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Example sentences for "politic"

Lexicographically close words:
politely; politeness; politer; politesse; politest; politica; political; politically; politicals; politician
  1. Now, here is a malignant ulcer in the body politic of our city.

  2. Mary Stuart, to which neither the queen-mother nor the Guises made any opposition, and the politic compliance of Mary Stuart herself, deprived the king of all regal power.

  3. The pretended king was attainted of high treason; a measure absurd as a law, but politic as a denunciation of perpetual enmity.

  4. A prince arose in Scotland in the first part of the fifteenth century, resembling the English Justinian in his politic regard to strengthening his own prerogative and to maintaining public order.

  5. The festival of Easter often caused him politic absences during the attachment of the King for Madame de Montespan.

  6. He was courteous and urbane in his manners, probably kind in disposition, not bloodthirsty nor cruel, supremely politic and conciliating in his intercourse with statesmen and diplomatists, and generally simple and unstilted in his manners.

  7. The Emperor of the French found it politic to withdraw his ambassador from Turin, but adhered to his policy of non-intervention, and remained a quiet spectator.

  8. The reason was now obvious, the capital flaw was detected, the sickness of the body politic traced at last to its efficient cause.

  9. The Duke of Burgundy received him with politic honours.

  10. I was terribly vexed by this rudeness, which I was powerless to resist, and regretted my indiscretion in entering the forecastle after the politic resolutions I had formed.

  11. Henry increased the prestige of his house by politic marital alliances.

  12. In the first place, she was politic rather than philosophical.

  13. The body-politic or the social unity of the human world may be likened to an ocean and each member, each individual a wave upon that same ocean.

  14. They were the source of advancement to the body-politic and the cause of the honor and divine civilization of humanity the foundation of which is one and the same in every dispensation.

  15. That is to say, when this human body-politic reaches a state of absolute unity, the effulgence of the eternal Sun will make its fullest light and heat manifest.

  16. When the head of a body politic is an empress, it is not enough for the right hand to be called a count.

  17. It is politic for us, as far as possible, to bind all the German princes to us by interchange of kindness.

  18. By this spirit of devotion, no less than by his equitable and politic administration, he gained, in a good measure, the affections of his subjects.

  19. Our country contains many slaves, derived from Africa; and, while holding these, it is neither politic nor decent to join the crusade of European powers to put down the African slave-trade.

  20. Bank of the United States (former sovereign remedy for all the ills the body politic was heir to) has become a defunct authority, and an "obsolete idea.

  21. As the times grew alarming, the Bishop, perhaps, thought it politic to appear at the club, and the Representative meeting him there one evening, began to interrogate him very rudely with regard to his opinion of the marriage of priests.

  22. The Trimmers, a body small and unpopular, as must always be the case with those, who in violent times declare for moderate and temporising measures, were headed by the ingenious and politic Halifax.

  23. I believe it to have been a very politic movement.

  24. At all events, it was politic to secure such a division of parties as would annihilate even the possibility of a powerful coalition against us.

  25. When the revenues of the state depend upon the peasantry and the peasantry only, it is not politic to press the revenue-giver too hardly.

  26. On every side he saw dangers to the State-politic which could not be averted save by action.

  27. Those croakings, grumblings, and bickerings do but denote the process by which the body politic frees itself from the headaches and fevers that embarrass the national health.

  28. He was a man of acknowledged prudence and sagacity, temperate in his habits, and plausible and politic in his address.

  29. It led him, in his eagerness for the achievement of his great enterprises, to be less scrupulous and politic as to the means, than a less ardent spirit would have been.

  30. He was succeeded by his son Alfonso, a prince of bolder but less politic character, and equally odious, from the cruelty of his disposition, with his father.

  31. From the first moment in which the success of the admiral's enterprise was established, John the Second, a politic and ambitious prince, had sought some pretence to check the career of discovery, or at least to share in the spoils of it.

  32. But the Duchess's politic purpose was, as we have seen, destined to fail through the insane pride of a woman who was as senseless as she was heartless.

  33. The Duke d'Orleans was not remarkable for great fidelity to his friends, and the politic Prince de Condé looked twice ere he quarrelled with the successful.

  34. Pity it was that plans so far-reaching and purposes so politic should be dependent upon the whims of a girl!

  35. His charger surged hither and thither through the crowd, his spear was victorious and unbroken, and the boldest opponent thought it politic to turn aside out of his path.

  36. Gross’s definition, “What had once been a distinct integral part of the civic body politic became vaguely blended with the whole of it.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "politic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acute; adept; adroit; advantageous; advisable; appropriate; apt; arch; artful; artistic; astute; authoritative; becoming; befitting; bravura; brilliant; canny; careful; cautious; circumspect; civic; civil; clean; clever; congruous; conscientious; conservative; considerate; convenient; coordinated; crack; crafty; cunning; cute; daedal; deceitful; decent; deep; deft; deliberate; delicate; designing; desirable; dexterous; dextrous; diplomatic; discreet; discriminating; enlightened; excellent; expedient; expert; fancy; favorable; feasible; felicitous; feline; fit; fitting; foxy; gingerly; good; governmental; graceful; guarded; guileful; handy; happy; heedful; hesitant; ingenious; insidious; inventive; judicial; judicious; knowing; likely; magisterial; masterful; meet; mindful; neat; noncommittal; opportune; pawky; politic; political; professional; proficient; profitable; proper; provident; prudent; quick; ready; recommendable; reflective; regardful; resourceful; right; safe; scheming; seasonable; seemly; serpentine; sharp; shifty; shrewd; skillful; slick; slippery; sly; smooth; snaky; sneaky; some; sophistical; sound; statesmanlike; stealthy; strategic; stylish; suave; subtile; subtle; suitable; supple; tactful; tactical; tentative; thorough; thoughtful; timely; tricky; uncommunicative; unenterprising; useful; virtuoso; vulpine; wary; wily; wise; workmanlike; worthwhile

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    political action; political authority; political career; political character; political corruption; political crime; political development; political economists; political economy; political events; political expediency; political freedom; political instability; political liberty; political life; political matters; political necessity; political opinions; political parties; political philosophy; political reform; political rights; political speech; political thought; political unity; political wisdom