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Example sentences for "revenge"

Lexicographically close words:
revelling; revelries; revelry; revels; revenant; revenged; revengeful; revenger; revenges; revenging
  1. Then the young man remarked that revenge was a fool's luxury, and that the New Testament precept about turning the other cheek, was not only sound in religion, but was the highest good sense, as religion always is.

  2. And their revenge has come in every country.

  3. If I help you to be revenged on him, will you pay me by giving me my revenge on another?

  4. If I baptise thee, I shall feel it to be my revenge on her.

  5. And I have no right thus to defile the snow-white robe of thy baptism because my hands are not clean, nor to mingle the revenge of earth with the innocence of Heaven.

  6. I wanted to revenge myself on thee, and if it were not too late, to save the child's soul.

  7. Verily, it would have been rich revenge on Licorice.

  8. And I said, `Licorice, my faith teaches me that revenge must be left to God, and that only forgiveness is for the lips of men.

  9. If thou seek not revenge on any friend of mine, I will.

  10. He dreaded the desperate spirit of resentment and revenge which he presumed had been aroused in his mother's mind.

  11. But revenge is not a passion congenial to the spirit of St. Julian.

  12. Take it from me, Hippolito, as my most mature and serious determination, that a Gothic revenge is beneath the dignity of a man.

  13. Depend upon it, you are here to gratify the avarice or revenge of the Scourge of Spain.

  14. We had miscalculated the effect of this representation, backed and supported by forged letters: instead of abandoning thee, he thought only of revenge for his shame.

  15. And so when he came before these ungracious people, who put themselves in ordinance to revenge their captain, then the king said to them: 'Sirs, what aileth you?

  16. Now ye be come thereto: I shall now shew you them: now shew forth your evil will that ye bear them and revenge your displeasures and damages that they have done you, for without doubt we shall fight with them.

  17. If it fortune that the journey be ours, we shall be the most honoured people of all the world; and if we die in our right quarrel, I have the king my father and brethren, and also ye have good friends and kinsmen; these shall revenge us.

  18. It was his intention to have bidden him to stand on his guard and defend himself, but jealousy and revenge overcame him at the moment, and he struck the blow.

  19. The carriage was immediately surrounded, and I know not to what an extent their violence and revenge might have proceeded, when Shawn same bounding among them with the air of a man who possessed authority over them.

  20. I will meet this dark villain face to face, and take my revenge as a brave man ought.

  21. Shawn has some oath of revenge to make against Woodward, because he suspects that the villain knows where poor Granua Davoren is.

  22. There is no doubt that a principle of revenge and retaliation animated their proceedings, and that they stood accountable for acts of great cruelty and murder, as well as of robbery.

  23. Of such baseness had that man's revenge been capable!

  24. Wassilj thereupon waylaid and shot him, forming a band there and then, and becoming the scourge of the nobility for miles around, his thirst for revenge being unappeasable.

  25. The thought of revenge was sweet," said the Jew, "but I will do your desire.

  26. Having been obliged to flee, he joined the Carbonari in Piedmont, and now lived in Galicia in order to be at hand when the great day of revenge should have dawned.

  27. It could not be the love of revenge with him, for he had not been wronged personally; it could not be that he sought to defend his own property, for it had not been touched.

  28. And if there were a chance of revenge I would do the deed alone!

  29. It is said that he killed two men there with medicines in revenge for something of less account than three beans.

  30. Every passion was working within me, and rage, jealousy, love, and revenge were alternately swaying and controlling me.

  31. Some years after he had an opportunity to revenge himself, most magnanimously, upon his enemy who had thus meanly sought his life, and whom he could not but despise.

  32. For the whole city was ransacked for them by hundreds, who blamed me for forgiving them and refusing to have my revenge for the wrong they had done me.

  33. Is it not through revenge for having failed in your criminal designs, that you have tried to destroy me by false accusation to the bishop?

  34. Is it not to revenge yourself for my rebuking you, that you have brought the false accusations to the bishop in order that he might interdict me?

  35. I am not quite mean enough to revenge myself on you for that--I should not have given the diamonds up in any case.

  36. Where Margaret was concerned, revenge was not sweet to George.

  37. What was a petty revenge upon some low-browed Mexican to the years of imprisonment in Yuma which might follow?

  38. In the rush and struggle of that combat he could forget the pangs which tortured him; he could have his revenge on life, which had treated him so shabbily!

