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Example sentences for "habitant"

Lexicographically close words:
habita; habitability; habitable; habitan; habitans; habitantes; habitants; habitare; habitat; habitation
  1. And it is of the habitant of Quebec, before a men else, I should say, "Born with the golden spoon in his mouth.

  2. The habitant official stared in blank amazement, the landlord took a glass of brandy to steady himself.

  3. Priest and seigneur, habitant and coureur-de-bois were one and all difficult to fit into accepted English ways.

  4. Yet their racial and religious prejudices were strong and made them unwilling to accept in place of the bureaucrats the dominance of an unprogressive habitant majority.

  5. Father Hennepin's cross stood up, a huge white landmark between habitant settlement on the lake, and Indian village farther west but visible through the clearing.

  6. In this standing wall the habitant was crowded by converted Iroquois from the Mountain mission, who, having learned their rights as Christians, yielded no inch of room.

  7. She would not shelter herself in any deserted hut of the habitant village.

  8. From the direction of the guide's cabin, on the point, came the sounds of talk and laughter, broken by snatches of habitant songs.

  9. The day had been when Augusta Maturity had done her share of paddling and poling, with an habitant guide in the bow.

  10. He was forever catching colds, his food disagreed with him, and on her own initiative she discharged his habitant cook and supplied him with one of her own choosing.

  11. He had rushed down to her, in time to see her saved by a strange bearded man in habitant dress.

  12. The face of the bearded habitant came between him and his sleep.

  13. When he put on the dog-skin fur cap and a small muffler round his neck, it was the costume of the habitant complete.

  14. John Brown had news of importance to give; for, in the stable-yard of the village tavern, he had heard one habitant confide to another that the money for the new church was kept in the safe of the tailor-shop.

  15. Meanwhile this disturber of a woman's dreams and a man's sleep was hurrying to an inn in the town by the waterside, where he met another habitant with a team of dogs--Jo Portugais.

  16. But as all slept, a figure in the dress of a habitant moved through the passages of the house stealthily, yet with an assurance unusual in the thief or housebreaker.

  17. In making clothes for habitant farmers, and their sons and their sons' sons, and jackets for their wives and daughters, he had had the keenest pleasure of his life.

  18. Come, Jo, clear out, and you shall have your new habitant in a minute," he said.

  19. He started forward, but the drunken young habitant lurched sideways under the tree and collapsed upon the ground, a bottle of whiskey falling out of his pocket and rolling almost to his own feet.

  20. How did this habitant girl come by this perfect French accent, this refined manner?

  21. More people passed him, and spoke of him to each other, though there was no coarse curiosity--the habitant has manners.

  22. After the founding of Halifax the Abbé Le Loutre, whose false, foolish counsels had so often endangered the habitant farmer, moved from his mission in the center of Acadia up to Beauséjour on the New Brunswick side.

  23. Our whole garrison consisted of my two little brothers aged about twelve, one servant, two soldiers, one old habitant aged eighty, and a few women servants.

  24. Later they deeded over for an annual rental of beaver skins the entire fur monopoly to the Habitant Company, made up of the leading people of New France.

  25. Footnote 5: From the anonymous Lettre d'un habitant de Louisbourg, translated by Professor Wrong, pp.

  26. So the poor scholar, looking on the ragged regiment of his few books, is helped, consoled, exalted by the reflection: Hic mecum habitant .

  27. And the habitant cackled and cracked his whip again.

  28. Only this, that if the journey for her is irrevocable, when you arrive at Quebec, pick out one or two first-class habitant women to go with her.

  29. She has a little turn-up nose, rosy lips and bright black eyes, and, like most of these habitant women, an abundance of dark hair.

  30. Under habitant direction, too, the first fallow had been cleared, the brushwood and timbers piled up to dry for burning, and the land made ready for the seed.

  31. You t'ink it was bodder de habitant farmer?

  32. Then he heard a sharp fox-like barking, and found that his carriole had stopped at the cabin of the habitant who was to keep him over night.

  33. There are many French Canadians working on the railway now, and a good many habitant farmers live hereabouts, and they have plenty of children--why not stay here and teach school?

  34. Yet when he looked at her he saw only the comeliness of a woman whom the life of the haut habitant had not destroyed or, indeed, dimmed.

