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Example sentences for "shortstop"

Lexicographically close words:
shortness; shortnesse; shorts; shortsighted; shortsightedness; shortwave; shot; shote; shotes; shoteth
  1. The shortstop had made a high but ineffectual jump for the ball, and now he and the fielder behind him were both after the sphere.

  2. And the ball went sailing directly over the head of the shortstop and into the field beyond.

  3. He missed it, but the Lesterville catcher, who so far had been pegging the ball to second with deadly aim, threw low and before the shortstop had secured the ball Jack was sprawled in the dust with one foot on the bag.

  4. Shortstop got the ball on a low bound, cast a hurried look toward third and pelted it across to first.

  5. Will beat out a slow grounder to shortstop and went to second on Gordon's bunt down third base line.

  6. Shortstop had the ball a dozen feet back of the base line.

  7. Shortstop knocked it down but couldn't find it again in time to throw either to the plate or to first, and Clearfield, amidst the excited whooping of the audience, scored her first tally.

  8. To his surprise the Point catcher slammed the ball down to shortstop and Jack was caught a yard away from base.

  9. Gordon went out, shortstop to first; Way lifted a high one to second baseman, and Pete Robey faced Mason with little expectation of faring any better.

  10. Northup was caught on his way to third, and now was dancing back and forth with the ball crossing and recrossing above his head, and shortstop and third-baseman closing in on him every second.

  11. Then he stumbled and shortstop was on him like a flash, and he crawled to his feet to dust the loam from his shirt and trot off the field.

  12. Shortstop was covering second, and the infield was playing close.

  13. The shortstop went for it, at the same time seeing Keeper scudding for third, and realizing that it would be impossible to get him at that sack.

  14. The moment he got the ball, the shortstop whipped it to first, catching Grant by a foot.

  15. West Point's shortstop put his hands over his belt line, looking comically miserable.

  16. The shortstop leaped up and knocked the ball down, but it was going too fast for him to hold.

  17. I don't know about that," said the shortstop slowly.

  18. Fultz, down on second, was keeping both second baseman and shortstop very much worried.

  19. The first man up let drive a sizzling grounder between shortstop and third baseman, and, by good running, barely made second ahead of the ball.

  20. Shortstop swung about and threw the ball frantically to the plate, where the catcher, for what to him had seemed an age, had been awaiting it with outstretched hands.

  21. Despite Cooper's aggressive attitude of assurance, Leach unhesitatingly slanted the ball across and continued to do so while the Oakdale shortstop rapped out foul after foul.

  22. The squeeze, Cooper," hissed Nelson in Chipper's ear, as the little shortstop rose from the bench.

  23. And in another moment he was streaking for his base, while out back of shortstop the left fielder was running in as fast as he might.

  24. Beeton followed with a scratch hit just back of shortstop and the bases were full.

  25. Willard's shortstop fell victim to the rival pitcher's curves and third baseman took his place.

  26. Ashwell's hard chance gave the Bison's shortstop an error, and Stringer came up with two men on bases.

  27. Instead of being a shortstop he was simply a hole.

  28. Ashwell's hit crossed sharply where a moment before the shortstop had been standing.

  29. But they heard the crack, saw the New York shortstop stagger and then pounce forward to pick up the ball and speed it toward the plate.

  30. The practice was short, but long enough for Wayne to locate the glaring weakness of Salisbury at shortstop and third base.

  31. The Natchez shortstop had a fine opportunity to make the catch, but he made an inglorious muff.

  32. The Bison shortstop started for the bag, and Ash hit square through his tracks.

  33. Wearily Vane swung; the shortstop raced out to get in line for a possible hit through the wide space to his right, and the second baseman got on his toes as both base runners started.

  34. I lined the next one so hard at the shortstop that it cracked like a pistol as it struck his hands and whirled him half off his feet.

  35. You're at perfect liberty to do that," the shortstop assured him.

  36. The nimble shortstop managed to recover the ball and send it in home; but as the runner at third had of course started tearing along as he heard the blow, he had slid to safety before Chase caught the throw in.

  37. He felt a little apprehension when he recognized Bailey, the smart shortstop of the famous Harmony nine.

  38. Why, something has happened that we thought you fellows ought to know about," continued the shortstop of the Harmony team, with a little trace of confusion in his manner.

  39. The little shortstop was primed for anything.

  40. If the run is not vital, the throw may still be short if the runner at third is speedy; but if he is slow and not likely to chance the run home, the throw will be all the way to the shortstop to put out the runner from first.

