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Example sentences for "camping"

Lexicographically close words:
camphire; camphor; camphorated; camphoric; campi; campions; campis; campong; campos; camps
  1. During the first week of October I made a final visit to Paradise Valley with Mr. Astley, the manager of the chalet, in order to bring back our tent and the camping utensils.

  2. After a short pause, while we endeavored to estimate the height and distance and gain some true idea of the mountain, all moved on rapidly through alternating groves and meadows to our camping place.

  3. Just below our camping place the waters were contracted again, and descended in a shallow rapid to another lake, resting against the mountain side on the south.

  4. Early in the afternoon we came to our camping place on the banks of the Simpson River, where a great number of teepee poles proved this to be a favorite resort among the Indians.

  5. It seemed best to return the next day to the summit of the pass, where everything conspired to make an ideal camping place.

  6. The time required to reach the mountain with a camping outfit and pack-horses was said to be from five to seven days.

  7. In the past few years, he has been engaged in supplying tourists with camping outfits and guides, for excursions among the mountains.

  8. Some are bent on sport with rod or gun; others on mountaineering or camping expeditions, but the great majority are en route to distant countries and make Banff a stopping-place for a short period.

  9. During a period of four years, the author has made camping excursions into many of the wilder parts of the mountains and effected a considerable number of ascents.

  10. At the close of our camping experiences, we effected the conquest of two mountains, Hazel Peak and Mount Temple, on two successive days.

  11. We found our camp buried in snow, the ridge-pole of the tent broken down with the heavy burden, and everything so much disguised by the wintry mantle that we had difficulty in finding the camping place.

  12. As we feared the necessity of camping where water could not be found, we nooned on the river before bidding it farewell.

  13. Heroes of the Elizabethan Ago Edward Gilliat Camping on Western Trails E.

  14. When she was not away from home on camping or picnic excursions, she would find time to visit the cabin of an old man who lived alone, and had sore eyes so that he could not see to read.

  15. At a camping party Clara had first met Charles Herne, and the outcome of that meeting was that to-morrow would be Clara's wedding day.

  16. Here he brought his camping outfit and went to work in good earnest for about ten days.

  17. She rode horseback and climbed the sides of steep mountains, mixed with the young people in their recreations, such as camping parties, picnics, and social entertainments.

  18. After all, it will only be beginning our camping experience one day in advance, for to-morrow night we expect to sleep under canvas, you know.

  19. Thus they were presently all in motion, making a careful detour around the pile of camping material that occupied the middle of the floor.

  20. The tents were pitched on the seaward-facing beach, the soldiers being altogether averse to camping on ground which might so easily be converted into a city.

  21. The rest of us, you observe, are camping under the canopy of heaven, in regular rank and file, and we are ready to requite kindness with kindness, but to repel evil vigorously.

  22. The students of that school were all Camp Fire Girls, and it was not an uncommon thing for individual Fires to spend parts of their vacations together at favorite camping places.

  23. We didn't explore it because we didn't have time, but it surely must contain some good camping places.

  24. On the day following the advance excursion and inspection of the camping prospects at Stony Point, the "Big Twin" was engaged again to convey the Camp Fire Girls to the prospective camping place.

  25. We were very much interested when we learned that a company of Camp Fire Girls were camping near us.

  26. We can get the information we want after we learn more of the camping possibilities of this neighborhood and can talk intelligently when we begin to make inquiries.

  27. The boat skirted along the shore and a careful examination was made to discover landing places that might provide access from the lake to such camping sites as might later be found.

  28. They obtained a good view of the section of the shore just north of the Graham cottage and picked out several spots which appeared from the distance viewed to be very good camping sites.

  29. These spies are all Camp Fire Girls who were camping on her farm.

  30. This being their decision, they returned without delay to the boat and the work of carrying their camping outfit a distance of some three hundred yards was begun.

  31. It is best in camping to build small fires.

  32. If you are camping in the woods, you may like to play the "Tree Game.

  33. In such cases each party made its camping circle, but without pitching the tents according to the gentes; all consanguinities and affinities tried to get together.

  34. On such occasions the regular order of camping was not observed; each man encamped near his kindred, whether they were maternal or paternal consanguinities.

  35. The place of this sacred tent is within the tribal circle, and near the camping place of the gens.

  36. But, unlike the other gentes, its subgentes have separate camping areas.

  37. Four or five hours later, when we reached our camping ground for the night, neither of them had overtaken us, and I began to feel alarmed at their prolonged absence.

  38. The Sioux were then camping close by the fort and it was midwinter, which facts held them in check for a month or two; but as soon as spring came, they removed their camp across the river and rose in rebellion.

  39. It was the custom in those days for the older men to walk ahead of the moving caravan and decide upon all halts and camping places.

