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Example sentences for "engineman"

Lexicographically close words:
engined; engineer; engineered; engineering; engineers; enginemen; enginery; engines; engins; engirdling
  1. The corresponding order to the conductor and engineman of the inferior train, sent to some station to be passed by it, will read: You will run to Alton regardless of train No.

  2. On roads where the signature of the engineman and pilot is desired, the words "engineman and pilot" may be added after the word "conductor" in the first paragraph of Rule 510.

  3. This rule supposes that a place has been provided on each engine for placing orders conspicuously before the engineman who is to execute them.

  4. By the rule, however, the signal is displayed to stop the train, and when it arrives the conductor (and the engineman if required) must go to the office and sign for the order.

  5. Whether this was actually done by the conductor and engineman is doubtful.

  6. The conductor and engineman who are in charge of the train subject to his control, are also necessarily advised.

  7. The author believes that the weight of sentiment is decidedly in favor of taking the signature of the engineman as well as that of the conductor for the order, unless controlling circumstances prevent.

  8. The conductor and engineman are each supplied with a copy, and the operator retains one.

  9. The copy for each engineman must be delivered to him personally by ----, and the engineman must read it aloud and understand it before acting upon it.

  10. For the simple movement above described an order is addressed to the conductor and engineman of each of the two trains, in the same words, as follows: Trains No.

  11. The conductor or engineman holding several of these orders arranges them in their proper succession, and each one as it is fulfilled is laid aside.

  12. The engineman having only to turn two cocks, so as to connect the steam with the one or the other vessel.

  13. If the engine-room could be kept at the heat of boiling water, this would not have been the case, but the engineman who could live in this heat would also require to be invented, and so this had to be given up.

  14. He tried to thank Truman Stump for getting him the job; but the old engineman only answered "Nonsense, you won the place for yourself, and I'm glad enough to have such a chap as you.

  15. But she clung to them, and the steady hand at the throttle opened it wider, and still a little wider, until the handle had passed any limit that even the old engineman had ever seen.

  16. The engineman is keenly alert on the instant; and, with one hand on the brake lever, the other on the throttle, he peers steadily ahead.

  17. It was not until the engineman left his cab, and discovered the senseless form of Brakeman Joe lying across the rails, less than a hundred feet away, that he knew why he had been signalled.

  18. He had applied to the engineman for permission to ride there a few minutes before Rod appeared, and it had been refused.

  19. He already felt more at home on the locomotive than on any other part of the train, and so he swung himself into the cab, where he was cordially welcomed by the engineman and his assistant.

  20. The tunnel roof has caved in," said the engineman with a tone of horror; "and not a soul can have escaped beside ourselves.

  21. Engineman Newman, driving locomotive number 385 at nearer one hundred miles an hour than it had ever gone before, heard the sharp reports above the rattling roar of his train, and realized their dread significance.

  22. He finished his apprenticeship with Truman Stump, on locomotive number 10, and became so fully competent to act as engineman himself, that the master mechanic offered him the position.

  23. Longing to get back to his kindred, his heart yearning for the son whom he had left behind, our engineman took leave of his employers, and trudged back to Northumberland on foot as he had gone.

  24. A pumping engine was erected there by Robert Hawthorn, the Duke’s engineer; and old Stephenson went to work it as fireman, his son George acting as the engineman or plugman.

  25. In a commanding voice Stephenson ordered the engineman to lower him down the shaft in the corve.

  26. Our engineman was an eminent illustration of the importance of cultivating this habit of life.

  27. The barrels soon became worn, and the bucket and clack leathers destroyed, so that it became necessary to devise a remedy; and with this object the engineman proceeded to adopt the following simple but original expedient.

  28. Not a question can be asked of the engineman up for promotion, on either the No.

  29. The only book on compounds for the engineman or shopman that shows in a plain, practical way the various features of compound locomotives in use.

  30. The engineman then swings the dipper over the car or wagon, as shown in Fig.

  31. The engineman then swings the crane back again to the next cut, at the same time releasing his foot brake on the hoisting drum until the dipper has fallen to a point near the ground, as at D, Fig.

  32. The average daily operating expenses of a steam shovel of medium capacity are about as follows: One engineman $4.

  33. The engineman directs the movements for raising and lowering the dipper, swinging it into position for unloading, and moving the machine forward or backward.

