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Example sentences for "purifying"

Lexicographically close words:
purifiers; purifies; purifieth; puriform; purify; purin; puris; purism; purist; purists
  1. The creations of noble minds form practical working-forces in shaping character, purifying taste and elevating standards.

  2. Mediaeval ecclesiasticism commenced its purifying though inadequate ordeal through the heroism of Savonarola at Florence and Sarpi at Venice.

  3. It had a faint musky odour: perhaps that was why the smith insisted on putting it into an absurdly small furnace, and purifying it after the Indian manner.

  4. Whatever little bickerings there might have been between them about their small money concerns, the purifying waters of the Ganges had washed away all sins, enmities, and discontent.

  5. Mr. Newton at St. Mary Woolnoth, he began to feel its enlightening and purifying influence.

  6. I admit that the stage would derive some benefit by being submitted to a purifying process, but I would rather retain it as it is, with all its faults, than have it abolished.

  7. Electrolysis seems to have no effect in purifying from arsenic, for instance.

  8. I thought this might be due to a trace of copper or silver, but on carefully purifying the gold no change of colour was noted.

  9. This purifying apparatus should be permanently set up on a board, so that it may be carried about by the attendant to wherever it is required.

  10. The 29th, the Intendants settle the purifying of the Goods of this Cargo, to Forty Days compleat, to be reckoned from the Day the last Bale shall be carried from it into the Infirmaries.

  11. Then he saw the fires of the last day falling upon the lost, consuming sin and sinners, and purifying the earth itself from every trace of the curse.

  12. The pagans had their nether world of spirits, or their transmigration of souls with its ceaseless round from body to body, and the Roman Catholics their purgatory with its purifying fires.

  13. He was no longer young and strong enough to let his grief and indignation rage like a purifying thunderstorm amidst these abuses.

  14. Now there were set there six waterpots of stone, according to the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three measures apiece.

  15. Purifying your souls in the obedience of charity, with a brotherly love, from a sincere heart love one another earnestly: 1:23.

  16. And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.

  17. That is, the feast of the purifying or cleansing of the temple.

  18. When the above ceremonies were over, one of the Praeficae three times sprinkled the mourners from the purifying branch of laurel, uttering the last word, 'Ilicet!

  19. And this is the morality that springs from sensibility: the action of purifying the world, of removing the obstacles that beset life, of liberating the spirit from the darkness of death.

  20. These purifying merits, like progress, have no limits.

  21. Rising daily and purifying himself and performing his ascetic devotions, he composed this Mahabharata.

  22. O thou of rigid vows, O illustrious one, do your evening prayer after purifying yourself with water and uttering the name of Vishnu.

  23. Hearing of the Rishi's arrival Draupadi, purifying herself properly, came with a respectful attitude to where Narada was with the Pandavas.

  24. Vaisampayana continued, 'Then the sons of king Pandu, having gone through all the purifying rites prescribed in the Vedas, began to grow up in princely style in the home of their father.

  25. And Girika, the wife of Vasu, after her menstrual course, purifying herself by a bath, represented her state unto her lord.

  26. Then purifying himself carefully, Bhimasena facing the east began to drink nectar.

  27. Purifying himself with ablutions and rites there, that foremost of the Kurus gave away unto Brahmanas many thousands of cows and many houses.

  28. There are deep and sorrowful emotions in every real Christian heart, but the less the world is called in to see them, the purer and more blessed and purifying they will be.

  29. The symbol of which we have been speaking sets forth the double thought of purifying and destruction.

  30. It is that, and that alone, which makes devotion burn fervid, and which makes characters glow with the strange saintliness that rebukes iniquity, and works for the purifying of the world.

  31. For it teaches that purity is the result of all that has gone before, and comes from that purifying which is the sure answer of God to our poverty, mourning, and longing.

  32. On the other hand, all deep experience of the purifying power of Christ upon character will show itself in conduct.

  33. We, however, may fairly take them as exhibiting the obligations of those who have received that great gift of purifying from Jesus Christ, and are thereby consecrated as His priests.

  34. Is the salt being infected by the carcass, or is it purifying the corruption?

  35. If the Church is meant for the purifying of the world, and the Church itself needs purifying, is there any power in the world that will do it?

  36. Take two thoughts: All earnest Christian conviction will demand expression; and all deep experience of the purifying power of Christ upon character will show itself in conduct.

  37. Neither Malachi nor the Baptist gives a complete view of Messiah's work, but still less do they give an erroneous one; for the central portion of both prophecies is His purifying energy which both liken to cleansing fire.

  38. Now, whatever may be the meaning of the emblem in the preceding and subsequent clauses, it can have but one meaning in our text itself--and that is, the purifying influence of the Spirit of God.

  39. But though this be so, still the purifying process is a slow and gradual one, and evil may be forced out of the heart while yet it is in the blood.

  40. The individual illumination is thus to react as a purifying force upon the common mind of the Christian society.

  41. It is a means of grace, a purifying element in the spiritual life of the agent.

  42. Love to self becomes Temperance, that is, the spirit of purifying discipline.

  43. Let us deny ourselves in order to give to associations or institutions for the elevation of women, as well as to that excellent society for men, the White Cross, which is spreading its purifying work through both countries.

  44. The purifying influence of a good woman and a fuller recognition of woman's work and place in the world he looked upon as that which promised most for lifting mankind into a higher atmosphere of pure life.

  45. In your boarding-schools, as in ours, they are removed from the purifying influence of mother and sisters.

  46. He has none of the cat's dainty neatness and cleanliness, none of her instinctive recognition of the deodorizing and purifying power of the earth, that makes the foulest thing once buried spring up in fresh grass and fragrant flowers.

  47. The extraction of sulphur from its combinations, and the means used for purifying it for the purpose of gunpowder, are also considered in the same manner.

  48. Michel, one of the principal refiners of sulphur at Marseilles, has improved the process for purifying sulphur for the purpose of gunpowder.

  49. Brongniart has given the following process for purifying or refining saltpetre: Pulverize the impure nitre, and wash it three times in cold water, in the proportion of 35 lbs.

  50. But the church, in her unconscious distrust of the purifying power of the fountain, has thrown into the streams such abundance of mint, anise, and cummin, that the taste of the original water is sometimes sadly impaired.

  51. She ought to have been the gospel’s instrument in purifying them from abuse; but she has not been.

  52. Salvation is so complete that man requires no additional cleansing or purifying to fit him for heaven.

  53. Purifying the heart is the purification of man’s affections, or nature.

  54. This is accomplished at the time of the giving of the Holy Ghost as declared in the last text; and this purifying of the hearts of the Gentiles at the giving of the Holy Ghost, is just what was done for the apostles at Pentecost.

  55. Thus in all probability grew the legend of the Zeus of myth, certainly a deplorable legend, while all the time the Greek intellect was purifying itself and approaching the poetical, moral and philosophical conception of the Zeus of religion.

  56. After purifying ourselves we always indulged in a voluptuous gamahuche; after which Miss Frankland generally asked, as a favour, that I should finish off in culo.

  57. After purifying themselves, and aunt showing all the extraordinary fine development of her glorious form, they put on their night-dresses, blew out the lights, and tumbled into bed.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "purifying" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    apologetic; ascetic; cathartic; cleaning; cleansing; compensatory; detergent; diuretic; emetic; lustral; penitential; propitiatory; purgative; purgatorial; purging; purifying; redeeming; redemptive; refinement; reparative; repentant