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Example sentences for "mixer"

Lexicographically close words:
mity; mium; mix; mixe; mixed; mixers; mixes; mixeth; mixing; mixt
  1. She explained the use of the several pieces of aluminum that made up the bread-mixer and fastened the bucket to the table-shelf.

  2. Finally Madeline sent the cowboy on his way rejoicing with the bread-mixer under his arm.

  3. Mixer Boyle's are those of a professional.

  4. Before the Mixer could turn he was toppled with the blessing (full arm to the ear) of the Rev.

  5. Run planks supported on "horses" were laid horizontally from the mixer to the gravel, so that big wheelbarrow loads could be handled.

  6. The mixer crew was organized as follows: Per day.

  7. Both platform and mixer were moved twice as the work progressed.

  8. A Ransome mixer holding a half-yard batch was used.

  9. From each mixer a track led out over the culvert form and a track along the top of this form ran the full length of the culvert.

  10. In this particular case the mixer was charged by wheelbarrows.

  11. A bucket large enough to supply the barrows, while a second bucket was being lowered, charged from the mixer and hoisted, was required.

  12. For small jobs where it does not pay to install a power mixer a hand power mixer mounted on a frame carried by two large wheels has been found at least as efficient as hand mixing; more convenient and easier on the men.

  13. Mixer Plant with Gravity Feed from Material Bins to Hoisting Bucket.

  14. Hence the two railway tracks ascended on a steep grade from the mixer for about 175 ft.

  15. To convey the concrete from the mixer to the culvert walls a 1 cu.

  16. Formanship at the mixer is, therefore, highly important and a cement man who realizes the responsibility of his task is equally important.

  17. These cars were hauled by cable from the mixer engine and dumped at the foot of an inclined platform leading to a hopper elevated sufficiently to let a 1½ cu.

  18. Another grin from the mixer was all the satisfaction that he received.

  19. The very first day that he watched the mixing process, he discovered that the mixer had put in too much rock and too much sand--and too little cement.

  20. The water was not put into the mixer until the sand and stone had all run out of the mixer hopper.

  21. The mixer at Manhattan was set on an elevated platform at the north end of the intercepting arch; that at Weehawken was placed at the entrance to the tunnels.

  22. From the mixer the melada is drawn into the centrifugal machines.

  23. The Russian hash-mixer departed, and a very charming black-eyed senorita from sunny Spain stood before us.

  24. The Earl eyed his second hash-mixer sardonically, while we gathered round him there under the apple tree, and said with a snort: "This stuff about Billie Budd and not yourself being the culprit is getting to be kind of a chestnut.

  25. Now get all your other ingredients into the mixer or trough, the balance of the water, your salt and lard scaled off, and your barrel of flour ready.

  26. It is necessary to find the amount the mixer warms up the dough in twenty minutes’ mixing, and allow for this in the temperature of the water added.

  27. The bakers operating the smaller bakeries usually have a mixer and molding machine.

  28. My advice is to run the mixer until you have a smooth, dry dough.

  29. The track leads from the feed mixer across the various yards where the ducks to be fed are located, including both the breeding ducks, yard ducks and brooder ducks in yards.

  30. The feed is dumped from the mixer into a low horse drawn wagon and driven around to the various yards where it is shoveled off on to the feed troughs or trays.

  31. The ration for the ducks is mixed up in a power feed mixer which works much on the principle of a power dough mixer.

  32. You're a peach of a little mixer all right.

  33. I said again, remembering the warm words of the Mixer and of my charwoman, that to the best of my knowledge her character was without blemish.

  34. Then the Mixer caught his eye and nodded crisply.

  35. Belknap-Jackson had hoped against hope that the Mixer might not be present, and even so late as the day of his lordship's arrival he was cheered by word that she might be compelled to keep her bed with a neuralgia.

  36. Cousin Egbert and the Mixer continued their card game for the trifling stake of a shilling a game, or "two bits," as it is known in the American monetary system.

  37. The Mixer regarded her son-in-law with some annoyance, I thought.

  38. I conceived it to be the Mixer and Cousin Egbert who did this and, considering the plight of our host, I thought it in the worst possible taste.

  39. I got to hand it to you," though what precisely it was he wished to hand me I never ascertained, for the Mixer at that moment claimed my attention with a compliment of her own.

