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Example sentences for "motorcade"

Lexicographically close words:
moton; motor; motorable; motorboat; motorboats; motorcar; motorcycle; motorcycles; motorcyclist; motored
  1. We usually do have them on the two front fenders and two rear fenders, and some probably preceding that, and some along the motorcade behind us.

  2. What was the condition of the crowd as the motorcade made a right-hand turn off of Main Street onto Houston?

  3. At what speed did the motorcade proceed at the various times en route, say, from Love Field down to the downtown section of Dallas, Tex.

  4. Were you able to observe anything which was occurring on the overpass as the President's motorcade moved toward the overpass?

  5. As the motorcade came along, there was quite a bit of excitement.

  6. Was it on the part of the motorcade which had turned down Elm Street or on the part of the motorcade that was still on Houston or what?

  7. The speed of the motorcade was adjusted accordingly.

  8. Then the motorcade turned on Elm and was obscured from our vision by a crowd, and we were discussing the clothing of Mrs. Kennedy at that time.

  9. Now, in what position in the motorcade was Vice President Johnson's automobile?

  10. Then I was standing here, and as the motorcade turned the corner, I was facing, looking dead at the building.

  11. Are you able to indicate the route which the President's motorcade followed through that area?

  12. The first car in the motorcade was, I think it was, a white or cream-colored Ford.

  13. And then when he did arrive, our chief photographer left and went directly to the Trade Mart and I got into the motorcade to ride to town.

  14. You never again, after the motorcade once came into your view, looked back at the School Depository Building?

  15. And, after that, we formed a motorcade and went to the field nearby in Fort Worth and boarded Air Force 2, and flew into Dallas.

  16. But a review of her film shows pictures of the assassination route, the motorcade going down Elm Street, beginning just before the shot that hit the President in the head, and continuing a short period after that.

  17. This is the motorcade coming down Main and turning into Houston street.

  18. We are depicting the Presidential motorcade at the time of the assassination, the motorcade that passed that area.

  19. Is that a frame where President Kennedy comes into full view after the motorcade turns left off of Houston onto Elm Street?

  20. At the time Mr. Nix took his movies of the motorcade coming down Main Street, he was standing on the corner, and photographed them turning the corner and going down Houston Street.

  21. And that is in connection with this motorcade route?

  22. When Mr. Frazier testifies, then, will he correlate this photograph with a frame from photographs taken of the actual motorcade at the time of the assassination?

  23. Do you know whether or not Lee knew Connally personally or did he know that he was going to be in this motorcade at all?

  24. Did any individuals who were present at the motorcade itself ever have an opportunity to view the films and slides?

  25. Now, have you made quite a change in the Secret Service in regard to the inspection of buildings along a motorcade route since the assassination?

  26. And you know what procedures they followed during the actual route of the motorcade on that day?

  27. Similar arrangements for a motorcade of 10 miles, including many blocks of tall commercial buildings, is not practical.

  28. You know, there is always noise in a motorcade and there are always motorcycles besides us, a lot of them backfiring.

  29. Are there any other conversations which stand out in your mind on the portion of the motorcade trip through Dallas itself?

  30. Is it recognized in your business, if it is a fact, that a building that affords a window that looks down parallel with the motorcade is an unusually vulnerable point?

  31. The motorcade was scheduled to pass down Main Street near our office at approximately noon.

  32. I have heard it rumored that there was a general routine in the Secret Service that when you were going through in a motorcade or by car, that the problem of watching windows was so great that you didn't do it.

  33. Will you tell us, if you know, how the final arrangements for the President's visit were announced, and particularly the motorcade route.

  34. I didn't quite get you where were you to be in the motorcade if you had been?

  35. Did you know that there was going to be a motorcade on November 22?

  36. That purportedly quoted me about not wanting the President to ride in a motorcade or caravan in Dallas.

  37. During the course of the motorcade while the motorcade was in motion, no matter how slowly, you had no provision for anyone on the roofs?

