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Example sentences for "termination"

Lexicographically close words:
terminals; terminate; terminated; terminates; terminating; terminations; terminator; termine; terminer; terming
  1. It immediately succeeded the termination of a desperate and costly war, in the course of which the most herculean efforts for the national defence and the interests of the empire had been made; and it witnessed the abandonment of them all.

  2. One branch was traced over an apparent extent of fully twelve lunar diameters, without sign of a definite termination having been reached; and there were no grounds for supposing the other more restricted.

  3. This virtually new engine of research was delivered and mounted in 1829, three years after the termination of the life of its deviser.

  4. A few minutes longer brought us to where the trees ceased to grow; but a huge mass of rocks, piled wildly on the top of each other, finished the termination of the peak.

  5. The termination of these agitations in the assemblies of Upper and Lower Canada, mark the close of a period in the relations between the provincial legislatures and the post office.

  6. This route was adopted first to avoid the necessity of the mails crossing the bay of Fundy from Annapolis to St. John, with the risks of falling in with American privateers, but after the termination of the war, it was continued from choice.

  7. Philipson felt fear in circumstances so well qualified to produce it; for how could he hope a safe termination to an adventure which had begun so strangely?

  8. He was obliged, therefore, to remain passive and unresisting, and await the termination of this formidable adventure.

  9. Nothing could have been more disastrous to the cabinet, and more decisive for the termination of his career as a party leader, than his studied reticence about this important problem.

  10. If Virginia has already fallen from the high estate, and if we have assigned the true cause of her fall, it is with utmost anxiety that we look forward to the future, to the fatal termination of the scene.

  11. All manifestations disappeared as a result of a lengthy sojourn in the country, bodily exercise, and the return of physical strength after the termination of the period of puberty.

  12. I thought of Prescott's interview with her before their marriage, and the fatal termination of it.

  13. The termination of the strange episode in which these two Russians had played a part was as wild and as sudden as the commencement.

  14. He eagerly watched the fuse of war if perchance he might foresee from the consequent explosion the termination of Anglo-Saxon prejudice.

  15. This is the latest photograph of Marshal Ferdinand Foch, Supreme Commander of the Allied Armies, as he appears since the termination of the war.

  16. Howden writes in Cree: "Atik is the termination for the names of trees, articles made of wood," etc.

  17. All grass was not described by Maskik, in which the termination -ik is the animate plural.

  18. The termination agh, or aug, indicates that the name is formed as a verb.

  19. Gatschet probably read the orthography, is an impersonal verb termination met on the Hudson in Matteawan, Kitchiwan, etc.

  20. As the verb termination of Waway, "Round about many times," it is entirely proper.

  21. A difficulty arose at the termination of the agreement in 1894 between the Cape government railway and the Netherlands railway.

  22. When present it is generally of a severe and agonizing character, and together with the local effects of the disease and the resulting condition of ill health or "cachexia," hastens the fatal termination to which all cancerous growths tend.

  23. After the termination of this engagement he began to work on his own account, and received from his patron an order for a group, "Orpheus and Eurydice.

  24. The termination of the Company's monopoly brought no alteration in the conduct of the native authorities, whose oppressions became before long so unbearable that in 1839 war was declared on the part of Great Britain.

  25. A director being inserted into them down to their termination the skin ought to be incised.

  26. As the photograph shows, it is only a spoon probe which had been trod on or otherwise damaged, and which had split down the centre, or rather near the centre, for the crack has deviated at its termination from the midline.

  27. The termination of the notch thus formed has quite a different appearance from the figure by Vulpes.

  28. On the other hand, the slot in some handles expands at its termination into a wider portion which would carry a cylindrical expansion on the other end of the blade.

  29. After passing the long grand stand the carriage drew up in an advantageous spot where they could see the termination of the mile walking match.

  30. The spectators were much disappointed at not hearing the termination of the matter, but their interest revived as they heard the magistrate say, "Bring in the other prisoner.

  31. To do so he had dropped his weapon, and his men, naturally expecting a peaceable termination to the interview, had laid down theirs.

  32. If I return in safety, I will then consider in what manner the termination of your confinement can be reconciled with what is due to myself and others.

  33. But later on he had his opportunity at what he considered to be the termination of the "second round," while his opponent retired to her corner to be fanned by her seconds.

  34. He was looking for the termination of this mysterious winding tunnel.

  35. The diary goes on to state that they explored three chasms, and that in a fissure of the third of these Peters discovered some 'singular-looking indentures in the surface of the black marl forming the termination of the cul-de-sac.

  36. The difficulty is not as to the termination ey, but as to the first syllable.

  37. A feeling of comparative security succeeded to the almost sleepless anxiety and terror of the inhabitants; and they were beginning to congratulate each other upon the termination of their long and bitter trials.

  38. The arrival of the gifted subject of these remarks put an abrupt termination to Mr Crummles's eulogium.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "termination" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abolition; border; cancellation; catastrophe; cease; cessation; climax; close; closing; closure; coda; completion; conclusion; consummation; culmination; curtain; curtains; death; decease; denouement; destination; destiny; destruction; determination; discontinuance; dissolution; doom; effect; end; ending; eschatology; expiration; extremity; fate; finale; finality; finis; finish; finishing; goal; halt; kill; last; limit; maturation; maturity; perfection; period; peroration; quiet; quietus; relinquishment; renunciation; resolution; result; sequel; stop; stoppage; suppression; surcease; suspension; term; terminal; termination; terminus; upshot