  41. As the second baseman and shortstop may also take an important part in this play, it will be spoken of later.

  42. And I'm going to play shortstop and don't you forget it!

  43. He consoled himself by the determination to make the shortstop position on the baseball team the following spring.

  44. Most teams try to stop this play by having the shortstop or second baseman come in and take a short throw, and if the man on third breaks for home, the receiver of the ball whips it back.

  45. Collins and Barry, the second baseman and shortstop on the Athletics, worked a clever trick in one of the games of the 1911 world's series which illustrates my point.

  46. Bill Dahlen, formerly a shortstop on the Giants, used to shift, but he was clever enough to wait until the pitcher had started his motion, when it was too late for the batter to look at him.

  47. Oh you Sheckard, oh you Schulte, oh you great Three Fingered Brown, Oh you little shortstop Tinker, idol of Chicago town!

  48. Gregory was clapping the shortstop on the back.

  49. The shortstop fumbled it, but stung it over to first.

  50. He sent a swift liner which the shortstop gathered in, however, and there was another added to the list of outs.

  51. The train came steaming into the station on time and the shortstop and the reporter crowded closer to the gates, watching the stream of hurrying passengers rushing through the narrow gates and spreading, fan-like, across the great floor.

  52. The porter was just closing the vestibule doors and the train was gathering speed as the big shortstop swung aboard, went into the now deserted smoking room and sank down, staring blankly out of the window at the rushing lights.

  53. In spite of their silence, however, the rumor that the star catcher and the shortstop were missing spread through the team.

  54. The admiration of the rough, big-hearted Swede shortstop for the recruit approached adoration and he was loud and insistent in voicing his praises of McCarthy.

  55. The comforting words of the kindly, big shortstop helped McCarthy.

  56. For two innings the shortstop and third baseman harassed the pitcher.

  57. Then, in response to some jesting allusion to the Children's Crusades by Swanson, he told the big shortstop of the array of statistics Feehan had presented.

  58. The big shortstop hesitated an instant, and gave a despairing glance toward the gates, just being closed.

  59. With men on first and third the Bears' first and third baseman came close to the plate to cut off the runner, while the shortstop and second baseman remained in position to make a double play or to catch the runner stealing.

  60. He turned and stalked away like a man in a trance, leaving the big shortstop staring after him.

  61. The giant shortstop was in his pajamas, on his back in the bed.

  62. The centre-fielder must be especially quick on his feet, as he is expected to back up both shortstop and second base as well as to run in for line hits that just go over the in-fielders' heads.

  63. The positions of second base and shortstop are practically the same, and these two players should understand each other perfectly and know just when to cover the base and when to back up the other.

  64. The shortstop is often the smallest man on a team, due no doubt to the theory that his work is largely in picking up grounders.

  65. The next batter hit an easy fly which was so promptly gathered in by the shortstop that there was little use in the player starting for first.

  66. With a quick throw to home the shortstop nipped Joe at the plate, and then the catcher, hurling the ball to first, got the horsehide into the baseman's hands before Bart arrived.

  67. But Joe had not hit the ball nearly as hard as he thought he had, and the result was that the shortstop gathered it in, and, by a quick throw to first, caught our hero there.

  68. And the run itself was brought in by the blue-eyed and red-haired Molloy a moment later, when Phil Clinton knocked a hot liner right between the Boxer Hall shortstop and the third baseman.

  69. I had shifted the positions of Williamson and Burns and the former was now playing shortstop and the latter third base.

  70. He was not only an effective and active shortstop but a good change catcher as well, being noted for his handling of sharp fly tips while in the latter position.

  71. Banks was lucky and got to first on a grasser to Iredell that took a wicked bound just as the shortstop was all set to receive it and jumped into left.

  72. Denton followed with a hit to short that was too hot for the shortstop to handle.

  73. The management of the team had strengthened the weak point in the infield by a winter trade that had brought to them "Rabbit" Baskerville, the crackerjack shortstop of the Braves.

  74. The little shortstop said not a word, but there was determination in his eyes.

  75. The fielder had secured the ball, he drove it to the shortstop, and shortstop whirled and sent it whistling home.

  76. Frank took all the lead he could secure, going up with the shortstop every time the second baseman played off to fill the right field gap.

  77. The first Longley player up, a chap named Mason, managed to dribble the ball toward third, and before either the baseman or the shortstop could send it over he had reached first.

  78. Yes, and their shortstop is as good as you can find them," added Spouter.

  79. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shortstop" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.