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Example sentences for "sinuses"

Lexicographically close words:
sinuosities; sinuosity; sinuous; sinuously; sinus; sions; sios; sip; siphon; siphonal
  1. I would like to refer to the now recognized close relationship which exists between disease of the nasal accessory sinuses and diseases of the eye.

  2. The ulcers and sinuses persist indefinitely, or they heal and then break out again; sometimes the skin becomes infected, and a condition like lupus spreads over a considerable area.

  3. The healing of long and tortuous sinuses is often hastened by the injection of Beck's bismuth paste (p.

  4. Pus from old-standing sinuses is often watery in consistence (ichorous), with few cells.

  5. In compound fractures, if a fragment dies and forms a sequestrum, it is apt to be walled in by new bone; the sinuses continue to discharge until the sequestrum is removed.

  6. When the disease is limited to the groin or scrotum, excision may bring about a permanent cure, but it may result in the formation of lymphatic sinuses and only afford temporary relief.

  7. The glands break down in the same way, and lead to wide destruction of skin, and the resulting sinuses and ulcers are exceedingly intractable.

  8. The persistence of sinuses is usually due to disease in one or other of the adjacent bones.

  9. As these correspond more or less in position to the sinuses in the skin, in passing a probe down one of the sinuses it usually passes through a cloaca and strikes the dead bone lying in the interior.

  10. The pus perforates the periosteum, and makes its way to the surface by the easiest anatomical route, and discharges externally, forming one or more sinuses through which fresh infection may take place.

  11. They are indolent and painless, and rarely attract attention until they break down and form abscesses, which are usually about the size of a cherry, and when these burst sinuses or ulcers result.

  12. The distension of these sinuses with blood closes the valve and prevents regurgitation.

  13. The sinuses associated with empyema are prevented from healing by the rigidity of the chest wall, and will only close after an operation which admits of the cavity being obliterated.

  14. If any acne pustules or infected sinuses are present, they should be destroyed or purified by means of the thermo-cautery or pure carbolic acid, after the patient is anæsthetised.

  15. Along with this serous effusion, and antedating it, passive congestion of the cerebral veins and sinuses is also present.

  16. So cases of burrowing sinuses with abscesses at distant seats, as in the groin or lumbar region, fistulae with continuous discharge, and other curiosities, may be found among the records by the curious.

  17. These opened sinuses should be packed with lint soaked in carbolized oil and confined by a pad and a T-bandage.

  18. The cells accumulate in clusters without any intercellular substance, and compress the lymph-sinuses and blood-vessels.

  19. These sinuses may be very tortuous, with pockets, blind passages, or diverticulae, and are known as horseshoe fistulae when they commence at one side of the bowel and ulcerate around it to a point opposite before making an opening.

  20. Operations on the nose, accessory sinuses and the pharynx, apt to be attended by considerable bleeding, are rendered free from the danger of aspiration pneumonia by endotracheal anesthesia.

  21. The pyriform sinuses in these cases are seen with the laryngeal mirror to be filled with frothy secretion (Jackson's sign of esophageal stenosis) and this secretion may sometimes be seen trickling into the larynx.

  22. The same filling of the pyriform sinuses will be noted, but as the larynx is usually anesthetic also, it may be that no cough is produced when secretions overflow into it.

  23. The pyriform sinuses are the normal food passages.

  24. This is associated with the accumulation of secretion in the pyriform sinuses (the author's sign of esophageal stenosis) which overflows into the larynx and incites violent coughing.

  25. Secondly, slit up the lateral sinuses on directors passed in at the external openings and brought out at the dorsal incision.

  26. A fact to which special attention should be directed here is that small ulcerations may exist in the sinuses of Morgagni.

  27. These lateral sinuses may take a straight, a curved, or even a rectangular direction.

  28. Note: The adults of some species inhabit the nostrils and nasal sinuses of dogs and other carnivores.

  29. Defn: Between the cavernous sinuses; as, the intercavernous sinuses connecting the cavernous sinuses at the base of the brain.

  30. The post-mortem examination showed the sinuses filled with much fluid blood, and the vessels of the pia mater congested.

  31. In very deep sinuses a ‘dead space’ between the back of the Killian bridge and the posterior (cerebral) wall of the sinus remains open, and may continue to secrete if not cicatrized over evenly.

  32. Large venous sinuses are very often opened, and, should the bleeding recur after the adaptation of the flaps, the operation will inevitably fail.

  33. Abscesses and sinuses resulting from troublesome ligatures may escape in many directions; the most common spot is at the lower angle of the abdominal incision; the rectum is another channel of escape, and also the bladder.

