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Example sentences for "posterior"

Lexicographically close words:
postdiluvian; poste; postea; posted; poster; posteriority; posteriorly; posteriormost; posteriors; posterite
  1. There is a stuffed feeling in the posterior nares.

  2. Feels pains drawing, rending along posterior aspect of thighs and down to toes.

  3. It happened that a woman presented an induration of the cervix, together with a remarkable softening in the posterior uterine wall.

  4. Membrane covering left tonsil entirely, also a narrow strip of membrane on posterior wall of pharynx, pain in left tonsil on swallowing, neck and tongue stiff, saliva quite profuse.

  5. The result of treatment with chloride of gold was, that in proportion to the decrease of the induration there was an increase in the consistency of the softened posterior wall.

  6. The discharge from the posterior nose is whitish and sticky, producing a constant hawking.

  7. The result was in a few words: inflammation of both lips of the uterus, a thickening of the cervical canal with a swelling of the posterior uterine wall as hard as cartilage, and retroversio uteri.

  8. The posterior nares feel raw, as if denuded of epithelium, 1a.

  9. Bergson has shown at considerable length that the idea of non-existence is more complex, psychologically, than the idea of existence, and posterior to it.

  10. The posterior surfaces of the two half-plates may be covered with a non-conducting coating.

  11. We have seen in our silver cell that if the molecular conditions of the anterior and posterior surfaces were exactly similar, there would be no current.

  12. Solenimya differs from Solenocurtus and the true Solens, in having the posterior side of the shell the shortest; in the internal ligament; and in being destitute of teeth.

  13. They are, however, generally flatter, and have the apex placed somewhat nearer the posterior margin.

  14. The true ligament is always external, and serves the purpose of binding the two valves of a shell together externally by the posterior dorsal margins.

  15. Turned backwards; the term, when applied to symmetrical conical univalves, is used to signify that the apex is turned towards the posterior margin, as in Emarginula, fig.

  16. These are known by having the outer lip more or less expanded and generally a posterior canal leaning towards the spire.

  17. It is attached to the posterior part of the foot on the upper surface; and when the animal retires within its shell, that part of the foot enters last, drawing the operculum after it, and thus closing the aperture.

  18. The trachelipodous mollusca are described as having the posterior part of the body spirally twisted and separated from the foot; always enveloped in a shell.

  19. The sinistral valve of a bivalve shell may be known, by placing the shell, with its ligamentary or posterior part towards the observer; the sides of the shell will then correspond with his right and left side.

  20. Anterior and posterior canals closed so as to present three openings.

  21. The impression on the posterior dorsal margin of some bivalve shells.

  22. On the posterior surface of the bladder, or between the uterus and the bladder, were the two bags, called vesiculæ seminales in the male, but much smaller than they are in the bull.

  23. Showing underside of posterior extremity of body with appearance of branchiae.

  24. During this time, and even when the insect is roaming up and down the grass or twig, the posterior segments of the abdomen are extended at intervals, the abdomen turning upward at the same time.

  25. The bottom of the bottle will represent the posterior wall of the tympanum, from the upper part of which an opening leads backward into the mastoid antrum and so into the air-cells of the mastoid process.

  26. From the front of the malleus a slender process projects forward into the Glaserian fissure, while from the back of the incus the posterior process is directed backward and is attached to the posterior wall of the tympanum.

  27. In the birds the cochlea resembles that of the crocodiles, but the posterior semicircular canal is above the superior where they join one another.

  28. Among the Cyclostomata the external semicircular canals are wanting; Petromyzon has the superior and posterior only, while in Myxine these two appear to be fused so that only one is seen.

  29. The vestibule lies just internal to the posterior part of the tympanum, and there would be a communication between the two, through the fenestra ovalis, were it not that the footplate of the stapes blocks the way.

  30. It is probable that this duct is the same which, taking a different direction and losing its communication with the skin, abuts on the posterior cranial fossa of higher forms (see Rudolf Krause, "Die Entwickelung des Aq.

  31. The posterior pair he found to be membraneous bags, somewhat flattened, like the respiratory vesicles of marine worms, with distinct ribs, which are blood-vessels.

  32. The sclerotic is the white, opaque part of the outer tunic, of which it forms about the posterior five-sixths, being coextensive with the larger sphere already mentioned.

  33. If the fracture is through the posterior part of the bone, it is unimportant and deserving of no more attention than placing the animal in such position as to insure it against subsequent injury until the bones are united.

  34. If the fracture should be through the body of the bone, there may be pressure on or laceration of the spinal cord, causing paralysis of all parts posterior to the seat of injury.

  35. The tumor may be so situated that by shifting its position a little it may partially obstruct the posterior nares (nostrils), when, of course, it will render nasal breathing very noisy and labored.

  36. The aqueous humor occupies a chamber which is bounded in front by the posterior surface of the cornea and behind by the capsule and suspensory ligament of the lens and by the ends of the ciliary processes.

  37. With a posterior presentation the abdomen may be punctured more easily either in the flank or with a trocar and cannula through the anus.

