the medium.

  51. This was the clearest test of levitation I ever had, but the lifting of a pencil in independent writing is the same thing in effect.

  52. The levitation was accomplished rapidly, but without any jarring or jolting or jerking.

  53. I ardently desired the contrary, and we willed the levitation with all our might.

  54. Complete Levitation of a Table in Professor Flammarion's Salon through Mediumship of Eusapia Paladino Facing page 8 Plate II.

  55. The simple fact, for example, of the levitation of a table to a height of six and one-half, eight, sixteen inches from the floor is not banal at all.

  56. The levitation took place even when a very heavy man was seated on the table.

  57. Fontenay of an Experiment in Table Levitation Facing page 82 Plate VII.

  58. It occurs at precisely the same time that the levitation without contact takes place when that manifestation is in process.

  59. This levitation without contact was produced about thirty times.

  60. Lombroso proved the levitation of the table, and estimated at twelve or fifteen pounds the resistance to the pressure which he had to make with his hands in order to overcome that levitation.

  61. These experiments of Count de Gasparin and his associates have been known for over half a century, and it is really incomprehensible that even the fact of the levitation of tables and of their movements has continued to be denied.

  62. This levitation is contrary to the law of gravitation.

  63. Moses' own account of the levitation is much fuller.

  64. Mr. Stainton Moses gives the following account of his first personal experience of this nature:-- "My first personal experience of levitation was about five months after my introduction to spiritualism.

  65. But he discouraged these phenomena of levitation as much as possible, from a dislike to violent physical manifestations.

  66. The wonderful phenomenon of levitation must be included in the category of "movements without contact"!

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "levitation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    airiness; ascent; automatism; buoyancy; climb; climbing; daintiness; delicacy; elevation; fountain; gentleness; gush; increase; jet; jump; leap; levitation; levity; materialization; mount; mounting; poltergeist; rise; rising; soaring; softness; spout; spring; spurt; surge; takeoff; tenderness; upgrade; uphill; uplift; uprise; uprising; upsurge; vault; volatility; weightlessness