  34. In my experience the sphenoidal sinus is one of the most satisfactory of the accessory sinuses to treat.

  35. Patients often suffer great distress and annoyance on account of abscesses and sinuses due to septic ligatures, and a sinus will persist as long as the ligature remains.

  36. The septum separating the two frontal sinuses may be found to be defective.

  37. Such risks are best avoided by determining the condition of all the sinuses before commencing treatment of nasal suppuration.

  38. This may be done not only because it is diseased, but even a healthy middle turbinal may require amputation in order to approach the accessory sinuses or diseases in the deeper regions of the nose.

  39. Many intractable sinuses have had a forgotten piece of gauze as the cause of their persistence.

  40. If no tooth socket be available, both frontal and maxillary sinuses can be operated upon at the same sitting.

  41. Suppuration in the ethmoidal sinuses coming through from the nose is the commonest cause, and should be treated appropriately (see Section V).

  42. The roof of the mouth, the teeth, the hard gums, the cones of the nasal passage, and the sinuses are the solid portions of the cavities of resonance.

  43. The so-called sinuses are hollow spaces in small bones on either side and above the nasal passage and communicating directly or indirectly with it.

  44. Thrombi form in the jugular vein and its branches, and by breaking down lead to septicæmia and ichorization of the sinuses of the dura mater.

  45. They extend across the brow and deeply about the orbits and at the root of the nose, having their seat in the Schneiderian mucous membrane and its prolongations lining the frontal sinuses and the nasal ducts.

  46. If the cerebral sinuses are affected, mental disturbances arise; if a cardiac thrombosis is present, it is frequently accompanied by irregularity and feebleness of the heart.

  47. Similar lesions may be found in the nasal sinuses or larynx.

  48. The sinuses are occasionally filled with dark fluid blood, and the appearances of congestion of the brain are sometimes present.

  49. Likewise I have had people who have had sinusitis have nothing but non-stop pussy discharge from their sinuses for three weeks.

  50. Sinuses and lungs, inflamed by secondary eliminations, are attacked by viruses or bacteria; infectious diseases of the skin result from pushing toxins out of the skin.

  51. The treatment of this cardiac tire is not complete until the tonsils, gums, teeth and the nose and its accessory sinuses are in good condition.

  52. Such infections most frequently occur in the tonsils, in the gums, and in the sinuses around the nose.

  53. From these spaces there pass off oblique utero-placental veins, which pierce the serotina, and form a system of large venous sinuses in the adjoining uterine wall (fig.

  54. It is truly deciduate, and the maternal capillaries are replaced by a system of sinuses (fig.

  55. In these sinuses the foetal villi hang for the most part freely, though occasionally attached to their walls (t).

  56. The arteries which nourish the pulp, and the crusta petrosa, proceed from the vessels which nurture the bone, and supply the mucous membrane of the sinuses with the means of secretion.

  57. These facial sinuses have but a limited and kind of valvular opening into the nasal chambers, and if pus is allowed to remain within them there is little hope of cure: therefore a means must be found for its escape.

  58. The same, likewise, may be stated of the nerves going to the tooth, and though through these last the constitution is affected, it is mainly through the agency of the blood vessels, that the sinuses become diseased.

  59. The maxillary sinuses are spacious cells, and freely communicate with the frontal sinuses, which are also large.

  60. The body cavity has the form of irregular blood sinuses amongst the internal organs.

  61. It becomes divided into numerous sinuses which freely communicate with the vascular system.

  62. In connection with the vascular system mention may be made of certain contractile sinuses frequently found in the larvae of Gasteropoda and Pteropoda.

  63. The completeness of the differentiation of these sinuses varies considerably; in some forms they are true sacks with definite walls, in other cases mere spaces traversed by muscular strands.

  64. These sinuses form, according to Whitman, a single continuous tube investing the alimentary tract; a tube which differs therefore to a very small extent from the normal body cavity of the Chaetopoda.

  65. It requires no great exercise of imagination to understand how a lobed leaf, by deepening the sinuses between the lobes, might become a compound leaf in the process of evolution.

  66. The leaves are from four to six inches long and are bilaterally developed, having seven or nine coarse round lobes; the sinuses being rounded or rather shallow.

  67. The sinuses are broad and rounded, and extend well toward the midrib, which is stout, and from which the veins branch off conspicuously.

  68. Form b, sinuses deep, extending halfway to the midrib or farther, oblong or triangular, bristle-tipped.

  69. Cases are met with where such sinuses have existed for the best part of a long life and have ultimately become the seat of epithelioma.

  70. Abscess may be followed by sinuses and infection of the tendon sheaths, especially those in the palm.

  71. As the anterior group of sinuses is most frequently affected, and of these most commonly the maxillary sinus, attention should first be turned to this cavity.