  38. And so they had to decide, someone had to decide whether they wanted the Trade Mart or certain motorcade specifications also, in the 45 minute time lapse.

  39. And I didn't see them when the motorcade passed.

  40. Mr. Brennan, are you basing your recollection on what you saw during the moments that the shots were fired or on what you saw when you observed these windows prior to the time the motorcade arrived?

  41. First let me ask you when you first heard your employees discussing the fact that the motorcade would be going by the Texas School Book Depository?

  42. And then did he come down before the President's motorcade came by?

  43. Now does it or does it not show your position at about the time, as you were watching the President's motorcade go by?

  44. Yes; he was with us before the motorcade came by.

  45. When did you have this conversation with Lee Oswald, where he asked you--you told him that the motorcade was coming by the School Book Depository Building?

  46. Mr. Williams, when did you first know that the President's motorcade would come by the Texas School Book Depository?

  47. No; did the motorcade get to Main Street in Dallas, was it going down Main Street at anytime?

  48. You were actually onto the street then as the motorcade came by?

  49. When did you first learn of the President's motorcade route?

  50. This negative appears to be a picture of the Presidential motorcade on the afternoon of November 22d.

  51. I was with this motorcade and I went right on straight through the front door and got on my motorcycle and tried to find out what happened to the motorcade.

  52. How does that picture compare with what you remember as to your position when the President's motorcade went by?

  53. While you were standing here and the motorcade went by, tell us what happened at that point.

  54. After the motorcade passed, then you started picking up the signs?

  55. So just before the motorcade approached, you moved over and also stopped the automobile traffic and were observing the crowd, so you did not look at the windows on or about the time the motorcade came?

  56. Do you remember when you looked at your pictures yourself, do you remember that there was a sign that does appear between the camera and the motorcade itself and you can see the motorcade for a while and the sign comes in the view?

  57. Well, we had a motorcade wherever we went.

  58. Now, you were standing right along the curb on Elm Street, is that right, when the motorcade came by across the street from the School Book Depository Building?

  59. And you stood there and watched the motorcade go by?

  60. When you say you made a turn, which way did the motorcade turn?

  61. Did you follow the motorcade down Elm Street at all, or did you stand on the corner up toward Houston Street and watch from there?

  62. I cannot say for sure, because as I told you, the motorcade was stopped.

  63. Then, I went over the route that the motorcade would take to the Trade Mart and then the approximate time they were scheduled to be at the Trade Mart and then to leave for Love Field.

  64. As the motorcade proceeded, could you at all times see the Vice President's car?

  65. I was aware that the motorcade stopped dead still.

  66. Now, did you see the President's motorcade come into sight?

  67. Now, do you want to know about the two policemen that were riding in that motorcade and one of them throwed the motorcycle down right in the middle of the street and run up towards that location with his gun in his hand.

  68. Did you have lunch before the motorcade came by or not?

  69. Did you see the President's motorcade at all on that day?

  70. No; there was no one standing there prior to the arrival of the motorcade or after the motorcade arrived.

  71. I was on Stemmons Freeway there where you come onto it, where the motorcade come onto Stemmons.

  72. So that the motorcade which was headed in that direction at that time could get onto Stemmons and wouldn't be interfered with by the rest of the traffic.

  73. Well, I observed the motorcade when it turned off of Main Street onto Houston Street and back on Elm Street.

  74. Only Mr. Williams and myself and he stayed with me because he was working on his desk until he thought that the motorcade was about there.

  75. I was making out the statement before that, so, it was immediately after the motorcade had passed through there.

  76. I was assigned to cover the arrival of the President at the airport and to ride in the motorcade through town and, then, to ride with the motorcade of the President back to the airport when he left.

  77. Now, after you saw the man, then the motorcade turned onto Houston from Main--is that correct?

  78. And the motorcade was coming down in this fashion, and the President was waving to the people on this side [indicating].

  79. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "motorcade" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    caravan; cavalcade; column; cortege; funeral; line; motorcade; parade; pomp; procession; promenade; review; stream; string; train