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Example sentences for "cysts"

Lexicographically close words:
cyprinid; cyprinoid; cyst; cystic; cystitis; cyte; cytee; cytie; cytological; cytology
  1. The presence of these cysts may give rise to considerable speculation at the post-mortem.

  2. In the species of Lecythea themselves will be found, as De Bary[C] has shown, hyaline cysts of a larger size, which surround the pseudospores in the pustules in which they are developed.

  3. It is, perhaps, worthy of remark that in Chionyphe Carteri the threads grow over the cysts exactly as the hypha of lichens is represented as growing over the gonidia.

  4. These cysts are respectively known as sporangia, and asci or thecæ.

  5. When these cysts are small they may not disturb pregnancy or delivery; large cysts can, however, become a source of danger.

  6. Teratologists now exclude Dermoid Cysts from the lists of terata.

  7. The hair, teeth, and particles of bone found in these cysts are looked upon as the development of abnormal ectodermic and endodermic cells, rather than as evidence of a separate personality.

  8. Big cysts of the ovary may during the growth of the pregnant uterus press upon the portal vein, or the diaphragm, or they may burst or cause sepsis.

  9. In some cases these cysts project towards the floor of the mouth.

  10. Hæmorrhagic cysts may also develop in the substance of these goitres.

  11. A gelatinous substance forms in the intercellular spaces of the tumour, and may accumulate in sufficient quantity to give rise to cysts of various sizes.

  12. The majority of these spaces are not larger than a pea, but one or more may enlarge and form cysts of considerable size--cystic goitre.

  13. The thyreoid is enlarged, but instead of the uniform enlargement which characterises the parenchymatous goitre, it tends to be uneven, with hillocky projections corresponding to the individual cysts (Fig.

  14. Hydatid cysts and fibromas are also met with in this situation, and they too may be multiple.

  15. These variations in size and repeated attacks of bleeding help to distinguish thyreo-glossal cysts from other swellings of the tongue.

  16. Formerly these tumours were believed to be retention cysts due to blocking of the salivary ducts.

  17. Less frequently fibroma, osteoma, and parasitic, hæmorrhagic, and other cysts are met with.

  18. Intestine is also liable to be torn in separating adhesions from the tumour, and great care is necessary when cysts are firmly adherent to the floor of the pelvis, for in separating them the rectum runs a great risk of being damaged.

  19. In operating for ovarian cysts complicating pregnancy, the surgeon should, after removing the cyst, carefully examine the other ovary, for twin tumours may be present.

  20. It is especially suitable for tumours of the optic nerve and for orbital cysts behind the globe.

  21. It is also necessary to mention that true ovarian cysts project from, but never invade the layers of the broad ligament.

  22. In dealing with burst cysts a free incision enables the surgeon to thoroughly and gently clean the peritoneal cavity.

  23. Less common is the blocking of the secondary ducts, wherefrom a collection of small cysts results.

  24. In the simple and uncomplicated forms of ovarian cysts and tumours the operation should be almost free from risk.

  25. It is also of service to evacuate the contents of cysts of the iris (local iris bombé).

  26. Sessile cysts of this kind are removed by what is known as enucleation.

  27. Echinococcus cysts (hydatids) have grown in the pelvic connective tissue and obstructed labour.

  28. After the removal of both ovaries for cysts or tumours, the uterus is a useless organ: it is fast becoming the practice under such conditions to remove it.

  29. The cysts instead of being tumors were really one stage of the worm's existence, and had an organization and an independent existence of their own.

  30. These cysts were formerly thought to be hollow tumors formed within the tissues themselves somewhat as other cystic tumors are formed.

  31. In these cases if there is continued complaint of pain, operation will almost surely be advised and frequently cysts are found.

  32. Those who are engaged in spaying cattle think it almost if not quite normal for cysts to exist in the ovaries.

  33. It is doubtful, however, whether ovarian cysts in the majority of cases are really a pathological condition.

  34. Cysts are rounded sacs, the wall being composed of fibrous tissue lined by epithelium or endothelium; the contents are fluid or semi-solid, and vary in character according to the tissue in which the cyst has originated.

  35. CYSTS[3] [3] Cysts which form in relation to new-growths have been considered with tumours.

  36. Ganglionic cysts are met with in other situations than those mentioned, but they are so rare as not to require separate description.

  37. The cysts are small, usually about the size of a pin-head, and they are present in enormous numbers scattered throughout the marrow.

