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Example sentences for "hackney"

Lexicographically close words:
hackles; hackling; hackman; hackmatack; hackmen; hackneyed; hackneys; hacknied; hacks; hactenus
  1. But still I thank their courtesy or thine, 1050 That would confess me at so fair a shrine!

  2. He climbs the crackling stair--he bursts the door, Nor feels his feet glow scorching with the floor; His breath choked gasping with the volumed smoke, But still from room to room his way he broke.

  3. No craven he--and yet he dreads the blow, So much Confusion magnifies his foe!

  4. That would not here in that gay hope delight: Theirs is the chance--and let them use their right.

  5. Or seek another and give mine release, But yesterday--I could have said, to peace!

  6. His foes are gone--and here he hath no friends; Is it some Seraph sent to grant him grace?

  7. If an alteration was to be made in the regulations of hackney coaches and cabs, we should no longer have our feelings tortured by the spectacles of horse misery which we daily meet with.

  8. There are plenty of commissioners for hackney coaches, and it is a pity that they had not something to do for the money they receive, or else that they were abolished and their duty put into the hands of the police.

  9. It may appear a singular remark to make, but I cannot help thinking that there would be a good moral effect in the improvement of hackney coaches.

  10. Henry, who had been confined the whole day to the bank, took me in his way home, and, after putting life and wit into the party for a quarter of an hour, put himself and his sister into a hackney coach.

  11. At half-past seven arrived the musicians in two hackney coaches, and by eight the lordly company began to appear.

  12. Henry himself met me, and as soon as my trunk and basket could be routed out from all the other trunks and baskets in the world, we were on our way to Hans Place in the luxury of a nice, large, cool, dirty hackney coach.

  13. We have done the civil, as you see; I have brought no police, and there is a hackney cab below.

  14. Take hackney cabs --and go faster than that!

  15. Your mother will fulfil an angelic function; she will be thrown in with none but priests and these charitable ladies; she will be paid six thousand francs and the cost of her hackney coaches.

  16. By seven next morning Lisbeth had driven in a hackney coach to the Quai de la Tournelle, and stopped the vehicle at the corner of the Rue de Poissy.

  17. At last she got into the hackney coach to drive to her mother's house, her heart quite broken, crying so much as to distress the maid, and covering little Wenceslas with kisses, which betrayed her still unfailing love for his father.

  18. At the door of the house stood a hackney coach with two horses, of the kind known as a Compagnie Generale, from the Company that runs them.

  19. When all is ready, fetch a hackney coach from the stand, and call me.

  20. Coloring with pleasure Josepha saw the Baroness into the hackney coach with the humblest politeness.

  21. Cydalise, Montes, and Madame Nourrisson got into a hackney coach that was waiting at the door.

  22. The Justice of the Peace gave Madame Marneffe his arm to the hackney coach with a flourish of gallantry.

  23. The Baron jumped into a hackney coach, and was rushing across Paris by the time Mariette came to give the Baroness this note, and say that her master had gone out.

  24. The driver whistled; the porter came out of his lodge and opened the gate first, and then the door of the hackney coach.

  25. She went out in the carriage, drove to the Calatravas church, and there dismissed it; but Raimundo, after being deprived for some days of the sight of her, committed the extravagance of taking a hackney coach to keep up with her.

  26. You must, please, take a hackney coach to your house and bring me back every line I ever wrote to you, that we may burn them.

  27. After luncheon he was about to go out on his quest, when a servant came to tell him that a hackney coachman wished to speak with him.

  28. She walked as far as the Plaza del Angel; there she took a hackney coach to drive home.

  29. I don't doubt but you have thought yourself happy in a hackney coach before now.

  30. A great piece of business to go to Covent Garden Square in a hackney coach, and take a turn with one's friend.

  31. Then I have a lady burning brandy in a cellar with a hackney coachman.

  32. We brought him hither to divert us, which he did very well upon the Road, having lavished away as much Wit and Laughter upon the Hackney Coachman as might have served him during his whole Stay here, had it been duly managed.

  33. I was surprized with this Phrase, but found it was a Cant among the Hackney Fraternity for their best Customers, Women who ramble twice or thrice a Week from Shop to Shop, to turn over all the Goods in Town without buying any thing.

  34. A hackney coachman, after putting up his horses in the evening, took out the money he had received during the day, in order to make a division between his master and himself.

  35. As Rich, the harlequin, was one evening returning home from the playhouse in a hackney coach, he ordered the coachman to drive him to the Sun, then a famous tavern in Clare Market.

  36. He began an endless tale of a hackney coachman who had stood in front of the door of his coach to prevent his number being taken; of a crowd of caddee-smashers, who had hustled him and filched his purse.

  37. It was a convenient mode of conveyance for those who were incapable of taking care of themselves before the invention of hackney coaches, which was of later date, in Charles the First's reign.

  38. Thomas Dawson, a century since alike admired by the inhabitants of Hackney as a pulpit orator and a physician.

  39. Amongst the doctor's circle of acquaintance Miss Corbett of Hackney was at the same time the richest, the most devout, and the most afflicted in bodily health.

  40. A waiter showed me into the coffee-room, and a chambermaid introduced me to my small bedchamber, which smelt like a hackney coach and was shut up like a family vault.

  41. Mrs. Bardell had just recovered from her fainting fit when the ladies observed a hackney coach stop at the garden gate.

  42. It was afterwards learned from the people of the house that when he saw Taddeo with the pistol case, he had gotten into a hackney coach and followed the three friends.

  43. Their effects were taken by Leonard to a stand of hackney vehicles, and then left at a coach-office, while they went in search of lodgings.

  44. This is a cross between a thoroughbred and a half-bred hackney, the small size being gained, of course, through the hackney cross with the pony.

  45. The Wurtemberg and Baden regiments were in the town; the soldiers, in groups of four and five, went gaily about the streets in hackney carriages.

  46. Hackney coachmen, all the world over, have a keen eye for good customers.

  47. Hackney coachmen splashed him from head to foot.

  48. After the execution Dangerfield was put into a hackney coach and was taken back to prison.

  49. It is to be remembered that at this time, as in the last century, the hackney coaches were used much in the manner of the modern omnibus.

  50. From the time when the dramatist Congreve had been appointed a Commissioner for Licensing Hackney Coaches (1695) there had been frequent legislation with regard to these hackney coaches.

  51. There is a good story, by the way, of Swift and a hackney coach.

  52. I'm pleased to fancy how the glad compact Of Hackney coachmen sneer at the last act.

  53. And in due course the new carriage became so popular that it could be hired, and the cisiarii, or hackney coachmen, could be penalised for careless driving.

  54. The first of these deals with a hackney coachman who had refused to carry a fare.

  55. They had come over through the mountains, from the borders of Mayo, to sell the filly to the hotel-keeper for posting, and were primed to the lips with the tale of her hackney lineage.

  56. He left the presence of Napoleon, got into a hackney coach, drove to the Bois de Boulogne, and there shot himself.

  57. Fortified with some strong bouillon, which my nurse gave me instead of beef-tea, and getting into a hackney coach, I went off to procure myself some necessaries for the journey.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hackney" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    banal; bewhiskered; carriage; common; commonplace; fade; familiar; filler; fusty; hack; hackneyed; hunter; lead; leader; mount; musty; platitudinous; rider; saddler; square; stale; stereotyped; stock; sumpter; taxi; threadbare; timeworn; trite; unoriginal; worn

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    hackney coach; hackney coaches