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Example sentences for "congruous"

Lexicographically close words:
congresses; congressmen; congruence; congruent; congruity; congruously; coni; conic; conical; conics
  1. This interpretation, implying that "the fortunate movements" merely share in the effects of augmented vital energy caused by the pleasure, does not seem to me congruous with observation.

  2. But if this is a universal trait, and if action is universally congruous with it, we have to conceive each as being not only a sacrificer but also one who accepts sacrifices.

  3. He inculcated correctness and propriety of diction, and a fitting use of congruous figures.

  4. Word-forms alone will not preserve the continuity of a language; it is essential that their use in speech and writing should be kept congruous through appropriate principles of syntax.

  5. Some pale reflection there was in the upper heaven, ensuring a time of twilight, but no glory; and smitten with a congruous sadness, I went down to the river.

  6. Shall he make the conclusion congruous with the climax, a properly deduced result from the situation therein shown?

  7. Perhaps he meant that they should open their eyes with astonishment at the terrific blast; but the figure would have been more congruous if he had said "that the deaf should hear.

  8. Truth is always congruous and agrees with itself: every truth in the universe agrees with every other truth in the universe, whereas falsehoods not only disagree with truths, but usually quarrel among themselves.

  9. It was urged at the end of the third chapter that it is congruous to credit mineral species with an internal power or force.

  10. Therefore it was held more consentaneous to reason, and congruous to order that the grammar should be put here in the first place, for Art observes the method of Nature to make us creep before we go.

  11. The particular year they sang of was to be a particularly fine year, as who should say a fine child and forward, with congruous syntax at two years old, and ellipses, figures, and tropes.

  12. The perfect fiction is a congruous expression of a phase of life, and in it the more subtle matters of life, sympathy and predilection have their place.

  13. If we adopt the more congruous reading of the other recension of the psalm in 2 Sam.

  14. This explanation of the words seems more congruous with ver.

  15. The tone of the strophe is that of lowly confidence, which is less congruous with an instrumental interlude than are the more agitated preceding strophes.

  16. It is perfectly congruous with the habits of fishermen and the character of the instruments which they employ.

  17. It is in perfect accord with the narrative to intimate that he stood by himself--he was not the man to mingle with the common herd of worshippers; but it does not seem congruous to intimate that he prayed with himself.

  18. Again, congruous merit, whereby one merits the first grace for another, is prevented from having its effect on account of the impediment of sin in the one for whom it is merited.

  19. A man's faith avails for another's salvation by congruous and not by condign merit.

  20. But there is congruity, on account of an equality of proportion: for it would seem congruous that, if a man does what he can, God should reward him according to the excellence of his power.

  21. That relation to God should draw after it a life congruous with itself--a life of active goodness and brotherly gentleness.

  22. And the sequel is congruous in all cases.

  23. In addition to what He already was He assumed human nature, at once enlarging His experience and limiting His present manifestations of Divinity to what was congruous to human nature and earthly circumstance.

  24. Their being agents now congruous with my will gives me no guarantee that like results will recur again from their activity.

  25. Only when the older and the newer experiences are congruous enough to mutually apperceive and modify each other, does what we treat as an advance in truth result.

  26. If the very air had been filled with ascending choruses of angels, if the dark zenith had opened and revealed the throne of the Almighty, it would have seemed but a congruous and expected climax.

  27. Its mentality, aroused by music, becomes full of some sort of aptitude, and it enters the avenues of its congruous activity as easily, as quickly, as justly as the growing flower turns toward the Sun wherever it may be.

  28. What is played upon it must be suited to the place and the instrument, in other words, must be congruous to a solemn and majestic fabric.

  29. Hence, retaining the unaltered Hymn-stanza for the musical movements congruous to it, he was led to paraphrase, in free madrigal form, those stanzas which he selected for the Arias and Recitativi.

  30. The composer therefore must not write music for it which is congruous to secular surroundings.

  31. By so doing music becomes a part of life, a congruous addition, a parallel life, as it were, to the vulgar one.

  32. This alone is congruous with the scientific affinities of the school and its young-American temper.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "congruous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    advantageous; advisable; affirmative; agreeable; agreeing; appropriate; becoming; befitting; coexistent; coherent; coincident; coinciding; commensurate; compatible; concordant; congenial; congruent; congruous; consistent; consonant; convenient; cooperative; correspondent; corresponding; decent; desirable; equal; equivalent; expedient; favorable; feasible; felicitous; fit; fitting; good; happy; harmonious; likely; meet; opportune; politic; positive; profitable; proper; proportionate; recommendable; reconcilable; right; seasonable; seemly; suitable; symbiotic; symmetrical; sympathetic; synchronized; synchronous; timely; unanimous; uniform; useful; wise; worthwhile