  38. Multiple Sebaceous Cysts or Wens; the larger ones are of many years' duration.

  39. Sebaceous cysts or wens are described with diseases of the skin.

  40. It is probable that the cysts are derived from the caverns by breaking down and absorption of the intervening septa, as transition forms between the cavernous and cystic varieties are sometimes met with.

  41. The liver is by far the most common site of hydatid cysts in the human subject.

  42. The bone becomes expanded, and the cysts may escape through perforations into the surrounding cellular tissue, and when thus freed from confinement may attain considerable dimensions.

  43. The walls of their cysts become so thin and weak, while the pressure of the fluid from within is so great, that sudden and spontaneous rupture is liable to occur at any time and produce death.

  44. The cysts vary in size, in some instances being not larger than a pea, while in others they are capable of containing many quarts of fluid.

  45. On examination, we found the morbid growth to be about the size of a quart bowl, and evidently composed of several cysts with thick walls.

  46. Sometimes cysts form as a result of small hemorrhages, or of spots of softening from clots in the cerebral arteries.

  47. The cysts are very thin and adherent, and the tumour projects externally, forming a dusky red elevation of the integuments.

  48. Occasionally the cysts are thick and more loosely attached; such usually contain atheromatous matter.

  49. Great risk attends interference with bursæ of large size near joints or cysts containing serous or glairy fluid in any situation.

  50. The cysts are generally thin and adherent, the contents albuminous and glairy.

  51. It is often made up also partly of cysts containing serosity, or glairy albuminous fluid.

  52. The secretion from the surface of the bladder and cysts becomes vitiated, is much increased in quantity, and passes off along with the urine or after it—sometimes in solution, often separately.

  53. According to my experience, when bloody points, or cysts containing bloody fluid, exist in a medullary or other tumour which has been removed, and if the diseased matter be reproduced, a bleeding fungus will almost certainly follow.

  54. Cysts of this description are usually situated near the fundus of the organ, and often attain a large size; in some cases the cyst nearly equals the bladder in capacity; and the two seem to form one large organ contracted near the middle.

  55. Not unfrequently the main cyst is subdivided, either by membranous septa, or by an aggregation of smaller cysts of the nature of hydatids.

  56. The forming of these thousands of tiny cysts injures the muscles and causes great pain, sometimes death, to the host.

  57. Here they form for themselves little cells or cysts in which they lie.

  58. In such a case the cysts are dissolved by the digestive juices, the worms escape, develop reproductive organs and produce young, which then migrate into the muscles and induce trichinosis as before.

  59. Cysts of bone due to softening of the centre of sarcomatous tumors, like sarcomata themselves, are to be treated by complete removal, best usually by amputation.

  60. Cysts of Bone+ are rare lesions which practically always occur secondary to other lesions.

  61. Cysts due to the presence of echinococcus, should be opened and drained, with the removal of every vestige of the echinococcus.

  62. Cysts are hollow tumors filled with fluid or semi-solid contents.

  63. Cysts of new formation into the tissue spaces from the effusion of blood or plasma.

  64. Cysts formed in already existing spaces such as sebaceous cysts in the sebaceous glands of the skin; mucous cysts in mucous glands, and distension cysts in ducts of large glands like the salivary, lacteal, hepatic, etc.

  65. Some of the cases of bone cysts undoubtedly represent the entire destruction of sarcomatous processes.

  66. Cysts of bone not due to the presence of sarcomatous tissue, should be opened and drained in some cases.

  67. The larvæ of Cylicostomum form cysts in the walls of the large intestine, and when these open they give rise to small sores; when they are numerous they cause a thickening and hardening which impair the proper functioning of the intestine.

  68. By this means it is possible to discover or locate cysts of the kidneys, urinary calculi in the ureters, bladder, or upper urethra, malformations, and acute inflammations accompanied by pain.

  69. The nodules or cysts on the walls of the stomach of the mosquito may contain as many as ten thousand sporozoites, and as many as five hundred cysts may occur on a single stomach.

  70. The little cysts or capsules that inclose them enable them to resist without injury many vicissitudes that would otherwise destroy them.

  71. These spores or cysts rest, like the sleeping beauty in the forest, until a drop of water falls upon them and awakens them into life.

  72. The dust of a silkworm nursery infected by flacherie appears under a microscope quite full of cysts or spores of vibrios.

  73. The germ glands were rather far advanced, but some good spermatogonial and spermatocyte cysts were found.

  74. Whole cysts of giant first spermatocytes were found both in growth stages (fig.

  75. Next to these comes a layer of cysts of secondary spermatogonia which are conspicuous for their deeper staining quality (fig.