  34. All movements of the steam shovel are controlled by two men, the engineman and the cranesman.

  35. He discharged the engineman and called upon Hadley to replace the valves, which had been broken, and make good the other damage that had been done to the engine.

  36. Hence such mishaps as those which befell the Bow engine, through the engineman getting drunk and reckless, as above described.

  37. On leaving the place Smeaton gave the engineman some money to drink, and he drank so much that next day he let the engine run quite wild, and it was thrown completely out of order.

  38. But it was shortly found that this method of working was beyond the capacity of the average engineman of that day, and it was consequently given up for a time.

  39. Only, an hour later, the engineman came up and forward to stare into the faster-flowing water.

  40. But the engineman stood up and peered into the starlight.

  41. Ask your engineman to run back very slowly and watch for the bell-rope.

  42. When the heavy train slowed up, two men boarded the engine and with pistols compelled the engineman to cut off the express cars and pull them to the water-tank a mile east of the station.

  43. Very gently the engineman slacked out the rope running over the top of the derrick, causing Joe to slowly disappear within the open mouth of the hatchway.

  44. Then Joe stepped into the noose, gripped the rope and the hose, and called on the engineman to lower slowly.

  45. The engine which the two brothers managed was a very small one, and the master and apprentice served for engineman and fireman.

  46. His elder brother John was then acting as engineman at Oakbank near Glasgow, and Beaumont was apprenticed under him to learn the trade.

  47. We know that our engineman with a Pacific locomotive and the high-speed train can stop his train with the air brake in a definite distance.

  48. The only information conveyed to the engineman was that the preceding train had passed the station at least the required time before him.

  49. Filled with alarm, he ran toward the bridge expecting that the worst had happened to the engineman and fireman.

  50. The fireman scrambled to his feet and ran forward, expecting to find his engineman hurt or killed.

  51. Francis angrily watched the approaching engine, and, as soon as it had cleared the last of the stumbling buffaloes on the track, he walked forward to meet it and greeted the engineman roughly.

  52. The train reached Feather Creek, and slowly crossed the bridge before Scott signalled the engineman to stop.

  53. The engineman and navigator was a fair-haired German.

  54. We set out upon it, with an engineman and two half-breeds, and went off obliquely for mid-stream.

  55. We know it is so hard for a conductor or an engineman to get a job that we sometimes hesitate too long before we make an example for the good of the service by discharging a flagrant offender.

  56. The wrong signal sounded by the engineman should cause the conductor to stop the train with the air before the switch is reached.

  57. Some roads now have the engineman sound a prescribed signal, after the station whistle, to indicate orders to be executed.

  58. We are realizing that it is not necessary to kill an engineman who runs past a signal.

  59. The engineman was too busy to make a running test.

  60. We have divided responsibility sufficiently when we furnish both the conductor and the engineman a copy of the train order.

  61. Remind your conductor that when he fails to read the orders to the engineman in person and sends them forward by the porter or the head brakeman, that is the very trip the orders get torn or smeared so that a fatal mistake results.

  62. There is hardly a conductor or an engineman of any length of service who has not at some time overlooked an order or a train.

  63. If such signal cannot be seen by the engineman or fireman, the engineman will bring the train to a stop immediately, and not proceed till signal is visible.

  64. When cars are pushed by an engine (except when shifting and making up trains in yards), a flagman must occupy a conspicuous position on the front of the leading car and signal the engineman in case of need.

  65. The copy for the engineman must be delivered to him personally by the conductor and the engineman must read it aloud to the conductor before proceeding.

  66. Although running on the wrong track, engineman is unable to say whether or not he whistled for the crossing.

  67. Thornton, the engineman was so careless as to run by two automatic signals set at danger, a flagman, and into No.

  68. How may the engineman assist the trainman in finding a bursted hose?

  69. What are the duties of an engineman when leaving his engine at the terminal?

  70. What are the duties of an engineman before attaching a locomotive to the train?

  71. When double-heading, which engineman should have full control of the brakes?

  72. Hoskins, long since reinstated, and now engineman of the first section of the excursion train, was whistling for orders, and Bromley had to go.

  73. Tell it straight," was Ballard's curt caution; and the engineman stumbled through a recital in which haziness and inconsistency struggled for first place.

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "engineman" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.