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Example sentences for "tetanus"

Lexicographically close words:
testis; testium; tests; testy; tetanic; tetch; tetched; tete; tetes; teth
  1. Serum from a horse properly immunized against tetanus toxin, dissolved in physiologic solution of sodium chloride.

  2. Certain antitoxic proteins from the serum of a horse properly immunized against tetanus toxin.

  3. According to Vaillard one milligramme of tetanus toxin will kill a horse weighing 600 kilos.

  4. A quintillionth of a cubic centimeter of the serum per gramme weight of a live mouse suffices to protect the animal from an otherwise fatal quantity of tetanus toxin.

  5. The fact that the tetanus bacillus never penetrates to the interior of the organism enabled us long ago to foretell that it secretes a very powerful toxin capable of dialyzing and diffusing through the economy.

  6. Experiment has shown that animals that have been cured of tetanus possess no immunity whatever against tetanus; nevertheless Behring and Kitasato[122] first, and Wassermann and Kitasato later on, succeeded in preparing a tetanus antitoxin.

  7. The occurrence that takes place in diphtheria and tetanus is one of the best examples to cite in support of this view.

  8. The immunized animals yield a serum which, mixed with tetanus cultures, renders these innocuous, and which enjoys an antitoxic power that borders on the marvelous.

  9. And yet in Eastern Polynesia and in the Equatorial Islands of the Pacific many deaths have occurred through the sting of this fish, children invariably succumbing to tetanus within twenty-four hours of being stung.

  10. Tetanus occurs as a consequence especially of a wound which has been contaminated by the street dirt of a large city, or the refuse of a farm.

  11. Maruf, punctured in shoulder, died of tetanus on the night of the 19th, 24 hours earlier than Saadi.

  12. Defn: To throw, as a muscle, into a state of permanent contraction; to cause tetanus in.

  13. We have here a parallel case to the complete and incomplete tetanus of muscles, under similar conditions.

  14. With superposition of stimuli we have fusion of effects, analogous to the tetanus of muscle (fig.

  15. Bacillus of Tetanus from scraping of a wound of finger, × 1000 diam.

  16. Tetanus neonatorum is a form of tetanus occurring in infants of about a week old.

  17. If earth or street dirt has entered the wound, the surface may with advantage be painted over with pure carbolic acid, as virulent organisms, such as those of tetanus or spreading gangrene, are liable to be present.

  18. During the European War acute tetanus occasionally developed many weeks or even months after a patient had been injured, and when the original wound had completely healed.

  19. Prophylactic injection of tetanus antitoxin may be indicated.

  20. The only condition with which it is liable to be confused is the variety of cephalic tetanus in which the muscles of deglutition are specially involved--the so-called tetanus hydrophobicus.

  21. The difference between this and acute tetanus is mainly one of degree.

  22. When tetanus has developed the main indications are to prevent the further production of toxins in the wound, and to neutralise those that have been absorbed into the nervous system.

  23. Some organisms, such as those of tetanus and erysipelas, and certain of the pyogenic bacteria, show little tendency to pass far beyond the point at which they gain an entrance to the body.

  24. In all suspicious cases, a prophylatic injection of tetanus antitoxin is to be recommended (1000 units).

  25. As a practical fact, however, boiling water kills in a few minutes all cocci, most bacilli, and all pathogenic spores, though anthrax and tetanus are harder to kill than are the spores of other bacteria.

  26. Peroxide is not fatal to tetanus bacilli.

  27. A very fatal disease due to the introduction of the bacillus tetanus into the tissues.

  28. Tetanus antitoxin should be given (5000 units), and repeated in twenty-four hours if no improvement is seen.

  29. Tetanus is an infectious disease, invariably preceded by some injury.

  30. Eight drops injected in the jugular vein of a horse produced immediate tetanus and speedy death.

  31. Cholera inoculation was the mildest, typhoid or paratyphoid sometimes gave sore arms and headaches, tetanus only the wounded received and it was far the worst of the lot, but any one who has seen a man die of tetanus is not likely to complain.

  32. Tetanus is being fought and conquered by means of a serum.

  33. Is, in fact, the undoubted immunity to tetanus poison which may be possessed by an animal due to the nerve-centres having become insensible to this substance?

  34. First, as regards the infection of an animal with the tetanus virus introduced directly into the brain, it has been found that very much smaller quantities produce a fatal result than when subcutaneously inoculated.

  35. Thus the microbe producing lock-jaw or tetanus may be grown in broth, and the latter may be subsequently passed through a porcelain or a Berkefeld filter, so that the resulting liquid is entirely deprived of all germ life.

  36. To arrest tetanus by substituting cerebral for subcutaneous inoculations of the anti-tetanic serum was the next feat attempted.

