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Example sentences for "cirri"

Lexicographically close words:
circuses; cire; cirque; cirques; cirrhosis; cirripedes; cirrus; cisco; cise; cision
  1. Two well developed cirri and two rudimentary ones are present in Apus, and they are also to be found in other phyllopods and some isopods.

  2. Now we have just seen how Turner uses the sharp-edged cirri when he aims at giving great transparency of air.

  3. Gibbula, with jaws, three pairs of epipodial cirri without pigment spots at their bases, British.

  4. Margarita, five to seven pairs of epipodial cirri with a pigment spot at base of each.

  5. The wind went down with the sun; silver-edged cirri lost their glitter, and swift was .

  6. In the animal's body the only difference which I could perceive was that the shorter rami of the second and third pairs of cirri were not so short, compared either to the other cirri or to the longer rami of these same cirri.

  7. All the cirri resemble each other, excepting that the rami of the anterior pair, are rather shorter than those of the other cirri, but the dorsal spines on their segments are longer.

  8. This curious and unique structure answers, I believe, the same purpose as the four convex, hardish, crenated buttons on the posterior thoracic cirri in Alcippe, which are likewise unique in that genus.

  9. The segments of these three pairs of cirri are not much protuberant in front.

  10. The posterior cirri have segments carrying five pairs of main spines: the dorsal surfaces of the lower segments are serrated.

  11. This Lepadide, which lives upon Sharks in the North Sea, seems, in fact, to be in the best way to lose its cirri and buccal organs in the same manner.

  12. The embryos are attached by suspenders to the two cirri of the arms which immediately adjoin the mouth.

  13. By this change of shape in the disc the tentacles form two rows, one on the anterior and one on the posterior border of the disc, and eventually become the cirri of the arms.

  14. The stalk is functionally replaced by a number of short cirri springing from the centro-dorsal plate.

  15. The valves will presently be seen to open a little, and the curled cirri will be protruded, opened out like the fingers of a hand, and withdrawn again with a sort of grasping motion.

  16. Again, the true high cirri never cross a mountain in Europe.

  17. Rain or snow, and windy, variable weather may be expected when cirri with fine tails vary much in a few hours.

  18. Serene, settled weather may be expected when groups and threads of cirri are seen during a gentle wind after severe weather.

  19. These begin as mere specks, which enlarge until the sky is nearly covered in the afternoon, and towards sunset they generally disappear, their tops becoming cirri when the air is dry.

  20. Continued wet weather may be undoubtedly expected when horizontal sheets of cirri fall quickly and pass into the cirro-stratus.

  21. A storm of wind and rain may be expected within forty-eight hours when fine threads of cirri seem brushed backward from the south-west.

  22. Lesson says that there are seven pair of cirri, from which I infer that this species has a pair of long, articulated, caudal appendages: he asserts that each cirrus has ten segments; the cirri are short and little curled.

  23. Second and third cirri with five basal segments of both rami protuberant and brush-like; but the anterior rami in both cirri are broader than the posterior rami.

  24. The four posterior cirri blackish purple; the second, and often the third cirrus, appear as if the colour had been laterally abraded off; these latter cirri have sometimes a tinge of orange.

  25. The upper segments of the pedicels of all the cirri are unusually long.

  26. Pedicels of the cirri not particularly protuberant in front.

  27. The cirri are composed of two arms or rami, supported on a common segment or support, which I call the pedicel.

  28. I compared the cirri and trophi with those of a common variety, and could detect not the smallest difference.

  29. The pedicel of the first pair is very short; that of the second is the longest; those of the posterior cirri decreasing in length.

  30. Such cirri as these often grow into other varieties of cloud, and are frequently followed by rain.

  31. Although it appears to be stationary, it has some connexion with the motions of the atmosphere; for whenever, in fair weather, light variable breezes prevail, cirri are generally present.

  32. The cirri increase, extending upwards and sideways, after which the shower is seen to commence.

  33. At other times, the cirro-stratus is first formed above the cumulus, and their sudden union is attended with the production of cirri and rain.

  34. In either case the same effect is produced on a number of neighbouring cirri at the same time, and in the same order.

  35. In either case the cirri spring up in proportion to the quantity of rain falling, and give the cloud a character by which it is easily known at great distances, and which has long been called by the name of nimbus.

