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Example sentences for "gendarmes"

Lexicographically close words:
genas; genau; gence; gend; gendarme; gende; gender; gendered; genders; gendes
  1. Sometimes the Turks or the piebald governments of the state sent down a few gendarmes and tried a sort of sporadic administration of the country.

  2. The beat of hoofs on the rocky roadway, the crash of the door falling in when the Turkish Gendarmes had battered a way to his rescue.

  3. Not until it was dark and the town was upset with the searchings of the gendarmes did he recognize the great danger which he was incurring.

  4. He had the gendarmes called, and on the evening of that very Sunday he had all the houses in the town entered and searched, so as to catch Kiko.

  5. The arrest of the people who have incurred Patupat's anger was carried out by the gendarmes last night.

  6. But we had a corporal of gendarmery opposite the altar and two gendarmes on either side with yellow shoulder-belts.

  7. Ribaumont was too much fatigued to come to supper, and he was accordingly marched along the corridor, with the steward before him bearing a lighted torch, and two gendarmes with halberds behind him.

  8. There live Matthieu Rotrou and his wife, who have, they say, baffled a hundred times the gendarmes who sought their ministers.

  9. He insisted on taking them out riding frequently, though always with four gendarmes with loaded arquebuses, so as to preclude all attempt at escape, or conversation with the peasants.

  10. The gendarmes might be used to the sight of death of their own causing, but they had a horror of that which came by Nature's hand.

  11. Not a soul will remain here, save the two gendarmes on guard at that door, and the poor Aime, whom no one will miss, even if any person could be distinguished in their black cloaks.

  12. I made the same arrangement with a couple of gendarmes of the escort the Duke gave me.

  13. Suddenly there was a sound of horse's feet in the road before them, and as they drew aside to make way, a little troop of gendarmes filled the narrow lane.

  14. Two gendarmes will always be on the outside.

  15. The prisoners and the gendarmes sat perfectly quiet.

  16. One of the gendarmes several times repressed a yawn.

  17. Ever since the murder of her lover, the elder Macquart, on the frontier, aunt Dide had cherished a bitter hatred against all gendarmes and custom-house officers, whom she mingled together in one common longing for vengeance.

  18. The gendarmes were surprised in their beds and disarmed in a few minutes.

  19. He certainly had the doors of the gendarmerie opened--the keys having been carried off by the insurgents--but he wanted to triumph alone, and had no intention of letting the gendarmes rob him of any part of his glory.

  20. You've killed a gendarme; ah, it was the gendarmes who killed him!

  21. The insurgents had imprisoned the gendarmes in their barracks, the National Guard was already dismembered, the nobility must be quaking with terror, and the retired citizens of the new town had certainly never handled a gun in their lives.

  22. His uncles will send the gendarmes after him.

  23. In the evening there was a public demonstration which the mere appearance of the gendarmes sufficed to disperse.

  24. Rougon, who now felt very conscious of his power, repaired to the Rue Canquoin to beg the gendarmes to remain in their barracks and interfere with nothing.

  25. Gendarmes and soldiers were sent after Vardarelli, but the latter was too cunning for them all, and slipped through their fingers at every turn.

  26. From their confused clamour, I could merely ascertain that the gendarmes who had escaped in the original mêlée, had obtained assistance, and returned on their steps.

  27. The next moment the tramp of heavy boots and jingle of spurs were heard upon the stairs; the door opened, and a gigantic corporal of gendarmes made his appearance, his right hand raised to his cocked hat, his left upon the seam of his trouser.

  28. They mounted the box in front, a couple of gendarmes sat behind, M.

  29. The gardes-de-chasse had kept the gendarmes at bay until their retreat was secure; and the post-chaise which had brought M.

  30. Instantly the over-zealous gendarmes on duty pointed their carbines in the direction from whence issued the cry, and a flight of bullets was sent among the terrified groups of people in the streets.

  31. The gendarmes posted in various parts of the salle presented arms, and the orchestra played the national hymn.

  32. The roads to Tarbes, Toulouse, and Vic-Fezensac were patrolled by brigades of gendarmes day and night, but there was no sign of the fugitive.

  33. She was getting out of her carriage when a servant pointed out gendarmes coming up the hill with the Mayor.

  34. On the far side the country was open, and before I had gone far the gendarmes spied me, and after a hurried consultation, dashed off at a gallop for the nearest bridge, half a mile away.

  35. His experience with the Papal gendarmes had taught him the advantage of carrying a revolver when travelling in Italy, though this, it appears, was strictly against the Italian law, and on one occasion nearly resulted in serious consequences.

  36. Here, to the surprise, if not to the alarm, of the passengers, a boat-load of Papal gendarmes came on board.

  37. Even at this moment Mr Bradlaugh was not yet on his guard, and had the gendarmes at once made for his portmanteau, they might possibly have seized the despatches.

  38. In vain Mr Bradlaugh protested that he was under the flag of the two Sicilies, that he was not under nor subject to the Papal laws; the Papal gendarmes were undeterred by any such arguments.