  37. This reminds me of a case in which tetanus or lock-jaw ensued from the use of some old cobwebs in stopping the bleeding of a cut.

  38. Tetanus is by far the most incurable of these convulsive disorders.

  39. If there is evidence of design in a rose, there is at least as much evidence of design in the tubercle bacillus, and the tetanus bacillus.

  40. Toxins apparently have maxima, optima, and minima of temperature for their action, as shown by the destructive effect of heat and by the fact that a frog injected with tetanus toxin and kept at 20 deg.

  41. Tetanus toxin is about 120 times as poisonous as strychnin, both of which act on the same kind of nerve cells.

  42. For certain purposes the introduction of the products of the organism (toxins) is used to bring about active immunity (preparation of diphtheria and tetanus antitoxin from the horse).

  43. Tetanus is a good illustration of a non-contagious infectious disease.

  44. The process of immunizing a horse for diphtheria or tetanus toxin usually takes several months.

  45. The official unit for tetanus antitoxin is somewhat different, since it is standardized against a standard toxin which is likewise kept at the Hygienic Laboratory.

  46. In these cases there is apparently a real chemical relationship, as there is also between the toxins of bacteria and certain tissue cells (tetanus toxin and nerve cells).

  47. Lockjaw or tetanus attacks most mammals, but not any other vertebrates naturally.

  48. To express it another way, one could say that a "unit" of tetanus antitoxin would protect one thousand 350 g.

  49. The parallel between rabies and tetanus in the intensity of the reflex excitability would demand darkness and quiet as a sine quâ non of any rational treatment.

  50. Wounds in dirty parts of the body, like the hands and feet, are more apt to be followed by tetanus than those elsewhere.

  51. A portion of clothing may be carried into the wound and lead to death from hemorrhage, or death may occur from many secondary causes, such as tetanus or sepsis.

  52. Thus an amputation of the leg for wound of the foot causing tetanus is by no means a certain means of cure.

  53. Tetanus may be rapidly fatal; in two or three days, or it may be or become more chronic.

  54. The prognosis of acute tetanus is almost invariably fatal; that of chronic tetanus is grave, but a certain proportion of cases recover.

  55. Tetanus usually appears about the end of the first week after a wound has been received, but it may not appear for a longer period, even three or four weeks, so that the wound may have been some time healed.

  56. There are also certain sections where tetanus is much more common than elsewhere and where it may be said to be almost endemic.

  57. Tetanus occurs as a rare sequel to miscarriage and normal labour.

  58. In practice it is important to remember that tetanus arises from infection: hence all instruments which have been in contact with this disease must be sterilized, and this should be effected by submitting them to prolonged boiling.

  59. Tetanus has also been traced to infected catgut employed in cholecystotomy (1905).

  60. Cases have been reported in England, and tetanus has been noticed to affect patients who have been ovariotomized in rooms recently plastered.

  61. Among rare accidents which have followed this simple operation is tetanus when catgut and wallaby tendon has been used for the retaining sutures (see p.

  62. Two fatal cases of Tetanus following Abdominal Section due to Infected Ligatures, &c.

  63. Martin reported the occurrence of tetanus after vaginal fixation of the uterus and colporrhaphia anterior.

  64. I haven't heard how many at the other hospital at the Jesuit school--tetanus there too.

  65. There they were dressed and had the anti-tetanus serum injection, and were taken by stretcher-bearers to the next Dressing Station, and thence by horse ambulance to the Field Ambulance, and then by motor ambulance to where we picked them up.

  66. The anti-tetanus serum injection that every wounded man gets with his first dressing has done a great deal to keep the tetanus under, and the spreading gangrene is less fatal than it was.

  67. Carle and Rattone, and Rosenbach, were able to produce tetanus in animals by inoculating them with discharge from the wounds of patients attacked by the disease.

  68. He was able, by these inoculations, to produce tetanus in them; and the discharge from the points of inoculation, put under the skin of other rabbits, produced the disease again.

  69. Taking the statistics as a whole, there is a distinct improvement in the mortality of tetanus since the introduction of antitoxin.

  70. It remains to be added, that the modern study of tetanus has brought into more general use the old rule that the wounded tissues in a severe case of tetanus should be at once excised.

  71. Again, at the Gebaer Anstalt at Prague, in 1899, an outbreak of tetanus occurred, with several deaths; but it was stopped when a preventive dose of the antitoxin was given to the new patients on admission.

  72. Hence, instead of tetanus consisting "in a spasmodic contraction of the muscles of voluntary motion," it consists in a deranged state of the nervous system; and the contracted state of the muscles is only symptomatic of such derangement.

  73. That the symptoms of tetanus and poisoning by vegetable substances are the same.

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tetanus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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