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Example sentences for "albuminoid"

Lexicographically close words:
albs; album; albumen; albumenized; albumin; albuminoids; albuminous; albumins; albuminuria; albumose
  1. Meat gravy, in fact, beside a feeble proportion of albuminoid matters, or solubly derived quantities, polypeptides, etc.

  2. V Though the consumption of vegetable foods seems to offer a slight disadvantage from the point of view of albuminoid matters, this is not the case touching hydro-carbonated matters and sugars.

  3. The albuminoid substance of milk; it forms the basis of cheese.

  4. The gastric juice is the proper solvent of certain articles of food, especially those belonging to the albuminoid class.

  5. They are most {69} important articles of food for adults, inasmuch as they are richly stored with albuminoid substances, and contain more or less fat.

  6. An albuminoid substance found in the blood; in coagulating it assumes a fibrous form.

  7. They are divided into three groups, namely: the Albuminoid substances, the Fats, and Sugars.

  8. A soluble animal substance produced in the stomach by the digestion of the albuminoid substances.

  9. The albuminoid substances are speedily attacked and {94} digested by the gastric juice.

  10. These albuminoid matters, however, contribute to the acetic fermentation, but only as being an aliment to the mycoderma aceti, and notably a nitrogenous aliment.

  11. We have seen that pure alcoholised water never turns sour unless some albuminoid matter is introduced into it.

  12. It was an albuminoid substance, endowed with a force to which the name catalytic was given.

  13. Pasteur saw that this albuminoid matter might be completely suppressed and replaced by saline crystallisable substances, alkaline and earthy phosphates, to which has been added a little phosphate of ammonia.

  14. This view of the subject was rendered plausible by the fact that in many manufactories the alcohol employed is that of distillation, which contains no albuminoid substances.

  15. It is not possible to demonstrate in a more convincing manner that the albuminoid matters of the wine are not in this case the acetic ferment.

  16. By removing all nitrogenous organic matter, which in Liebig's theory constitutes the ferment, Pasteur established, at one and the same time, the life of the ferment and the absence of all action of albuminoid matter in process of alteration.

  17. The heating, however, must have left intact the albuminoid or nitrogenous substances contained in the wine.

  18. Liebig's theory of communicated molecular motion, originating in a nitrogenous albuminoid substance, had no better claim, since such substances had been discarded.

  19. He has isolated an albuminoid poison which, when applied to the nose of a susceptible individual, causes an attack, while there is no result in the case of a normal person.

  20. It must be remembered, however, that the process of turning breaks the stalks (thus letting out the albuminoid and saccharine juices), and should be avoided as far as possible in order to save both labour and the quality of the hay.

  21. In considering these results, it is to be noticed that there is a general unanimity of agreement except in the case of the albuminoid gelatin.

  22. These enzymes are typical catalytic or contact agents, and by their presence render possible marked changes in the character of the proteid or albuminoid matter with which they happen to be in contact.

  23. Unfortunately, our knowledge of the chemistry of the albuminoid matters is still too imperfect for it to be possible for us to determine their nature.

  24. The albuminoid matters were thus separated, and the liquid, after being rendered limpid by filtration, was evaporated away.

  25. The fixation of alexin is therefore a general property of certain albuminoid molecules.

  26. It was already known that lecithin is capable of combining with various albuminoid matters and with sugars to form lecithides.

  27. Gelatin is an albuminoid closely related to the proteins, agar a carbohydrate.

  28. It is probable that advanced albuminoid disease is never cured; so much the more hopeless is it when affecting this tract.

  29. When albuminoid matters are taken in excess of the power of the system to convert them, or when the supply of oxygen to the blood is deficient from any cause, urea is not formed, but uric acid and urates are abundantly excreted by the urine.

  30. The diagnosis of lardaceous disease of the bowels can only be made with certainty in the presence of pronounced albuminoid disease of other parts in association with the symptoms of intestinal disorder.

  31. The peptones are used in part to supply the nitrogenous waste of tissue, but much of the albuminoid matter is broken up in the liver into glycogen and urea, the latter of which is excreted by the kidneys as waste matter.

  32. The portal system is filled with an excess of albuminoid material which the liver is unable to store away.

  33. Albuminoid substances are changed into peptones and starchy matters are changed into dextrin and sugar.

  34. The conclusions that would seem to be authorized by the statements of various authorities are that the quantity of urine passed is decreased, as well as that of the urea, while the amounts of the albuminoid and mineral matters are increased.

  35. Wilson Fox[13] found extensive albuminoid disease of the muscles and capillaries of the skin; but the albuminoid degeneration involved several organs of a patient with syphilis, and the purpura was certainly secondary to the morbid conditions.

  36. The term amyloid is itself confusing, since the albuminoid material so designated is not really starch-like.

  37. Oh, it's not an albuminoid rib, Sam, it's just one leg of the course.

  38. I have nothin' much, but an albuminoid rib.

  39. On the contrary, we are bound to assume that there is such a structure, as in all albuminoid compounds, and especially all plasmic bodies.

  40. These albuminoid crystals are distinguished by their capacity for absorbing a considerable quantity of water without losing their shape.

  41. This special form of contact-action which we call fermentation is always effected by catalytic bodies of the albuminoid class, and, in fact, of the group of non-coagulable proteins which are known as peptones.

  42. The one represents mere crystallizable matter, the other the more complex colloidal or albuminoid substance, or that capable of producing a much greater number of aggregates.

  43. Since the albuminoid substances which are a necessary component of the living organism become coagulated at 44deg C.

  44. The albuminoid of the cell nucleus also contains phosphorus, and the haemoglobin of the blood contains iron.

  45. In this way we may imagine that compounds were formed which by some process of physical synthesis subsequently gave rise to vast quantities of albuminoid matter.

