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Example sentences for "recluse"

Lexicographically close words:
reclines; reclining; reclosed; reclosing; reclothed; recluses; recognisable; recognisably; recognisance; recognisances
  1. To some extent they reflected the recluse ideal of old, except that they found the satisfaction of the senses no impediment to introspection.

  2. Beginning as a classicist in the finest Kyoto tradition, he had gone on to become a spiritual recluse in the mountains under a harsh meditation master.

  3. Nothing else would have fetched me out after such a great snow storm," the recluse told them, presently; "only I was anxious about this trap.

  4. The elderly recluse stared at the four boys as though he found great difficulty in believing his eyes.

  5. Anne Barroy, a cousin and poor relative of Le Ber’s, who acted as attendant to the recluse and was the only one who ever came into personal contact with Jeanne Le Ber, headed the priestly faction in the house.

  6. The Recluse uses this as an illustration, evidently in the sense of the popular conception of a comet.

  7. But Aunt Hepsy, since she had given up tailoring, was something of a recluse herself.

  8. To quote his own words: "You have fled from the world to live the life of a recluse amid the wild woods and hills, thus to bring peace to your soul and walk in the way of the Buddha.

  9. Chomei I often think of that twelfth-century Japanese recluse Chomei.

  10. Samon was much impressed by these wise words, and permission was given for this recluse to plant lotus about the castle.

  11. Immediately after these words had been spoken, the recluse and his hermitage suddenly vanished, and Muso found himself kneeling beside a moss-covered tomb, which was probably the tomb of the unfortunate priest.

  12. On Mount Nariai this gentle and holy recluse erected a little shrine to Kwannon not far from a solitary pine-tree.

  13. A Buddhist recluse of twelfth century; his book called Ho-jo-ki shows him a great Nature-lover, 160 Kamo Yamakiko.

  14. The Recluse stooping over O'Reily and feeling his head and wrist, hastened to the boat, and seizing the wooden vessel with which the water was usually bailed out, returned and bathed his face and temples.

  15. The cell of the Recluse was formed on three sides by stone walls without windows, as O'Reily had described them, the fourth being furnished by the side of the hill, and the roof an arch of masonry overgrown with moss, grass and weeds.

  16. With these the Recluse (for he it was who had come so opportunely to the rescue) at once renewed the conflict.

  17. That I do not know exactly; but the Recluse knows, and I have been vainly endeavouring to learn it from him; and this brings me to the proposition which I have to make.

  18. Not an individual could be found who had seen the Recluse after the termination of the struggle.

  19. The Recluse was the only individual upon whom his mind could rest as the probable author, notwithstanding the variance of the writing.

  20. As I have already said, the Recluse loves you better than he does any creature in the colony.

  21. There is no necessity for you to make a recluse of yourself simply because two rude, silly gossips disgrace themselves.

  22. You are very unnecessarily making a recluse of yourself, and I shall not permit you to refuse such an invitation as Mrs. Inge has sent.

  23. At about the time when I begin to levy upon the letters, the efforts of these young ladies to establish common ground of friendship with the Hawthornes peep forth in small messages, bequeathed to me by my recluse aunt Ebie Hawthorne.

  24. Without any definite purpose he went into a temple in the neighbourhood, and there he found a recluse apparently very old with white hair, but young in countenance like a child.

  25. All monks prefer to live a life of sacrifice; the highest forms of sacrifice being that of the recluse and the anchorite.

  26. Recluse as Rossetti was in his later years, he had at one time been very different, and could bring himself in touch with the lower orders of London in a way such as was only known to his most intimate friends.

  27. He was a still greater recluse than the 'Philip Aylwin' of the novel.

  28. Miss Wayne has been a recluse this winter," remarked Fanny, with infinite blandness.

  29. The recluse stimulates curiosity; and when we pass behind the scenes and see the high purity of the life, the wide and deep ideals always floating before such a man, the wonder grows.

  30. The darkened recluse now cast his despairing eyes over antiquity to see what weapons the Christian arsenal contained that might befriend him.

  31. The only consistent social function left to such a man is that of turning the steps of his fellows to his own recluse path of perfection.

  32. In that age, the hopes and fears and wonderment of men looked to the recluse as the perfected saint.

  33. In this way the recluse cultivates humility, patience, purity, and love, and perfects his soul for heaven.

  34. A solitary death kept tally with the temper of a recluse life.

  35. Their father developed the ways of a recluse and never took his meals with his children.

  36. Thackeray was especially kind to her, but his efforts to entertain this Yorkshire recluse were dismal failures.

  37. Six months had elapsed since the first chest of the cargo of Useful Knowledge destined for the fortunate Maldives had been digested by the recluse Popanilla; for a recluse he had now become.

  38. This discovery strikes our perfectly sincere and true-hearted recluse with intense and endless horror.

  39. Or this: "A recluse like myself, or a prisoner, to measure time by the progress of sunshine through his chamber.

  40. The gleaming glance of the recluse swept slowly over the group until it found the face of the little man.

  41. The recluse looked at the little volume with reverence in his eyes.

  42. I find nothing in them that is pleasing; and I see they have learnt to kiss and look freely up and down already, and I do believe will soon forget the recluse practice of their own country.

  43. That raised ledge might have served for a couch; this stone seemed the right height for a seat; a small window hewn in the side admitted sufficient light did the recluse wish to study.

  44. And on the hill-side above, amidst moss-grown trees and blooming heath, a tall cross had been erected in memory of the recluse whose haven it once had been.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "recluse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    anchorite; ascetic; character; cloistered; crackpot; crank; domestic; eccentric; erratic; flake; freak; hermit; invalid; misanthrope; nut; outcast; pariah; recluse; secluded; sequestered; solitary