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Example sentences for "subcutaneous"

Lexicographically close words:
subconsciousness; subcontinent; subcontractors; subcortical; subcostal; subcutaneously; subdeacon; subdeacons; subditis; subditos
  1. The mucous layer, the corium, and in the deep lesions the subcutaneous connective tissues also, are involved in the process.

  2. It is a new growth, consisting of a variable hypertrophy of the cutaneous and subcutaneous arterial and venous bloodvessels, with or without an increase of the connective tissue.

  3. Dermatolysis is a rare disease, consisting of hypertrophy and looseness of the skin and subcutaneous connective tissue, with a tendency to hang in folds.

  4. In these latter, especially among the poorer classes, sluggish boils or subcutaneous abscesses about the scalp in hot weather, are not at all infrequent.

  5. Round-cell infiltration and dilated blood vessels are found about the papillæ and in the subcutaneous tissue.

  6. Angioma is a congenital hypertrophy of the vascular tissues of the corium and subcutaneous tissue.

  7. From involvement of the follicles, more or less subcutaneous swelling ensues, the parts assuming a distinctly lumpy and nodular condition.

  8. The subcutaneous tissues, muscle, hair and nails undergo atrophic or degenerative changes, and these changes are especially noted about the hands and feet.

  9. In typical and advanced cases both the true skin and the subcutaneous connective tissue show a marked increase of connective tissue-element, with thickening and condensation of the fibers.

  10. The subcutaneous tissues become firm, infiltrated and hard, pitting only on considerable pressure.

  11. And in some few other cases artificial lymphatics have been made by introducing sterilized silk thread in the subcutaneous tissues of the affected part, and prolonging it into the normal tissues.

  12. It is--persistent narcosis obtained from the subcutaneous injections of morphine with the hydrobromide of hyoscine, another alkaloid obtained from henbane.

  13. Only the prick and throb of the hypodermic needle-syringe, and most people were used to the pique nowadays--administering the first subcutaneous injections of the wonderful new drug.

  14. It will be also found that, if the tumor is firmly grasped, it is not fixed, but can be lifted up from the subcutaneous tissue.

  15. Recently subcutaneous injections of brain emulsion have been recommended.

  16. The anatomical changes are most marked in the skin and the subcutaneous tissues.

  17. It is a chronic, contagious disease, particularly of equines, caused by a specific organism, the Sporotrichum schenckii, and characterized by a suppurative inflammation of the subcutaneous lymph vessels and the neighboring lymph glands.

  18. A subcutaneous injection of one-fourth dram of 1 per cent solution of chromic acid above the wound is also beneficial.

  19. There is often considerable solution of continuity of the parts under the skin, subcutaneous hemorrhage, etc.

  20. Subcutaneous and intermuscular edema and hemorrhages are frequently observed, although in many cases it is remarkable to see how few macroscopic lesions may be present.

  21. This form of quittor differs from the cutaneous in that it not only affects the skin and subcutaneous tissues, but involves also the tendons of the leg, the ligaments of the joints, and, in many cases, the bones of the foot as well.

  22. It is not to be confounded with the puffy, edematous swelling, which is not separated from the skin and subcutaneous connective tissues found in strangles, in laryngitis, and in other simple inflammatory troubles.

  23. Simple quittor consists in a local inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous connective tissue on some part of the coronet, followed by a slough and the formation of an ulcer which heals by suppuration.

  24. This disease is a septic bacterial intoxication, acute and infectious in character, and is manifested by edematous swellings of the subcutaneous connective tissue, and hemorrhages on the mucous membrane and in the internal organs.

  25. If the subcutaneous fat has disappeared and the muscles are wasted, allowing the bony prominences to stand out; if the skin is tight and inelastic and the coat dry and harsh, we have evidence of a low state of nutrition.

  26. Swine secrete a large amount of subcutaneous fat, which, when extracted, is known as lard.

  27. Defn: More or less extensive patches of subcutaneous extravasation of blood.

  28. Defn: A swelling from effusion of watery fluid in the cellular tissue beneath the skin or mucous membrance; dropsy of the subcutaneous cellular tissue.

  29. A tumor produced by the escape of blood into the subcutaneous cellular tissue.

  30. Insert a probe through the opening and push it steadily onward in the subcutaneous tissue, and by lateral movements separate the skin from the underlying muscles to form a funnel-shaped pocket with its apex toward the point of entrance.

  31. Any suppurative process which may occur, whether in the subcutaneous tissues or in joints, should be explored and the pus carefully examined both microscopically and culturally.