  39. The nearer I approached to your habitation, the more deeply did I feel the spirit of revenge enkindled in my heart.

  40. Think not, Walton, that in the last moments of my existence I feel that burning hatred and ardent desire of revenge I once expressed; but I feel myself justified in desiring the death of my adversary.

  41. For the first time the feelings of revenge and hatred filled my bosom, and I did not strive to control them, but allowing myself to be borne away by the stream, I bent my mind towards injury and death.

  42. When I reflected on his crimes and malice, my hatred and revenge burst all bounds of moderation.

  43. I was possessed by a maddening rage when I thought of him, and desired and ardently prayed that I might have him within my grasp to wreak a great and signal revenge on his cursed head.

  44. If thou wert yet alive and yet cherished a desire of revenge against me, it would be better satiated in my life than in my destruction.

  45. You can blast my other passions, but revenge remains--revenge, henceforth dearer than light or food!

  46. I was hurried away by fury; revenge alone endowed me with strength and composure; it moulded my feelings and allowed me to be calculating and calm at periods when otherwise delirium or death would have been my portion.

  47. For this purpose I will preserve my life; to execute this dear revenge will I again behold the sun and tread the green herbage of earth, which otherwise should vanish from my eyes forever.

  48. But revenge kept me alive; I dared not die and leave my adversary in being.

  49. My revenge is of no moment to you; yet, while I allow it to be a vice, I confess that it is the devouring and only passion of my soul.

  50. Revenge was both practised and recommended; and those excellent Christian graces, humility, universal charity, and forgiveness of injuries, were considered as weaknesses and faults.

  51. God forbid, Giles,' cried I; 'thou shalt see what sort of revenge a Christian takes.

  52. Revenge made a great component of his character, and the Grecian history records few instances of a nature more vehemently vindictive.

  53. On their return to Sparta, Pleistoanax and Cleandridas were accused of having been bribed to betray the honour or abandon the revenge of Sparta.

  54. And now, in the eighth year of the Messenian war, piety succeeded where pride and revenge had failed, and the Spartans permitted other objects to divide their attention with the siege of Ithome.

  55. While the two were brooding over the outrage, Hipparchus, in revenge for the disdain of Harmodius, put a public insult upon the sister of that citizen, a young maiden.

  56. With all the revenge of age, all the grand malignity of hatred, he clings to this shadow and relic of a sceptre.

  57. To revenge their disasters on the land, the Greeks desire nothing better than to meet you on the ocean.

  58. In the sweeping revenge of Mardonius, even private houses had been destroyed, excepting those which had served as lodgments for the Persian nobles [117].

  59. Electra, informing her of the fatal news, proposes that they, women as they are, shall attempt the terrible revenge which their brother can no longer execute.

  60. It is the deep and fierce revenge of Oedipus that makes the passion of the whole.

  61. Tell him to bring a sword, if he knows how to use one, and to revenge his uncle.

  62. He swore he would have his revenge on Monsieur Angelot, as they call him.

  63. As Angelot himself, in some mysterious way, was out of reach, here was this man on whom he might revenge himself.

  64. They stand abashed, revenge and doubt striving in their hearts; the eloquence of love and mercy pleading irresistibly from the eyes of Pocahontas.

  65. I will find a way to revenge myself on him at Arras.

  66. Changing her tone): How mean you to play your revenge on Cyrano?

  67. The worst is, I hear that furious eagle, fluttering and hissing just below me, and I am every moment in fear lest she should attack me, and peck my legs to revenge her wrongs.

  68. Revenge might be taken that way, better than by ducking in the ponds after the man and boy.

  69. One must take one's revenge while one can.

  70. Not even revenge sweetened by profit could sustain his spirits under the battery of the combined ridicule and contempt of the men he had undertaken to serve.

  71. I will have you all four impaled, to revenge his death.

  72. They carried it to the grave of the bird which it had lately sacrificed to its rage, and there killed it in just revenge for the murder it had committed.

  73. Go home," said he, "trouble yourself no farther to punish Noor ad Deen; I will revenge your injuries.

  74. I have killed a man; alas, I have carried my revenge too far.

  75. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "revenge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    amends; atonement; avenge; balancing; commutation; compensation; counteraction; desert; deserts; due; expiation; feud; indemnification; indemnity; offsetting; punish; punishment; quittance; reaction; recompense; rectification; redress; reparation; repayment; reprisal; requital; requite; restitution; retaliate; retaliation; retort; retribution; revenge; reward; right; satisfaction; substitution; vendetta; vengeance; vindicate

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    revenge himself; revenge myself