  72. When the hæmorrhage is profuse, it is probable that the meningeal vessels or even the venous sinuses have been torn.

  73. When the nasal fossæ or the air sinuses are opened into, the patient should be warned against blowing his nose, as this is liable to induce or increase emphysema of the orbit or lids.

  74. When left to themselves, such abscesses tend to spread up the thigh, or down the back of the leg between the superficial and deep layers of calf muscles, and numerous sinuses may result from their rupture through the skin.

  75. Sometimes the new bone--which corresponds to the involucrum of an osteomyelitis--imprisons a sequestrum and prevents its extrusion, in which case one or more sinuses may persist indefinitely.

  76. Abscess formation is an early and prominent feature, whether the disease is of osseous or synovial origin, and sinuses are liable to form around the joint.

  77. The skin over it becomes red, suppuration occurs, and sinuses form and give exit to a sero-purulent fluid in which the characteristic yellow "sulphur grains" may be detected.

  78. The venous arrangements are also peculiar in that the veins are thin-walled and valveless, and open into the rigid, incompressible sinuses which run between the layers of the dura mater.

  79. It is certainly unwise to delay operation until sinuses have formed, as such a course is largely responsible for the bad results which formerly followed excision of the joint.

  80. Erysipelas of the scalp may originate even in wounds so trivial as to be almost invisible, or from suppurative processes in the region of the frontal sinuses or nasal fossæ.

  81. The sinuses that form when a cold abscess bursts on the surface are peculiarly intractable and only heal after the diseased bone has been removed, leaving a characteristically depressed scar, which is adherent to the bone.

  82. Absorption of the bones forming the walls of the sinuses has been caused by the pressure of pus collecting in them and by tumors filling up the cavity.

  83. In most cases the discharge is from one nostril only, which may signify that the sinuses on that side of the head are affected.

  84. Nasal hemorrhage, roaring, frequent sneezing, loosening or loss of teeth, difficulty of mastication, and inflammation of the cavities of the sinuses are varying complications of these accidents.

  85. When a quittor becomes fully established it should be treated precisely as a fistula situated in any other part of the body; that is, the sinuses should all be opened from their lowest extremities, so as to afford constant drainage.

  86. The sinuses must be opened at their lowest extremity and kept open.

  87. If the discharge contains flakes and clumps of more or less dried, agglutinated particles, it is probable that it originates within a cavity of the head, as the sinuses or guttural pouches.

  88. Tumors growing in the sinuses are known to have caused it.

  89. An abscess involving the turbinated bones is similar to the collection of pus in the sinuses and must be relieved by trephining.

  90. My lingering cold had miraculously vanished, inflamed sinuses and all.

  91. I was actually interested in neither," I said, feeling my sinuses about to close down permanently.

  92. Circular sinus which connects the two cavernous sinuses together.

  93. Care must be taken to prevent the accumulation of pus, lest it burrow, and sinuses become established—not an unfrequent result of want of sufficient caution in this regard.

  94. At least five of the nine skulls have the frontal sinuses infested by parasites.

  95. Only 2 skulls of the 12 adults and subadults examined show malformation of the frontal sinuses such as results from the presence of parasites.

  96. None of the nine skulls (5 adults) shows malformation resulting from the infestation of the frontal sinuses with parasites.

  97. Of the 37 skulls of subadults and a few adults, 11 had the frontal sinuses malformed as a result of infestation by parasites.

  98. The frontal sinuses of the type are malformed as a result of infestation by parasites.

  99. Of the fourteen adult and subadult skulls examined, two display lesions resulting from infestation of the frontal sinuses by nematode parasites.

  100. Of 41 subadult and adult skulls assigned to this subspecies 24 have obvious lesions in the frontal sinuses evidently resulting from infestation by nematodes.

  101. Of the eight skulls examined for malformation of the frontal sinuses, each of the two adults and two subadults shows signs of having the frontal sinuses infested with parasites.

  102. None of the skulls shows evidence of having had the frontal sinuses infested by parasites.

  103. Each of the adult and subadult specimens, except the one from Perry, shows malformation resulting from the infestation of the frontal sinuses with parasites.

  104. All four of the specimens from Missouri have the frontal sinuses malformed as do 9 of the 14 from Arkansas examined in this respect.

  105. None of the skulls shows signs of infestation of the frontal sinuses by parasites.

  106. Only one of 41 adult and subadult skulls examined for malformation of the frontal sinuses shows infestation by parasites.

  107. None of the 26 adult and subadult specimens examined for evidences of infestation of the frontal sinuses by parasites shows malformation of the sinuses.

  108. Only one of the three skulls, that of the female, shows evidence of infestation of the frontal sinuses by parasites, and this did not result in malformation of the interorbital region.

  109. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sinuses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.