  35. The habitant lives on his little long narrow strip of a farm running back from the river front.

  36. It is a simpler life than the existence of the habitant of Quebec.

  37. When Lanoullier constructed the great highway between Montreal and Quebec, it was only by his personal superintendence that he was able to keep the habitant to his task.

  38. It was a convenience which cost the government nothing, the habitant who was appointed maitre de poste receiving his pay from the persons whom he conveyed within his limits.

  39. Here he is," she remarked, and she glanced affectionately at the greyish, tousled head of the habitant who was working in the garden of her father's house.

  40. The intense black eyes of the habitant sparkled wickedly, his jaws set with passion, and his sturdy frame seemed to fasten to the ground.

  41. While the sweet, grateful notes of praise ascend From every soaring habitant of air, That now, a pilgrim in the scented vale, Makes vocal all the woods with melody.

  42. Such work from clay, what destiny awaits This naked, helpless man, lone habitant Of caves and woods?

  43. But there is the point of view of another egoist, the pious habitant of Murray Bay, Cacouna, Tadoussac, and all the other watering-places below Quebec.

  44. Well, a habitant he would be, and beat them at their own game.

  45. In verity he will be a habitant like the rest of us, a cultivator who follows the plow, who feeds the pigs, who cleans out the stable.

  46. So one gets a loan of two thousand dollars in Quebec, and one pays interest to a poor habitant of St. Placide--as an act of charity, merely.

  47. It is not by prosperity, so-called, that you can make the people willing to stay on the land, to endure the hardships of habitant life.

  48. The heart of Pamphile expanded in the genial warmth of the morning sun, and he chatted in a very friendly way with the worthy habitant by his side.

  49. No honest habitant for me," said Gabrielle, laughing gaily.

  50. And he fishes with a fly; the little habitant of the mountains uses the weapons of chivalry.

  51. In fact, the more Jean thought of habitant life the greater seemed the possibilities of improvement in every direction.

  52. And Gabrielle is no ordinary habitant girl, but one who would be at home in any society, high or low.

  53. It was hardly to be expected that Jean would suddenly change his ways and settle down to the routine of habitant life after so many years of idleness.

  54. Jean Baptiste was a habitant by ten generations of thrifty ancestors, and could see, as well as any man, the possibilities of the summer tourist.

  55. Now, Jean," and here the old man assumed a confidential air, "to be a good habitant one must have a good wife.

  56. If he is to be a habitant let him work all day like the rest of us, and in the evening let him be sociable.

  57. There are many French Canadians working on the railway now, and a good many habitant farmers live hereabouts, and they have plenty of children --why not stay here and teach school?

  58. There was plenty of meat to be had from the larder of the habitant himself, to say nothing of flour, butter, and the like.

  59. On Michaelmas the habitant came to pay the annual rental for his lands; on May Day he rendered the Maypole homage which, has been already described.

  60. One serious shortcoming of the habitant was his lack of steadfastness in labor.

  61. As for his daily fare, the habitant was never badly off even in the years when harvests were poor.

  62. The habitant would often enclose a small plot of ground surrounding the house and outbuildings with a fence of piled stones or split rails, and in one corner he would plant his kitchen-garden.

  63. Around it hung the array of pots and pans, almost the only things in the house which the habitant and his family were not able to make for themselves.

  64. There were potatoes, which the habitant called palates and not pommes de terre, but they were almost a rarity until the closing days of the Old Régime.

  65. In the early winter, likewise, it was indeed a luckless habitant who could not also get a caribou or two for his larder.

  66. As for beverages, the habitant was inordinately fond of sour milk.

  67. It was smoked by both the habitant and the Indian because it was cheap; but Brazilian tobacco was greatly preferred by those who could afford to buy it, and large quantities of this were brought in.

  68. At any rate, the habitant took his land subject to yearly payments known as the cens et rentes.

  69. The habitant would have made lawsuits his chief diversion had he been permitted to do so.

  70. The habitant was boastful in all that concerned himself or his race; never did a people feel more firmly assured that it was the salt of the earth.

  71. Too often the seed became poor, as a result of the habitant using seed from his own crops year after year until it became run out.

  72. The habitant "enjoys what he has got," writes Charlevoix, "and often makes a display of what he has not got.

  73. For his reading, the habitant depended upon the priest, and for his writing, upon the notary.

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "habitant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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