  40. When we came camping here I decided to keep on trying to solve the mystery.

  41. It was the same road over which the chums had traveled the time they went camping just before the previous Thanksgiving, during which excursion they had shot considerable game.

  42. The girls went camping on Acorn Island and had a delightful time at boating, swimming and picnic parties.

  43. Telling how the girls organized their Camping and Tramping Club, how they went on a tour, and of various adventures which befell them.

  44. They reported, on their return, that about a mile below was another cataract, and that at its head was an excellent camping place in a sheltered bay.

  45. Here it was freely given, and they directed them to a good camping place, on an island from whence they looked across to the fields and villages of Chumbiri, where these fishermen belonged.

  46. As they came to a place from which they could see into the interior of their camping place, they stopped and gazed curiously at the sight before them.

  47. Camping parties like their own had been passed, and salutes had been fired to acknowledge their approach.

  48. There was a rude little dock near the camping place, and to this Ethan guided his boat and soon landed his passengers.

  49. Just think of it, fellows, we'd never be camping here if this place hadn't been discovered.

  50. Before them was a view of the broad river, dotted here and there with islands, on some of which were cottages and on others camping parties not unlike their own.

  51. One evening he was seen taking down a fence and camping at a new tank, a couple of miles from the homestead; and at nine or ten o'clock that night he rode up to the station, and asked to see Mr. Prescott.

  52. The author of the Camping Out Series is entitled to rank as decidedly at the head of what may be called boys' literature.

  53. This author wrote his "Camping Out Series" at the very height of his mental and physical powers.

  54. I doubt it, and it would be easy to show that originally these stories and fables were really meant to inculcate right and good principles.

  55. Harry, as they continued on to a camping spot.

  56. They were fortunate in finding a camping place, with wood and water, near the mouth of Cherry Creek, at the Platte, and there tied Duke and Jenny out.

  57. First thing is to find a camping spot," proposed Harry, briskly.

  58. He proved to be a good campaigner, for a tenderfoot; and as an old-timer Terry of course needs must pretend that this kind of camping was nothing at all.

  59. They toiled along, eyes alert for a camping spot.

  60. Val, with her camping instinct, had lighted a little fire of twigs, just for the pleasure of the sweet pungent odour of green burning and the sight of smoke curling blue against the silver sky.

  61. Another quarter-mile and I came upon it, after which the way was easy, and ere long I was at the spot selected as the camping ground for the next few weeks.

  62. A few minutes later and animated groups troop along the lane towards the camping ground, where a further few minutes suffice to bring fires to life and preparations into full swing for a well-earned tea.

  63. Starting early on the Sunday morning, I arrived eventually at the camping ground, where I found the families I had in mind late on the previous night.

  64. Alterations are also made to suit the changing seasons and the differences of camping grounds.

  65. They had not gone to their usual next camping ground, but had at first gone some distance upon the main road.

  66. I know an old gypsy, seventy years of age, who in the proper season walks to a spot eight miles distant from his usual camping ground to gather those attractive purple plumes—the flowers of the common reed, Arundo phragmites.

  67. After having examined the camping ground, I found I had noted the following as my conclusions, and they subsequently proved to be quite correct:— .

  68. How to Chop Wood= Trailing and camping both mean wood-chopping to some extent for shelters, fires, etc.

  69. One of the pleasantest phases of a season's camping are the little side trips for overnight.

  70. Camping Dress= The most serviceable and practical dress for camping is a three-piece suit, made of a fadeless, soft quality of gray or brown material.

  71. A camping trip will afford better and more unhurried opportunities for photographing flowers than a one day's trail, unless you carry a box or basket with you for securing specimens that you can take back and photograph at leisure.

  72. Here you may make camp for a day and enjoy that day as much as if it were one of many in a several weeks' camping trip.

  73. If the camping party is fond of fish, and fish frequently forms part of a meal, have a special clean cloth to use exclusively for drying the fish.

  74. I suspect that many of us are, after all, really camping temporarily in civilized conditions; and that going into the wilderness is an escape, longed for, into our natural and preferred state.

  75. Consider what this " camping out " is, that is confessedly so agreeable to people most delicately reared.

  76. The real enjoyment of camping and tramping in the woods lies in a return to primitive conditions of lodging, dress, and food, in as total an escape as may be from the requirements of civilization.

  77. We hear sometimes that the Turk has been merely camping for four centuries in Europe.

  78. His favorite camping ground was on the north side,--a pretty site in itself, but with no special view.

  79. It is really an ideal camping song, because even the littlest girls can sing the words without understanding what they mean.

  80. The General and his staff had watched the beginnings of the action from the now deserted camping ground, a dirty waste, littered with rubbish and dotted with the melancholy figures of derelict horses and mules.

  81. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "camping" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.