  32. Gregory, that the depth of the wound was only into the subcutaneous tissue, not actually into the muscle of the leg, so it meant that missile had penetrated for a very short period.

  33. The injections are made by means of a hypodermic syringe into the subcutaneous tissue, into a vein, into one of the serous sacs, or more rarely into some special part of the body.

  34. In such diseases the bacteria, when introduced into the subcutaneous tissue, rapidly gain entrance to the blood stream and multiply freely in it, and by means of their toxins cause symptoms of general poisoning.

  35. To arrest tetanus by substituting cerebral for subcutaneous inoculations of the anti-tetanic serum was the next feat attempted.

  36. To avoid a general anæsthetic, the small grafts may be removed from the arm or leg under local anæsthesia produced by a subcutaneous injection of Schleich’s solution.

  37. The flap of skin from the outer surface of the lower lid is entirely raised from the subcutaneous tissue, except for the pedicle B which holds the new fornix in position.

  38. The tissue between these two incisions is undermined so as to produce a band of skin and subcutaneous tissue.

  39. In order that these flaps may be thinner and more adaptable, the subcutaneous tissue should be cut away.

  40. When this method is adopted the skin should be rendered antiseptic, otherwise troublesome abscesses and cellulitis will arise in the subcutaneous tissue at the situation where the saline solution has been injected.

  41. In the case of simple opening of the mastoid, subcutaneous injections into the auditory canal are not necessary.

  42. The base of the flap should consist of a considerable amount of subcutaneous tissue as well as skin, but the apex may be little more than the skin itself.

  43. Against subcutaneous injection is the pain of the injection, which may be so great that the patient will not submit to it, and in consequence the proposed operation may have to be postponed.

  44. Layers of subcutaneous fat vanish and half-dormant sweat glands come to life.

  45. His muscles had a plentiful supply of fuel at hand in the no longer wanted subcutaneous fatty layer.

  46. In this manner a portion of the fistulous channel is left, and an unnecessary amount of the tissues (skin and subcutaneous structures) is divided.

  47. The subcutaneous veins may also then present a tortuous and distended appearance; but this is far from being generally the case.

  48. When the subcutaneous cellular tissue is the seat of the disease, the tumour is often of considerable extent, but rarely forms a great protuberance.

  49. The subcutaneous fatty matter is condensed, and closely attached to a firm and unyielding tendinous expansion; and betwixt these tissues and the pericranium, a loose cellular tissue is interposed, so as to allow of free motion of the parts.

  50. The skin is sometimes divided, but more frequently the pleura and lungs are torn by the spiculæ projecting internally; hence effusion into the chest, and emphysema of the subcutaneous cellular tissue near the fracture, take place.

  51. Leeches may be applied to almost any region of the body, excepting such as are abundantly supplied with loose cellular substance, as the eyelids and scrotum; or traversed by large subcutaneous veins.

  52. Acrid sanious matter is often infiltrated extensively into the subcutaneous cellular tissue round a wound or sore.

  53. Perhaps he had subcutaneous misgivings of the correctness of his insight into her character when he decided that it would never do to tempt confidences of a personal nature.

  54. The patient said he had subcutaneous pains recurring at irregular intervals above and below the left orbit, brought out or exaggerated by pressure; but such pressure had no effect upon the lid movements.

  55. The skin in the neighborhood of the zygoma was thick, red and swollen; but no air could be demonstrated in the subcutaneous tissues on palpation.

  56. Instead of faradism, a cold jet of water, or even painful subcutaneous injections of ether, may be used.

  57. There was no sign of rib fracture opposite this tear, and no subpleural, intercostal or subcutaneous contusion.

  58. However, energetic psychotherapy was started and in the absence of electricity, subcutaneous injections of ether were given.

  59. Secretion of subcutaneous mucus is increased by blisters of cantharides, by application of a thin slice of the fresh root of white briony, by sinapisms, by root of horse-radish, cochlearia armoracia.

  60. In this disease there appears to be a deficient absorption of the subcutaneous mucus, as well as inflammation and increased secretion of it.

  61. The pain, which accompanies the coldness of the skin, is owing to the deficient exertion of the subcutaneous vessels, and probably to the accumulation of sensorial power in the extremities of their nerves.

  62. Reciprocal convulsions of the subcutaneous muscles, originating from the pain of the sense of heat, owing to defect of its usual stimulus, and consequent accumulation of sensorial power in it.

  63. From the olecranon process the finger may be run down the posterior border of the ulna, which is subcutaneous as far as the styloid process at the lower end.

