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Example sentences for "steersman"

Lexicographically close words:
steered; steerer; steerers; steering; steers; steersmen; stehen; stehn; steht; steid
  1. Now and then all except the steersman were forced to bail out the boat, but mostly they kept to cover under their tarpaulin, which was a good one.

  2. The steersman happened to be Shif'less Sol this time, and he wrapped one of the new Spanish blankets tightly around him from heel to throat.

  3. By now the Spaniard was about to pass the bows of the brigantine, and as she came to that position, the steersman pushed at the helm, while men were seen running to the braces.

  4. Not again can we hope for that lucky shot which struck the steersman and allowed us to come aboard the other galleon.

  5. Thanks to the high stern of the enemy, it was easy to pick out the steersman and to observe his movements.

  6. Which he already has received," burst in Philip, "and right well he merits it, for it was his shaft which threw the steersman of the galleon out and enabled us to come alongside.

  7. As a matter of fact, however, the steersman of the canoe, wiser in woodcraft and cunninger even than he, had detected him and was watching him with interest from the corner of his eye.

  8. Gently the steersman sheered out a few feet farther from the bank, and at the same time checked the canoe's headway.

  9. But the steersman smiled, and said "Wait!

  10. One of these was very pretty, whose steersman was a charming little fat girl of five years old.

  11. The steersman is of lighter complexion, also very cheery, but decidedly pious.

  12. But I do know that one Pasha said he had hanged five hundred, and another that he had sent three hundred to Fazoghlou (comme qui dirait Cayenne) and all for the robbery of one Greek boat in which only the steersman was killed.

  13. You remember the tall old steersman who went with us to Bedreeshayn, and whom we thought so ill-conditioned; well, he was in charge of a dahabieh close by, and he called up all the Reises and steermen to help.

  14. The man answered that he was not strong enough; on which the steersman directed him to change places with him, as if fatigued with rowing, a movement which would excite no suspicion on the part of their guard.

  15. The steersman called, in English, to his comrade to seize the savage and throw him overboard.

  16. As the boat came opposite this vessel, the soldier who acted as steersman conceived a daring plan of escape.

  17. The steersman sat on a bench at the stern.

  18. At length the canoe came with a sudden plunge into the very centre of the current, which, all the skill of the steersman was insufficient to enable him to clear.

  19. Both Gerald and Matilda, although long and silently watching the progress of the vessel, had forgotten there was any such being as a steersman to direct her.

  20. Long before sunset, darkness began to close in under those gloomy shades, and our steersman could not avoid now and then running the boat into the thicket.

  21. Cardozo ordered the steersman at once to put us ashore.

  22. A steersman in vessels manned with lascars in the East India country trade.

  23. A strong staff fastened into the helm for the steersman to move the rudder thereby.

  24. To row the wrong way, in order to assist the steersman in a narrow channel.

  25. So the steersman let go the helm from his hands, when he thought the sun would have set on the land, and threw himself down, and 'What mariner should choose might trample him!

  26. His Jewish steersman is an entertaining character.

  27. There were twelve members in the crew, the steersman making the thirteenth.

  28. But if the steersman is a Rabbi into the bargain, what are one's feelings?

  29. The yellow steersman grinned, straining at the pivot of his gigantic paddle.

  30. The steersman ducked, but clung bravely to his paddle.

  31. The steersman straightened himself as the first rang out and glanced round him; and upon the fourth, bent himself suddenly over the key board, like a musician addressing himself to a piano.

  32. Upon this prow, in a small compartment of which the roof, as well as the walls, was of hardened glass, stood the steersman amid his wheels.

  33. Some were not indicated by lights, and only a knowledge of the lake would enable the steersman to guide a ship away from them, after dark, or during a fog.

  34. Nat told his story, of how he had tried to warn the other vessel away, and how the steersman of it had persisted in crowding him.

  35. So large was the wheel, in order to provide sufficient leverage, that part of it was down in a sort of pit, while the steersman stood on a platform, which brought his head about on a level with the top spokes.

  36. Two of you there, Titely and Lang, be ready to fire, and drop the steersman if they don't lower their sails.

  37. The result is shouted out so the steersman can hear and keep the vessel in the channel.

  38. This is placed near enough so that the steersman can hear the man who "heaves the lead" when he calls out the number of fathoms of water.

  39. The captain was on duty on the bridge, with the steersman at the wheel.

  40. The steersman had sent us right into the other ship.

  41. The tall steersman threw the throttle full over and the motor craft shot ahead, aided by the wind.

  42. The steersman watched his movements with intense earnestness, in order to second them promptly.

  43. The steersman stood up in the stern with his hands resting on the long heavy sweep, while his gaze was directed anxiously towards the boiling flood into which we were just entering.

  44. The steersman acknowledged the glance with a nod; one long stroke of the great oar--the boat turned sharply aside, and swept past in safety.

  45. To drift on the tide in a fog is a very different thing to sailing through it at ten miles an hour on a strong breeze, and the steersman had no thought to spare for anything but his sails.

  46. There was no mistaking the attitude of the solitary steersman of this foreign boat stealing quietly up to Farlingford on the flood tide.

  47. The steersman was pulling on his coat while he sought among the crowd the faces of his more familiar friends.

  48. They therefore broke up for the night; the women retired to their cabin, and none were left on deck except the steersman and the watch.

  49. Captain Runacles stepped to it and the steersman gave place.

  50. Nor did he awake till the sun was up and shining in through the little opening by the stern, through which he could see the legs of the fat steersman on deck.

  51. Early on the third morning, however, I took my place as steersman in the stern of our craft (my former guide being obliged to leave me here), and my man Mike squeezed his unwieldy person into the bow.

  52. The bowsman and steersman stand erect, guiding the frail bark through the more unbroken places in the fierce current, which hisses and foams around, as if eager to swallow us up.

  53. But as the skillful steersman keeps the ship from being overwhelmed by the monstrous wave, so Polydeuces, all skill and lightness, baffled the rushes of Amycus.

  54. Then said Tiphys, the steersman of the Argo: "No ship sailed by mortals has as yet gone through the passage that brings this sea into the Sea of Pontus.

  55. Then they set sail again, and Nauplius was made the steersman of the ship.

  56. The steersman did not find his bearings, and for many days and nights the Argo was driven on a backward course.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "steersman" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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