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Example sentences for "dugout"

Lexicographically close words:
duffing; duffle; dug; dugong; dugongs; dugouts; dugs; duiker; duine; duit
  1. He and Irving made a rapid transit from their trench cave to the dugout where Lieut.

  2. The sergeant climbed up out of the dugout into the trench, and Irving followed, and soon they were making their way to another similar excavation which was the headquarters of Lieut.

  3. A telephone call in the dugout soon brought a team of stretcher bearers, and in a short time Lieut.

  4. Evans summoned Irving into his dugout office and said to him: "Well, the cubist cryptogram has been read.

  5. Wilson returned to the dugout with several other men.

  6. The dugout was a two-room affair in the side of a hill on the outskirts of a small village.

  7. The boy in the dugout could scarcely contain his excitement as the seemingly logical explanation of the mystery "dotted and dashed" itself into a position of settled conviction in his mind.

  8. So I put out in my own dugout and gave chase.

  9. It happened this way: We-hro was cleaning his father's dugout canoe, after a night of fish spearing.

  10. It was too early to peel the bark off the birch, so they made themselves a dugout of the walnut tree.

  11. Just as surely as spring cleared the rivers of ice and set the unlocked torrents rushing to the sea, there floated down-stream Indian dugout and birch canoe, loaded with wealth of peltries for the fur posts of the English Company.

  12. The red Organ Rock Tongue of the Cutler Formation is seen about 3 miles beyond the turnoff, or about 6 miles west of Dugout Ranch.

  13. Visitors to the Needles district pass the Dugout Ranch about 7 miles northwest of Newspaper Rock.

  14. Dugout Ranch a poorly marked road on the left crosses Indian Creek, then forks; the left-hand fork follows the bed of Lavender Canyon, and the right-hand fork goes into Davis Canyon.

  15. The remnants of the post were immediately confiscated for firewood by some poilus who were living in a dugout near by.

  16. Several fell fairly close, and they brought me down a long flight of wooden steps into a dugout to wait until the worst of it should be over.

  17. Had to take refuge in another dugout when the Huns dropped a shell on an ammunition-dump in a village through which we were to pass.

  18. Then, fearing the brightening light of day and the wide space he must cross to reach the first fringe of brush, he stopped at a dugout cellar that had been built into the creek bank above high-water mark.

  19. The first five miles he had waded along the shore of the creek, he said, in case they might pick up his tracks at the dugout and try to follow him.

  20. He felt pretty certain that they meant to demolish the dugout next, and he knew exactly what he meant to do.

  21. At first this seemed an unlucky circumstance, for the Indians came down into the dugout for shelter, and now Buddy was afraid to breathe in the quiet intervals between the gusts.

  22. And very glad I am to see you," answered Marcy, laying hold of the side of the dugout that just then bumped against his skiff.

  23. Having taken the sharp edge off his appetite, Marcy told Julius to make the skiff's painter fast to the stern of his dugout and go ahead; and the sooner he reached home the better he would like it.

  24. Canadian officers around the telephone dugout discovered that the line was cut.

  25. Machine-gun emplacements of the Champagne type were constructed, and dugout accommodation for the machine-gun detachments was provided in the deep tunnels of these emplacements.

  26. The Germans seemed to know the position of every dugout in the Princess Patricia's lines.

  27. Major Mersereau, who was very badly injured, was removed to General Currie's dugout and remained there until night as no ambulance was available.

  28. One sheet of iron could make a dugout magnificent, even luxurious; two was a home fit for a general.

  29. On another occasion, when returning to his dugout over the top of the hill where rested the bomb factory, he accidentally stood on the roof of a dugout, and stones and earth began to fall on the occupant beneath.

  30. It was a particularly hot night, and this popular officer said he would sleep on the top of his dugout as being cooler.

  31. Twenty rods farther on they came to a slime covered bit of water on which was floating a dugout canoe.

  32. For a quarter of a mile Neil forced the dugout through water viscid with slime and rotted substance before the clearer channel of the creek was reached.

  33. It was the first word that she had spoken since they had taken refuge from their close-pressing pursuers in the dugout that some old-time homesteader had been driven away from by Chadron's cowboys.

  34. He turned to her now, where she stood weeping softly with bowed head, the grime of the dugout on her habit, her hair, its bonds broken, straying over her face.

  35. He sprang to the dugout door, where Frances' horse stood with its head out inquiringly.

  36. They had been in the dugout since a little after sunrise.

  37. One Sunday morning late in September Sewall was alone in the dugout at the river-bank.

  38. Inside the dugout Swan set the lantern on a table, dropped wearily upon a rough bench before it and looked at the jars beside him, lifted his hand and opened a compact, but thoroughly efficient field wireless "set.

  39. His instrument was not a large one, and the dugout door was thick,--as a precaution against discovery if he should be called when some visitor chanced to be in the cabin.

  40. That ere one moon had waxed and waned his dugout was prepared for its long journey inland, west by south, along the waterway of two great Lands!

  41. Accordingly, the newspaper men took refuge in a dugout until such time as the opportunity for observation should be more favorable.

  42. The fact that a shell made a direct hit on a big dugout did not tend to improve German morale.

  43. When the shells fell fast about them the Germans darted for the dugout in which the newspaper men had previously taken refuge.