  39. But the gendarmes seemed satisfied, and as they permitted us to pass farther and farther into the forbidden land, the chauffeur began to treat me almost as an equal.

  40. I recalled other trips over the same roads a year before which finally led to the Cherche-Midi prison, and each time I showed the blue slip to the gendarmes I shivered.

  41. The gendarmes on either side moved grimly, without speaking; or returning monosyllables to my few questions.

  42. I waded suddenly through a group of gendarmes (they stood around me watching with a disagreeable curiosity my reaction to this).

  43. I had three gendarmes all the way to keep me from escaping, and they all fell asleep.

  44. Now the gendarmes began cleaning their beards, brushing their stomachs, spreading their legs, collecting their baggage.

  45. You are forgetting where you are, boy; but I may take measures to remind you of it," said the Podesta, whispering to a sergeant of the gendarmes at his side.

  46. A cry of horror and rage burst from the bystanders, and as the Englishmen stooped in sorrow over the broken statue, the gendarmes secured the boy's wrists with a stout cord, and led him away.

  47. This time our escort consisted of two gendarmes and two soldiers.

  48. The swaggering Germans were supplanted by companionable Tommies, the tyrannous Turkish gendarmes by the headdressed Arab police.

  49. The guards told a rambling tale to the police officer, who took notes of their description of White and sent out three gendarmes to search the streets for him.

  50. A police spy suspected Theodore; and one afternoon gendarmes surrounded his house, while others entered and searched every room.

  51. These, I remember thinking as I strolled along the Rue de Galata, studiously unconscious of gendarmes and soldiers, were suggestive of a Deadwood Dick thriller, or of some sawdust melodrama at a provincial theatre.

  52. The streets empty, the cries cease, the gendarmes disappear with their baksheesh; and we retire to join the little things that hop and crawl in our bed.

  53. Seeing gendarmes before the door she passed on, and returned to her home in Pera; but for long afterward she was conscious of being spied upon and followed.

  54. Many of the gendarmes sent to deal with the robber band were found dead, with their heads battered in.

  55. The gendarmes placed the moribund prisoner on a chair facing the window in Monsieur Camusot's room; he was sitting in his place in front of his table.

  56. Then have you taught the gendarmes some new trick?

  57. The judge kept a meditative eye on the prisoner when the usher and the gendarmes again took him in charge.

  58. I must inconvenience you greatly; for if I had remained a Spanish priest, you would simply have packed me off with an escort of gendarmes as far as the frontier by Bayonne, and there Spanish bayonets would have relieved you of me.

  59. I could kill you with a well-placed kick, but I could not tackle the gendarmes and the soldiers.

  60. At this instant Asie and her lawyer were exactly in front of the window of the guardroom whence the gendarmes could observe the gate of the Conciergerie.

  61. Just then the tramp of galloping horses was heard, and, to the great amazement of the ladies, a force of gendarmes surrounded the little party.

  62. Coquart, tell the usher and the gendarmes to take the prisoner back to the Conciergerie.

  63. The justice of the peace was there, but he had gendarmes with him.

  64. The passage, leading to the cells for solitary confinement and to the women's quarters, faces the stove where gendarmes and warders are always collected together.

  65. She gave all the gendarmes and warders a sick headache," said Monsieur Gault, much puzzled.

  66. Certain privileged persons are sometimes allowed to see famous criminals on their way through this room or through the passages, so that the clerk and the gendarmes who had charge of the Abbe Carlos made no remark.

  67. Four constables had with great difficulty brought the Abbe Carlos downstairs to Esther's room, where the lawyers and the gendarmes were assembled.

  68. They went out only with a safe-conduct and an escort: instead of gendarmes they met plunderers; instead of umbrellas they carried off lances.

  69. He bought out the old blind leper at the market, and sold breadfruit, plantains, and sweet potatoes at such cut-rates that the gendarmes were called out to break the rush of bargain-hunting natives.

  70. For that matter, three times the gendarmes arrested him for riotous behaviour, and three times his manager ceased from love-making long enough to pay the fines imposed by a needy colonial administration.

  71. Marie glanced back once more, but the motor-car and the delivery boy and the gendarmes were gone.

  72. They quickened their pace and came to where the group of people stood in a circle looking upon the ground, and two gendarmes asked many questions and wrote voluminously in their little books.

  73. As a matter of fact, if we continue this philosophical scrutiny it will appear that the gendarmes would want horses and leather breeches, if every one kept the peace, and if there were neither foes nor idle people in the world.

  74. One of the other gendarmes gave Ted a pair of socks, and he was able to discard the strips of underwear.

  75. We were then taken to the home of one of the Borgen gendarmes where we stayed for the night.

  76. The gendarmes stand at every few crossings with their lanterns.

  77. The pink belfry still has its old bell, but now when it rings it warns Zapatistas of the approach of gendarmes instead of calling monks to prayer.

  78. The gendarmes and officers got down from the box; the gentlemen alighted from the carriages.

  79. The gendarmes and officers were near at hand.

  80. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gendarmes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.