  64. Recently the administration of Chaulmoogra oil by subcutaneous injection has also been recommended.

  65. If they are allowed to remain on the station they disturb us with their cries all the night through, and I have to get up again and again to quieten them with a subcutaneous injection.

  66. Carriers for the military colony of the Cameroons had been impressed in our district, and many of them had caught the infection, but subcutaneous injections of emetin proved very effective even in the oldest cases.

  67. There is a preparation of arsenic called "Arrhenal," which enormously enhances the effect of the quinine, and I give it freely to white and black alike in subcutaneous injections.

  68. The subcutaneous test should, however, never be employed unless as a last resort, and then only after all other methods of diagnosis are exhausted and an absolute diagnosis is very essential.

  69. Above all, the subcutaneous tuberculin test should be used rarely, and then only after all other methods of diagnosis were thoroughly applied.

  70. Focal reaction is an important feature of the subcutaneous tuberculin test; it permits localization of the disease in a certain percentage of cases.

  71. It is maintained by some that the subcutaneous tuberculin reaction is more rapid in onset and more marked in degree in cases of recent infection.

  72. Occurrence, then, of a subcutaneous tuberculin reaction does not indicate necessarily sanatorium or institutional treatment; neither does it absolutely indicate the necessity of tuberculin treatment.

  73. With necrosis of the lateral cartilage is always swelling and thickening of the skin and subcutaneous structures of the coronet.

  74. On examining the leg I found the subcutaneous tissues infiltrated from below the knee to the foot, large masses of gelatinous blood-stained material being present along the flexor tendons and in the hollow of the heel.

  75. The skin of the coronet, especially in the region of the toe, becomes more or less thickened and indurated, and the same remark applies to the subcutaneous tissues.

  76. The Tendinous Quittor, in which not only the immediately subcutaneous tissues were attacked, but also portions of tendon and of ligament.

  77. The continued, inflammation thus kept in existence has the effect of rendering the skin and subcutaneous tissues in the neighbourhood greatly thickened and indurated.

  78. Even then they are liable to spoil, and should, for subcutaneous injection, be made up just before needed for use.

  79. This is a subcutaneous glistening cord originating in the ergot of the fetlock, passing in an oblique direction downwards and forwards, and crossing over on its way both the digital artery and the posterior branch of the digital nerve.

  80. Certain disproportions of the skeleton, hands and feet greatly enlarged; extreme development of the subcutaneous veins.

  81. From this results a peculiar arrangement of the muscles that we are able to bring directly into prominence, which presents points of interest from the point of view of the contraction of the subcutaneous layer.

  82. Muscles of the Anterior Region We first note that in the human species the tibialis anticus, extensor proprius pollicis, extensor longus digitorum and the peroneous tertius or anticus, form the subcutaneous layer of this region.

  83. The remaining subcutaneous structures of this region consist of the tendons of the anterior muscles of the leg which occupy this dorsal aspect.

  84. The superior border of this muscle is in relation with a superficial vein, which is distinctly visible in the horse--the subcutaneous thoracic vein, which in this animal is called the vein of the spur.

  85. Laborde, in attributing the secondary peripheric analgesia of intravenous or subcutaneous injections of hydrochlorate of Cocaine to the cerebral insusceptibility to pain, unconsciously made Cocaine a general anæsthetic.

  86. This learned physiologist studied the analgesic action generally resulting from subcutaneous injections of 0.

  87. The subcutaneous cellular tissue and the tendon of the external oblique may then be divided freely in the same line.

  88. There is more risk by this method of wounding the skin, and thus losing the subcutaneous character of the operation.

  89. The method of operating must, in the fore-arm, depend a good deal upon the part of the arm where you require to amputate, the muscularity of the limb, and the condition of the skin and subcutaneous cellular tissue.

  90. They are loosely attached in the subcutaneous cellular tissue, and unless they have become very large, or have been much pressed on, are non-adherent to the skin.

  91. It is, however, almost subcutaneous at the commencement below the cricoid, and on the level of the sternum it is in most cases at least an inch from the surface, in many much deeper.

  92. Still there remain several deformities for the relief of which subcutaneous tenotomy is a most important remedy; chief among these are Wry Neck and Club-foot.

  93. Perhaps one of the least dangerous is the plan of subcutaneous division of the neck of the femur by a narrow saw, proposed by Mr. Adams of London.

  94. One day, while the doctor was away administering a subcutaneous injection of morphine to a hay-fever patient, he left Nemesis in the office alone with a piece of rag-carpet and his surging thoughts.

  95. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "subcutaneous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    cutaneous; dermal; epidermal; furry; hypodermic; skinny; subcutaneous