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Example sentences for "alchemist"

Lexicographically close words:
alcaline; alcayde; alcaydes; alchemic; alchemical; alchemistic; alchemists; alchemy; alchymist; alchymists
  1. Or, as another alchemist puts it: "Since .

  2. A later alchemist says that sulphur is "most easily recognised by the vital spirit in animals, the colour in metals, the odour in plants.

  3. But it is past belief that the language of the alchemist was due to some arbitrary plan; whatever it is to us, it was very real to him.

  4. Jacob Boehme was an alchemist of a purely transcendental order.

  5. The chemists generally take a purely physical view of the subject, and instead of trying to understand its mystical language, often (I do not say always) prefer to label it nonsense and the alchemist a fool.

  6. The alchemist strove to assist Nature in her gold-making, or, at least, to carry out her methods.

  7. Sendivogius offered to effect Sethon's escape in return for assistance in his alchemistic pursuits, to which arrangement the Scottish alchemist willingly agreed.

  8. However, during the following century or two we find, very often, the chemist and the alchemist united in one and the same person.

  9. He is to be regarded as an alchemist of the transcendental order.

  10. An imaginary conversation between Mercury, an Alchemist and Nature which is appended, is not without a touch of humour.

  11. The old alchemist had been slain among his crucibles; his scrolls were preserved with jealous care.

  12. Benedetto departed in hot displeasure, and the alchemist came forward to announce that the commissioners waited.

  13. Most often the witch was a midwife too; but just as in that strange world the poisoner lurked behind the druggist, and the alchemist and the coiner were one, so the midwife played the part of baby-farmer.

  14. La Voisin To the portraits of Chasteuil the alchemist and of Vanens, we must add that of the most famous of the witches, Catherine Deshayes, known as La Voisin.

  15. The king's intervention was asked in favour of a certain Blessis, an alchemist whom the Marquis de Termes was keeping confined in his chateau.

  16. They parted as friends; and the moment he was alone the alchemist plunged into new experiments with the oil of Venus.

  17. It was now late; Madonna Beatrice might be anxious; the company hastened to take their leave, each one receiving from the alchemist a fragment of the new-made gold.

  18. At last one of the laboratory windows opened, and the old alchemist looked out, his face sullen, as it generally was in the early morning.

  19. The alchemist with a long hooked iron raised the lid of the crucible.

  20. His eyes round and bright with astonishment, the alchemist hung on the lips of the master, and when Leonardo stopped he did not reply.

  21. The alchemist had collected many rare books in the course of his travels; for the most part those of Alexandrian scholars of Ptolemaic times.

  22. The alchemist eagerly swallowed the draught, and soon sank into a heavy sleep.

  23. Profound darkness ensued, and the groans of the wounded alchemist mingled with the demoniac laughter of the African, and the echo of her own shrieks increased the terror of the princess almost to agony.

  24. You must know, Sarah, that when I last left Glyndon, he was bent upon turning alchemist and magician.

  25. The alchemist begged for a postponement, but swords flashed forth and he was compelled on the spot to renew his incantation.

  26. So, Davie, lead the way, for I would see this alchemist turn out gold from a pot as a housewife boils potatoes.

  27. The amount of money collected is weighed against small bars of gold which the alchemist places in the opposite scale until the two are equally balanced.

  28. The alchemist placed the gold from the bag upon one side of the scale, and threw into the other, bar after bar of yellow metal until the two were equal.

  29. In another exposition of Hermetic secrets we discover the amazing statement that "the alchemist is found working throughout, in conjunction with a woman of the art; they begin and they attain together.

  30. The next day he informed the Preceptor that the alchemist was ready to begin the making of Spanish gold, and must on no account be disturbed.

  31. It seemed that, hearing that a famous alchemist was at work in the Temple, he had come to crave the privilege of acting as his servant.

  32. When the stunned and bewildered Templars recovered their breath, they saw nothing of the alchemist or of his disciple.

  33. It is all in the formula on which his power was based," said the alchemist thoughtfully.

  34. All this reminds one, in fact, of what the alchemist of Lesage did to the demons which annoyed him.

  35. An Irish alchemist called Butler was supposed to have made successful transmutations in London early in the eighteenth century, and in the Life of Dr.

  36. The alchemist was an unknown man who had called to see him and claimed to do all by the help of the devil "who was the friend of all ingenious gentlemen.

  37. Through a low, narrow corridor, Dom Sabbat led the way to a sort of kitchen, such as an alchemist might use for his experiments and with many grotesque bends bade his visitor be seated, but Benilo declined curtly, for he was ill at ease.

