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Example sentences for "dippy"

Lexicographically close words:
dipper; dipperful; dippers; dippeth; dipping; dips; dipsomaniac; dipt; dipterous; diptych
  1. If he was out-and-out dippy and didn't know it, he'd be all right.

  2. Julius and me are just getting dippy waiting up-stairs to hear if he's made good with Galton.

  3. Them doll-babies some guys go dippy over don't qualify for the finals with me.

  4. The Princess Helga, a sure enough stunner, take it from Mr. Dart, had the men all dippy from the crack of the gun to the break of the tape.

  5. No, it isn't Dippy the Loon, for Dippy never leaves the water, and that voice came from the Green Meadows.

  6. It sounded something like Hooty the Owl, and Dippy the Loon, and two or three little dogs howling all together, and there was something in the sound that made cold chills run up and down Peter Rabbit's backbone.

  7. Dippy can't fly from the land; he must be on the water in order to get up in the air.

  8. Dear friend, are you dippy this lovely May evening?

  9. DIPPY DUCK] All parts should be nicely sanded before assembling and then given two coats of paint.

  10. Now look at this dippy move of Mr. Jarvis's.

  11. Now say, you'd thought most anyone would have dropped for a hint like that, dippy or not.

  12. I thought I was in good trim then, until that dippy old snoozer had rushed me for about twenty-five goals.

  13. When you can spare a little time for it, Polly, you might become dippy about me.

  14. I'm as dippy about Johnny as his own mother!

  15. Also, he described how the boys had been taken from him at the point of a gun and how Dippy Donovan had refused to escape.

  16. The ones I counted on was that Nickie and that other kid, Dippy and that smart-looking youngster John Doe.

  17. Dippy was bruised too, but not so bad but what he could say no when we told him he could come with us an' beat his rap.

  18. Dippy Ellsworth remembered that when he drove up in his cart on the night of the tragedy to light the street lamp which stood on the corner by the Herald office his horse had balked and refused to go near the curb.

  19. Dippy himself said he would not sell that horse for a thousand dollars, and it was admitted on all sides that such an animal possessed a value hard to reckon in mere dollars and cents.

  20. They're dippy about Jane out there, so be sure and read her up.

  21. He's dippy over that Spanish maid, Teresa Olivano, and I hear that she has refused him twice," whispered the Earl so that only Holmes and myself could hear him.

  22. A low growl from Dippy Orell was the only reply to the remark.

  23. The latter was none other than Dippy Orell, one of the Rangers.

  24. Dippy stepped to the edge of the pool and leaning over peered down somewhat anxiously.

  25. The others, discovering that Dippy had fallen in, rushed to the edge shouting and laughing.

  26. What---" Dippy did not finish his remark.

  27. The other Rangers clamored for a chance at him, but after Dippy had finished the captain decided that the fat boy had had enough.

  28. I have been setting up nights with her till I am dippy for want of sleep.

  29. Jack has just finished his farm schooling, and he is dippy about it.

  30. She was dippy on the dancing, and women used to come in the afternoon and dance with the victrola.

  31. She is dippy on kids, and since me and Jack growed up, she says her hands have been empty.

  32. She's as dippy as they make 'em, Stanchon, and I'm through with it!

  33. Dippy had jumped down, not being pleased at having his nap disturbed, so Marian did not go after him but sat looking off at the mountain.

  34. I don't suppose Dippy and Tippy will get the whooping-cough if I play with them," she remarked to Heppy, feeling that if these playmates failed her she would be desolate indeed.

  35. Dippy opened one eye and stretched himself as Marian approached.

  36. There is a great deal more I could say, but I will leave out Tippy and Dippy this time.

  37. She crept along the limb on which she sat, leaving Dippy to look out for himself, and gained the wall from which she could look directly down upon the pavement.

  38. But this was the time of day when Dippy liked specially to prance and jump and skurry after dusky, shadowy, flitting things, so before Marian could pounce upon him, he was off and away like a streak and could not be found.

  39. Although Marian hated to give up Dippy, she knew he would have the best of homes with Mrs. Hunt, and she did yearn so for the new kitten that she finally decided to turn Dippy over to her good friend.

  40. Tippy and Dippy are very anxious to see you and so is Rosamond.

  41. You bring Dippy here and then you can see him as often as you want to.

  42. She sat still cuddling Dippy who had fallen asleep again.

  43. Dippy was fast asleep in the sunshine, as if he, too, realized that the garden was not so alluring by morning light.

  44. Dippy was chasing moths in the garden as Marian took her way toward the house.

  45. Tippy settled down at once, but Dippy had to have his head rubbed for some minutes before he began to purr contentedly.

  46. No name is sacred to 'em when they go dippy over the stars.

  47. No clue, except that the poor soul was plumb dippy--too dippy for me to marry at any price.


  49. He had sharp eyes, had old Mr. Loon, just as Dippy has today, and he used them to good account.

  50. Why, a lot of people think Dippy is crazy, and when any one does queer things they say of him that he is 'crazy as a Loon.

  51. XV WHERE DIPPY THE LOON GOT THE NAME OF BEING CRAZY As you all know, Peter Rabbit is out and about at a time when most folks are snugly tucked in bed.

  52. So it is with Dippy today, and last night you ran from the voice of a crazy Loon who isn't crazy at all, but likes to make people think he is," concluded Grandfather Frog.

  53. By the time our outfit got into them trenches the boys was just clean dippy about him.

  54. The service sort of made the fair sex dippy about pants.

  55. It made them dippy about more than that," she replied.

  56. Mr. Dippy joined us at the ferry and waited around to finish the trade.

  57. Herr Dippy was not a Washington Irving sort of Dutchman; he conformed rather to the modern New York tradesman.

  58. Mr. Dippy took the twenty-five dollars eagerly and vanished into obscurity.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dippy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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