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Example sentences for "soda"

Lexicographically close words:
socks; socle; socles; socour; sod; sodain; sodaine; sodainely; sodainly; sodales
  1. Should the white not appear satisfactory at this stage (and this is usually the case with very heavy or dense materials), they are boiled again in soda ash, chemicked with bleaching powder at 1/8 deg.

  2. The silk is now rinsed in weak soda solution and wrung.

  3. Grassing intervenes between each turn, and in some instances the pieces are rubbed before the last soda boil.

  4. The hanks are now taken out, rinsed in a weak soda solution, washed in water and wrung.

  5. Wool may also be bleached by steeping in a fairly strong solution of bisulphite of soda and then washing well in water.

  6. Chemically it consists chiefly of water, a small quantity of albumen and gelatine, a peculiar acid called amniotic, with a little muriate of soda and ammonia, and a trace of phosphate of lime.

  7. We combine a little soda with the calomel, to prevent it griping and acting violently, which it is liable to do where there is much acidity of stomach, from its being converted into the bichloride.

  8. If a child is colicky and is bringing up lots of gas in addition to some food, one-half grain of benzoate of soda may be added to each ounce of food given and continued for a number of weeks if necessary.

  9. He may drink at a soda fountain, or at a saloon, and the next individual to use the same glass may acquire the disease.

  10. If the patient is strong and vigorous, a dose of 4 drams of Barbados aloes may be given, and if there is any reason to suspect a rheumatic origin one-half a dram powdered colchicum and one-half ounce salicylate of soda may be given daily.

  11. Some cases, like rheumatism, are benefited by 1-scruple doses of powdered colchicum and 2-dram doses of salicylate of soda twice a day.

  12. In the debilitated, on the other hand, nutritious food and bitter tonics may be given, and even a course of arsenic (5 grains arsenic with 1 dram bicarbonate of soda daily).

  13. As a wash for the skin use 1 dram bicarbonate of soda and 1 dram carbolic acid in a quart of water, after having cleansed the surface with tepid water.

  14. Of these the sulphate of soda in small, repeated doses, the nitrate of potash and bicarbonate of soda in small quantity, or the chlorate of potash in single large doses will be found useful.

  15. If the bowels still become costive, give daily 1 ounce sulphate of soda and 20 grains of powdered nux vomica.

  16. If there is constitutional disorder or acrid sweat, 1 ounce cream of tartar or a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda may be given twice daily.

  17. When active inflammation is present, fomentation with warm water may be kept up for an hour and followed by the application of the camphorated oil, to which has been added some carbonate of soda and extract of belladonna.

  18. During recovery a course of tonics (2 drams oxid of iron, 10 grains nux vomica, and 1 ounce sulphate of soda daily) is desirable to invigorate the system and help to ward off another attack.

  19. Cleanliness of the skin and the avoidance of all causes of irritation are important items, and a teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda once or twice a day will sometimes assist in warding off a new crop.

  20. He walked across the room to where two tumblers and a decanter of whisky stood on a tray, and, pouring himself out a glass of soda water, sipped it slowly.

  21. He ate very sparingly and drank plain soda water, and whilst he sat at the table his long, yellow-white fingers played on the cloth, and his eyes followed the swaying punkah mat with an odd, intense light in their inscrutable depths.

  22. When this cannot be had, ley or soda can be put in hard water, to soften it; care being used not to put in so much, as to injure the hands and clothes.

  23. Potash and soda are called the fixed alkalies.

  24. Soda is also called a fossil, or mineral, alkali, and potash, the vegetable alkali.

  25. Remove any previous color, by boiling in suds, or, what is better, in the soda mixture used for washing.

  26. These must not be soaked, nor have ley or soda put in the water, and they ought not to lie wet long before hanging out, as it injures their colors.

  27. The third whiskey and soda was served us.

  28. Ally caffy on the corner," directed the Tuttle person, and once more we were seated at an iron table with whiskey and soda ordered.

  29. To be certain that all the fixing soda is completely destroyed, proceed as follows: Several c.

  30. If this gradually acquires a =yellow= tint, fixing soda is still present.

  31. If I admired the soda fountain and the sausage chains, I almost worshipped the partner, Mr. Wilner.

  32. I admired greatly our shining soda fountain, the rows of sparkling glasses, the pyramids of oranges, the sausage chains, the neat white counter, and the bright array of tin spoons.

  33. Late that evening I sat with a whiskey and soda and final cigar in the smoking-room.

  34. I dare not order whiskey and soda before you, Louis.

  35. The whiskey and soda set out upon the table attracted my attention.

  36. I have ordered whiskey and soda to be put in the room.

  37. Unexpectedly indeed," I answered, "because I poured your whiskey and soda out of the window, and because I took an antidote to your coffee!

  38. I had already poured half the syphon of soda and a fair quantity of the whiskey out of the window.

  39. The whiskey and soda had been placed there by Louis.

  40. Not one of them had ever even heard of a soda spring until they tried this one.

  41. Will, why don't you tell the girls how you enjoyed your first drink of soda water?

  42. As soon as the wagons were corralled, several of the young girls took buckets and started for the springs to get water, and as luck had it they all went to the Soda spring.

  43. I could not speak for laughing, for I remembered my own first experience in drinking from a soda spring, but Jim told them they were not poisoned and told them what kind of water they had drunk.

  44. And in the most ridiculous way he could think of he described how I looked and acted on that to me never-to-be-forgotten occasion, "My first drink from a soda spring.