  76. It was interesting to find here and there in this material whole cysts in which the nuclei were like those described by Paulmier ('99) for Anasa tristis (plate XIII, fig.

  77. The only occasional appearance of these cysts seems to me to preclude their being a special dispensation to furnish the spermatids with nutrition during their transformation.

  78. Next to the secondary spermatogonia are cysts of young spermatocytes, whose nuclei show a continuous spireme and an elongated deeply staining chromatin rod which is the odd chromosome (fig.

  79. Figures 17 and 18 show metaphases of the two classes of second spermatocytes, the chromosomes varying somewhat in form in different preparations and even in different cysts of the same preparation.

  80. So spake he in prayer; and Ph[oe]bus Apollo heard him, and came down from the peaks of Olympus wroth at heart, bearing on his shoulders his bow and covered quiver.

  81. There are but few fishes, either in fresh or salt water, which do not enclose in the folds of their peritoneum, especially round the liver, cysts full of these agamonemata.

  82. Piece of lining of fourth stomach, showing cysts of the encysted stomach worm (Ostertagia ostertagi).

  83. Cysts which are of congenital origin and are true tumors.

  84. Cysts formed by the softening and disintegration of lesions Softening cysts.

  85. Cysts formed by an outpouring of blood and lymph into the tissue spaces with subsequent encapsulation of the fluid Extravasation cysts.

  86. These cysts have a wall which is almost an exact duplicate of the structure of the skin, and frequently contain epidermal structures, such as hair and teeth, which, in the development of the embryo, have been misplaced.

  87. Cysts may be true or false tumors and consist of a capsule containing a fluid or semisolid content.

  88. The mucous cysts found in the mouth, udder, and vestibule of cows are samples of this form.

  89. Retention cysts arise from the retention of normal secretions, owing to obstruction of a duct leading from a gland.

  90. Three kinds of tapeworm cysts are found in the viscera of cattle.

  91. Cysts which originate independently as the result of pathological changes and are nontumorous.

  92. They lodge in various portions of the lungs or intestines, and multiply very rapidly, causing irritations and formations, nodules, cysts or abscesses.

  93. The immature worms which do not issue directly from the cysts get into the arteries and are carried by the force of the blood to all parts of the body.

  94. The bottoms of these cysts were sometimes lined with small stones, oftener with large potsherds, while in some instances the lining was probably of bark.

  95. One of these are the strange stone cysts of Tennessee, which occur in thousands in the Cumberland valley.

  96. While most of the cysts contained only a single body, two, three, and even five skeletons were found together in a few instances.

  97. Stomach of a mosquito, with cysts of Haemosporidia.

  98. Cysts and painful carunculae may occur on the clitoris.

  99. Dermoid cysts containing skin, bones, teeth and hair, are of frequent growth in the ovary, and have attained the weight of from 20 to 40 kilogrammes.

  100. The vagina is rarely the seat of tumours, but cysts are common.

  101. Parovarian and Gartnerian cysts are found, and adenomata form 20% of all ovarian cysts.

  102. It was further acknowledged by Schaudinn (under whom Hintze had worked) that the latter had been misled by Coccidian cysts and spores, which he took for those of Lankesterella.

  103. Cysts may be simple, unilocular or multilocular, and may attain an enormous size.

  104. The bony cysts that have originated through constriction do not all harden into calcareous matter, but they remain as alternating membranous cysts.

  105. The vascular system is properly the primo-cellular tissue, which occupies the middle, and at whose extremities the two cysts remain approximated, in order that they may continue to live.

  106. The two membranes separate into two cysts or tubes, which likewise adhere within each other like intestine and skin.

  107. At its two extremities there is preponderance of oxydation, whereby the soft osseous cysts are combusted into hard calcareous earth.

  108. The membranous cysts form the joint, or articular capsule.

  109. Again, cysts can increase in no other way, than by dividing into their like, or engendering cysts within themselves.

  110. But, seeing that two concentric and separated cysts could not subsist without combination by means of the nutritive system or the vessels; a perfect vascular system is formed, divided into veins, arteries, and hearts.

  111. The vertebral canal is not the bony or medullary cavity itself, but it has been formed by several bony cysts in the same manner as the thoracic cavity.

  112. The newly-engendered cysts are to be compared with the vitellus, and when they have attained perfection, to the ovum.

  113. They have been thought to constitute an urinary apparatus; only certain cysts which occur in connexion with the sexual parts, appear rather to correspond to the latter.

  114. The one kind are cysts without filaments, and contain ova, which are developed and fall out.

  115. They would not have originated if both cysts had not separated from each other.

  116. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cysts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.