  36. People don't know what Cirri are, at least not one out of fifty readers.

  37. I confess I was appalled when I cast my eye upon the title of the manuscript, "Cirri and Nebulae.

  38. Such a set of segmentally arranged lateral sense-organs is found in annelids in connection with the dorsal cirri of the ventral parapodia.

  39. One evening, gray and white cirri swirled as if dashed in by a great, careless brush, and the next morning, a dawn strewn with flamingo feathers foretold a rainy time.

  40. Then came a [235] day when the sun rose over low-lying clouds into a fleece of cirri that caught aflame with his mounting.

  41. During these manoeuvres, the cirri of the flanks and thighs drag along the supporting surface and by their length and elasticity appear fitted only to impede progress.

  42. At sunset high streaky cirri of red colour: all said wind.

  43. Cirri everywere: to west formed ascending rays like sun, extending to zenith; to east were crosses and lozenges.

  44. At noon a few wind-clouds and cirri to north and west.

  45. Cirri and wind-clouds to east and nearly everywhere.

  46. Sinai hills clouded over: cirri strata high up; nimbi in fragments below.

  47. All day cirri and strata high up from west.

  48. Thin clouds like volcanic smoke, separated into cirri like sheep-skin: all said sign of heat.

  49. Sky all clear, except wind cirri over 'Akabah Gulf and to west.

  50. Having cirri along the margin of a part or organ.

  51. The lowest group of vertebrates; -- so called from the cirri around the mouth; the Leptocardia.

  52. These motions of the cirri seem passive, like those of a valve that obeys the thrust of a liquid.

  53. Upon the arms that rise, the cirri are invisible, and while upon those that descend, they diverge in order to obtain a purchase upon the water.

  54. After severe cold weather, when a storm approaches, the cirri form in long, narrow threads, parallel to each other, extending from about W.

  55. Cirri form at the line of meeting, between the trade and the upper atmosphere, and in one or the other, or both, very much according to the season, and the suddenness with which storms are produced.

  56. This species suggests Notophyllum imbricatum Moore in the large imbricated notocirri covering the dorsum but in the latter all the tentacular cirri are of the elongate, symmetrical, evenly tapering form characteristic of its genus.

  57. Tentacular cirri of same form as tentacles but longer.

  58. With very large cirri of which the dorsals widely overlap in the middle and thus completely cover the dorsum, the prostomium normally also being wholly concealed from above.

  59. Antennae, tentacular cirri and notocirri banded at base and distally with black.

  60. Anal cirri slender, filiform, much longer than the preceding branchiae; one in the type has a short spur near its base.

  61. Tentacular cirri and notocirri also short, the latter in anterior region about equalling half the width of the body proper and not extending much beyond the tips of the setae; joints short, near fifteen or less in number.

  62. Tentacular cirri resembling median tentacle in form, being narrowed distad with subapical enlargement slight; one or two fine setae emerging from a small nodule at distal end of parapodium proximad of tentacular cirrus.

  63. Dorsal cirri present in addition to branchiae on the first four setigerous somites.

  64. Anal cirri about as long as the dorsal tentacular cirri, flattened.

  65. Surface of cirri and of somites, especially ventrally, densely covered with very fine brown dots or points.

  66. The parapodium of the first segment bears two prominent setae in the usual position; tentacular cirri of usual form, the filiform tips long, when bent back reaching proximad of middle of style.

  67. Unpaired tentacle situated between eyes in line connecting their centers, nearly of same length and size as the first tentacular cirri and about as long also as prostomium; annulate.

  68. Nuchal cirri short and conical, much shorter than the peristomium, transversely wrinkled or sometimes distinctly annulated.

  69. Other tentacular cirri subcylindric, reduced distally to a pointed tip, that of I about half as long as the dorsals of II and III.

  70. Looking closely one sees that the cirri are moving from the northwest, and are being drawn into the storm area instead of proceeding in advance of it.

  71. Occasionally the storm center is too far to the south or north to cause rains at your locality, but the cirri bank up on the horizon and their lacework covers the sky.

  72. But if the procession of the cirri has some continuity and broadens to the western horizon it is a sign about eight times in ten that a cyclone is approaching.

  73. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cirri" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.