  38. Posterior presentation; the fetus on its back.

  39. The posterior aorta coming from the heart passes backward and gives rise to the internal iliac arteries, and of these the umbilical arteries are branches.

  40. Its posterior surface forms the anterior boundary of the chamber in which the aqueous humor is contained.

  41. The posterior ribs, being more exposed, are more liable to fracture.

  42. The pelvis, or bony framework which gives shape to the posterior part of the body, is liable to fracture in many ways.

  43. When the fracture is farther down in the neck, posterior to the origin of the phrenic nerve, the breathing continues, but there is paralysis in all parts posterior to the fracture, including the fore and hind legs.

  44. The fetus should be turned by pushing back the fore parts and bringing up the hind so as to make a posterior presentation.

  45. When the paralysis affects both sides of the body, posterior to a point, it is further designated by the name paraplegia.

  46. It is true that each individual diagram drawn is posterior to the power of drawing it (a.

  47. Indeed, the Platonic theory goes even farther than the phrase Universalia ante rem, which recognizes the particular as a reality, though posterior and derivative; for Plato attenuates it into phantom and shadow.

  48. But this last, the Compound, may be dismissed as evidently unsuitable for the enquiry, not less than Matter separately; for it is manifestly posterior to either of the two components (p.

  49. For all other varieties of change are posterior as compared with locomotive change or motion in space, which is the first of all.

  50. The Final Cause or End is prior in the order of nature, but posterior to the terms of the conclusion in the order of time or generation; while the Efficient is prior in the order of time or generation.

  51. Moreover that which is contrary to nature is posterior to that which is natural; it is a deviation therefrom arising in the course of generation (s.

  52. But the body and its parts are posterior to the soul or Form, and into these, as parts, the entire man (not the Essence or Form) is divided.

  53. We have already seen that the proprium ought to be better known than its subject; but man is even less known (posterior in respect to cognition) than animal, because it is a species under the genus animal.

  54. We know, however, from the ancient history of France posterior to Pliny's time, that the Druids survived as a powerful class in that country for a long time afterwards.

  55. In some families the last tooth in either jaw may be a "posterior canine," serving to hold small animals in place while the anterior teeth crush them.

  56. Connected with the posterior or occipital aspect of the skull are two small narrow plates which lie closely alongside the first half-dozen vertebrae.

  57. The posterior lobe is the cerebellum, or metencephalon, and it rests on the medulla oblongata, the posterior portion of the brain, which is directly continuous with the spinal cord.

  58. In each jaw is a strong posterior tooth with smaller teeth about.

  59. In most fishes the germ-cells are produced in large sacs, ovaries or testes, arranged symmetrically one on either side of the posterior part of the abdominal cavity.

  60. Below in the vertebrae of the posterior half of the body the haemapophyses (69) unite to form the haemal spine (70), and through the haemal canal thus formed passes a great artery.

  61. In all these higher forms the posterior limbs remain abdominal, as in the sharks and the primitive and soft-rayed fishes generally.

  62. On the side behind the posterior angle of the frontal is the sphenotic (5) above the posterior part of the eye.

  63. The posterior part is a thin-walled reservoir, the sinus venosus, into which blood enters through the jugular vein from the head and through the cardinal vein from the kidney.

  64. On the opposite side of the mouth from the gland the ciliated groove joins another groove which is both ciliated and glandular, and which runs backward along the upper floor of the pharyngeal sac to its posterior extremity.

  65. The urosome, or posterior part of the body, must be regarded as a product of evolution and specialization, its function being largely that of locomotion.

  66. Dean denies the existence of any structures corresponding to either limb, but Woodward figures a supposititious posterior limb in Coccosteus, finding traces of basal bones which may belong to it.

  67. The posterior or dorsal root is sensory only and widens into a ganglionic swelling near the base.

  68. At the posterior end of the gill-chamber begins the alimentary tract, which pursues a convoluted course to the vent.

  69. Tarsus with its hinder portion somewhat compressed, but the posterior edge rounded and entire.

  70. Toes with lateral lobes; tarsus with the posterior edge serrated.

  71. Small sandpipers with the toes lobed, and posterior side of tarsus serrated.

  72. Bill stout and very deep; nostrils circular; frontal shield broad, covering the entire forehead, its posterior border square; legs and toes very long and heavy.

  73. According to Westwood, "the posterior part of its body is enclosed in a semioval membranous cocoon, which is at first formed by the larva, the anterior part of which is eaten away before changing to a pupa, so as to be open in front.

  74. In about two hours more it actually breaks off the larger end of the egg-shell and at once begins to eat the fatty tissues of its victim, its posterior half still remaining in the shell.

  75. The breathing pores (stigmata) open in a scaly plate at the posterior end of the body.

  76. The head is small and rounded, with short, three-jointed antennæ, and at the posterior end of the body are several slender spines.

  77. Four anterior abdominal segments subequal, two posterior ones small; body clothed with simple hairs and without scales.

  78. One or both of the two posterior pairs of feet bear suckers, and all are more or less covered with long, slender hairs.