  40. Poor Jackson's face was a study," declared the Mixer to me later.

  41. Nor did he sink his grievance on the arrival of the Mixer a few moments later.

  42. The Mixer was undoubtedly capable of things.

  43. At ten o'clock, it being noticed by the three playing dummy bridge that Cousin Egbert and the Mixer were absent, I accompanied our host in search of them.

  44. He also made some ill-timed compliments on the neatness of the blow I had dealt Mr. Belknap-Jackson, but these I found in wretched taste and was begging him to desist, when the Mixer entered and began to speak much in the same strain.

  45. An hour later I chanced to be with him in our detached hut, when the Mixer entered.

  46. There is another very important consideration, which is that war is a great mixer of races, and that usually mixed types benefit enormously from their compound blood.

  47. The home-mixer may substitute tankage of guaranteed analysis for part of the nitrogen and phosphoric acid.

  48. That is a business of itself, and the home-mixer has nothing to do with it.

  49. It is claimed that the manufacturer renders a great public service by using supplies of plant-food that the home-mixer would not use, and thus conserves the world's total supply.

  50. The home-mixer can use a drier without loss, as he does not pay freight upon it.

  51. At the western end the mixer was placed immediately under the bins of the stone crusher, as shown by Fig.

  52. At the Weehawken shaft the mixer was installed in the framework supporting the head-house and elevators; and storage bins were arranged above, as shown by Fig.

  53. This type of mixer proved very efficient on this work.

  54. A sixteen cubic foot Koehring mixer equipped with boom and bucket was used for mixing the aggregate.

  55. The concrete was mixed with a sixteen cubic foot Koehring Mixer equipped with bucket and boom.

  56. The fan is usually hung to the ceiling over the mixer as indicated, and connected to the suction box by a 1-in.

  57. The mixer does not blend the various coffees any more surely than a good roaster cylinder will do it, but treats batches of much larger size.

  58. When adjusting the mixer for high pressure, artificial or natural gas, close the shutter until the flame will not blow away from the cone, but will burn with a blue, almost colorless, flame.

  59. The freezer is a mixer in a can which is in turn set in a freezing mixture of ice and salt.

  60. The air mixer regulates the amount of air which flows into the pipe.

  61. The force of the explosions caused in burning back loosens connections and may disturb the adjustment of the mixer and valve.

  62. Bread made in a mixer has a somewhat different texture than bread kneaded by hand, but this does not change its nutritive value.

  63. From the mixer the milk passes over a cooling device, and is ready for use.

  64. Still with my good-mixer air I asked: "How does a guy like me get a job in New York?

  65. The thermometer C is in practice immersed in the water-mixer constructed somewhat after the principle of the mixer inside the chamber described on page 21.

  66. This water-mixer consists of a 15-centimeter length of standard 1-inch pipe with a cap at each end.

  67. In order to control absolutely the temperature of the water entering at E, it is planned to cool the water leaving the water-mixer at C somewhat below the desired temperature, so that it is necessary to reheat it to the desired point.

  68. If stored at a central point, they may be transported to the mixer on the road and dumped directly into the mixer, or the mixer may be set up at the storage piles and the concrete hauled in trucks to the road where it is deposited and shaped.

  69. The mixer is similar to a concrete mixer except that the drum is arranged so that it can be heated.

  70. If stored on the subgrade, a traction mixer is employed which is drawn along the road as the work progresses, the materials being placed directly in the mixer.

  71. Should several furnaces simultaneously make iron too rich in silicon, this may be diluted by pouring into the mixer some low-silicon iron melted for this purpose in a cupola furnace.

  72. Further, an important part of the silicon may be removed in the mixer by keeping it very hot and covering the metal with a rather basic slag.

  73. The color mixer had supplied the material with which the once ugly white walls were tinted; and upon the soft-hued groundwork there had been stencilled a delicate conventional design.

  74. The father and friends of Miss Minnie Mixer after long search had given up all hope of finding a single trace of her remains.

  75. And, incidentally, you insist on every one buying a bread mixer before sending in a loaf.

  76. There must have been ten thousand people in the street and not a soul but Hank and his wife and the mixer in the house.

  77. Ordered forty kegs from the brewery and hired a fancy mixer to sling together mild snorts, as he called them, for the ladies.

  78. I was sure she would not understand," and once more the mixer played a sad measure.

  79. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mixer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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