  38. The alchemist shook his head, as if pained by his patron's ill temper.

  39. In her laboratory the alchemist and the magician have revelled uncontrolled, and from her treasures was forged the sceptre which was so long and so fatally wielded over human reason.

  40. The alchemist had returned to his furnace, and the young man and the girl were as much alone as if Adam Warner had been in heaven.

  41. The alchemist busies himself with preparations, and sends the priest to fetch coals.

  42. The alchemist heated a quantity of water in an open glass vessel; the water slowly disappeared, and when it was all gone there remained in the vessel a small quantity of a white earthy solid substance.

  43. A priest is prevailed on to give the alchemist money, and is told that he will be shown the change of base metal into gold.

  44. But the experimental alchemist had a yet stranger transmutation wherewith to convince the most sceptical.

  45. With a shrug of his shoulders the alchemist turned to his crucible.

  46. Stolzenfels: The Alchemist Alchemy was a common pursuit in the Middle Ages.

  47. When she had gone the alchemist pressed a spring in the crucifix, when a dagger fell out.

  48. Taking a lamp, the girl crossed the courtyard to where the alchemist awaited her coming.

  49. The alchemist was bending over a crucible when Elizabeth entered.

  50. The alchemist intimated his purpose to continue some experiment of high import during the greater part of the night, and the others separated to their places of repose.

  51. Less agitated than her mistress, Janet perceived that the gleam was stationary, and informed the Countess, in a whisper, that the light proceeded from the solitary cell in which the alchemist pursued his occult experiments.

  52. At this period the alchemist is represented by his descendant as a Puritan impregnated with the secret doctrine of Robert Fludd.

  53. Miss Vaughan and her paternal uncle are the last descendants of the alchemist Thomas Vaughan, whom she terms a Rosicrucian, and identifies with Eirenæus Philalethes, author of "The Open Entrance to the Closed Palace of the King.

  54. In the year 1665, at the house of the rector of Albury, a chemical experiment with mercury cost the Welsh alchemist his life, and he was buried in the churchyard of that village in Oxfordshire.

  55. It was after his compact with Lucifer that the alchemist wrote the "Open Entrance.

  56. Many have considered the Alchemist to be the best of Jonson's dramas.

  57. The alchemist sought the philosopher's stone and the elixir of life while the astrologer tried to divine human destiny by the stars.

  58. The sorcerer of primitive times has been gradually reduced in power, changing through the astrologer and alchemist of medieval and Gothic romance into the bacteriologist and biologist of recent fiction, where he works other wonders.

  59. The alchemist was the favored feature of the older supernatural fiction of science, and his efforts to discover the philosopher's stone and to brew the magic elixir have furnished plots for divers stories.

  60. Barry Pain has a somewhat similar situation of the tragic miscalculation, in The Wrong Elixir, the story of an alchemist who brews the life-giving potion but means to keep it all to himself.

  61. But there was one experiment to which the alchemist pinned his faith in showing that metals could be "killed" and "revived," when proper means were employed.

  62. Sometimes an alchemist practised both, using the profits of his sleight-of-hand to procure the means of carrying on his serious alchemical researches.

  63. It should not be inferred that the alchemist set about his task of assisting nature in a haphazard way, and without training in the various alchemic laboratory methods.

  64. And since nature intended that all things should be perfect, it was the aim of the alchemist to assist her in this purifying process, and incidentally to gain wealth and prolong his life.

  65. To prove this the alchemist cited cases where previously exhausted gold-mines were found, after a lapse of time, to contain fresh quantities of gold.

  66. To moderns the attitude of mind of the alchemist is difficult to comprehend.

  67. This ash was thought by the alchemist to represent the death of the metal.

  68. On the introduction of alcohol by the Arabs that substance became of all-absorbing interest, and for a long time allured the alchemist into believing that through it they were soon to be rewarded.

  69. It was, therefore, a reckless alchemist indeed who dared boast that he had made the coveted discovery.

  70. In order to perform some of these tricks, it is obvious that the alchemist must have been well supplied with gold, as some of them, when performing before a royal audience, gave the products to their visitors.

  71. It was useless for an alchemist to plead poverty once it was noised about that he had learned the secret.

  72. I have a rush order for an eruption of Vociferous and it's keeping my alchemist and myself busy day and night, while the coal stokers and furnace tenders threaten to strike for lower wages.

  73. Alchemist looked for it in every place but in his ears.

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alchemist" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.