  79. There was a slight effusion of blood over the posterior aspect of the brain.

  80. The bullet had entered on the posterior aspect of the right scapular region and had emerged at the level of the first dorsal vertebra.

  81. The region of the femorocutaneous nerve was slightly sensitive and the posterior aspect of the thigh and buttock was sensitive.

  82. There was an anesthesia of the shoulder-joint region, and of the outer surface of the arm; a hypesthesia of the posterior surface of the forearm and dorsal surface of the hand and fingers; tendon and periosteal reflexes normal.

  83. The inguinal region was involved and the painful zone reached the sciatic notch and the upper part of the posterior surface of the thigh.

  84. Their interpretation of such acute degeneration as was found in the fifth segment is that this degeneration, as well as that of the posterior roots, is due to the direct impact of the cerebrospinal fluid upon the cord structure.

  85. The knee-jerk and Achilles jerk were abolished on the right; plantar reflex diminished; right posterior tibial nerve painful on pressure, and its territory was hypesthetic.

  86. X-ray indicated loss of substance in the posterior part of the left parietal region.

  87. Sometimes these patients show rib fractures; these are in the posterior portions of the ribs and are due to the fall of the man when struck.

  88. Lesions of the middle or posterior temporal region are particularly important for speech, and produce more marked disorder than lesions of the angular gyrus or the supramarginal gyrus.

  89. A numbness, or state of no feeling, in the right thigh appeared, and increased to the point of total analgesia to the level of the upper margin of the patella save for a narrow strip in the mid-line on the posterior aspect of the leg.

  90. As to the cases of alexia, these are cases of lesions of the posterior part of the parietal-temporal lobe, and are usually accompanied by a hemi- or a quadrantanopsia.

  91. Upon the posterior aspect of the leg, the analgesia and anesthesia had disappeared to a point at about the middle of the upper thigh.

  92. The choir and Lady-Chapel are nearly demolished; and only some fragments of them are now standing: they were of pointed architecture, and posterior to the nave by at least two centuries.

  93. It is believed, and with every appearance of probability, that the Lady-Chapel was erected at a time posterior to the rest of the building; but there is no certain account of its date.

  94. The southern tower is surmounted by a lofty stone spire, probably of a date posterior to the part below.

  95. The groined roof, though posterior to the original date of the building, is perhaps of the thirteenth century.

  96. Tischendorf from the East and described at length by Gildemeister (De evangeliis in Arabicum e simplici Syriaco translatis, Bonn, 1865) is shown by internal evidence to be posterior to Islam (pp.

  97. Brandt is of the opinion that this remark was added by a posterior reader.

  98. It is fair to assume, then, that the author or collector of our present Apicius lived long after the second Apicius, or, at least, that the book was augmented by persons posterior to M.

  99. Consequently, in the superior part, we see the external and anterior muscles limiting the hollow in front of the elbow; interiorly are found the posterior muscles.

  100. In this region it extends from the posterior border of the shoulder to the thigh, and, in the vertical direction, from the apices of the spinous process of the dorso-lumbar vertebrae to the median line of the abdomen.

  101. By its inferior portion it limits externally the posterior region of the knee--the popliteal space.

  102. The tubercle of the carpus, situated at the level of the posterior surface of this latter, is less important than the preceding, the region which it occupies not reaching the ground during walking.

  103. The left foot of the posterior biped is the one which commences the action.

  104. It is covered by the latissimus dorsi and the posterior muscular mass of the arm.

  105. In the cat, the posterior bundle is less definitely blended with the anterior.

  106. It presents, on its external surface, a groove for the passage of the tendon of the posterior ulnar muscle, which is named by veterinary anatomists the external flexor of the metacarpus.

  107. And on account of that which is posterior (i.

  108. By this means, after passing one thread of the woof, the posterior layer of the warp was drawn forward so as firmly to inclose it, and into the space between the layers a new thread of woof was again introduced.

  109. At intervals of two months samples of blood may be collected from the posterior auricular vein and the serum tested for specific antibodies.

  110. The centre of the trephine hole should be at the intersection of the median line and a line joining the posterior canthi (Fig.

  111. Shave the posterior border of the dorsum of the ear.

  112. Shave the dorsal surface of the ear over the course of the posterior auricular vein (see Fig.

  113. The site selected for the injection in the rabbit is the posterior auricular vein (see Fig.

  114. The end of the gill nearest the stalk of the plant is termed the posterior extremity; the opposite end, the anterior extremity.

  115. Plate F illustrates by section or otherwise various forms of these gill-like processes characteristic of species, considered either with regard to marginal outline or position of their posterior extremity: Fig.

  116. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "posterior" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aft; after; afterpart; attendant; back; backward; beam; behind; bottom; breech; bum; butt; buttocks; consecutive; consequent; croup; crupper; ensuing; following; fundament; heel; hind; hinder; hindmost; hip; junior; later; lineal; next; posterior; postern; proximate; rear; rearward; retrograde; reverse; rump; seat; sequential; stern; subsequent; succeeding; successive; tail

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    posterior diameter; posterior margin; posterior surfaces