  44. But when he's been sitting in the dugout waiting for his turn at bat, he's always squinting at the fans in the stands and the bleachers.

  45. Burkett, who found himself in his regular position at first, put on his glove and stayed there, glad enough that he was not near enough to the Giants' dugout to get the tongue lashing that McRae had all ready for him.

  46. As the Indians that had surrounded the dugout dashed away Joshua Peniman turned, and seeing Joe lie motionless upon the ground rushed to him.

  47. Profiting by his remembrance of the Wards' dugout, Mr. Peniman had decided to make a dugout for the shelter of his stock.

  48. At the first approach of the storm the boys had put the cow and horses in the dugout and closed the doors.

  49. He rapped on the door of the dugout and called loudly, telling the quaking family inside that the Indians were gone and the danger over.

  50. When the dugout was completed it was indeed a strong and safe shelter for the stock.

  51. I'll bet you folks ain't never seen a dugout before," she exclaimed jovially.

  52. The two Baxters--Jake and Joel--were coming in their dugout to do it.

  53. Jake held the narrow dugout steady by a grip upon a fox-grape tendril.

  54. I pulled myself up on the table and started to bind up my leg, when along came one of our crew, Benson; he had bayoneted the man who was throwing bombs, and had come into the dugout by the other entrance.

  55. We found the officer's dugout without any trouble and reported for duty.

  56. Later that same night Tommy Gammon was on sentry go, and I was sleeping in the dugout behind him, when Corporal Banks came in and woke me.

  57. It was terribly wet and cold, and we would sit for days all huddled around our old charcoal brazier in a dugout forty feet under ground.

  58. Of course a dugout at this depth was comparatively safe.

  59. I was half fainting, and I dropped into the dugout on a pile of writhing bodies.

  60. The stretcher bearer lit some candles and we had a look around; one entrance of the dugout was blocked and the dead were lying everywhere.

  61. We went into the dugout and found about a dozen men lying around, some of them rolled in their blankets trying to sleep, and others smoking.

  62. There was only about twelve inches of slush in the dugout at the time.

  63. He told us that we would not be needed till night, and that we had better go and find a dugout to rest in, so away we went back to the place where we had inquired for Headquarters.

  64. All at once, one hit the roof of the dugout and dropped at my feet.

  65. We scrambled out and were beating it down the trench when an officer came out of a dugout and asked us what was the matter.

  66. In the dugout we all kept as still as we could.

  67. I tried to drag the old man into a dugout and I got him on the stairs, but he looked so bad that I laid him down and started cutting away at his tunic to find the wound.

  68. That night, after Tommy and I had taken our turn on the gun, we went down into the dugout and made some tea.

  69. He moved toward the hut, but at the first step the door of the dugout was flung wide, and Julian Marbolt, gun in hand, dashed out.

  70. He might even have wondered how the logs of that dugout had been hauled to the shelf on which it stood.

  71. A dugout of logs, and thatch, and mud plaster.

  72. Dugout 8th Seaforths in the right sub-section at Southlane I Sector.

  73. The floor of the dugout was a foot deep in water, which kept slowly getting deeper as the water in the trench increased, and its smell was horrible, as it was partly mixed with the blood of the men killed outside.

  74. This party bombed Culvert and Dugout (where the suspected machine gun was).

  75. The small party who raided the railway embankment bombed a culvert and dugout which was occupied.

  76. The bite of a rat, drawing blood, made a literal fact of his being a soldier, in a dugout at the front waiting in the blackness for his call to go on guard.

  77. A soldier came stooping into the opaque square of the dugout door.

  78. Sanborn growled under his breath, and when some one else in the dugout quizzed him curiously he burst out: "I'll bet you galoots the state of California against a dill pickle that when your turn comes you'll be sick in your gizzards!

  79. For a moment the dugout was silent as a tomb.

  80. Goodnight first lived in a primitive dugout similar to the one shown in figure 30.

  81. When Colonel Charles Goodnight settled in the canyon in 1876 he lived in a primitive dugout similar to the one shown here.

  82. Today's visitor to Palo Duro Canyon can visit a partially restored dugout similar to that occupied by the canyon's early settlers (fig.

  83. Curiously enough, it was because one of the sufferers from the invasion read some remarks of mine upon the Cheriton dugout that this other case came to my knowledge, for the lady wrote to me at once for advice and assistance.

  84. The dugout was constructed at the base of a small bluff, and the sinking was through ordinary soft sandstone.

  85. Mr. Jaques, whose incredulity had gradually thawed before all this evidence, went down to the dugout in the absence of everyone, and was departing from it when five stones rapped up against the door from the inside.

  86. As the old Turks kept plugging it in fairly hot, I sat quiet in Birdwood's dugout for a quarter of an hour.

  87. To promote a dugout to be a Brigadier of Infantry was risky, but to put in a Cavalry dugout as a Brigadier of Infantry was outrageous!

  88. At last, rather tired by my long day, made my way back, stopping at Birdie's dugout en route.

  89. I went into the dugout indescribably slack; hardly energy to struggle against the heat and the myriads of flies.

  90. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dugout" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.