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Example sentences for "collegians"

Lexicographically close words:
collegers; colleges; collegia; collegial; collegian; collegiate; collegiates; coller; collet; collets
  1. He almost forgot it while waiting in the bread-line, so occupied was he in hating two collegians who watched the line with that open curiosity which nice, clean, respectable young men suppose the poor never notice.

  2. The Bagby camp broke up on the first of May, with all of them, except one of the nondescript collegians and the air-current student, more or less trained aviators.

  3. Among collegians this term is the favorite appellation for Freshmen.

  4. A word long in use among collegians and by writers who described them.

  5. A cant name among collegians for a student in theology.

  6. The collegians inscribed this memento, In perpetual remembrance of His pieous knife and fork.

  7. It was then attempted to make a dash, and clear the area of the assembled collegians by a promiscuous pell-mell, but the police again found themselves overmatched, and could not even retain their own ground in the open area.

  8. The tread and shuffle of feet on the pavement of the yard had much diminished since the taking of the Chair, the tide of Collegians having set strongly in the direction of Harmony.

  9. In the yard, were the Collegians and turnkeys.

  10. In the flaring gaslight of the Lodge, several Collegians were basking; some taking leave of visitors, and some who had no visitors, watching the frequent turning of the key, and conversing with one another and with Mr Chivery.

  11. On his way down he met some Collegians bringing up visitors to be presented, and at that moment Mr Dorrit happened to call over the banisters with particular distinctness, 'Much obliged to you for your little testimonial, John!

  12. He presented himself as deputation to escort the Father to the Chair, it being an occasion on which he had promised to preside over the assembled Collegians in the enjoyment of a little Harmony.

  13. The latter class of gentlemen appeared in their Sunday clothes, and the greater part of the Collegians were brightened up as much as circumstances allowed.

  14. The College visitors were melting away as the shades of night drew on, but the yard was still pretty full, the Collegians being mostly out, seeing their friends to the Lodge.

  15. The Collegians were entertaining a considerable number of visitors that Sunday afternoon, and their Father kept his room for the purpose of receiving presentations.

  16. Little recked the Collegians who were laughing in their rooms over his late address in the Lodge, what a serious picture they had in their obscure gallery of the Marshalsea that Sunday night.

  17. The Collegians cheered him very heartily, and he kissed his hand to them with great urbanity and protection.

  18. Witnessing these things, the collegians would express an opinion that the turnkey, who was a bachelor, had been cut out by nature for a family man.

  19. Bannister bench, to shivering little Theophilus Opperdyke, the Phillyloo Bird, Shad Weatherby, and several more collegians who had joined him when the half ended, was singularly appropriate.

  20. The collegians vastly admired his grim determination; they aided all they could with his studies, and helped with his work, so he could have more time for scrimmage, and yet another phase of the problem came to Hicks.

  21. Also, floating toward the collegians on the balmy May air came an ominous sound: "Woof!

  22. This conveyance was fully as rattle-trap in appearance as the traditional hack had been, but the returning collegians hailed it with glee.

  23. With wild shouts, the aroused collegians poured from the Auditorium, an excited, turbulent mass of youthful humanity, a tide that swept T.

  24. All the collegians had gone, except the few Seniors now leaving, and they had remained to enjoy Hicks' final Beefsteak Bust downtown at Jerry's.

  25. Camp Bannister seemed deserted, the sun was still shining, the birds sang as cheerily as ever, but instinctively the collegians felt an indescribable loneliness, a sense of tremendous loss.

  26. Bannister Band playing, the collegians yelling frenziedly, and excitement at fever height, the sunny youth took his position in the kick formation.

  27. The astonished coach and the equally dazed Gold and Green eleven, with the bewildered collegians who heard Thor's earnest appeal, were silent a few moments, unable to grasp the truth.

  28. In the expectation of having Songbird to supper, Minnie, with the aid of a young hired girl, had provided quite an elaborate meal, to which it is perhaps needless to state the young collegians did full justice.

  29. Songbird and some of the other collegians were waiting to welcome Dick and Tom, and as soon as they had left the automobile Sam continued on the way to Hope.

  30. The air was filled with talk of the coming game, and but scant attention was paid to the lunch provided for the collegians and their guests.

  31. Stanley; and then a short laugh went up, for it was well known among the young collegians that Songbird Powell and the daughter of Mr. Sanderson, a prosperous farmer of that vicinity, were much attached to each other.

  32. The two young collegians had breakfast as early as possible, and by eight o'clock were on their way to Center Haven in the automobile belonging to the Rovers, and which had now been left in Sam's care.

  33. The minds of the collegians were filled with an affection for the works of the writers of antiquity, which have been the guide, solace, and pleasure of the greatest and most accomplished men since the Christian era commenced.

  34. There was formerly a Welsh harper in Oxford, whom the collegians sometimes denominated King David.

  35. Later he established the custom of attending collegians of a certain standing to the gate, and taking leave of them there.

  36. He said that many students and collegians had preached here before, and that the church had a certain fame since the actor Knut Almloef had preached here in his youth.

  37. Suppose one of his fellow-collegians who sat in the restaurant and drank punch saw him buying gingerbread nuts!

  38. The three friends went alone, for the collegians were off fishing that day on the Marigold.

  39. Darry and Burd----" At that instant a wild shout rose from the two collegians and from the lifeguard who had rowed so energetically to their rescue.

  40. The two young collegians hurried to a room attached to the gymnasium, where bicycles, motorcycles, and other things were kept.

  41. The dudish student had sent the young lady a letter stating he thought some of his fellow collegians had doctored the box of candy, and this explanation was accepted by the girl and her aunt.

  42. A court of the collegians was held every Monday to manage its affairs, at which all prisoners were required to attend.

  43. The collegians of the Philippines are not very noisy or turbulent.

  44. One day when he accompanied the collegians on their walk, he had a dispute with some cadets, which resulted in a skirmish and a challenge.

  45. A thorough confidence was reestablished between the two collegians before the coming of Monday morning took Randall Clayton back to his money mill.

  46. Then the train came in, and all the young collegians lost no time in getting aboard.

  47. Then, after several collegians had climbed into the tonneau, away the touring car dashed over the road leading to Hope.

  48. As the young collegians had received permission to be out after hours, they did not attempt to take the short cut through The Shallows on returning to Brill.

  49. From Brill came at least a dozen collegians led by Spud and Stanley.

  50. This brought them to the tavern establishment at the upper end of the prison, where the collegians had just vacated their social evening club.

  51. Poor debtors, who could do something to amuse, might have their beer free at the charge of the more solvent collegians whom they consented to divert.

  52. Some champion scores of the day were scored by the collegians at the King's Bench, who certainly had time enough for practice to perfect themselves in the sport.

  53. A tradesman of Oxford," he wrote, "is no more like another common tradesman than some collegians are like other men .

  54. I accept your present, Roger; but I flatter myself I shall be a match for any of the collegians without having recourse to the argumentum baculinum.

  55. Faix, if you always argue as bravely wid the Collegians as you did the day you proved me to be an ass you'll soon be at the head of them!

  56. A brilliant morning found our collegians refreshed in health and elastic in spirits.

  57. In this mood we shall leave him to seek his rest, while we recount in the next chapter what farther befel our late collegians on the following morning.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "collegians" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.