  45. In a few moments all the crowd was at the soda spring, drinking its poison water as the girls still called it.

  46. The next night we camped at Soda Springs.

  47. At regular intervals of a quarter of an hour he called for another soda and whisky.

  48. Then he lit a cigar, and called for a soda and whisky.

  49. All wore clean calico dresses, and snow-white handkerchiefs over their heads, to prevent the soda from lodging in their hair.

  50. The preparations of phosphorus which I have employed in the treatment of neuralgia are the phosphuretted oil, the hypophosphite of soda (five to ten grains three times a day), and pills of phosphorus (according to Dr.

  51. I’ve spent all my own money and all of Edmonia’s for chemicals and chemical apparatus, which I foresee that you and I will need in order to make medicines and salt and soda and saltpetre for our soldiers and people.

  52. When I told him he was trying to poison me with bicarbonate of soda in my drinking water, he seriously assured me that bicarbonate of soda isn’t poisonous in the least degree, that it corrects acidity, and all that sort of thing.

  53. Sir John Herschel had previously announced the peculiar action of this preparation of soda on salts of silver, but I believe that I was the first to use it in the processes of photography.

  54. I employed hyposulphite of soda as a fixer.

  55. Rub sugar and lard to a cream; next add the eggs (few at a time), and dissolve gelatine and soda in the milk with mace and flavor.

  56. Dissolve the soda in the milk, mix together.

  57. Now take the milk, dissolve the soda in the milk and mix.

  58. Dissolve the soda in the milk and mix together.

  59. Dissolve soda and ammonia in the milk and mix together.

  60. Powder the soda good and fine and add to the mixture with a little lemon flavor, and mix.

  61. Next put in the molasses and mix together, then dissolve the soda in the water and mix all together.

  62. Dissolve soda in the milk, put the currants in, mix all together, take your sieve, put over the bowl.

  63. A simple test for molasses is to mix a small quantity of soda with it.

  64. Mix one handful of the flour well into these ingredients; then add the soda dissolved in the water, and the remaining flour, and make a smooth dough.

  65. We have sometimes found an 8% soda solution more satisfactory.

  66. It may also be advisable to put the objects into dilute soda solution to neutralize the sulphuric acid, but this does not do away with the necessity for steeping in water.

  67. Antiquities which were originally uncoloured, but which have been subsequently painted, may be cleared of paint by means of a solution of caustic soda in water or alcohol.

  68. That iron remains free from rust when in a solution of caustic potash or soda is said to be due to the absence of free oxygen and not to the removal of carbonic acid.

  69. The hydrochloric acid produced in the process of reduction acts upon the soda to form sodium chloride.

  70. Soda solution attacks glass, and especially ground glass; thus the stopper may become so firmly fixed into the neck of the bottle as to render its removal impossible.

  71. Upon arrival they are unwrapped and put into water, to which a small quantity of soda is added to remove the oil more easily.

  72. The bronze should be washed and placed in a very dilute soda solution or in dilute ammonia, after which it should be again well washed with distilled water.

  73. Ancient glass, which is for the most part lime-soda silicate, exhibits a dull, rough surface with the well-known iridescence.

  74. A 5% solution of caustic soda is then poured over the whole, the immediate result of which is an evolution of gas.

  75. The oil crust on the surface is then loosened by soaking in a strong soda solution and wiped off, after which the object is dried, smoked over the candle flame, and the soot wiped or brushed off with a soft brush.

  76. The soda solution must be kept in a closed glass bottle[129].

  77. The objects should be handled with metal tongs, and should not be touched with the hand until they have at least been dipped or rinsed in water, for the soda solution has an injurious effect upon the skin.

  78. Jacob made his way presently through the darkened rooms and passages to his own apartments, where a servant was waiting for him, the evening papers were laid out, whisky and soda and sandwiches were on the sideboard.

  79. I adored her," Jacob declared, taking a long gulp of the whisky and soda which he had brought in for a nightcap.

  80. He insisted Jerry should at least have some soda water with him, and at last the boy accepted, and they entered rather a modest looking drug store on a side street.

  81. What Jerry had taken of the soda had made his head ache, and this caused the young oarsman to grow more suspicious than ever.

  82. She's got him headed toward Foster's soda water joint.

  83. The only medicine necessary is soda water and ice cream, with a few pills in the shape of chocolate caramels or marshmallows, taken at all hours and in large doses.

  84. Mr. Hendricks, called upon for a speech, rose with his soda water glass in his hand.

  85. After the war the League of Nations, local politics, a bit of neighborhood scandal, washed down with soft drinks from the soda fountain, furnished the evening's entertainment.

  86. In the back room of the Eagle Pharmacy was gathered once again the neighborhood forum, a wildly excited forum, which ever and anon pounded Mr. Hendricks on the back, and drank round after round of soda water and pop.

  87. Lord Wetherby drained the whisky-and-soda which Dudley Pickering had left behind him, and seemed to draw strength from it, for he now struck a firmer note.

  88. In the soda water business, there is no chance for genius to rise unless the soda fountain explodes.

  89. Well, I must go down and charge the soda fountain for a picnic that is expected from the country.

  90. But a man can buy soda of me and be perfectly safe.

  91. But I have had the hardest week I ever experienced, jerking soda for the Young Men's Christian Association," said the boy, as he peeled a banana.

  92. They don't drink anything intoxicating, but when it comes to soda they flood themselves.

  93. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "soda" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acid; beverage; cleanser; drink; extinguisher; ferment; fizz; foam; frosted; hydrant; liquid; liquor; pop; potable; potation; shake; soda; sprinkler; tonic; water

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    soda crystals; soda dissolved; soda water