  46. All living organisms contain albumin; this is probably due to the fact that albuminoid matter is particularly adapted for the formation of osmotic membranes.

  47. Finally, it would seem that a colloid of one of the albuminoid groups is a necessary constituent of every living being.

  48. We may say, then, that a living being is a transformer of energy and of matter, containing certain albuminoid substances, with an evolutionary form, the constitution of which is essentially liquid.

  49. It has been objected that osmotic productions cannot be compared with living organisms since they contain no albuminoid matter.

  50. Normal cows' milk has an albuminoid ratio slightly narrower than 1 : 4--colostrum 1 : .

  51. Colostrum, or first-day milk after calving, contains more than five times the albuminoid compounds found in average cows' milk.

  52. Scholl[54] isolated three different organisms, of which a yeast inverted milk sugar for the lactic acid bacteria, while Dispora peptonised the albuminoid matters.

  53. The number of acid-producing organisms gradually becomes less, and other bacteria capable of producing far-reaching decomposition of albuminoid matter tend to increase.

  54. An albuminoid substance contained in the flesh of animals, and also produced by the coagulation of blood.

  55. A general term for the albuminoid constitutents of the body.

  56. From its reactions he concludes that its chief ingredient is an albuminoid substance.

  57. The sum is the albuminoid ammonia derived from the nitrogenous organic matter.

  58. Bismuthic potassic iodide= in solution precipitates alkaloids, and the compounds formed are of great insolubility, but it also forms compounds with the various albuminoid bodies.

  59. The brain was dehydrated with alcohol, and then treated with ether, hot alcohol, and chloroform until an albuminoid residue remained; lead was extracted from each of these portions, viz.

  60. This albuminoid forms an amorphous compound with platinum, and acts as a strongly reducing agent (the platinum compound contains 29 per cent.

  61. It contains nitrogen, but gives no albuminoid reaction, nor any reaction of an alkaloidal or glucosidal body; it yields to analysis-- 8.

  62. When this albuminoid is eliminated, then the hydrochlorates or the double salts of the ptomaines crystallise.

  63. Otherwise no information is given as to the composition either of the “solution” or of “Proteo-albuminoid compound of Iodine.

  64. An albuminoid substance which is contained in mucus, and gives to the latter secretion its peculiar ropy character.

  65. An albuminoid constituent of pus, related to mucin, possibly a mixture of substances rather than a single body.

  66. Defn: An albuminoid constituent of pus, related to mucin, possibly a mixture of substances rather than a single body.

  67. Defn: An albuminoid substance which is contained in mucus, and gives to the latter secretion its peculiar ropy character.

  68. Liebig insisted that all albuminoid bodies were unstable, and if left to themselves would fall to pieces--i.

  69. It must be observed, however, that Behring and Knorr oppose the assertion regarding the albuminoid nature of tetanic antitoxin, but their reasons for this do not appear to be well founded.

  70. These ptomaines, which are usually innocuous in small quantities, are particularly the products of the decomposition of albuminoid substances.

  71. In these special conditions the receptors may attach themselves to the complex molecules of albuminoid substances, such as the different toxins.

  72. This name is more specially reserved to designate those alkaloidal substances, generally highly hydrogenized, that are formed outside the organism, from the fermentative action of anaerobic microbes on albuminoid substances.

  73. Towards chemical reagents, and particularly acids, they behave like albuminoids; almost all the combinations they afford with the various albuminoid reagents are active, despite their insolubility.

  74. At first sight, there appears to be a great difference between these alkaloidal bases, the ptomaines and leucomaines, and the albuminoid toxins proper.

  75. Experiments so far made have shown that the antitoxins are substances of an albuminoid nature, of unknown composition, and which are very closely united to the albuminoid substances of the serum.

  76. We shall not here enter upon a detailed study of the toxic albuminoid principles of serpent-venoms; moreover, our knowledge is rather vague, as it is, on a number of points.

  77. The most important of these albuminoid substances, phallin, was discovered in 1890 by Kobert.

  78. The urinary organs constitute the main channel through which are excreted the nitrogenous or albuminoid principles, whether derived directly from the feed or from the muscular and other nitrogenized tissues of the body.

  79. Lota, the yolk forms a homogeneous transparent albuminoid substance containing a large globule at the pole furthest removed from the germinal disc.

  80. The most important of these is known as food-yolk, which appears to be generally composed of an albuminoid matter.

  81. Robin[51] has demonstrated the existence of albuminoid matters in water condensed upon vessels containing freezing mixtures and placed in overcrowded wards of hospitals.

  82. This may terminate in their destruction through the conversion of their protoplasm into fat-drops, fatty degeneration; although more frequently a simple accumulation of albuminoid granules (granular degeneration) occurs.

  83. Frequently associated with these albuminoid granules are others, distinctly recognizable as globules of fat.

  84. When, however, a large number of cells of any given organ contain more than the normal quantity of these albuminoid granules, the appearance of the organ becomes modified.

  85. On the other hand, its association, under circumstances, with fatty degeneration suggests as extremely probable that the latter condition may represent a result of the albuminoid infiltration.

  86. When the results of crowding become manifest, these albuminoid matters not only impart a fetid odor and putrefy with great rapidity, but rapidly impart putrefaction to healthy muscle and normal blood with which they are brought into contact.

  87. The former is often spoken of as an earlier stage of the latter, from the frequent association of the albuminoid granules with numerous globules of fat as a result of the more prolonged or more intense action of a given cause.

  88. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "albuminoid" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.